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Teaching Bettina (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 17

by Louisa Neil

  They lay on their sides, head to toe, each sucking the other. They had their arms wrapped round each other’s bodies, using their hands to push and pull the toys in their anus. She watched their bodies for telltale signs of their orgasms. Stewart came first, his body shaking when Gaston pulled out the toy and pushed it roughly back inside him. She noted he hadn’t lost his hold on Stewart’s cock, but still had him swallowed to the base. She watched his throat muscles milk him until he swallowed all of Stewart’s cum. He paused a moment while Stewart caught his breath. Then she watched a smile pass between them.

  Gaston lay still while Stewart turned his attention to him. While Bettina figured she’d seen all they could do to each other, Stewart moved his hand, searching the floor for something. What he found was yet another dildo, one she hadn’t seen before. It was glossy black, large with a bulbous head. He handed it to Gaston, who eagerly accepted it to his lips, sucking it like he had Stewart’s cock. When it was slick he handed it to Stewart. It was the only time he glanced up to her. He gave her a strange smile, one she couldn’t decipher. Then to her amazement, Stewart edged the new dildo beside the one that was already in Gaston’s anus. The smile she watched she’d never seen before. It was an expression of serene contentment.

  His hips bucked at the new intrusion. Stewart used his hand to pump Gaston’s cock against his lips. He swallowed Gaston’s cum and shifted quickly to kiss the other man, sharing his load of cum with him.

  “Christ,” she whispered, but couldn’t move, stunned and fascinated at the same time. She watched the men kiss, watched their hands roam their bodies and eventually use their hands to push the fakes in and out of their bodies a bit more. Finally, when she thought to leave, Gaston called her.

  “Bettina, stay where you are.”

  She stilled, not sure what he would say to her, unsure what she should say to them. But after rushing in all ready to admonish them, she waited. Waited while the men hugged and kissed before reluctantly moving from each other. Stewart pulled the fake phallus from his ass and tossed it aside. Then he reached behind Gaston and took the two toys from his body, throwing them beside his. She heard Gaston’s distinct groan of disapproval.

  “Bettina, why not pour us all a fresh brandy.” Gaston was sitting up, his lips shiny with his own cum. Stewart moved beside him, his back to the fireplace, too, his arm loosely draped over Gaston’s shoulder. They watched her move to the table and pour the drinks. She saw her hand shake at the simple chore and drew a deep breath to steady her nerves. She felt stunned, anxious, and horny all at once. Her pussy ached for their touch, and her nipples were hard and needy. She almost reached to stroke her pussy, but hesitated.

  This was a new dynamic, and the possibilities swamped her. She forced herself to pour the drinks and returned and handed one to each man and went back for hers. She no longer feared them. Instead she was enthralled by them yet again. She pulled the cape from her shoulders and tossed it over a side chair before taking a seat before them. This close to the flames, she was warm. The sip of brandy she’d swallowed made her warm from the inside out.

  The three of them stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Gaston spoke. “So, what was so important you had to interrupt us?”

  “You came in here like a spitfire,” Stewart teased. “Tell us what was on your mind.”

  She took another sip of the brandy, hoping it would clear her mind. Instead, she was almost speechless. “I didn’t know you did this to each other. I know you did it to Thad at Phoebe’s, but I never considered you’d fuck each other’s asses.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess I was naive. I thought using me was enough for you. Obviously I was wrong. What am I doing wrong that I can’t satisfy you?”

  “It’s not a matter of satisfying us, it’s just a different way for us to satisfy each other.” Gaston’s stern look softened. “Did you think just because we use your body we don’t want more?”

  “I never considered it. I thought I was enough for you. Apparently I’m not.” She was overcome with disappointment but tried not to let it show. This whole day had been a disappointment. “Damn the snow,” she whispered. If the weather had been different, her entire day would have been different, normal, or what she’d become to believe was normal.

  “It doesn’t matter. We’ll use each other as we want, just as we’ll use your body as we wish when we’re in the mood.” Gaston finished the liquid in his glass and raised it to her. “Bring the bottle back.”

  Bettina stood quickly and retrieved the bottle. Her mind was so confused. How stupid of her to think she’d be enough for these men. After refilling their glasses she sat back in the chair, staring at their naked bodies. “Does Gaston’s beard tickle your thighs like it tickles mine?”

  Stewart laughed at her. “Yes, it does.” He sipped his brandy and finally looked back to her. “Now what had you in such a snit you had to interrupt us?”

  “I was going to try and explain why I did what I did this afternoon.”

  “Go ahead, explain.” Gaston dropped his hand to his cock and lightly stroked it.

  “I was going to confront you about how you treated me earlier.” Bettina pulled a deep breath, sipped her brandy again, and continued. “I was going to tell you that withholding your love and touch because of a mistake is wrong. You punished me, and now we should move on. Or if you won’t trust me again, then you should let me go, let me move on someplace else. I’m sure by now you got what you paid Phoebe for.”

  Stewart laughed at her. “You’re not going anywhere. We own you now.”

