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Teaching Bettina (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 13

by Louisa Neil

  She washed with the cold water from the wash stand and crawled back into bed. Sleep overtook her quickly, and when she woke for a second time, she saw by the clock on her bedside table it was after eleven in the morning. The second time she got up, she didn’t feel sore at all. She took that as a good sign that they’d take her again tonight.

  After a quick bath and her new morning routine, she pulled on a day dress and braided her hair down her back. Then she ventured out of her room and down to Stewart’s office.

  “Good morning,” she said, after knocking and letting herself in.

  “A great morning,” he replied with a wide smile. “How do you feel? Are you sore?”

  “Not as much as I thought I would be. Does that mean we can do it again tonight?”

  He laughed at her. “We’ll see later. For now I have work to do. Come here and let me work your nipples a bit before I go back to work.”

  She moved quickly and, with his help, undid the top of her dress and pulled it down to expose her chest. His mouth to her breast was a sure reminder of what they’d done. What she asked them to do. Bettina didn’t know how long she sat on the edge of his desk with Stewart leaning forward attending to her nipples, only that when he pulled back, she wanted more. Her pussy was pulsing and she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Until later,” he told her and pulled up the top of her dress. When she was back to rights, she smiled. “I’ll have Benton bring up a tray for you. Relax today, and tonight Gaston and I will visit you again.”

  She all but skipped from his office and back to her room. As soon as she got there, Benton arrived with a tray of food for her. She smiled her thanks to him, and as soon as he was gone, she tucked into the food as if she hadn’t eaten for days.

  Chapter Eleven

  Bettina was getting settled into their new routine. Early each morning Gaston would come to her room to suck and tease her nipples. He’d stay with her until he knew her body climaxed, sometimes just from his suction and other times from his fingers stoking her clit. He didn’t enter her pussy in the mornings, just rubbed her until she found her release. Each morning she wanted to soothe his needs, but he wouldn’t let her, telling her to wait for the nighttime. Each morning after he left her, Benton brought her a tray with her morning meal while she relaxed in bed. By afternoon, she was making up excuses to go to Stewart’s office to have him attend to her breasts. Or tits, she corrected after hearing the men call her breasts that on occasion. Since she’d begun to enjoy their use of them, the word tits didn’t bother her any longer. Yes, they were breasts that would someday give milk for her child. But when she was with Stewart or Gaston, she wanted them to suck and pinch her tits. In her mind, the difference allowed her to enjoy their attentions without guilt.

  It was getting so that her body needed the suction of their mouths to her nipples to get through the day. While Gaston’s beard tickled her skin, Stewart’s hairless face was smooth against her. Some days when she went to Stewart, he would rub her pussy through her dress, but he never let her suck or fuck him then either. She realized they were waiting until the evenings to pleasure her.

  She took to borrowing books from their library and discussing them while they ate their evening meal. Every afternoon she napped on the sofa under the window. It took all her control not to touch herself during those long afternoons. What she knew most was there were more things they could do together. She was still embarrassed to bring up the topic with them. She’d been bold enough these last weeks, and she didn’t want them to think she was a complete whore.

  But in the back of her mind she remembered watching both the men use a whip on Thad before they fucked him. While she didn’t want to be whipped, she figured she could take being spanked again. The way Gaston had spanked her at Phoebe’s she could accept. In the back of her mind, she wondered if they might bind her hands while they chastised her. And then she realized her path. If she wanted the men to spank her, she’d have to act accordingly. Maybe she could spy on them in the office. Or maybe she could make up something that would make them spank, then fuck her.

  It was all too much to think about, so she decided to let the idea go. She knew she was in the care of two very smart men. Eventually, when they were ready, they’d take their hands to her butt. A shiver ran through her and she refused to touch her pussy. Bettina knew the longer the wait, the more relief she felt when they used her body.

  As she was drifting off to sleep, she decided if they didn’t bring up spanking her, she would reminisce with Gaston about the day at Phoebe’s. Maybe that would give him the idea she wouldn’t be upset by the action. Or if he was as smart as she thought he was, he’d understand her broaching the subject was her way of giving him permission.

  * * * *

  The next brutally cold winter weeks went by in a blur. She fell into the men’s routine easily. Each morning Gaston would come to her room and wake her by sucking her nipples and rubbing her clit. In the afternoons, she would visit Stewart in his office. He, too, would suck her nipples and sometimes rub her pussy. Some evenings the men went out for business reasons. But they always came to her when they got home, taking turns fucking her, using her to their mutual satisfaction.

  She’d come to learn what each man liked. Stewart liked his cock sucked before he’d suck her tits until she came. Gaston didn’t care as long as he experienced both. She’d had several whirlwind days when new gowns arrived for her. She took care dressing each day to make herself look the best she could, wanting them to be proud of her. From their reactions, she felt she was meeting their expectations.

  Bettina also learned that sometimes they would use coverings or condoms before they would fuck her. Their explanation was to prevent pregnancy. Gaston had come to her one morning and, after their customary routine, produced an odd-looking baglike object. It was shaped like an uncooked bean that narrowed to a slim tip. She learned it was to carry liquids.

