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Men of Steel (Book 1)

Page 6

by Fields, MJ

  He smiled, “What the hell are you thinking now?”

  I laughed, “Proper handshakes. Did it appear confident? Did it say I will definitely be up for you inking me when I come back, or that I would wuss out?”

  “A little cocky actually. Like you were saying Jase I want you to ink the hell out of me when I come for Christmas,” he tried hard not to smile.

  “Ink the hell out of me?”

  “Oh yay,” he chuckled and opened the door, “I am sure that’s what all that meant.”

  I laughed as I walked out into the hall. Hell yay I wanted him to ink the hell out of me, but why do we have to wait until Christmas? Hmm we shall see.

  “My Jeep is out back,” Jase took my hand.

  “You leaving so soon?” Joe asked as she hugged me tightly.

  “Well I asked Jase to give me a tattoo, and he refused,” I smiled at her. Joe made me feel very comfortable.

  “That’s very considerate of you Jase,” Joe smiled at him adoringly, “If you need anything Carly I will be in my room. I hope to see you before you leave.”

  “Me too,” I hugged her and kissed her like she had me, on each cheek. Kind of Sopranoish but it truly mad me feel like I was welcome in this little circle.

  Jase did the same, “See you in a bit Mom.”

  We walked through the employee lounge and everyone stopped talking.

  “I will ink you,” Zandor winked, “Jase if you cant get the job done I will.”

  Jase smiled, “You would like that huh? She is not ready yet.”

  “Since when has that bothered you?” Xavier laughed.

  “She hasn’t been inked before, and I am pretty sure after she passed out during a simple piercing she would not do well,” his voice was stern and gave warning.

  “Baby girl,” Cyrus walked over next to me intimidating as hell, “ It only hurts for a second and then you get into a rhythm.”

  Zandor laughed, “You’ll say stop and then no no no, but you wont mean it. It will just be your mind trying to over ride your desire to be inked. You’ll want to be inked over and over and over again. If it’s done properly of course, with that being said baby girl, I would be honored if I could ink you first.”

  I looked at Zandor and Cyrus both had shit at grins on their faces. I looked over at Xavier who was closing his eyes looking at the ground,, and I saw Snookticia looking at me like I was some sort of idiot. Apparently I looked at her to long.

  “Are you stupid Barbie, they are talking about your lack of experience, you know picking on you because you’re a virgin.” That pissed me off seriously pissed me off.

  “No kidding Snookticia, I was pretty damn sure they were not talking about you!” Holy shit were did my filter go?

  Everyone laughed except for her.

  “You little…”

  “Cat, out!” Jase snapped at her and pointed to the door.

  “Fuck that,”

  “You started it now go,” Jase was pissed, and she knew it. She stood and stomped out the door and slammed it.

  The room erupted in laughter and Jase looked at me and shook his head from side to side, “I need you to get you the hell out of here before you…”

  “Before she ties you up and goes all fifty shades on your ass,” Zandor laughed.

  “Have you read the book Zandor?” I asked feeling very full of myself after the Cat ordeal.

  “No, no pictures,” he chuckled.

  “Pretty interesting,” I said egging him on.

  “Okay I will bite. Lets have it,” Zandor leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms grinning.

  “If you are only interested in picture books that shows that you may lack a bit of imagination,” I smiled proud of myself, “That would tell me that although you seem confident in your ability to INK someone you probably really aren’t that good. “

  Jase and his brothers laughed loudly.

  “I don’t need a book baby girl, and I do not lack imagination. But thanks you. I find it very interesting that you have actually thought about me in that way,” Zandor winked and looked at Jase, “She is a treat. Looks kind of tasty too.”

  “I only thought about you like that for a second, which is probably all you would last in…”

  “Okay Carly let’s get you out of here,” Jase laughed and took my hand.

  “Come back soon baby girl, I want you to tell me how you think my inking skills would be,” Cyrus called after us as we walked out the door.

