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Page 10

by Sean Michael

  “Don’t.” Justin drew away, curling in on himself.

  “We still have to talk about punishments for not following the rules.” Chris pinched a couple more times.

  Justin shook his head, grasped his wrists. “No punishments.”

  “Are you going to follow all the rules all the time, Justin?”

  “I….” Justin’s head shook.

  “So we need punishments. And rewards. Just add no drinking and nips always to be beautiful, red, and swollen to the list of rules first.”

  “No drinking?”

  “I’ll make exceptions sometimes, but no. No drinking.”

  “Why not? Nobody cares if I do. I don’t drive when I’m buzzed.” Justin scribbled on the paper, and Chris could see the outline of the man’s hard prick in his shorts.

  “Because you don’t need to be buzzed on booze.”

  “I like drinking. I like how it numbs things.”

  “That’s why you’re not doing it anymore. I don’t want things numb. I want you here and focused.” He wanted his boy feeling everything, so in his own skin it was nearly unbearable. “Anything else we should add to the rule list before we talk about rewards and punishments?” He slid his hand down to cup Justin’s ass, though he wanted that hard prick.

  “I get to break the rules whenever I want?”

  Oh no. “Nice try, babe. But no.”

  “This whole thing….” Turned Justin on. Even if he wouldn’t admit it.

  “Is sexy. I know.” Before Justin could even think to protest, Chris put his hand over that hard, needy prick.

  “Hey.” Justin rolled up, drove into his touch.

  How many things could they try? How far could they go together? Chris wrapped his fingers around Justin’s heat. “So? No more rules for today?”

  “What else do you want?”

  “You’ll have to take those cooking lessons. Supper will be your bailiwick, but I don’t know if we need to make it a rule.”

  “I know how to order pizza.”

  Chris chuckled. “Man cannot live on pizza alone.” He wasn’t sure Justin believed him. His boy would learn. He glanced at the list again. “Is there anything you want to see on the rules list?”

  “Seriously?” Justin gazed at him, eyes suddenly young. “I want in the pool every day.”

  If he hadn’t been in love before, Chris would have been now. “Write it down. An hour of pool time every day.”

  “And you can’t take it away?”

  Chris considered that and then nodded. “I can’t take it. No punishment or test or anything will remove your hour of swimming. Nothing but, say, a freak blizzard or something unavoidable like that.”

  “Okay. Cool. That’s what I want. I just… man, yesterday and today were so good.”

  “You looked amazing out there. Like you’d truly come home.” And no way would he take that away from Justin. He’d do everything he could to make sure Justin got that hour every single day, no matter what else was going on or happening. “Which brings us to rewards.”

  Justin actually relaxed against him. “That sounds fun.”

  He grinned. “That’s the idea. You have any suggestions?”

  “I want to hear yours.”

  “Off the top of my head…. More pool time. Dinner ordered in instead of cooked by you. Blow job. Afternoon of movies.”


  Oh, that would be amazing. To dance with his boy. “Yes. Write them all down. Add massage, evening of rule relaxation, and hand jobs.”

  “Pancakes!” Justin laughed for him.

  “I’m only putting them down if they’re midnight pancakes.” This was more fun than he’d thought it would be.

  “I love midnight pancakes.” Justin wrote them down and added “go to the beach.”

  They were getting a great list going. “Like the rules list, this one can grow and change as we want.”

  Justin actually nodded for him.

  “You ready for the last list, babe?”


  That made him chuckle, squeeze his boy close. He tilted Justin’s head and began kissing him again, hand fondling Justin’s hard prick through his sweats. He wanted to know whether the punishments turned his boy on or not.

  “Spanking always makes a good punishment.” He whispered the words into Justin’s ear.

  “No spanking.” That pretty cock lurched. Bingo.

  “It’s a punishment, babe. You’re going to say no to all of them.” He squeezed Justin’s prick. “Put it on the list.”

  Justin’s hand shook, but he scribbled the word down.

