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Passion Fruit

Page 10

by Imari Jade

Chapter Ten

  "How long have you been cooking?" Eri asked Ichiro.

  "Since I was a child," he told her as he prepared the sushi.

  "Then I became the official cook for Aomori. " He chuckled.

  "Originally it was Masaaki, but he sucked at it. "

  "He's your manager, isn't he?"

  Ichiro nodded. "Yes. He's like a big brother to us. He's a nice guy, and he looks after us. "

  "How long have you been signing?"

  "You're very inquisitive tonight," Ichiro told her. "You should be paying attention to what I'm doing. "

  "I am," Eri said with a laugh.

  She has a nice laugh, Ichiro thought. It was kind of girly and not as sultry as Shaundra.

  "I saw your wife today. "

  Ichiro stopped making sushi. "You saw Shaundra? Where?"

  "Here," Eri said. "She came to have lunch with your sisters. Why didn't you tell me you were going to be a father?"

  "Because it never came up in conversation," Ichiro told her.

  "She's very pretty and Daichi went out of his way to be nice to her. He even prepared her meal personally. "

  "Daichi did?"

  Eri nodded.

  "She's on a no-salt diet. " He wondered why Shaundra did not mention that she was having lunch with his sisters.

  "I did notice how swollen her ankles were. When is she due?"

  "In a couple of weeks. We're expecting twins. "

  "Have you two been married long?"

  "Almost a year. " He would be in Europe for their anniversary. "We got married in the United States while I was on tour there. " He went back to preparing the fish. He didn't know why he felt comfortable talking about his life with Eri.

  "Is that where you first met her?"

  "No. I met her in Tokyo. She was helping my boss and hers open a new publishing company, and Mr. Niigata dragged Aomori into the promotion. "

  "Why did you marry an American?"

  "Because I fell in love with her. How do you say it? She swept me off my feet. "

  "That sounds so romantic," Eri said. "That's how I want to be romanced. "

  Ichiro handed the knife over to her. "Here, you try this now. " He hadn't thought about that night in a long time. The memory of he and Shaundra sitting under that cherry blossom tree on the side of the farmhouse came back to him in a full blast. He knew at that moment that she was the woman for him and he wouldn't let anything stand in his way of getting her, not even Yori.

  "Are the two of you still happy?" Eri asked. "Hana kind of told me what happened when your wife disappeared several months ago. You used to drink a lot back then and your family was worried about you. "

  "We've been going through some difficult times," Ichiro answered. "She does not seem to understand that I have to be away from home a lot because of my businesses. "

  "But that is what a man is supposed to do," Eri said. "You are only trying to take care of her and your family. "

  "See, you understand this. She and I had this big argument this morning. I never heard her say some the things she said before. It really hurt me. "

  "Sometimes people say stuff that they don't mean when they're angry," Eri said.

  "Oh, she meant it," Ichiro said. "Sometimes she can be very outspoken, but usually it's not against me. "

  "She didn't seem too upset when I saw her. I bet she's forgotten about the argument already. "

  Ichiro doubted that. She was probably at home conjuring up ways to get back at him. "Maybe I should go home and check on her," he said.

  "Awe, I was just getting the hang of this," Eri said. "Can't we do it just a little while longer?"

  Ichiro gulped at the provocative sentence. "Well, maybe for a little while longer. "

  Eri smiled at him. "Thanks. "

  Why did her smile made him feel warm all over?

  Shaundra was fast asleep by the time Ichiro entered their bedroom. He took a shower, noticing the lingerie bag on the chair when he walked back out. Shaundra had purchase lingerie? Why? He pulled back the covers and stared. Royal blue. Lord have mercy. She lay on her back and her boobs spilled over the top of the gown. They were gigantic. His dick hardened, knowing that she belonged to him and him only.

  He went down on one knee and kissed her.

  Shaundra opened her eyes.

  "I need you," he told her.

  "Sorry," she told him. "I'm not in the mood. "

  Ichiro put his head down on the side of the mattress. He kind of expected that. He rose to his feet, grabbed his robe, and headed downstairs. He found Satoshi seated in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea.

  "What are you still doing up?" Ichiro asked him.

  "I couldn't sleep," Satoshi told him. "So I came down for a cup of tea. Join me. "

  Ichiro walked over to the teapot and poured himself a cup.