  “It’s usually used for wine or water. People all over Europe use them to carry their drinks. Sometimes they’re called botas.”

  “Am I supposed to carry it?” The idea horrified her. The line of all her beautiful new dresses and gowns would be ruined if she carried that all the time.

  His laughing wasn’t what she expected, and while she wanted to be angry with him, she found it difficult. “No, this is a special one. The morning after Stewart or I have fucked your pussy is when you should use it. You’ll fill it with water and a bit of vinegar. While you bathe your outside, this will clean your insides.”

  “Vinegar and water?”

  “Yes. You’ll use it to clean out your pussy.” He shifted to her lower body and lifted her legs, bending them at the knees toward her shoulders. Then he inserted the odd-looking tip in the entrance of her pussy. “When it’s filled, you’ll press the liquid inside you. It will keep you clean and will help prevent pregnancy.”

  “Won’t I smell funny?”

  “No. You only need to use a small amount of the vinegar mixed with the water. You’ll find there’s a bottle of it stored under the cabinet in the bathing room.”

  “And you want me to do this while I bathe. So the mixture will come out of me in the bath water?”

  “That’s right. Didn’t you ever see any of the women at Phoebe’s do this?”

  “No. I’ve never heard of anything like it.”

  “Well in Europe women use these all the time. It keeps them clean inside and helps prevent pregnancy.”

  “But some nights you and Stewart use a covering.”

  “Yes, but this is just an extra measure to make sure we’re all ready when the time comes for you to start having babies. And it wouldn’t do for that to happen before Stewart marries you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. It’s like when you fuck me, but don’t come inside me sometimes.”

  “That’s right. Now, I must go. I’m late getting to the ship.” He handed her the strange bag and he held back a laugh. “You’ll figure it out after a few tries.”
  “I’ll do my best.”

  “That’s my girl. I’ll see you tonight.” He paused and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “Have a good day and try using this.”

  “I will. I’ll be happy when you’re home tonight.”

  “So will I.” She watched him walk to the door and take a moment to straighten his clothing before he left. She fell back onto the pillows and studied the strange device. If he wanted her to do this, she would learn how.

  That morning, during her bath, she attempted to use it. It was awkward and she almost gave up, but then she remembered he made her bend her legs so she spread them as wide as the tub would allow. Inching her body downward made it easier to get the tip inside her. It was a new sensation, feeling the warm water invade her pussy. It kind of felt like when the men would come inside her, but this way there was so much more liquid. She learned that when she stood to dry, it would drain from her body. Most importantly, she didn’t find any lingering smell of the vinegar. After a few days, it became part of her morning grooming routine.

  Even when she was experiencing her flow, both men continued to use her nipples and play with her breasts. She learned she could find her own release by that simple act. During those times she would suck their cocks them until they came, usually on her breasts. Then they’d lick and suck her clean.

  Once a week they would take her out for an afternoon stroll. On those days she would dress in her new finest gowns and hold her head high with a man on each arm. She made a point of learning about the wines they drank and never overindulged. Although it varied, one night a week they would take her out for their evening meal. They were quick to introduce her to anyone they met. At times, they’d diplomatically remind her of the person’s name and where they’d met before.

  Bettina was experiencing a life she’d only dreamed about but never truly thought would happen. She spent hours each afternoon reading and writing, perfecting her penmanship and learning more about numbers. Life was beyond her expectations, but she’d yet to approach either man about the one thing she wanted to experience. Neither had made any attempts or gave her an inclination that they wanted to spank her butt before or while they fucked her.

  * * * *

  One afternoon when it was raining heavily and bitter cold outside, she headed to Stewart’s office as usual. Once inside, he nodded for her to take a seat and wait. Sometimes he was dealing with correspondence and wanted to finish the task before taking time to give her attention. Today, she wandered close to the fireplace, warming her hands above the flames. She stared at them, the patterns the flames made keeping her interest. She didn’t realize he’d been waiting for her until he cleared his throat.

  “You looked very pensive just now. Is there anything wrong?”

  “No. I was watching the flames.” She turned, and when she started to walk toward him he rose.

  “Stay there. I’ll get the drapes today.” Bettina paused where she was and watched as he moved from window to window, closing the drapes and closing out the world for a short time. He didn’t walk back to his desk chair. Instead, he leaned a hip on the corner of a table near the window. “You look beautiful today. Different than when I first met you. You’ve grown up, Bettina.”

  “Is that bad? It’s not something I can change.” Confusion came over her, and she was immediately fearful he was trying to tell her she was too old and they’d send her away.

  “Of course not. I just hadn’t noticed the changes in you over the last weeks. In this light, the shadows play differently against your features. You are a stunning young woman. Gaston and I are very lucky.”

  “I’m the one who is lucky. I hate to imagine what my life would have turned into if I hadn’t been spying that night Gaston visited Phoebe.” Her body shook with revulsion. “By now I’d have been sold many times over, used in front of crowds and be one of the women from the parlor.”

  “It is one possibility.”

  “It was my only possibility until Gaston saw me.”

