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Men of Steel (Book 1)

Page 4

by Fields, MJ

  Oh.. oh..desire, I looked down and well that didn't help either, even more desire. I closed my eyes again, hiding, yes like a two year old would when they wanted to be invisible, and it worked. Well it would have worked if the kissing did not start again. I would love to blame that on Jase, but it was all me. I must have been out of my mind because I was kissing him hard, really hard. Using my own tongue to taste him, not just a slow dance swaying back and forth, but the freaking Rumba.

  When he groaned and pulled me hard into him I gasped, causing him to step back and then he smiled down at me, “Damn Carly.”

  “Damn,” I whispered, stepped away, and turned my back to him needing space, air, a moment to let it sink in that I had just experienced my first kiss.

  Swooning, yes that word always used in those books, damn book club. SWOONING. No need to look that one up I was pretty sure I understood completely right now. And I liked swooning.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered from behind me.

  I shook my head yes, “Swooning.” Oh crap, crap, crap, crap that was my out loud voice.

  “Swooning?” Jase laughed, and I turned around and smiled facing him like a big girl. I looked down in an attempt to hide my embarrassment, yep right at it.

  His eyes followed mine, “Sorry about that.”

  His face was turning red, Jase was embarrassed. “I don’t think I would be sorry about that. The average penis is five and a half to six inches and well I would dare guess that yours is…”

  He laughed, loudly, and I blushed and smiled, “You make me laugh.”

  “Thanks, I think,” I could not stop smiling.

  “Damn your lips are so red right now,” he smiled broadly and his dimple winked at me. Yes, it winked, it’s my story, and I am sure that’s what it did, “Swollen.”

  Now this made me giggle and glance down, damn it I did it again and he caught me.

  He took my hand and started to walk towards my house, “Did you learn that at the book club?”

  “Yes as a matter of fact I did,” I giggled.

  “I am seriously thinking of joining one.”

  His smile was amazing, I don’t think I could ever look away from it without immediately wishing I hadn’t.

  “Can I ask you something Carly?”

  “Of course,” seriously your tongue was just in my mouth now you get bashful?

  “Did you enjoy his kiss?”

  “Do you mean the bird peck on my lips for less than two second?”

  “Yay, okay,” we smiled at each other.

  “I liked yours.”

  “I loved yours, even better than I have been imagining.”

  This made me smile, which made him hug me, which made me look up at him, which made our lips touch, and our tongues dance and …wow. I really, really, liked kissing him.

  We were disrupted by honking horns and the yelling of guys driving by. He pulled back, I didn’t and then he kissed my nose softly, “PDA.”

  “Not as bad as I thought it would be,” I pushed myself up on my toes and kissed his nose.


  We stood looking at each other for awhile, and his hand gently rubbed up and down my spine sending shivers everywhere.

  “I should get you home, it’s late.”

  It took a minute to pry my eyes from his, “Alright.”

  He took my hand, and we walked silently to the end of my road. My dads house was only three down on the left.

  “I really had fun tonight,” he kissed my cheek.

  “Me too,” I laughed, “Except for the whole crazy ex thing.”

  “How the hell did I forget that?” Jase laughed and looked at me, “Oh now I see how.”

  “Such a sweet boy.”

  “ Boy?” dimple winked stomach flipped damn he is hot! “ I have to work at the shop until nine tomorrow. After that, I would like to take you on a real date.”

  “I would love that.”

  He kissed me again, like the first kiss we shared. Sweet, soft, and gently. Not at all a disappointment but that smooth steel on my tongue trick. I liked that, a lot!

  He smiled as he watched me. I really hope he is not a mind reader, “Goodnight Carly.”

  “Goodnight Jase.”

  I floated down the street, through the front door, jumped over the rat terrier who tried to bit my ankle. I floated up the stairs and to my bed which I was sure I was floating over as well. On clouds, not like the exorcist that would just freak me out.

  My phone chimed disrupting the floating, and I grabbed it and sat on my bed.

  -You are in safe and sound…J

  -I am …C


  -Very good…C

  -You make me smile…J

  This of course made me smile.

  -You still there?

  -I am, are you?

  Seriously are you? Of course he was.

  -Are you sure you're there Carly…J

  -Are you picking on me…C

  -Yay a little…J

  -I deserved it…C

  -You deserve a lot of things Carly…J

  -awe shucks Jase, you make me smile…C

  - Tomorrow night?...J


  -Sweet dreams…J

  - You too..C


  Abe decided that we should hang out. We went to the mall for awhile and looked at sneakers for at least an hour before he decided he did not like any of them. Josh looked for an hour and a half at boards and finally decided he did not really need one. You know how guys pick on girls about shopping? Well I think they have gotten it all wrong. I was bored out of my mind walking around inside the last board store we went to.

  I sat on the bench and decided to play with my phone. Prince Albert? I wonder what he had to do with Pam and Jase. So I googled him. The search brought up Monaco, Tobacco, and two different Prince Albert’s.

  I was not one to play games in a relationship, I laughed to myself because I had never been in one. I am not even sure this was one. Regardless I was curious, so I text Jase.