  He sat down at the table.

  "Why aren't you asleep?" Satoshi asked.

  "I just got home," he replied.

  "Where have you been?"

  "At the restaurant. "

  "This time of night?" Satoshi asked suspiciously. "What were you doing?"

  "Teaching a employee how to make sushi. "

  "You're taking on an apprentice?"

  "Yes. She wants to be a chef. "


  "Yes, Eri. You met her at the restaurant. "

  "Oh, yes, I remember her. She's pretty. "

  "I suppose," Ichiro said.

  "Let me guess, Shaundra still isn't speaking to you. "

  Ichiro nodded. "She says she's not in the mood, and she's wearing this royal blue nightgown that makes her look real sexy. "

  Satoshi sat up straight in his chair. "Maybe you should apologize to her. "

  "No," he said. "I'm right on this one. She is just going to have to understand that there is nothing I can do about this tour. "

  Satoshi nodded. "Maybe you should come home to her in the evening and spend some time with her before we leave.

  I'm sure she will appreciate that. "

  "I am busy in the evenings. That is the only time I have to train Eri. "

  "I understand. Business before pleasure. "

  "You make me sound like Mr. Niigata," Ichiro said.

  "No, Mr. Niigata is probably home sleeping with his wife. "

  "What does that mean?"

  Satoshi rose. "Figure it out. " He put his cup in the sink.

  "Nothing comes before Mrs. Niigata. "

  Sometimes he hated Satoshi so much.

  "Grow up. Have you forgotten you're about to become a father in less two months?" He walked out the room.

  Ichiro frowned. No, he had not forgotten.

  Her office looked quite differently without the furniture in it. Takumijo and Satoshi had moved the furniture into Masaaki's room. Masaaki had moved out earlier that week, finally into his first swinging bachelor's pad. She felt a little guilty since it had been his home for years before she moved in. Shaundra guessed he was tired of babysitting a group of grown men and now he could finally get a life.

  Ichiro had left early that morning for a business trip to Kyoto. She supposed it was about the seashore restaurant, but she couldn't be sure since he hadn't said anything to her since that night when she refused to have sex with him. He came to bed and turned his back to her and left before daybreak. The only way she knew about the trip was when she overheard Satoshi and Takumijo discussing it when she walked into the kitchen this morning.

  "Excuse me," Takumijo said as he carried a ladder into the room to begin taping off the windows and molding so he and Satoshi could paint the room that would serve as a nursery for the babies.

  Shaundra moved out of the way and he passed her carrying the heavy ladder like it was a feather. He left out again and returned carrying a box of paint supplies.

  "Thanks for doing all of this on your day off," Shaundra said to him.

; "You're welcome," he told her. "I didn't have anything else to do since the drama I was working on has ended. "

  "I'll have to remember to watch it when it comes on,"

  Shaundra said. "I heard that you were a very good actor. "

  "I have my moments," Takumijo said.

  This was the first time she and him had this long a conversation since they met. She knew he didn't like her much and fortunate for her he was the only one who didn't succumb to the Shaundra disease, as she had named it. "Are you looking forward to going to Europe next week?"

  "Yes," he answered as he began unpacking the painter's tape, brushes, and rollers. "I'm looking forward to performing on the big stage again. The benefit was nice but not exactly what we're used to. We have to perform for our fans again. If we stay idle too long, they will start to forget us. "

  "I guess you're right. I only wish I could travel with you guys, but my place is here. "

  "You'll have plenty to keep you busy," he said pointing toward her belly. "And it will give you time to rest before you give birth. "

  "You're right about that. I'm going to try to get as much rest as possible because I won't be getting much once the babies are born. "

  "Yes, things will be much different around here when we return. "

  Satoshi entered, carrying a roll of plastic tarp. He placed it on the floor. "We can take it from here," he told her. "Why don't you go back to bed?"

  "I can't," Shaundra said. "I have a manuscript to work on.