  “What else…?” Would Justin come up with any suggestions of his own?

  “I don’t know. I’m not good at this.”

  “Careful, Justin. No running yourself down.”

  “If it’s true, then it’s not running myself down.”

  “You haven’t even tried, though. And who should know what a punishment for you would be better than you do?”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Do it anyway. Just one. I can come up with the rest.”

  Justin was going to help him every evening, though, decide what punishments were deserved for the day, what rewards.

  “I…. You used to make me run laps?”

  He nodded. “That works. We’re going to be swimming every day anyway, so we can add going to the track on the days we need to.”

  He pointed to the paper and then tweaked one of Justin’s nipples through his shirt. “Hiding these will get them clamped.”

  “No touching.” Justin arched.

  “That’s not a rule. Write down the punishment on the list, babe.”

  “Uh-huh.” Justin did it, grudgingly.

  “What else…?” He rubbed Justin’s prick with one hand, the other pinching a pretty nipple.

  “I don’t know….” Justin curled away from him again.

  He tugged Justin back in. “We can start with the laps, the spanking, and the nipple clamps, and add things if we need to.” He thought maybe his boy would respond best to punishments that fit the crime. “So, we start tomorrow. Do you want to go through punishments and rewards in the mornings or evenings?”

  “Go through?”

  “Yeah. I think it would benefit us if every morning, or every evening, we revisit the day and decide what punishments and what rewards are to be doled out.”

  “Night, I guess. I don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t know that I want to be in a place where I have to worry about that.”

  “Cool. We can have fun every evening going over our day.” He kissed Justin’s temple. “We’ll start tomorrow.”

  Justin nodded, teeth worrying his bottom lip, digging in.

  Chris reached out and put his finger on the abused lip, tugged it from Justin’s teeth. “You have something you want to add?”

  “No. I just…. What about you? You have to have rules too.” Justin stared at him, so serious. “It’s only fair.”

  “And what would you suggest?” This was a very interesting turn of events.

  “No random inventing rules and no slapping. No seeing other people, and… we have to respect each other.”

  “No slapping?”

  “No slapping.” Justin seemed very sure. “I won’t let anyone slap my face. If you want to fight, we’ll fight.”

  Chris blinked several times. It had never occurred to him to slap Justin. A low growl worked its way out of his throat. “Who slapped you?”

  “I had a guy, back when we were swimming—one of the other guys. He did, when he was pissed. I hated it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He wanted to wring the guy’s neck, and he didn’t even know who it was. “Nobody touches my boy.”

  “I was scared. I was… hoping that he’d like me, I guess? I was young.”

  “I won’t be slapping you. And neither will anyone else. I’m not interested in anyone else. And I do respect you. And new rules can be added during our discussion of the day, bu
t not just whenever.”

  “Thank you.” Justin leaned in, put the paper aside. “Can I just stay here a second?”

  “Longer than a second. I’m hoping for a quickie before the food gets here.”

  Justin chuckled, stayed close, obviously needing Chris, needing comfort. He ran his hand along Justin’s back, then up under Justin’s T-shirt.

  “Coach.” Justin’s head rested on his shoulder

  “Yeah, babe?” He drew his hands around to tweak Justin’s beautiful little nips.

  “Hey!” Justin pressed their chests together.

  “I love your nips. I love playing with them.” He forced his hand between them and pinched again.

  “They ache.” Justin bit his shoulder.

  “Good.” He bit back, teeth worrying the skin of Justin’s neck.

  Justin jerked against him, cock still so hard in the soft sweats.

  “Fuck, you’re delicious.” Chris hummed. “Take your shirt off for me. Lean back and show me your nipples.”

  He wanted Justin to ask for it. To ask for more.

  “What?” Justin was in constant motion, sliding on his thighs.

  “I know you heard me.”

  “Yeah, but….”

  “No, we’ll get to your butt later.” He couldn’t resist the gentle tease. “For now, just take your shirt off and show me those nipples.”