  “But if you’re going to hate me forever, what’s the use in keeping me here? You leave me all day with nothing to do but rest. Christ, how much rest does a healthy woman need? Hell, all I wanted was to go outside and feel the cold on my face, to walk through the snow for a bit. But instead you keep me walled up in this house, beautiful though it may be. All it’s become to me is a pretty prison. I’m useless here except when you’re in the mood to use my body. I was hoping we’d become a family, that we’d come to love and trust each other.” She paused to organize her thoughts. “I’ll leave the new wardrobe you purchased for me. I’ll leave with what I came with. But you can’t withhold love and expect to get it back.”

  “Love?” Gaston asked.

  “Of course love. How else could I let you do the things to me that you do? I fell in love with you, Gaston, that night at Phoebe’s. You were so kind in a way I’d never known. And you didn’t beat me. You’re so pretty, sometimes I want to swoon when you enter a room. Your beard hides your expressions, but I’m learning to look past that and see what you truly mean.” She turned to Stewart. “And you are worse, sir. You told me you’d marry me in a year. You told me in the future we’d have children and become a true family. Were you both lying? Are those the words you thought I needed to hear to be compliant? Damn, you bought me and had a right to use me. You shouldn’t have talked of love and family if you had no intention of fulfilling the promise.”

  Bettina fell silent. After her monologue she understood what the problem truly was. She’d fallen in love with these men. That was why she was so upset. She felt they were pulling their love from her. “You showed me emotions I’d never known. Laughter being the first one, then kindness. Ultimately you showed me how sex turns to love. At Phoebe’s, I understood sex was for money. You made me believe sex was for love. I didn’t expect to experience this emotion. I’ve never been in love before and didn’t intend to fall for either of you, but it happened. Now I don’t know how to deal with either of you. I can accept you not loving me, and I suppose it’s my burden to hide. You both took advantage of my being inexperienced about how the world worked, especially this side of it. Did you laugh behind my back at how naive I truly am?”

  “If you left here, where would you go, Bettina? Back to Phoebe’s Gentlemen’s Club, where she’d sell you to any man who paid the price?”

  “I don’t
want to go back there and never wanted to be there. My mistake was assuming you felt the same as I felt. But in reality, I’m just a convenience for you. Your in-house prostitute to be used when you’re so inclined. I suppose I should thank you for not bringing in a chain of other men to use me when you weren’t available.”

  Stewart held back a laugh, and Gaston nudged him with his elbow.

  The brandy settled her nerves, and she was beginning to think straight. “No, let him laugh. I’m sure you both had many laughs at the girl who thought you rescued her for love. If you want me to stay, I’ll try to go back to the prostitute attitude, sex for the sake of sex in return for a nice home and clothes.”

  “Can you go back to thinking like that?”

  “I don’t see another choice. I had to confront you before I left or you sent me away.”

  “Are you planning on leaving?” Stewart asked. He stood and stretched to his full height and then walked to the wood pile. He chose several more logs and strategically placed them on the fire until the fire under them caught, sending up a billow of smoke then flames. Then he walked to the door and locked it. She swallowed hard, watching his tight body move with ease. His cock was already semi-hard again, bobbing with each step he took as if he wanted to taunt her with what she couldn’t touch. When he returned, he dropped beside Gaston on the floor.

  “So you’re bored, and like a child, when you’re bored, you get in trouble. Must we watch you every second so you don’t do something stupid?”

  “I’m a flesh-and-blood woman. I need to feel worthwhile. I need to feel what it’s like outside this gilded prison. I need something to do with my time.” Bettina stood. “If you’re going to send me back to Phoebe, then you shouldn’t have let me fall in love with you. You should have explained it was all temporary. That you wanted to play with the virgin, and now that you have, you’re bored with me. I should have realized I was just a diversion for you, like Thad was. Like any of the women you paid for were.”

  “Is that what you truly think?” Gaston asked her.

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Especially after finding you two doing what you were doing when I came in. You were angry with me and cut me out of your lives.”

  “What bothers you more, Bettina? That we were sucking each other’s cocks, or that we didn’t stop when you intruded?” Stewart waited for her answer.

  “I’m not sure.” Her voice was low and confused-sounding even to her own ear. “Oh, why did you bring me here?”

  “Would you rather I left you to Phoebe and her punishment?” Gaston watched her carefully.

  “Oh, God no. She is cruel in a different way than you were tonight.”

  “She is a cruel woman. Money is the only commodity she believes in. And her women are just for use. If one steps out of line, others will be waiting to take their place. She’ll never run out of young girls who think selling their bodies is the only way to make money. But once they’re there, they become used up quickly, and then they have no choice about their futures.” Stewart let out an exasperated breath.

  “I don’t want that for my life. I thought you’d taken me away to give me a better one.” Bettina paused. “Am I the only woman you’ve purchased?”

  “Yes.” Gaston’s simple one-word answer was enough to appease her.

