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Page 14

by Sean Michael

“Now we’ve made sure your sweet nips are nice and swollen. We’ve dealt with the punishments. What comes next?”

  “The rewards?” That sounded better.

  “Yes. That’s our routine. Make sure your nips are good and swollen, punishments, rewards from the day before.”

  “Okay….” Okay, rewards.

  “Yes. I think you deserve one. You did well yesterday.”

  “Thank you, Coach.”

  “What do you think would be an appropriate reward?”

  “I…. What are the rewards?” They had listed some, Justin remembered, but this whole thing was so new.

  “Well, really, that’s up to us. For some people, it would be more spanking.” Coach’s eyes were twinkling.

  “But that was the punishment.”

  Coach’s hand landed on his butt again, just tapping, warm. “But for some people it’s also the reward.” Chris tapped Justin’s ass again.

  “Not sane people.” His breath came a little faster.

  “No? You don’t think so?” Two more gentle swats followed, really beginning to warm him.

  He moaned, his entire body supported by Coach.

  “I think it’s feeling pretty good to you right now.” Coach’s voice was low, soft, that hand still working him. Justin’s lips were on Coach’s throat, the gentle heat and ache so sexual, sensual. “You think I should stop, babe?”

  “You’ll let it just feel good?”

  “It’s a reward, babe. Of course it’s going to be good.”

  “Okay.” Justin let his eyes drift closed.

  It did feel good too, the constant, slow…. He didn’t even think you could call it spanking. He went with it, though, rocking, moaning deep in his chest. His ass got hotter and hotter, the burn building slowly.

  “Love you, J. So much.”

  “Coach….” Oh fuck. Fuck, more.

  “Mmm.” Coach didn’t stop, just kept swatting him lightly, over and over.

  His poor prick began to fill again. Crazy. Crazy. No one could come so much.

  “Mmm. A good reward, isn’t it?”

  Justin nodded. Yes. Fuck. Groaning, Coach kept it up, the heat incredible now.

  “Please. Please, I don’t know what to do, Coach.”

  “How does it feel, babe?”


  “And you like it.”

  He didn’t answer. He couldn’t.

  “You should come. You should rub off against me and come.”

  “Again?” He already had, twice.


  “Coach… I’m gonna hurt my balls.” He felt like a teenager, coming over and over.

  “Don’t worry about your balls.”

  The taps were still happening, and he found himself gasping for air, the room spinning. Coach’s breath warmed his face, soft lips pressed over his skin.

  “Please. Please. Help me.”

  “Come on, babe. Come for me one more time.”

  “One more….” Justin sobbed softly, their lips meeting.

  Coach’s tongue slid into his mouth while rubbing a finger against his hole. Heat spread between them, and Justin sobbed, totally exhausted.

  “I’ve got you, babe. I’ve so got you.”

  Coach eased Justin back onto the mattress, held him, covered him. “Mmm. See? Spanking isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

  Justin didn’t answer. He curled in against Coach, trying to remember how to breathe.

  “You’re amazing, Justin. Simply amazing.” Coach wrapped around him like a heated blanket.

  They rested together, dark and safe. Close.

  Chapter Twelve

  “COME ON, Just. Put on your glad rags. We’re going out.”

  It had been a great week—Justin working with him, swimming. A grand first week together, and Chris felt like celebrating.

  “Out? Okay. Like jeans and T-shirt out or khakis and button-down out?”

  “Khakis and button-down out. We’re going to the Lumiere.” He was pulling out all the stops.

  “Oh, man. For real? Steaks and lobster?”

  “Yep. We’re celebrating.”

  “Celebrating what?” Justin stripped off his shirt and opened his jeans, exposing that flat, ripped belly.

  “Your first week at work, our first week as a couple.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s cool.” Justin wriggled out of his jeans, popped them in the dirty clothes pile.

  “Mmm.” Damn, but Justin had a sweet body.

  Justin snagged the deodorant, checked his stubble in the mirror.

  “I like it.” He stepped up behind Justin and stroked one rough cheek.