  “They look just like they did earlier.” But he took off the shirt, exposing his broad chest with its sprinkling of hair.

  “I like looking at them. You’re a sexy man, Justin.” He reached out and flicked one of the little bits of flesh.

  Justin tried to curl away, but Chris stopped the motion, arching Justin more. He licked his lips, the urge to worry those sweet tits with his teeth undeniable. Leaning in, he attacked the right one first. He bit it, then began sucking hard.

  “Fuck….” Justin’s voice was rough.

  Chris rolled the tight nipple between his teeth, yanked on it. Slapping it with his tongue, he nibbled the base before dragging his teeth up the tiny hard point. Justin cried out, ass rocking hard on Chris’s thighs. He needed to plug that sweet hole, let Justin’s rocking do some extra work. A nice medium-sized plug, one that would work Justin’s gland.

  He let go of Justin’s nipple and gazed into his boy’s face. “I want you to go into the bedroom. The second dresser drawer from the bottom has some toys. I want you to bring me a plug and the lube.”

  Justin’s eyes went huge, wide.

  He tapped Justin’s ass lightly. “Now, babe.”

  “There’s food coming.”

  “And I’ll get the door when it comes. I think you’ll find the plug will enhance your dining experience.” It was going to enhance everything.

  Justin stared at him for a long moment, then disappeared.

  Which plug would Justin bring back with him? The smallest of them? The largest?

  “Jesus Christ! How many pervy things do you have?”

  He put his head back and laughed. “A few. We’ll have to go shopping together one day soon.”

  “You know… that’s probably illegal. I mean, there’s stuff in this drawer that is insane!” Good thing he wasn’t close to his neighbors, the way Justin was yelling.

  “Bring out the most insane item along with the plug.” He’d believed in the pit of his belly that his sub would come—his lover, his partner—and he’d prepared, gotten the things he wanted to try. And now they’d begin together. He couldn’t wait to see what Justin brought him.

  One of the plugs that looked like a triple scoop of ice cream was tossed in his lap, along with his box of medical sounds. “I mean, needles? Who are you poking? Who have you put those in? And the plugs? Are they clean?”

  He wasn’t going to crack up. He wasn’t.

  “Of course they’re clean. I clean them even if they’re right out of the box. And these aren’t needles, babe.” He opened the box and took out one of the thinner sounds. “Though they do go into your body.”

  “They don’t go into my body.” Justin stayed out of reach.

  “They will.” He made a come-here motion with his hand. “Come sit. You did bring the slick, right?”

  “Uh-huh.” Justin didn’t move closer, though.

  “Then come here. I won’t bite, babe. At least not that hard.”

  Justin came to him, all nerves and need. He sank his fingers into Justin’s hair and tugged him down for a hard kiss. Justin’s cry was sweet, his hands on Chris’s chest better.

  He dragged Justin right down. The sounds could wait, but he wanted that ass plugged before their food arrived. He managed to get Justin facedown over his lap. Oh, fuck. How hot was that? It was easy enough from there to tug the shorts down below Justin’s ass. He rubbed the plug over it, slid it along Justin’s crack.


  “Yeah, Justin?” He opened the bottle of slick.

  “I want up.”

  Oh, not yet. “Once the plug is in.” He put the latex on Justin’s back and rubbed his slick fingers along the hot crack.

  Justin’s ass clenched, trying to keep him out.

  “This’ll be good, babe. I promise.” He kept teasing his finger along the same path.

  “I….” If Justin hadn’t wanted this, he would have chosen a small one.

  “It’s me. Let me in.”

  “It’s you.” Justin took a deep, deep breath, then sighed, relaxed.

  “That’s it, babe.” He stroked over Justin’s hole a few times and then gently worked a single finger into the tight heat.

  Justin moaned, shifted on his lap.

  “Food will be a whole new experience with the plug inside you.” He fucked Justin with just the one finger.

  “In me? For how long?”

  “At least as long as it takes us to eat.” Though really, wasn’t plugged how every day should start?