  “Take down the top of your dress.” He didn’t move toward her, so she stayed where she was, struggling to get the dress off her shoulders to bare her chest. “He told me the night he met you what happened. He told me you had the most perfect breasts. He was right. You’re large and firm and have those amazing nipples.” He licked his lips.

  “I can’t take credit for them, I was born this way.”

  “Yes. But not every woman is so lucky.” He finally walked toward her and dipped his head low, sliding his tongue across her left then right nipples. Back and forth he went, side to side.

  Bettina reached her hand to the back of his head and held him to her breast. “Harder, Stewart. Your feather kisses are driving me crazy. You make me ache more than when I came in.”

  He took a deliberate step back and stared at her. “Who’s in charge, Bettina?”

  “You are,” she whispered and saw a strange expression on his face. One she’d never seen before. It made her anxious and excited at the same time. All she knew was she’d never experienced this side of him. Suddenly his comment made sense, and she decided he might be trying to send her a message. After all, that was the night Gaston had spanked her. Staring directly at him, she drew a breath and took a chance. “I was being impertinent and should be punished.” She watched the corners of his mouth slide into a smile for just a moment before he pulled the expression back.

  “How should I punish an impertinent woman?”

  “That would be your choice. I was wrong to ask for more than you choose to give,” she said, quickly wondering if she was making a mistake. But she couldn’t hold her tongue. “And you’re in charge, so it should be your decision.” She stood for a long time with her hands locked behind her back, pushing her chest forward while he stared at her. So long she was beginning to regret her words. She almost moved her arms to cover her breasts, but held back.

  When she was on the verge of panic, Stewart took a step back. Instinct took over and she dropped to her knees, using her hands to stroke his cock. He was hard, harder than she’d ever felt him before. She quickly undid his pants, pushed them down his hips, and took the head of his cock into her mouth. Bettina used one hand to cradle his balls and the other to smooth his skin back and forth while she licked his length. Venturing a glance upward, she saw how amazing he truly was.

  He was right. The lighting was different than most afternoons. The shadows played against his silhouette. He stood tall with his shoulders pushed back and his feet planted shoulder-width apart. His hands were fisted at his waist. With his clothing in disarray, he was an erotic sight. She swooned and felt breathless for a moment before concentrating her attention on bringing him to a climax.

  “Do you think sucking my cock makes up for your impertinence?”

  Bettina paused and leaned back on her heels. She continued to use her hands on him, but she watched him closely. “That would be your decision. Am I not doing it right?”

  “You’re doing it right, but that’s not the point. Stand up and go to the desk.”

  Bettina struggled to stand, her gown impeding her progress. When she managed to take the few steps to the large wood desk, she paused and waited for his direction. He stayed where he was watching her. “Turn around and pull your skirts up. Bare your backside to me.” She hesitated only a second, and he added, “Now.”

  She turned and did as he asked, hitching her skirts up as she turned her back to him. “Is this right? Are you going to fuck me?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” She heard each step he took toward her, felt him nearing, and saw him nearing in the shadowed light. What he did next surprised and thrilled her. He ran his hands along her buttocks, pausing to pinch her skin occasionally. When she hoped he’d slip his cock or fingers in her, he didn’t. Stewart lifted his hand and dropped it on her skin. It was a tap of his palm to her left cheek and then to her right.

  Instantly, her pussy went wet. Her nipples ached for attention, but she knew that was not going to happen. Over a
nd over he slapped her butt in a forthright movement, the contact making a thwacking noise. Her body shook each time she heard it, not from pain but from fear he would stop. Without warning, he slid two fingers in her pussy.

  “Christ,” he exclaimed, “your pussy is all but dripping. Is my spanking you getting you excited, Bettina? Does this make you want me more?”

  She didn’t answer. Couldn’t find her voice and wouldn’t know what to say. If she said no, she’d be lying. If she said yes, what would he think of her? While she was still considering her answer, he began to spank her again, just a bit harder this time.

  “Answer me. Does this get you excited?”

  “Yes, God help me. It does. It makes my insides heat with a new kind of longing. My breasts are heavy with need, and my pussy aches to have you stretch it with your cock. Your touch makes my anus itch with anticipation.”

  “What if I told you no? That you couldn’t have my cock or even touch yourself for relief? What would you do?”

  “I’d…I’d wait until you came to me tonight for relief.” Then a horrible thought crossed her mind and she spoke without thinking. “This doesn’t mean you won’t fuck me tonight, does it?” She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. “Please, Stewart, don’t punish me like that.”

  “You truly are a horny bitch, aren’t you? I will revel in teaching you, Bettina. I’ll teach you to long for the palm of my hand on the swell of your buttocks.” His hand came down several times, and then he pinched her skin over and over. “I’ll teach you to plead for relief.”

  “Not now, please not now. Please come inside me, don’t torment that way.” She turned her face away and waited. She didn’t wait long. He thrust his cock with deliberate force inside her pussy seconds later. “Stewart, go harder and faster. You’re enormous inside me.” She dared to glance back over her shoulder at him. “Spanking me makes you horny. Your cock is throbbing inside me like never before. Pinch my nipples.”


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