  I need to get it finished before the babies arrive. " She walked toward the door. "I'll bring you guys up a snack later. "

  "Don't you do any such thing," Satoshi told her. "We're perfectly capable of fending for ourselves. Regardless of what everyone thinks, we're capable of feeding ourselves without Ichiro. "

  Shaundra smirked. Sometimes it was hard to remember that they were grown men. "Well, I guess I better get out of your way so you can get busy. " She bowed to them and left the nursery, walked through the bedroom and walked down the hall to her new office. The house seemed unbelievably quiet. Cristal went off to the office to finalize publicity plans for the European trip and wouldn't be returning home until later. And who knew when Ichiro would be back. She turned on her laptop and walked out of the room again to go downstairs to get herself a glass of milk and some fruit. She returned to her new office several minutes later with milk and cookies, having forgotten the fruit when her eyes spotted the dessert.

  The desktop was up on the screen now, so she clicked on the Internet and went straight to her e-mail. After clearing that out, she went over to Twitter to see what the rest of the entertainment world was doing. There was an article on of Aomori's European tour and also one on Yi-jun. Shaundra clicked on it. The page opened and she peered down at the story. Yi-jun posed with his beautiful blonde costar and there was something written that the two of them were in a serious relationship. Shaundra quickly closed the article, hoping Cristal was too busy to surf the Internet today and see it.

  There were a lot of articles about new girl groups.

  Shaundra didn't bother with them. She clicked on an article about electronic book sales. That was more up her alley. She read the article then went from Twitter to Facebook to chat with some of her fans. Finally she was ready to get to work.

  Shaundra put the flash into the USB port, found her premise for her current work-in-progress, and began working the novel's blueprint.

  She was still busy at it hours later when she heard Satoshi and Takumijo walk past the door on their way downstairs.

  Shaundra coughed. The smell of paint had filtered down the hall to her office. She coughed again. I wonder if it will be safe for me to sleep in the room next to the nursery tonight.

  Probably not. Maybe she should get a hotel room for the night until the fumes cleared. Shaundra opened the Internet back up and surfed for nearby hotels. Her cell phone rang. "Hello?"

  "Hello beautiful. "

  "Harper! How nice of you to call. What's going on?"

  "Oh nothing," he said. "I was just calling to check on you and to see how you were feeling. "

  "I'm fine," Shaundra replied. "I'm working on a new manuscript for the New York office. "

  "Good," he said. "You're keeping busy. How are the fellows?"

  "They're busy preparing for their tour, but today Satoshi and Takumijo are painting the nursery, so I'm trying to stay out of their way. " She coughed again.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yes. The paint fumes are filtering from the nursery down to my office. "

  "Where is Ichiro?"

  "He went to Kyoto," she said.

  "He's not helping to get the nursery together?" Harper asked.

  She knew that tone of voice. "No," Shaundra said. "That's not high on his priority list. " She coughed again.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "The paint smell is getting heavier. "

  "That can't be good for the babies. "

  "I was just about to reserve a hotel room before you called. "

  "Why waste the money on a hotel room when I have a place available right here in town?"

  "Thanks, but no thanks," Shaundra said. "I remember the last time you extended such a courtesy to me, and besides you're still the number-one suspect on the baby-daddy list. "

  Harper chuckled. "Your life is never drama free. "

  "Nope, but hopefully I'll be too busy in the next couple of weeks to care. "

  "I still don't like the idea of you being alone in that farmhouse all by yourself for the next two or three months.

  You really should consider coming here or going to stay with Ich's people. "

  "I'll be okay," Shaundra said. "There will be security at the gates, and Mr. Niigata has hired someone to come in and check on me every couple of days. And Ichiro's brother will be preparing meals for me, even though I him I can handle my own cooking. I swear they treat me like an invalid. Women have babies every day. "

  "Not fifty-one year old women," Harper replied.

  "You would have to mention that. Look, I'm fine, my pressure is stable and the babies are thriving. I just can't control my weight. "It's going to be hard as hell to take off. "

  "I'll pay for you to go to the gym, or I'll hire you a personal trainer. "

  "When am I going to have time for that?" Shaundra asked.

  She'd probably barely have time to use the toilet.

  "Have you considered hiring a nanny?"

  "A nanny?" Cristal had mentioned that before.

  "Yes, someone to come in to help you with the babies. "

  "No, only rich people do that. "

  "You're rich," Harper told her.

  "No, I've never considered that. "

  "She could either move in or come a couple days a week to help out," he explained to her.