  “I do too.” He leaned in, rubbed Chris’s palm.

  “Mmm.” He rubbed up against Justin’s ass, his prick beginning to firm up.

  “That’s my butt.”

  Yes, yes, he knew. He appreciated it too, sort of bone-deep. “Uh-huh.” He slid his hands down to Justin’s hips, drew Justin back against him. He’d never had the opportunity to look at his boy like that—covered with a dusting of blond hair, fuzzy and cut. “Gorgeous boy.”

  “You’re biased.”

  “So?” Wasn’t everyone?

  Justin snorted. “I guess you have a point.”

  “I do.” He rubbed his prick against Justin’s ass. One of them was overdressed.

  “This isn’t helping me get dressed, you know.” Justin was laughing at him.

  “And here I was thinking I should be getting undressed.”

  “Will they let us eat naked?”

  He laughed, bit Justin’s neck. “Somehow I don’t think so.”

  “No. No, I don’t either.” Justin shivered, and Chris could see Justin’s cock leap and jerk.

  “It’s a bit of a turn-on, though, isn’t it? Imagining doing it in public, maybe getting caught.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Maybe not, but the fantasy was there, lifting that sweet prick.

  “Not every fantasy has to work in reality for it to be a turn-on.” Chris wrapped one hand around Justin’s cock, just lightly, hefting it.

  “No?” Justin leaned back against him, smiled. “God, I love your hands.”

  “They love you too, babe.” Chris let his free one wander down to cup Justin’s balls as he tightened his hold on the long prick. He tugged a little, offering a little hint of ache, and Justin spread for him. So eager for every sensation, for that hint of kink and more. “Imagine me jacking you under the cover of the table.”

  “Coach….” Justin turned his head, brushed his lips on Chris’s jaw.

  “Yeah, J?” He lifted his head, letting Justin have his throat.

  “You smell good.” Justin moaned for him, stubble rasping.

  “Thank you. You smell like mine.”

  Justin hummed, still licking and nuzzling. Chris kept stroking the pretty cock, rubbing his own slacks-covered one against Justin’s ass. So many games he needed to play with Justin, so many wonderful things to explore. For now, it would be a quickie before they went out.

  “Do you think anyone would notice if I did it? If I got you off right there in the middle of the restaurant?” He increased the movement of his hand.

  “I’d be quiet. I’m good at that.”

  Oh fuck, yes. “Yes, you can be, can’t you?” He kept stroking, rubbing the tip of Justin’s prick. His pretty boy nodded, thighs tightening, deep red nipples drawn up. “We should do it. Tonight. I’ll make you come, and no one will know.”

  His boy shook his head, moaned.

  “We could. In between the appetizer and entrees.”

  “You’re perverse.”

  “And you love it.” He pressed his thumb into Justin’s slit. Justin jerked, went up on tiptoe, rocked. He tugged Justin back in close. “Gonna make you shoot.”

  “Uhn.” Justin’s head fell forward, throat working hard.

  “Yeah, we’re almost there now.” He worked the slit, stroking Justin, making it burn. “Can you picture it? Feeling like you do right now in a ro
omful of strangers who haven’t a clue? That waiter could come by again at any moment and catch us.”

  “Coach….” Justin shivered, swallowing hard.

  “You’re allowed to come, boy.” He squeezed a little tighter and jacked faster. He bit Justin’s earlobe, tugging hard. “Come on, babe. Show me how hot I make you.”

  “Oh God.” Justin humped up, spunk spraying over Chris’s fingers.

  That smell was fantastic, going through him and making him need. His boy leaned back, throat working, body sheened with sweat.

  “Mmm.” Chris rubbed Justin’s come into his skin.

  He loved how debauched Justin appeared like this, how open and sated. His ear was red where Chris had bitten it, and Chris smiled to see it. He rubbed the mark between his finger and thumb, loving how the simple touch made Justin’s cock jerk.

  “Mmm. Just look at you. You take my breath.”

  “You… you want me? I can feel that you’re hard.”

