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Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “I don’t know….”

  God, had Justin always stressed over everything? “Just, are you happy where you are?”

  “No.” He sounded sure.

  “Then why are you having a problem accepting my job offer?”

  “Because I don’t know if I want to watch people swim all day.”

  “That’s not all the job entails. You’d keep stats, make notes, watch the competition, get in the water and demonstrate strokes. Hell, you can swim races with the kids—let them feel what competition is really like.”

  Given the small matter of Justin not liking his current job, Chris didn’t think it was better than watching swimmers at all.

  Justin sighed again, focus turning to the TV. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Besides, you can still live with me and work at the evil day job.” He wanted Justin with him. The rest, really, was just details. Sure they had to deal with them, but together they could. Chris tugged Justin close. “I want you here with me, Justin.”

  Justin’s answer was a soft, quiet sigh.

  “I want so much for us.”

  “I try not to want stuff. Is that weird?”

  “More sad than weird, I think. Your life isn’t over, Just. Not by a long shot.”

  Justin wouldn’t look at him. “Feels like it, a little.”

  “I will spend the rest of my days making sure you feel special and loved and important.” He would not let Justin go on thinking of himself as a has-been, unimportant, or less than anything.

  “What if I don’t deserve it anymore?”

  Chris snorted. “That’s a bunch of horseshit, and you know it.”

  “I don’t. Maybe I used up all the important shit and now it’s just beige.”

  “Move in with me, Just, and I’ll show you just how unbeige life can be.”

  “You’re pushy.” Justin’s words were warm, fond.

  “That’s nothing new.” Chris made his living being pushy.


  He brought Justin in closer. “You never said what movies you wanted to move on to.”

  “X-Men?” Justin cuddled, relaxing against him.

  “Cool, we’ve got all of those.” He pressed a kiss on top of Justin’s head, got up, and went over to find the movies.

  “You’ve got all of them?”

  “Yep.” He knew they were some of Justin’s favorites, and eventually Justin would see Chris’s stuff as theirs.

  “Cool.” Justin curled in the huge, fluffy blanket, feet tucked up under him.

  Chris wanted Justin here with him now. For good. He wanted Justin’s smile, his husky chuckles, that sweet body next to him, under him. He wanted Justin.

  Chris put the first movie into the Blu-ray and went back to sit with his boy. Justin moved closer immediately, snuggling right in. How could his boy have any hesitation about moving in? They fit together perfectly.

  Justin’s fingers stroked Chris’s belly, moving lazily. Chris hummed, tugged Justin a little closer, and if he was more focused on Justin than the movie, well, he’d seen it before, hadn’t he?

  Justin was almost asleep when the pizza came. Chris slid off the couch and went to pay for the pizza. He handed over the money and headed back to the living room, admiring his boy on the sofa.

  “You look like you belong, Just.” He set the pizza on the table, along with the cans of pop and slices of pie he’d ordered.

  “Thanks. It smells good.” Justin sat up, smiled at him.

  He shook his head but smiled back. It was a crazy-assed combination, and he’d missed ordering it over the last four years. Why had he waited so long for Justin to call? Oh, right, he’d had some crazy idea about being noble and shit.

  There were tissues on the side table, so they didn’t need plates. Chris opened the box as he sat back down next to Justin. They fell on the pizza, noshing and laughing about the movie, side by side. It was like old times, but with the added benefit of love and sex being in the mix.

  When they were done eating, he snatched up Justin’s hand and sucked the grease off one particularly messy finger.

  “Coach!” Justin sounded partly outraged, partly turned on.

  He let an eyebrow go up and took the finger in deep, letting his teeth scrape along it. Justin’s lips parted. Humming, he bobbed his head, sucking Justin’s finger like it was his boy’s cock.

  “Oh, damn….” Justin wiggled, eyes unfocused.

  Chris came off the finger really slowly, gaze fixed on Justin’s.

  “I….” Justin groaned. “The pizza’s good.”

  “Just the pizza?”

  “You’re not good. You’re wicked.”

  He chuckled and sucked in one of Justin’s other fingers.