  "I'll have to look into that," Shaundra said. "But right now I really need to reserve a room to stay for the night. "

  "I can take a hint," Harper said. "I'll start putting some feelers out for a nanny and I'll get back to you. "

  "Okay," Shaundra said. "But she will have to speak English. "

  "Yes, I know. "

  "I'll talk to you later. " She disconnected the call.

  Someone cleared his throat behind her.

  Shaundra turned toward the door. A paint-splattered Satoshi stood in the door carrying a tray. "I made you lunch,"

  he told her.

  Shaundra cleared a spot on desk. "Thank you," she said.

  "So you do know your way around the kitchen," she teased.

  "I told you I don't sit around and starve if Ichiro does not cook for me and spoil me. " He placed a tuna fish on whole- wheat sandwich in front of her, along with fresh fruit, a glass of ice-cold milk, and two cookies. "The cookies and milk are for the babies. "

  "You're going to spoil them," Shaundra said.

  "That is what uncles are supposed to
do. "

  Shaundra picked up one half of the sandwich and was about to bite into it when she started to cough. She bit the sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. "This is good. "

  "Ich prepared the tuna before he left so I know there's not salt in it. "

  She felt bad that they had to be on a salt-free diet with her. "Did he say when he'd be returning?"

  "No," Satoshi answered. "You two still haven't kissed and made up?"

  "No," Shaundra said. She pulled up the page for the local hotels.

  "Planning a trip?" Satoshi asked.

  "No, just a little overnight excursion. "

  "Who's the lucky fellow?"

  Shaundra hit him on the arm. "I don't think I should stay here tonight because of the paint fumes, you bad boy. "

  "I did hear the cough. Do you want me to take you into town?"

  "No, I can drive myself. "

  "You can barely get that belly beneath the steering wheel. "

  Shaundra sneered at him.

  "What are you going to do for dinner? You know you can't eat takeout. "

  "I'll call the restaurant and have Daichi prepared me a to- go plate. "

  "Daichi. Are you getting chummy with Ichiro's older big brother?"

  "No, we are family, and he has my back. "

  "I have your back too. "

  "That's nice to know. " She bit into the sandwich again and chewed as she looked down at the monitor. She swallowed.

  "This hotel seems nice. It has free Wi-Fi. "

  "And good mattresses on the beds. "

  Shaundra looked up at him. "How do you know that?"

  Satoshi smiled innocently down at her. "I've slept there once or twice. "

  "Alone?" she asked.

  "No comment," he said.

  Shaundra smirked at him and then made her reservations.

  "I can check in around three. I'll take my laptop and work on my book and then I'll be back here tomorrow after checkout time. "

  "What should I tell Ichiro in case he wants to know where you are?" Satoshi asked.

  "The truth," Shaundra said. "I don't have anything to hide from him, and I'm sure the lungs of his babies are more important than his ego. "

  Satoshi shrugged.

  She finished her sandwich and picked up one of the cookies and bit into it. "Yummy. Oatmeal raisin is the best. "

  Satoshi reached over and wiped a crumb from her cheek.

  "Only the best for you," he said. "Come find me before you leave. I have to get back to painting. "

  Shaundra nodded.

  "By the way, where are the cribs?"

  "In the storage outside with the rest of the baby furniture.


  "We might as well put them together too. If not, you're going to have to hire someone to do it. I would tell you to asked one of the security, but they won't come near you, fearful that your crazy husband might beat the shit out of them. "

  Shaundra chuckled and shook her head at what he just told her. "You guys are doing too much already. "

  "Nonsense," Satoshi said. "Sometimes it's good to just do things with our hands. It stimulates our creativity. "

  "And keeps you guys out of trouble. "

  He smiled and the smiled reached his eyes. "See you later. " He walked away leaving her to her wicked little thoughts.

  Ichiro walked into the farmhouse exhausted after driving the long distance to and from Kyoto for his meeting with the land developers and mortgage company. If everything went as scheduled, he and Shaundra would be in their new home by the New Year.

  The odor of paint met him at the door. He followed the scent up the stairs and down the upstairs hall to his bedroom.

  There was a light coming from Shaundra's office and voices.

  He tossed his hat and jacket on the bed and walked over to the door. It sounded like Satoshi. Why was he up in Shaundra's office so late, and why was the door closed?"