  Jase opened the door to his black Jeep Wrangler, and I got in. He shut the door, and I was immediately worried that I had offended him. He did not say a word as he pulled out onto the busy street. We drove for a few moments in silence until I could take it no more.

  “I am sorry if I upset you.”

  He turned left and laughed nervously, “You didn’t” was all he said.

  I looked out the window at the water wishing he would just say something.

  He pulled into one of the parking spaces in front of the beach, turned off the Jeep and turned to me, “I am not mad at you Carly.”

  “Well than why …”

  He cut me off, “I want to tell you how I feel, and it is incredible uncomfortable for me to do so just let me okay?”

  I shook my head quickly up and down and stared at him. He let out a long steady breath and sat back gripping the steering wheel.

  “I like you a lot. I like the way you smile and laugh and contrary to what you believe I love the way you seem at ease around people. My family is very intimidating, and you handle them very well. I loved all that in there. I like the way you make me feel. You are sexy and smart and you drive me out of my mind crazy.”

  I could not help but smile, and he looked over and smiled back at me.

  “ I like the way you look at me, like I make you happy.”

  “That’s because you do,” I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

  “I know, I know and that really makes me nervous.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Carly, you don’t act jealous or possessive. You don’t act like it’s annoying when we are at the beach, and I talk to my friends, or at the store when I left the room you didn’t get pissy…”


  “That’s the thing Carly. You have never had a relationship with anyone else. You don’t know what it’s like to be hurt by someone. If I hurt you I would not be okay with it….”

  “You wont hurt me,” I felt my face get hot, uncomfortable.

  “I would never want to hurt you,” Jase looked at me as if he were struggling, “I would never want you to hurt me.”

  “I wont hurt you…”

  “You are leaving…”

  “Going back to college yes.”

  “I am going nowhere,” I was confused, and he could tell, “I work at a tattoo shop Carly.”

  “You’re an artist Jase.”

  He laughed, “No not really…”

  “Does your wok make you happy?”

  “Well yay but it’s not enough.”

  “Who says?”

  He looked at me and closed his eyes, “Lots of people.”

  “Screw them, isn’t that what you said to me in there. Who cares what Vinnie thinks of me? Don’t give me advice that you would not take yourself buddy,” I smiled big hoping he would ease up.

  “You are beautiful Carly.”

  “Have you looked in the mirror?” he smiled and sat back. “Listen we can sit here all day and discuss whatever you want if that’s what you want to do. But if we are just going to sit and look out the window I should get going.” He looked strangely at me, “Don’t look at me that way, I have things to do. I have a hot date to get ready for.”

  “Yay?” he smiled and crinkled his eyes.

  “Yay,” I did the same back to him, “I need time to prepare you know. I need to blow this guys mind.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Well I am kind of hoping I can leave him wanting more, I won't be back until Christmas. I
am hoping he will still be around and still like me.”

  He smiled broadly even though I could tell he was trying to hold it back, “So what does it take to prepare for such a date and what will you do to blow his mind?”

  I smiled and looked away, Jase pulled out and then pulled my hand up and kissed it.

  “Shy girl has returned huh? No more tattoo parlor bad ass?”

  I laughed.

  “Answer my question,” he kissed my hand again.

  “Preparation, none of your business. What will I do, anything he wants.”

  “Oh yay anything?”

  I looked at his shy smile, and his eyes seemed full of hope and wonder, “I trust this guy.”

  “Good because for some reason I think he probably trusts you too.”

  “Drop me off up here. No need to do the whole meet the family thing when my Dad isn’t home. “

  “So why am I dropping you off here?” Jase asked as he pulled over.

  “Fiancée’ number three is.” I really hoped he didn’t ask questions I was not wanting to waste any more time going down that road. I looked at him bracing for it.

  He must have known, “Don’t like her?”

  “I like her dog more, and that thing tries to bite my ankle every time I walk in the door,” I laughed because it was now amusing to me.

  “I see if you ever want to talk about it…”

  I held my hand up mimicking a traffic cop, “I want to enjoy tonight. We can save that for a phone conversation when I am back home.”