  “S-see? Wicked?”

  Chris bit at Justin’s fingertip. Justin jerked away, hid his hands.

  “You can’t hide from me, Just.” He took Justin’s hand, held it.

  “I can.” Justin’s breath quickened.

  “No. I see you.” He brought Justin’s hand to his lips and bit one finger after another.

  “N-no. No biting.”

  Look at his boy blush. “You like the biting.”

  No, Justin loved the biting. It was obvious. Chris bit Justin’s thumb.

  “No!” Justin gasped for him, fingers curling.

  Chris licked Justin’s thumb—from where he’d bitten all the way down to the base. Which he also bit. That tiny, hungry little sound Justin made was perfect—breathless and needy. It made Chris groan as he sucked on Justin’s hand.

  “More. Oh fuck.” Justin’s throat worked.

  Chris moved down to bite at the inside of Justin’s wrist, and Justin graced the air with a soft moan. Chris licked away the little stings left by his teeth and then bit again.

  “You’re making me hard.”

  “Good.” That was the point, after all. That and making Justin feel amazing.

  Justin moved closer, shoving the pizza box out of the way. “No more biting.”

  Right, because Justin was just hating the biting, and it was totally turning him off. Chris snorted and bit at the skin on the inside of Justin’s elbow, letting his teeth scrape. That made Justin chuckle, stretch a little. Chris licked circles around the spot, tongue pressing hard enough not to tickle.

  Justin snuggled into Chris. “Enough.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Justin’s prick pressed against his thigh, and he rubbed his own growing length against his boy.

  “Uh-huh. Have to.”

  “Have to what?” He drew Justin’s arm up and nibbled his way to Justin’s underarm.

  “Sh…. I…. Oh fuck….”

  Chris tugged on Justin’s underarm hair with his teeth, then moved to lap at one of Justin’s nipples.

  “Oh. Oh, careful.”

  He smiled before he bit that nipple.

  “Ow!” Justin jerked, arched up into Chris’s mouth.

  Chris wrapped his lips around the sweet flesh and began to suck, soothing the bite and marking the nipple at the same time. He wanted these sweet titties swollen and rosy, sensitive and aching. All the time. He wanted to be able to just blow on them and have Justin’s prick pay attention. He wanted Justin begging for him to bruise them. He wanted Justin plugged and bound and desperate. He wanted Justin needing so badly it ached. Hell, he wanted everything.

  He let go of Justin’s arm to play with his left nipple, fingers pinching and tugging as he kept working on the right with his mouth.

  “They ache. They ache, Coach. You’ll make them bruised.”

  “Yes.” Justin was catching on. He switched nipples, sucking on the left and pinching the right.

  Fingers wrapped around Chris’s wrist, squeezing him. Holding on. He bit the tip of Justin’s nipple as he twisted the other one, making Justin cry out. Justin twisted, groaning his name, needing him. Chris tugged at Justin’s shorts until they came down. His boy was hard, prick red and wet-tipped, begging for abuse.

  “Needy boy.�

  How had Justin gone so long with only the occasional hand job?

  “Uh-huh. I want.”

  “I can see that.” He moved in and took only the head of Justin’s cock into his mouth.

  Justin’s lean body went still for a heartbeat, and then Justin humped up into his lips. Chris pulled back. His boy wasn’t getting off just yet.

  “Coach….” Wanting, hungry—this was the perfect mind-set to play with.

  “Yeah, Just?” He licked at the base of Justin’s prick.

  “I…. You make me ache.”

  “Good.” He’d keep saying it until Justin realized that was why he did it, and that it was good.

  “Aching isn’t good, is it?” Justin asked.

  “Aching is very good,” Chris insisted.

  Justin shook his head, chuckled.

  “It is. You’ll see.” He gave Justin his best wicked smile and rolled his lovely balls. One of Justin’s legs drew up, exposing his sweet swollen hole. Someone was into it big-time.

  Chris leaned in, nuzzled Justin’s abs, his flat belly. His fingers pressed against Justin’s inner thigh, spreading the leg wider. Justin opened for him, the sight making Chris’s mouth dry. He pressed a finger against the hole, and Justin offered him a full-body shiver.