  He turned the knob and opened the door. The odor of paint got stronger. All of Shaundra's office furniture had been removed and someone had painted the walls a soft shade of green.

  "Don't touch the walls. They could still be wet," Satoshi told him from behind the door somewhere.

  Ichiro entered the room and found him and Takumijo seated on the floor putting something together. "What are you two up to?" His eyes landed on a two white cribs. One had a picture of a rocking horse on it and the other had a toy soldier. He had forgotten. . . the nursery. Satoshi and Takumijo were getting it together for Shaundra. "Thanks," he said. "I should be doing this. "

  "No problem," Takumijo said. "We know you've been busy. "

  "I like this color," he said of the walls. "It's relaxing. " He stared at the two matching white chest of drawers, the white dressing table, and the two of them were obviously trying to put together a white Bentwood rocking chair. "Where is my wife?"

  "She's staying at a hotel in town tonight," Satoshi told him. "The paint fumes aren't good for the babies. "

  "Oh," Ichiro said. "Did she go there alone? I mean did she drive herself?"

  "Yes. I offered to take her but you know how she is? She took her laptop, a change of clothing and left around two this afternoon. "

  Ichiro looked at his watch. It was eight pm. Shaundra was probably getting ready for bed. "Did she eat today?"

  "Yes, I made her a tuna sandwich for lunch. "

  "But she was gone by dinner time. I hope she doesn't eat any fast food. "

  "Relax," Satoshi told him. "She was supposed to stop at your restaurant and have Daichi prepare her a little something. "

  Ichiro frowned.

  "He's your brother. Don't make it into more than him just trying to help out a member of the family. "

  "You don't know what I go through. Why does every man in the world take a liking to my wife?"

  "She married you and she's carrying your two big-headed babies inside of her," Takumijo said.

  "Well, I'm not so sure. . . "

  "What?" Takumijo rose to his feet. "I am so tired of all you and these rumors. Shaundra is not cheating on you. Why would she? Look at you. You're tall and gorgeous and packing. You have her screaming your name every time the two of you make love. Why would she go to someone else?

  She left everything and everybody she loved to come here to be with you. She flew on a plane even though she was terrified to be with you. Shaundra went from being finally having a life with her kids out her house to moving in here with a bunch of kids. What woman in her right mind would go through what she's gone through if she was not hopelessly in love with you? Now if you'll both excuse me I have to get ready for my date. " Takumijo pushed past him leaving him alone in the nursery with Satoshi. "

  "Well put," Satoshi said.

  Ichiro lowered his head. "I know. I love her so much I just go crazy. I just keep feeling inferior to all the males in her life. Mr. Niigata is right. Maybe I should have dated other women before I got married; then I would have known how to treat a wife. "

  "She's at the Golden Palm Hotel," Satoshi told him. "Room3. "

  Ichiro lifted his head. "How do you know this?"

  "I made sure she called me when she got there. I thought you would want to know. "

  "Thanks," Ichiro said, dashing into the bedroom. He threw a change of clothes into a bag and went to find his wife.

  Ichiro walked into the restaurant through the employee entrance and headed toward the kitchen. He found Eri in the kitchen pouring over a recipe book. She looked up when she heard him.

  "Oh, Ichiro, you scared the life out of me," she said. "What are you doing here?"

  The restaurant had closed about an hour ago and everyone had gone home. "I just stopped by to pick up a couple of things. "Why are you still here?"

  "Trying to learn how to make a raspberry torte cake," she answered.

  "Why?" he asked.

  "I saw it on television earlier. I thought
it looked challenging. Daichi said he might let me prepare something for the diners one of these days. "

  She had to master the basics before she attempted something as complicated as that.

  "Come look at this and tell me what you think?"

  Ichiro walked over and peered down into the book. The scent of her perfume teased his nose. He read the recipe to take his mind off her perfume. "You will have to practice a lot before you can get that down perfect," he told her. "You have to make sure it does not come out too spongy or dry. Why don't you attempt something easier first?" He flipped through the book and then pointed.

  "A birthday cake?"

  "Yes. I was thinking about opening the place up for birthday parties. If you do well, then we won't have to hire a baker. "

  "You'd let me do that," Eri asked looking up at him excitedly.