  He shook his head in agreement, “Sounds great.”

  He leaned over and kissed me softly, holding one hand against my cheek, “Pick you up at eight?”

  “Or I can meet you,” I didn’t want him to meet my Dad.

  “I will pick you up right here at eight,” he was kind of insistent, normally I would argue just for the sake of arguing, just to keep him talking. He kissed me again sweetly, “Get out.”

  I laughed and did as he asked.

  I floated down the street, through the front door, jumped over the rat terrier and floated up the stairs smiling from ear to ear.

  Chapter 8

  I walked around my fathers considerable bathroom and opened the white cabinet door under her sink looking for something, anything, a clue of what women might do in preparation for a date. I didn’t need her razor, or her brush or blow dryer. I spotted something in the back a blue bottle of some sort of lotion. I read the back. Hair remover, hmm.

  I stood in the bathroom and applied as directed.. Let it sit for three minutes then shower. Sounds easy. I had watched commercials, I knew not to touch my head and avoid my eyes. I was not stupid. It smelled awful like boiled eggs. Dear God I hope that smell goes away. I start to panic and then decide why bother. If it made people smell like hard boiled eggs they would not use it right? Right. I rinsed and looked down, bare as a baby's bottom, I laughed at myself. The book club would be very disappointed in this.

  I was drying off when I felt the burn. Yes, the burn. Oh damn it. I grabbed the container. Spot test?! What the hell it’s not a damn carpet. Oh holy shit. I turned on the faucet and cupped cool water in my hand and “Oh God” I felt relief, but it quickly faded. I swear I had a ten ten on my hands or who who. I found the number and called.

  Ten minutes later I have a marinating dish with an entire gallon of milk sitting on the floor of the downstairs bathroom, and yes I was straddling it. Apparently milk helps soothe chemical reactions to skin products. I laughed thinking if by any chance Jase was close to my who who I could serve hard boiled eggs and milk, breakfast. I felt better, thank God.

  I was upstairs getting dressed when my father yelled up, “Be down in a minute Dad.” My hair looked great. No bumps on the who who. Which reminded me I should call back the very unprofessional lady on the phone who laughed hysterically when I began to panic about it being my first date with a guy I was sure I would be giving it to.(Yay nerves, pain, and panic make my mouth run even more.), and let her know I was bump free. Ha!

  I walked down stairs in a sundress and flip flops, my hair done, and make up applied, hair free, and nervous that Dad would ask questions when I heard them arguing.

  “I am sure she is not trying to kill the dog, Carly would not do that, calm down,” my Dad was telling the blubbering female in the bathroom.

  “Then why would she leave this on the floor? I swear to God there was a gallon of milk in the fridge this morning?” She sobbed, and I turned red.

  Yep Rat terrier drank the milk, in the marinating dish I forget to put away.

  They walked out into the kitchen. She was sobbing into his shirt, and he looked at me, “Carly did you leave…”

  “I really am sorry. I forgot to pick it up and I…”

  “What did you need a gallon of milk for?” she wailed.

  “Um, I soaked my feet in it. It’s good for your skin.”

  “Why not just get a pedicure?” She wailed.

  “Well I just read that it was better…”

  “Did your hippy mother tell you that?” Oh no you didn’t, my newly acquired inner tattoo parlor bitch pushed up her sleeves..

  “That’s enough,” my Dad warned her.

  “I am going out,” I started to walk away.

  “Well you better bring back some milk for my oatmeal in the morning,” she snapped.

  I stopped and turned around I opened my mouth and my Dad’s eyes pleaded for me to not say a word. I turned back around and walked out the door.

  I walked down the road and felt a bit uncomfortable but better than I did earlier. I saw Jase jump out of his jeep in khaki pants and a blue button up shirt. He smiled, and I walked a bit faster making my undies rub and yep it hurt.

  “You look amazing,” He kissed my cheek and opened the door for me.

  “You look very handsome,” I smiled and sat and buckled my seat belt.