  He put a finger to Justin’s mouth. “Suck, babe.”

  Justin didn’t hesitate at all, wrapping his lips around Chris’s finger, the suction fierce and sharp.

  “Fuck.” Chris’s hips jerked. His boy sucked harder, tongue sliding on Chris’s fingertip. He wanted to feel that amazing suction around his prick. “Want you to suck me.”

  Justin nodded, moaning low. Chris climbed off the couch and opened his jeans. When Justin tried to sit up, he shook his head and dropped back down to straddle Justin’s chest. He wanted to fuck his boy’s mouth.

  “Like that.” Chris rubbed the tip of his prick against Justin’s pretty lips.

  Justin parted his lips for him, eyes closed. Chris slipped the tip of his cock into Justin’s mouth. Justin started sucking, pulling hard and steadily at his cock.

  “Oh fuck.” So good—Justin’s mouth was made for sucking.

  Chris watched, then pulled away, his prick slick and shiny. Justin knew how to give a blow job—mouth eager and hot, hungry. Chris held on to the arm of the couch, using it for leverage as he started rocking, pushing his cock a little deeper into Justin’s mouth with each thrust. He was careful not to choke Justin, to give him more than was easy, but not too much.

  His eager boy was creating amazing suction, making Chris moan with it. Chris loved this beautiful son of a bitch. He moved faster, prick sliding on Justin’s tongue. Justin hummed around him, sucking harder. The vibrations from Justin’s noises made Chris shiver, and he started moving faster.

  He was going to come, and then they could play. Start those steps toward submission.

  “Keep sucking, J. You’re made for it.” Made for him.

  His words made Justin swallow, moan.

  “Soon.” Chris didn’t want to go off yet, but he was going to, very soon.

  Justin groaned, tongue slapping Chris’s cock.

  “Fuck!” Chris jerked, sank in deeper.

  Justin’s eyes flew open, those bright blue eyes staring at Chris. He held that gaze, pulling back out, then pushing in again. Justin swallowed convulsively.

  “Oh God.” Chris jerked, his balls pulling up tight against his body as he came down Justin’s throat.

  Justin reached for him, holding his thighs with sweaty palms.

  “Love you.” Chris growled out the words, stroking Justin’s cheeks as his boy swallowed around his cock.

  Were those tears in Justin’s eyes?

  He tugged out, fingers stroking over Justin’s lips. “Just?”


  “You okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” Justin nodded. “Just, I…. It’s you.”

  “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Chris reached down, touched those swollen parted lips, and Justin kissed the tip of his finger.

  “Mmm. You’re something special, Justin Pattern.”

  “I was.”

  “No, Justin,” he insisted. “You are. You fucking are.”

  Justin wanted to believe him; he could tell.

  “My Justin. Gonna show you how special.” Even if he had to spend all his life doing it.

  Chapter Five

  JUSTIN ROLLED his head on his shoulders, sighing as his boss kept yelling at them about something he didn’t give a shit about. No one was listening; no one ever did. His shift was over in eight minutes, and he was going to just… sit here until the asshole wound down, but he liked to pretend he was going to storm off.

  His cell went off, buzzing insistently in his pocket. He ignored it, at least until the third time. Then he stood. “Emergency.” I’m off the clock, dammit. He glanced at the call display. It was Coach. He slid out of the room.

  “Hey, Coach. What’s up?”

  “Hey, Justin. I came to pick you up.”

  “You did?” He blushed, grinned, unaccountably pleased.

  “Yeah. I’m parked across the street. Are you ready to come home, or should I go find a coffee somewhere?”

  “I’m ready.” He was possibly in trouble.

  “Cool. Come on down. I was thinking we could go out for supper. Man cannot live on pizza alone.”

  “Sure he can. I’ll be….”

  “Justin! What the hell were you doing? Walking out of a meeting?” Rob was coming for him, voice strident. “You want to keep your job, you moron?”