  “I am, and I always want you. The question is, do I want to savor the want or sate it?”

  Justin nodded. “Sometimes the ache is good, huh?”

  “It is indeed.” He loved that Justin was getting it now. Learning to need. “I’m going to wait. You need to get dressed so we can make our reservation.”

  “Okay. Okay, let me clean up. Two minutes.”

  “No more than that. I don’t want to be parted from you.”

  Justin gave him a heated, wide-eyed look.

  “Hurry, boy.”

  “Okay. Okay, sorry.” Justin ran some water, washing himself off.

  He chuckled, watching happily as Justin used a washcloth and started to get dressed, yanking on a pair of slacks, a nice shirt.

  “Mmm. You clean up well.”

  “Thanks.” Justin dressed quickly, even splashed on a little cologne.

  When his boy was done, Chris got up and went over to him, giving Justin his arm. “Shall we?”

  “Absolutely.” Justin took his offer and leaned in to kiss him. “Thank you for the invitation.”

  “It’s my pleasure, babe.”

  Smiling even more on the inside than the outside, he took his boy out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  THE FUCKING world was making him grumpy, and he left a note for Coach that he was going to swim it off. Then he’d run the silly errands they needed done and come home in a less bitchtastic mood. He jogged to the pool, sweating hard by the time he got there, showered, and dived into the water.

  By the time he was on his third set of laps, the tension and stress were gone, worked out and leaving him focused on nothing but the next turn. About then, someone cut through the water next to him, strokes strong. It didn’t take half a dozen strokes before he recognized Coach, and he smiled. Why wasn’t he surprised?

  Coach matched him for a while and then slowly fell back. He didn’t worry about it; this was his time, his place. His world. It felt good, though, knowing the man he passed in the lanes was Coach.

  By the time the whistle sounded, he was getting tired and hungry and needed a big bottle of water. He stopped without complaint.

  Coach handed over a towel and his water, grinning. “You feeling better, J?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” He sucked the water down, loose and easy in his skin.

  “You’re looking good out there.”

  “Thanks. Feels good.”

  “Real good, I bet.” Coach smiled at him.

  “Yep.” He toweled off. “How’re you?”

  “Glad to have my boy back.”

  “Back?” He caught his breath, loving the well-exercised feeling.

  “You were a bit of a growly monster this morning after your punishments and rewards.”

  “Yeah. I woke up in a bad mood, I guess. I felt… like my skin didn’t fit.” The whole punishment and reward thing was… still very uncomfortable. Very.

  “Swimming put you right, though, eh?”

  “It did.”

  “Good deal.”

  It was. Justin nodded, leaned back on his elbows.

  “You ready for your first cooking lesson today?”

  “Nope.” Not really.

  Coach grinned. “What have you got against cooking?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Nothing, I guess. I mean, I’ve never done it.”

  “So there’s every possibility you’re going to love it.”

  “I doubt it, but there’s a chance.” He loved swimming.

  “Well, if that’s going to be your attitude….”

  “Well, what? We’ve paid for the classes. We have to go.”

  “Well, if that’s your attitude, then you aren’t going to like it. You need to keep an open mind.”

  “I’m trying.” He rolled his eyes. “Besides, we’ll be together. That’s fun.”

  “Oh yes, the enthusiasm is practically rolling off you.” Coach flicked a towel at him.

  “Hey!” He shrugged. “I don’t know, man. It’s a little outside anything I know, and food… it’s like such a big deal for everyone.”

  “That’s because we all have to eat. It’s kind of like breathing.”

  “Well, I know that.” He stood up, frustrated. “I hope we get to make pizza.”

  Chris laughed. “Oh, I do love you, Justin.”

  “I know.” He stretched. “Are you…. I know we had errands. Did you want to do them together, or do you have other plans?”

  “I’m at your disposal.”

  “I like that.” Their eyes met, and they both smiled, and it felt so good. “Let’s run through the showers and head out.”

  Cooking lessons. The things he did for love. Justin shook his head at himself. Love. Yeah.

  “Works for me.” Coach reached out, fingers brushing his left nipple.