  He got in and buckled his and then turned and looked at me, “What’s going on you look a bit tense. Nervous about the date?”

  “No, not at all. That’s the least of my worries,” I laughed, “Okay let's forget about it and go have fun.”

  He looked at me for a few seconds and then smiled, “You sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

  “Yep, let’s roll,” I leaned over and laid a loud smacking kiss on his cheek.

  “Very cool, turn on some tunes Baby,” he pointed towards the stereo.

  I turned it on, and an old song by Liz Pair played. I laughed, and he looked at me, “What’s so funny?”

  “Listen to the words Jase,” I loved this song.

  He smiled and took my hand as we drove down the road listening the song. When it ended he kissed my hand, “ I cannot wait to dance with you.”

  “You say that now but just you wait,” I laughed.

  “You dance right?”

  “Yep, ballet and tap,” I laughed, “And you?”

  “Slow and fast,” he joked.

  He pulled into a parking lot next to a store of some sort, “We are here.” He jumped out and opened my door and helped me out.

  “Tide of Time?’ I smiled as we walked up to the brick building.

  “It’s a museum or sorts. You seemed to enjoy the work at the shop I thought we could eat dinner here right here,” he pulled the keys out of his pocket and must have seen my inquisitive look, “I know the owner.”

  We walked in, and there was a table in the middle of the room. He grabbed the bouquet of lilies of the table and handed them to me and chuckled, “For you.”

  “They are beautiful Jase thank you,” could he get any better? Seriously a museum dinner just us, flowers, candles, and Jase. I was smelling the flowers lost in thought when he cleared his throat.

  “Would you like to have a seat?” he pulled my chair out.


  He sat across from me and a man in a black suit brought out two bowls full of salad, tomatoes, corn, beans, cucumbers, every vegetable you could imagine. He poured wine into
our glasses and left a carafe of water. He left the room.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Yes, it looks delicious. And the platters are beautiful,” They were made of clay a light turquoise color and glazed.

  “I am glad you like them,” Jase looked up at as the waiter walked back in with a basket of bread and two bowls of soup.

  “Will that be all?”

  “Yes thank you,” Jase smiled at him, “You can take off. I know where the kitchen is.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, have a good night Nigel.”

  “You too Jase.”

  Jase smiled at him, “Thanks.”

  “This is wonderful,” I looked around at all the photos. One wall was photos of buildings before and after Hurricane Sandy devastated the area. “Did the hurricane hurt your families business?”

  “Yay but we survived. We were very lucky.”

  “Are those photo’s Cyrus’s?” I looked at them over his shoulder.

  “Yes, he lost a lot,” Jase looked down, “But tonight is not about that.”

  “Okay. Is there a bathroom somewhere?”

  “Right over there,” Jase pointed and stood up as I was which made me laugh, “What’s so funny?”

  “You are very romantic and such a gentlemen,” I smiled noticing his face getting red.

  He chuckled nervously, “Did you expect otherwise?”

  “Well not now but I would never have guessed it when I first met you,” I smiled and walked away.

  I shut the door behind me and pulled down my pretty little lavender panties that matched my pretty push up bra. Oh no, I cannot believe this. That bitch on the phone cursed me. Seriously bumps. Good God I looked like I had some horrible STD. I lifted my dress holding it under my chin and raised my leg so my foot sat on the counter. Son of a bitch, that is one ugly, itchy burning mess. I cupped cold water in my hands and held it on me. Until it fell to the ground. Better, one more time. Oh yes much better.

  I looked at the ground that was now a puddle and then frantically searched for paper towels. Seriously there were none. I used toilet paper without even thinking. What happens to toilet paper when it gets wet? Yay normal paper disintegrated or at least the stuff we use back in California does. Probably because my Mom is a Hippy right, that rat terrier loving bitch, this is her fault. I looked down at the ground in hopes that it would deteriorate enough to flush, but this shit was plush, so it was just a big mushy mess. To plush to flush, I laughed out loud.


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