  Justin heard Coach growl through the line. “I can come up there, Just.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re replaceable. Is that what you want? I have monkeys more capable than you!” Rob went on.

  Justin sighed. Really?

  Coach had clearly heard, his voice angry in Justin’s ear. “Justin, tell that little pissant to go to hell. I have a job for you. One where you’ll be appreciated.”

  “I have to go.” He wasn’t sure which man he was talking to, but he knew he was heading outside to Coach.

  “Don’t you dare walk out on me!” Rob was screeching now.

  “My shift is over.”

  “You don’t have any loyalty or work ethic, Justin. You walk out that door and you’re fired.”

  “No work ethic?” Justin growled, suddenly angry. “Look, you fuck, I trained for the motherfucking Olympics for years. Hours and hours every fucking day. I worked my ass off, and I don’t need a piece-of-shit asshat telling me about my work ethic!”

  Rob looked like he was going to blow a vein, his face going beet red, his eyes bugging out. “You’re fired!”

  Justin flipped the bastard off. “Fuck off and die, asshole. I quit.”

  Rob stood there, mouth opening and closing, face going even redder as clapping came from down the hall.

  Coach stood there, smiling at him. “Well done, Justin. Come on. Let’s go get some supper and celebrate your freedom.”

  He nodded, snagged his favorite coffee cup and his briefcase, and left his key card on the desk.

  Coach’s hand slid against his lower back, leading him out to the street. “I’m so proud of you, Justin.”

  “I…. I….” He was going to lose it.

  They walked out to the car, and Coach went on. “Seriously. You stood up for yourself. That was fantastic.”

  Justin nodded. He’d quit his job. Oh God.

  Coach got them settled in the car and headed into traffic. “You going to freak out on me?”

  “Nope.” He was going to freak out totally inside his own head.

  Coach gave him a grin. “The restaurant isn’t far. I think a celebration is in order.”

  “Okay.” He’d quit his job. His job. He’d called his boss an asshat. While it was true, it wasn’t something you said to a man’s face.

  “There’s a Japanese place just around the corner.”

  “Cool.” He was going to have to li
ve in a shed somewhere.

  Coach glanced at him, one eyebrow up. “You’re way too calm.”

  “Told you I wasn’t going to freak out on you.” Nope. He was going to have a beer or six, get really, really drunk, and possibly rant like a howler monkey alone in his bedroom tonight.

  “Well, now there’s no reason for you not to take me up on that job offer.”

  “We’ll see.” He didn’t know, still.

  “What do you mean, we’ll see? Why are you resisting this so hard?” Coach drove into a parking garage, stopping to grab the ticket from the machine.

  “I don’t know if I can deal with the water and stuff.”

  “You mean being at the pool and not being the swimmer?”


  They parked, and Justin slipped out of the car. He’d lost his job. He’d. Lost. His. Job.

  Coach came to the passenger side of the car and put an arm around Justin’s shoulders. “Come with me on Saturday and we’ll see how you do. The kids would be thrilled to have you there.”

  “Maybe. I don’t have plans.”

  “I’m still trying to talk you into making plans to move into my place.” They entered the restaurant, where the air was cool and Japanese music played softly over the speakers.

  “Oh, this is pretty.” Calming. Probably what Justin needed right now, as he’d just called his boss an asshat and quit!

  “It is. I wanted someplace to woo you.”

  The hostess came over and welcomed them before showing them to a table in the window, affording them a view of the street.

  He’d quit his job. “Woo me?”

  “Talk you into moving in with me, into working with me, into being my boy.”

  “I…. What did you do today?”

  “Cleared out two drawers in my dresser and some room in my closet.”

  Oh. Oh, Coach did want him there. If only he knew for sure what to do.

  “I found a couple of cooking courses running in the evenings too. I thought we could do the first one together.”

  “A cooking class?” Him?

  “Yeah. It’s about time we knew how to make more than whatever we can dial up.”

  Justin didn’t know about that. Still, it would be something to try.

  Their waitress came, and Coach ordered for both of them. “The sushi platter for two, please, and a couple glasses of water.”


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