  -Curious about Pam’s fascination with Prince Albert….C

  -Oh yay! Good afternoon Carly..J

  -Oh I probably should have started with that, Good Afternoon Jase. I am bored at the mall and was curious what your ex girlfriends fascination is with Prince Albert, (Is that better)…C

  -I would like to hear what you think first…J

  -I googled it, Prince Albert in a can?...C

  -I think your getting a little ahead of yourself there baby…J

  -WHAT??? I don’t understand….C

  -Prince Albert in the can takes a little preparation, not something you can just dive into. But I like the way you think…J

  -Did I miss something? I am very confused by this conversation…C

  -Hey Carly I am a little busy right now and if this conversation continues I will be “crowning” any minute. Can I get back to you in like thirty minutes…J

  -Sure wouldn’t want you to put my name on someone's ass…C

  -Lots of ass talk today…J


  -See you tonight?...J

  -Looking forward to it…C

  I shoved my phone in my bag just in time.

  “Let’s go have lunch,” Abe pulled me up off the bench


  We sat at a picnic table on the beach. We were further down the boardwalk than I had been before. Not as fancy and definitely more colorful. I liked it.

  Abe was texting on his phone while I ate the best bean salad I had ever had. Black beans, Kidney beans and Cannellini beans mixed with red, yellow, and orange peppers and corn. My God it was amazing.

  “Did you here me?” Abe snapped his finger in front of my face.

  I finished admiring the tasty goodness in my mouth and swallowed, “Sorry, that is the best!”

  “Yay sure Carly, thank God you are not sleeping at our house tonight you’d stink up the place?”

  “Seriously Abe?” I laughed, “I tole
rate beans just fine thanks.”

  “My friend Jase has a shop half a block down, well his family does. We should go say hi,” Abe took my empty container from me. I grabbed my phone and texted quickly

  -WARNING!!! Abe is bringing me to your shop!!!...C

  -Warning? …J

  - Well he doesn’t know, he doesn’t does he?...C

  - No, But I am not hiding it…J

  -Please wait until we discuss this. I feel bad enough sneaking around behind my fathers back…C

  -We will talk tonight, see you in a few minutes…J


  We walked down the boardwalk and Abe opened the door. I looked up at the sign, “Forever Steel”, pretty cool name.

  I walked in and looked around. The room itself was amazing, the outside certainly did not match the contemporary beauty that now surrounded me. The white walls displayed thin black framed works of art that were lit with track lighting. Not pictures of tattoos but art. I slowly walked across the concrete floor stopping at each picture.

  The first wall was full of black and white photos, beautiful photos of people and places. Unbelievable how the artist caught stolen glances, private moments, and older buildings that no doubt told stories of history and life.

  “Hey let's go,” Abe nudged me.

  “You go ahead. I want to check this out,” I walked towards the next wall.

  The work on this wall held paintings that sang. Each showcased an instrument or a stage. I noticed one in particular of a man wearing a fedora and playing a saxophone. The piece had a lot of interesting shadowing I was immersed in the picture when the front door opened.

  The women in a simple light yellow sundress walked in carrying to many bags. One began to fall, and I quickly grabbed it.

  “Thank you so much doll,” she smiled, “Is anyone helping you?”

  “No, I was just admiring the art,” I looked at another wall.

  “Awe beautiful isn't it?” She saw me staring at a sculpture that set on a white lighted pedestal.

  “Stunning,” I said, and she disappeared.

  I stood holding a bag admiring the sculptures when she returned taking it out of my arms.

  “What do you think?”

  “ Twisted steel somehow made beautiful,” I said softly as I continued looking at it.

  She disappeared again, and I moved onto a wall of paintings. These were places around the world. I recognized the artists interpretation of several landmarks.

  “Tell me what you think,” the women was standing beside me.

  “Beautiful, but dark.”

  “I agree,” she pointed to the musical wall, “And these?”

  “Well the artists obviously love music,” I looked at her and smiled.

  “And the photographs?”

  “Amazing, stunning, not posed. The photographer captures moments, not just takes pictures.”

  “And this you said was twisted steel made beautiful?”

  I laughed, “I did. Do you know the artists well?”

  “Yes. The photographers name is Cyrus. The painters are Xavier and Alezandor and the…”

  “Mom,” I heard Jase’s voice from behind me I turned and saw him kiss her on each cheek, “Did you need help carrying anything in?”

  “No, actually this beautiful young appreciator of art gave me a hand. I am sorry what was your name?”

  “My name is Carly and yours?” I stuck out my hand as she pushed her glasses onto her head. I immediately noticed where Jase had gotten such beautiful eyes.

  She pulled me into a hug and kissed each cheek, “Josephina, but you can call me Joe, Carly.”

  “Alright Mom,” Jase laughed.

  Apparently she knew who I was and to avoid the awkwardness of the moment I attempted to redirect the conversation, “So the sculpture?”

  “Awe yes,” she smiled, “The twisted steel made beautiful. The artist is Jase, Jase Steel.”

  Jase rolled his eyes, “Way to pump me up Mom.”