  Ichiro nodded.

  Eri jumped into his arms, nearly knocking him over.

  "You're the best," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

  Ichiro's body responded. He pushed away from her. "Well, you'll have to prove to me that you can do it," he told her, trying to stave off a rising erection in his briefs.

  "I will," she said smiling. "Thank you for the opportunity. "

  "You're welcome," he said. "But I just came by to get a few things. " He moved away from her and gathered up what he came for. "Don't stay too long. It's not safe for you to be leaving her alone. "

  "I won't," Eri assured him. "I'm just about to leave. " She closed up the book and grabbed her purse. "See you tomorrow," she said, dashing out of the employee door.

  Ichiro put the food into a bag and walked through the restaurant turning out lights and making sure everything was secured. He set the alarm on his way out of the door. Eri was just driving away when he walked toward his car. He watched her drive away.

  Shaundra tossed and turned in the bed. Forget what Satoshi had said. Either the mattress was uncomfortable or she missed her bed back at the farmhouse.

  She sat up in the bed, brushing back the covers and then easing down to the floor. She walked to the bathroom to relieve her bladder and then walked back into the bedroom.

  Someone knocked at the door. She looked down at the clock. Ten p. m. WTF? she thought. "Who is it?" she asked.

  "It's me, Shaundra. "


  Shaundra removed both security locks and opened the door. Her husband stood on the other side looking tired, adorable and sexy, and he carried an overnight bag and food.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I've come to apologize," he said. "And to be with my wife and my babies. "

  "How did you know where I was?"

  "Satoshi," he said. "May I come in?"

  Shaundra stepped aside. Ichiro entered, touching her stomach tenderly as he passed. He put the things he carried down and sat down in a chair. "I've been a horrible husband.

  I never once considered your feelings since the day we met.

  It's always been what I wanted and about my career. I've put everything before you and our marriage and I'm sorry. "

  "I'm sorry too," Shaundra said sitting down on the bed.

  "You look lovely in that gown," Ichiro say.

  It was one of the gowns she'd purchased at the lingerie shop. This one was a pale blue. "Thank you. "

  "Have you eaten?" he asked.

  She nodded. "I stopped by the restaurant on my way here and Daichi fixed me something. "

  "Then do you mind if I take a shower. I've been on the road all evening. "

  "Be my guest," Shaundra said, not quite believing what had just occurred. He was the last person she suspected of seeing and why did he smell like cheap perfume?

  Shaundra was in the bed when he exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Her eyes were closed like she was resting. He looked down at her. Baby blue. Lord have mercy. She lay on her back and her boobs spilled over the top of this gown too like the dark blue one. His baby was stacked. He went down on one knee and kissed her.

  Shaundra opened her eyes. "I need you," he said to her.

  "Please do not say no. "

  She didn't say a word, just stared at him with those big brown eyes and smiled.

  Ichiro got up and sat on the side of the bed. He peeled back one of the strips of the gown and gently kissed her shoulder and then the top of one of her breasts. Her dark nipples hardened. He captured it in his lips. His right hand reached over and caressed the other one through the blue, silky material.

  Shaundra moaned.

  Ichiro peeled down the other strap and moved the top of the gown down to expose both breasts. They stood sat high on her chest and did not sag. "How are my babies?" he asked lowering the gown and exposing her belly. They wiggled beneath his touch. "Daddy loves both of you. " He kissed her belly and Shaundra fingers entered his hair and released it from the ponytail holder. It cascaded down his shoulders.

  Ichiro slipped the gown down over her hips and swept it off her body. She was nude and she had a sweet cocoa butter smell. He moved his hand between her legs and met with the dewy moisture of her womanhood. She was wet and ready for him. Ichiro moved on the bed and between her legs. He lowered his head and tasted her. . . delicious.

  Shaundra moaned softly as his tongue entered her. Her hips moved above him and she trembled. "Oh, Ich. "

  Ichiro removed his mouth and inserted two fingers. He pushed them deep inside of her and she tightened her thighs around his arm. He moved the fingers in and out of her in a teasing manner. His fingers got drenched with her juices each time he withdrew. Shaundra moved her hips as he continued the sensual foreplay. Her legs unclenched and he had full access to her. He moved a third finger inside, moving his hand a little faster.