  He’d love to watch Justin in the pool, full, stroking. Groaning, he shoved a second finger in with the first. Justin’s grunt was delicious, as was the way his boy arched up, pressed back against him. He sent his fingers in deep, searching out Justin’s gland. Justin’s ass clenched, rippled around his fingers, and a sharp cry sounded as he found the flat gland.

  “There we go.” He kept touching that little spot deep inside Justin.

  “Oh God….” Justin’s hands wrapped around Chris’s leg, body beginning to soften, open, need him.

  “Yes.” He pressed another finger in, using three now to open Justin up.

  Chris could see the reaction all over his swimmer’s skin. Stunning. His boy was stunning. He spread his fingers wide, stretching.

  “Coach!” Justin’s thighs opened wide.

  “Right here, babe. Right here.” He hit Justin’s gland again.

  Someone wasn’t worrying about the plug or the rules or the food anymore. He fingerfucked Justin for a while, giving his boy as much pleasure as he could. Justin moaned, hips shuddering, shaking, cock driving down against him.

  He snatched up the plug and managed to lube it one-handed. The first section would go in easy. He let his fingers slide away and pressed the head of the plug against Justin’s hole. “Just let it happen.”


  He didn’t think Justin even knew what he was begging for.

  He pushed gently, let that round head stretch Justin. Justin cried out, jerked, took more in. Moaning, he kept pushing. The tiny ring stretched for him. He thrust in harder, filling that beautiful ass. The widest part went in and then the little hole squeezed. Only two to go.

  He lubed the next ball up and began to push again. With his free hand, he drew little circles in the small of Justin’s back.

  “It’s big.” And Justin would take it, every inch.

  “It’ll fit. It’ll fit perfectly.” He shoved the second segment in. One left, this one bigger.

  “Is it in?”

  “One more segment to go, babe. You’re doing great.”

  “It won’t fit.”

sp; “Trust me, it will.”

  “You’re sure?” Justin was rocking, pushing back into his touch.

  “I’m sure.” He let Justin’s own movements take the rest of the plug in.

  When the widest part of the plug spread Justin, his boy bucked, hand pushing between them.

  “What are you doing?” Chris grasped Justin’s hand to keep him from touching himself.

  “It’s caught. I’m hard. Fuck.”

  “Easy. I know you’re hard. We’ll deal with that once this is properly seated.”

  “I’m caught in my shorts.”

  “Just relax and let me finish this.” He shoved the plug the rest of the way in, Justin’s body almost snapping around the base.

  Justin cried out, rolled off Chris’s lap, and landed on his hands and knees on the floor.

  “Hey, hey.” He put his hands on Justin, easing his boy. “Careful. You have to trust me.”

  Justin leaned up into his lap. “It’s big.”

  “You chose it, babe.” He helped Justin untangle himself from his shorts.

  “I didn’t know.”

  “It was the one that drew you.” He helped Justin sit next to him, knowing that plug was shifting inside his boy with the slightest movements.

  Justin tried to stand.

  “No, you can stay with me.” He let his hand brush the hard, needy prick.

  Justin shook, arched into his touch.

  He wrapped his hand around Justin’s cock and moved slowly. “No? You don’t want this?”

  “I….” Justin groaned, legs spreading.

  “I’ve got you, babe. That’s all that matters.” He kept moving slowly, not wanting Justin to tip over too quickly—let that sweet ass work the plug, feel how good it was to have inside.

  If he timed it right, he could keep Justin needing, aroused, all through supper, then let Justin explode.

  The doorbell rang, and he let go of Justin’s prick, setting his boy next to him. “Don’t move, and don’t you dare touch yourself.”

  “Don’t let them see me?”

  “They can’t from the door, I promise.”

  He kissed the side of Justin’s mouth and went to the door to pay for their feast, adding a good tip for the delivery guy. It wasn’t long at all before he returned to the living room. Justin was curled on the sofa, leaning on one hip.


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