  “Oh no, those were the beautiful Carly’s words. His brothers are the other artists. Which reminds me I have lunch for my beautiful boys. Will you be staying Carly?”

  “Umm, no. But thank you,” I smiled and she hugged me again tightly and then disappeared.

  “Twisted steel made …”

  I smiled and then pushed him gently, “ Yay.”

  I looked around making sure we were alone and stood on my tip toes and kissed him taking him by surprise.

  He smiled, “Nice. Now let me show you around before I feel the need to rub my ball all over your tongue.”

  He stuck his tongue out just enough so that the silver ball hit his top lip and he rubbed it from one side to the other, slowly. I grinned, and he laughed and walked away.

  Chapter 6

  I followed Jase through to the reception area. He looked amazing. I had never actually seen him in jeans, well, not like these at least. Resting on his hips, neatly tucked in button up shirt. Fine, fine, hinny. I smiled and looked down.

  “Carly this is Stacy, she is our receptionist,” Jase smiled as he walked past her.

  She smiled brightly and waved, she was on the phone, so I waved back.

  We walked past several rooms on the left and on the right of a long hallway, and he opened the door leading to the employee lounge, “It’s lunchtime here, come on in.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled at him briefly and the noisy room became quiet.

  “There you are Carly,” Abe grabbed my hand, “This is my cousin Carly, she is here for a couple more days then back to California.”

  “Leaving so soon?” Jase’s Mom Joe smiled at me and winked.

  “Yep, I have to start school in a few weeks,” I smiled and then winked back at her. I have no idea why I did that, I really don’t, but Jase laughed, and so did some of the other guys in the room.

  Abe looked at me, and I swear his face started to turn red. I looked at the girl with very dark makeup and stuck my hand out, “Hi, I am Carly.”

  She looked at me as if I had four heads and rolled her eyes, “Yay I got that.” She didn’t even shake my hand. I was already trying to recover from the embarrassing wink, and then I was blown off by the chic who looked like a cross between Snooki and Morticia Adams. Seriously not a good combination but I really was not going to mention that in front of this crowd.

  I took a deep breath and looked up Jase was trying not laugh, and I knew he wasn’t picking on me. Looking at him made me feel better, no, not like I wanted to jump him, well not here anyways. He made me feel like even though I just embarrassed the hell out of myself he was there with me. Like a big old invisible hug. The kind you closed your eyes and felt on the first day of school. The one your Mom gave you before you left, to save for later, when you really missed her. He made me feel that way.

  He moved closer to me, no longer across the room, reaching over me to grab something from the cupboard I was blocking. He winked and grabbed some plates. I probably should have moved, but I didn’t. I wanted him to be close to me.

  Abe looked at me curiously and then continued with the introductions, “This is Xavier, the youngest Steel.”

  “And hottest,” Xavier winked, what the hell is it with the winking, “Nice to meet you.”

  Xavier’s hair was a lighter and his eyes were not the same brown as Jase and Joe’s, they were blue. He was about the same height and build as Jase, talk about good genes. When Xavier turned around, I saw that his jeans were as nice as Jase’s.

  “You paint music?”

  “Yay, you saw those huh. What did you think?”

  “Very nice.”

  “You should hear him play. Every instrument he has painted he can play. He is a Freak,” Abe laughed and shoved him lightly, “This is ..”

  “Alezander, Sander for short,” he walked towards me. His intense eyes looked me up and down and smiled coyly and started to reach in the cupboard, and I moved quickly out of his way, and he laughed, a deep dark laugh. He kind of freaked me out which I am
sure is exactly what he was trying to do. You know how they say his eyes poured sex, or whatever they say. Maybe they don’t maybe it just me. Anyway, they did not pour sex the oozed kinky, tie you up, maybe even smack your ass a bit sex. Dirty, but not like mud and dirt, dirty, but DIRTY.

  I was trying to gather my wits, the little bastards were all over the concrete floor when the door swung open and in walked the freaking terminator. I stepped back a few steps and bumped into Jase and gasped, “Cyrus.”

  He looked me up and down very slowly and raised his eyebrow, “Sorry I don’t remember your name. I certainly wish I did. Forget it, it really doesn’t matter, when can we do it again?”

  Joe smacked him in the back of his head, “Carly her name is Carly, and she is Abe’s cousin.”

  I laughed out loud and quickly covered my mouth.

  He bent down and looked me in the eye, “Nice to meet me isn't it?”

  I rolled my eyes, and Joe laughed, “Feel free to smack him in the back of his head…”

  So I did without her even finishing her sentence. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, I yelped, and he walked out the door, down the hall, out the front door and across the road towards the water.

  I could not help but laugh, I do this when I get embarrassed.

  “You may think this is funny now, but you won't in a minute,” Cyrus walked into the water, full clothed. Just walked right in which made me laugh.

  “Can you swim?”

  “Yes but..”

  “But nothing,” he grabbed me around the waist and threw me out into the water.

  When I came up I heard Joe screaming at him in what I assume was Italian and I watched him pick her up, and I swear he was going to throw her in as well, but he set her down and kissed her on each cheek. He turned around and looked at me.


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