  “What do you want to happen now, Bettina? Where do we go from here?” Stewart was watching her, making her nervous in that heated way he turned her body. It was all so crazy. She was angry with them, confused, and now her body was getting that needy feeling again, which didn’t help her to think straight. It didn’t help that they were still lying naked before the fire. It was hard not to stare at their bodies, not to stare at their cocks. Both men were hard again. Even through all this, their cocks got hard again. Did they plan to use her one last time, and if so, how would they use her? Her body shook at the idea of trying to fit both their cocks in her pussy as she’d tried with the dildos earlier. She understood from watching Stewart use a second in Gaston’s ass it could be done, but with a lot of practice, she decided.

  “Stewart and I are always going to have sex together when we’re so inclined, Bettina. You have to accept that concept or this is going to be over.”

  “I just never realized. I have no say in who you fuck. I just have to accept that I’m not your only sexual diversion.” Bettina stood tall and shook her hair behind her shoulders, hoping the move made her seem more sophisticated.

  Stewart snorted back a laugh. “My dear, if you think finding us like this is embarrassing, you have no idea of just how far we’ll go for our release. I’m not sure you could accept it if we did tell you.” He smiled at her, a smile she remembered from better nights. “What about the invoices? What if I gave them to you to check the numbers?” Stewart glanced to Gaston.

  “That would help, but would it keep me busy all day?”

  Stewart watched her for a moment before speaking. “I would think it would be a start. It would familiarize you with the business. Maybe with time, you could take over the inventory and other tasks.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to keep me?” Bettina knew her voice held too much excitement to hide her feelings.

  “If you can accept that Gaston and I will have private moments together, I believe we can start again.”

  “Oh Stewart.” She dropped to her knees before the men. “I don’t want to make trouble, and I’ll do my best to make you proud of me.”

  Stewart stared at her for seconds. “Bettina, if you can accept that Gaston and I will always have a different relationship than we have with you, we can start over. But if you can’t accept us, then you’re free to leave.”

  “Stewart is right,” Gaston added. “Accept us as we are, or leave.”

  “I don’t want to leave. I’m just so confused. I just never considered you two would be together without me.”

  “Technically, it’s none of your business, at least until tonight.” Stewart reached for the brandy bottle she’d brought back earlier.

  “I’ve forced you to reveal your true needs, ones I can’t satisfy. I guess I’m too young to realize you’d need more than me.” She sighed and tried to put the pieces all together. “Why bother taking me if you didn’t need me?”

  “Because I wanted you.” Gaston’s statement was blatant. “I had Stewart check on you to make sure Phoebe wasn’t mistreating you. But I wanted him to meet you, to see if he felt the same way I did about you. In reality, you complete our lives in a way we never thought we needed or wanted in the past.”

  “Especially for the public. That’s why you wanted me to be your niece, and your fiancée.” A moment of realization settled within her. “You wanted to show me off to the public when needed. I’m simply a cover of respectability for you to show off to society.”

  “That, too. But it’s not a problem like you would think. Gaston and I have enough money to stop this business anytime we choose. Neither of us cares what other people think of us, separate or together. You see, Bettina, we have a commodity they want. Our political, social, or sexual preferences won’t sway them from purchasing our wine and spirits. There have been others who thought to take our place, to take our customers. But in reality, we have the best product, so our customers continue to buy from us.”

  “Did you ever think about what businesses never die out?” Gaston asked.

  She watched him turn his head from side to side, as if the muscles were tight and sore. She almost reached to massage him but held back. “I assumed there would always be a need for prostitutes.” She didn’t manage to hold back the small smile that escaped and spread her lips. This was a new perspective. Just because she didn’t know about it didn’t mean it didn’t exist.

  “Along with doctors, morticians, and wine merchants. Oh, there are others who make wine here in America, but the quality is not the same. Our customers can afford the quality products we import.” Gaston smiled at her. “Everyone will get sick one day, and everyone will die somed
ay, so that keeps the doctors and morticians in business.”

  “I never considered it before.” She watched the men intently and accepted there’d been a major shift in their relationship. She wasn’t exactly sure how yet, but she could feel the difference. It was all but tangible in the air around her. “What happens now? It seems I’ve blundered my way into your private lives that I’ve no place in.”

  “I suppose,” Gaston said, “that in reality you’ve taken away a bit of our anxiety about having to discuss this with you one day. The longer you were here and didn’t know about Stewart’s and my side activities, the worse you’d feel when you found out.”

  “So you would have told me one day?” Bettina wasn’t sure they were telling her the truth.

  “There have been a lot of changes in the last months, Bettina.” Stewart stood and looked around the room. He grabbed his jacket and dropped it over her shoulders. Then he reached to the floor and took each of their shirts. He tossed one to Gaston and pulled on the other. “Some you’re aware of, and others you’re not.”

  “If I promise to leave you two alone sometimes, does that mean I can stay with you both?”

  “We’ll always want our private time. Other times we’ll want you with us. What you have to learn is that we’re in control.” Stewart began pulling on his trousers.

  “There is another option,” Gaston said as he pulled on his shirt. “Until now we’ve concentrated on you. If you’ll accept the concept, the three of us can be together in all ways. Now that you know, we won’t have to hide our desires from you. It would allow Stewart and me to relax, to be more natural in front of you, which, in turn, would make us all more intimate together. There’s a whole world you’ve never heard, seen, or even considered. If you trust us, we’ll show you a section of the world most people never experience.”


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