  "Oh, oh, oh," she said as her body lifted from the mattress. She went off like a geyser, wetting his fingers and the palm of his hand. Damn, he'd never get tired of seeing her do this.

  Ichiro moved to the top of the bed and lay down next to her while she recovered. Shaundra was all over him before he could get comfortable on the pillow.

  "Whoa, baby," he said as she wrapped her lips around his cock. Maybe they should argue more often. "Ah!" he moaned as she attempted to deep throat him. She did it and didn't even gag. Shaundra reached between his legs and gently squeezed his balls. She wrapped her other hand around his penis and squeezed gently on the base. That nearly sent him over the edge. Shaundra yanked his length, demanding that it rise and harden for her. She put her lips around the head and sucked and lick the precum that had put in an appearance.

  The slurping noises nearly took his breath away.

  Shaundra came up for air and mounted him with her back to him.

  "Ooh," he uttered as she slid down on his dick. "Are you sure the babies are safe?" he asked as she started working those hips and butt.

  "Yes," she said, putting an end to the conversation.

  Ichiro gripped her from behind. "What an ass. " He squeezed both cheeks gently.

  "Harder," she told him as she moved back and forth on his dick.

  Ichiro squeezed harder and Shaundra purred. He ran his finger down the crack and she trembled. Ichiro teased the little hole and Shaundra shook. He had no idea she was so sensitive. He went the tip of his longest finger and inserted the tip into her rectum.

  Shaundra rolled back on his finger. Ichiro pushed the finger further in and it disappeared and Shaundra gasped. It was the sexiest sound he'd heard in a long time. He eased the finger in and out and then withdrew it. He tried two fingers this time. Shaundra went off like a bottle rocket, drenching his pubic area. Ichiro removed the fingers, slid his wife onto her back, and crawled between her legs.

  "If I knew you were so sensitive in that area, I would have taken you that way?"

  Shaundra cocked an eyebrow. "Get a condom and some lube," she told him.

  Ichiro eyes widened. "What?"

ou want to get freaky with me?"

  Ichiro slipped off the bed, found his overnight bag and advanced onto the bed again. "You really mean it?"

  Shaundra rolled over on her side and presented her behind to him.

  Ichiro donned the condom and squeezed some of the lube onto his fingers and smeared it on the tight hole.

  "Do you know what you're doing?" Shaundra asked him.

  "No, but I'm willing to try if you are. " He moved in behind her, lifted her leg, and held it. He parted the cheeks and guided the head of his dick against her. Shaundra gasped loudly as he inched the head inside of her.

  Ichiro closed his eyes and moved his hips slowly, feeling a little more of his length move inside of her.

  Shaundra moved back on him.

  "Does it hurt?" he asked.

  "What do you think?" she asked as he continued to move in and out of her.

  He lifted her leg higher and slid in deeper. It felt tight and different than her pussy. He didn't know if he liked doing this or not. Definitely not. He slid out of her and removed the condom.

  "What's the matter?" she asked.

  "Not for me," he said.

  Shaundra chuckled. "Satoshi will be so disappointed. "

  Ichiro pinched her on the butt. "Too bad," he said, rolling her over on her back and moving between her legs. "I like cunt. Satoshi will just have to get over it. " He pushed inside of her. He liked the wetness and the warmth he felt when she surrounded his waist with her thighs. He had to balance himself over her stomach so he wouldn't hurt her. He raised her legs and sank down as far as he could. Shaundra moved with him. "I've missed you," he said.

  Shaundra trembled in her arms. "I missed you too, baby,"

  she said with a moan as he buried himself inside her. He had her panting as he made love to her. Sweat dripped down their bodies. "Ooh, baby. Ah!" It felt so good. His baby was so passionate.

  Shaundra went off for a third time. "I'm coming, Ich. "

  The sweet sound sent him straight into orgasm. He cuddled her into his arms, rolled her on top of him and shot up inside of her. Shaundra kissed him. "I love you, Ich," she said.

  "I love you too, Eri. "

  "What?" Shaundra asked. She rolled off him and kicked him off the side of the bed. "I knew it, you cheating bastard. "

  Ichiro lay on the floor disoriented. "Oh, my, what have I done?" The last thing he heard was the sound of the bathroom door slamming.

  The End


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