  “Hey.” They couldn’t do that, not here in the pool. “Be good.”

  “We’re the only ones here, boy.”

  “Still, it’s not cool.”

  “I’m easy.” Coach headed toward the change room, towel hanging off one shoulder.

  “I’ve heard that about you.” He couldn’t help the tease.

  Coach put his head back and laughed. Justin stopped, watched. Yeah. Stupid in love. That was him.

  Turning around, Coach tilted his head. “You coming, Just?”

  “Uh-huh.” He couldn’t be positive, but he thought Coach’s smile was rather knowing.

  “Grinning at me. We have shit to do. Go get cleaned up.”

  Coach nodded. “You go get cleaned up. You were swimming longer than me. Probably have chlorine in your veins.”

  “If I’m lucky.” Justin grinned. That would be him, if he was a superhero. Chlorine Man.

  That had Coach laughing again as he stripped out of his swimming trunks and headed for the showers.

  Cooking classes. Him. Wow. Good thing he loved the weird son of a bitch.

  THE COOKING class had been fun. Justin hadn’t admitted it yet, but Chris could tell. Then they’d gone shopping, teasing as they’d picked up the ingredients for the spaghetti Bolognese they’d learned to make that afternoon.

  Justin was fixing it for supper. Chris was in the kitchen for moral support alone. And because Justin was fucking sexy in an apron.

  His boy wasn’t stupid and loved a challenge. And eating. He had a hunch once Justin had a few meals under his belt, he wasn’t going to want to have pizza unless it was homemade. He hoped so anyway. Justin preparing supper was in the rules now.

  Chris knew Justin wasn’t getting it, not yet, but it would come. It had to.

  “You want me to set the table for you tonight?”

  “I guess so, sure. That would be cool.” Justin seemed nervous, staring at all the ingredients. “You sure you want this? You just tasted it earlier. I could order something.”

  He chuckled. “The point is, you’re learning to cook so we don’t have to order. Make the spaghetti.” He figured if worse came to worst, they could just eat the spaghetti with butter.

Justin flipped him off, but it was playful, teasing, and he hustled Chris out of the kitchen.

  “You don’t want moral support? How about immoral support?”

  “Out. You’ll tease me.”

  “Would I do that?” He went, though, because yeah, he would.

  “You’re an ass. You so would.”

  “I have an ass,” Chris called back, laughing as he settled in the living room. Man, it was hard not watching, not being there. Boring too.

  Part of this was spending time with Justin. Talking. Watching. He’d give Justin five minutes to get his bearings, and then he’d join his lover in the kitchen. This sitting in the living room alone wasn’t any fun.

  He must have glanced at his watch twenty times before five minutes had passed. Finally, though, he was able to get up and head back into the kitchen. It actually smelled pretty good, Justin methodically going through notes, repeating the steps from class. Of course they might not eat until tomorrow….

  Chris didn’t tease, though. The time would come when he would. Probably soon.

  “I thought you were going to sit in the living room.” Justin was crumbling up the meat.

  “I got bored. No teasing, I promise.”

  “Okay. I’m following the recipe.” And quite carefully too.

  “It smells good,” he offered, because it did.

  “You think so?”

  “Don’t you?”

  Justin almost smiled. “Yeah.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. It smells like spaghetti.”

  “Well, given that’s what I’m supposed to be cooking, that’s cool.”

  Chris chuckled. “You look good, like you know what you’re doing.”

  “Thank you.” He got a smile, warm, almost happy. “Do you want to make a salad?”

  “Was that on the recipe cards?” Okay, so he couldn’t wait until later to tease.

  “No, but we like salad.”

  He chuckled, going to the fridge. They’d bought one of those packages that had all the stuff in it for making Caesar salad.

  Justin put the lid on the sauce and checked the pasta water. It was fucking sexy, watching Justin cook. He wasn’t confident, but he managed. Paying attention. Trying. Chris didn’t think it would be long before Justin was good at this.

  Chris found the salad bag and then a bowl from the cupboard.


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