Fixated On You (Torn Series #5)

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Fixated On You (Torn Series #5) Page 9

by Pamela Ann

  “You—huh—umm, huh.” She pressed her lips together, unblinking as she soaked in the images playing before her.

  That’s it; her one minute was up. “No more of this, Emma. That’s enough.” I yanked the phone away from her and shoved it on the side table without glancing at it because I was too keen on watching Emma’s beautiful face, hoping to have an idea of what she was feeling or thinking at the moment. “Emma?”

  Her piercing blue gaze penetrated me, baring a look of something I couldn’t pinpoint. “I’m not going to lie and say that I wasn’t jealous watching that, but I admit, there’s some sick fascination to it.

  She was quite a woman, that’s all I could say. Had it been the other way around, I could only see where things would be heading—to Hell. “That’s quite brave of you, but I don’t think I could muster enough courage to watch one with you in it.” It would fuck me inside out. “I just couldn’t.”

  “Not even if it’s you and me?” she jested in a teasing tone.

  Now, this was a subject I fairly loved to participate in. “Well, if you put it that way, then I’m all for it.” Oh, the possibilities this conversation could grant me. I sure as hell would be lucky if this dream of mine came to life, HD and all.

  Emma snorted, lightly giving me a small pinch on my arm. “God, you’re so predictable.”

  “Hey now, I’m only a man; a sinner through and through.” I was grinning like a beloved puppy. “What other good news do you have? I like where this conversation is heading.”

  “Oh, yeah, I have one more,” she gleefully announced, getting my quick attention in a flash. “I’m thinking of adoption.”

  Okay, that was random. Of all the things to hook her attention to, she wanted to adopt? “Whoa, that’s a huge deal. I mean…have you weighed the responsibilities and all that entails?” This was no joke. Surely she knew that?

  Her eyes widened, twinkling with mischief. “Of course, adopting a dog isn’t a walk in the park, but I want someone to cuddle with when you’re not with me.”


  “A dog,” I laughed, shaking my head at my stupidity. Why did I think that she was talking about an actual baby? “How about you wait for me until I get back this weekend? I’d love to go with you to choose the new member of our family.”

  “Oh, so we’re family now?” she asked, considering me with scrutiny

  Not the kind of man to intimidate here, Emma. “You bet we are,” I answered, not wavering from her heated gaze. Nope, definitely not melting under the heat those magnificent orbs radiated. “We’re practically married, you know.”

  She pressed her lips together, showing a cute, tiny dimple on the side of her cheek before shaking her head like she was not getting it at all. “Damn, did I miss the memo on this? ‘Cause I don’t feel married at all.” She cocked her head to the side, taking a moment and aiming for great effect. “In fact, I don’t feel like I’m Mrs. Bass Cole.” She paused, pretending to ponder as she nodded her chin a few times before shaking her head. “Yup, still not feeling it.”

  The woman loved to provoke the animal in me, much to my fevered enjoyment. “So you want to feel it, huh?” My carnal body throbbed. Immediate ache travelled, coursing all over me, before settling on one particular, pulsating area. “Then you shall experience the very feel of me, my love. I’m not stopping until your nice, tight, little kitty is all injured, bruised and drowsy while still creaming from the way my cock ransacked it, robbing you of everything you have.” Without much forethought, my body took over, readying to charge forth.

  Emma shrieked when I yanked her silk slip, ripping it in two. “Hey—that’s La Perla—and I just bought—”

  I raised my brow, incredulous. “Didn’t you say you were my surprise present?”

  She licked her lips as her creamy breasts heaved, vying for attention. “I did, but that doesn’t mean you can just—”

  “I was just unwrapping my present.” My lust was palpable. It heightened to a combustible point when I saw what she had hidden underneath the silk wrapping. “Oooh, Emma, you’re really asking for it. Aren’t you, moro mou?” I growled, eyes locking on her sacred dwelling. I felt an instantaneous surge of undeniable hunger in my groin as I studied the small initial lettering of B on the skin atop her smooth cunny.

  “It’s henna.” The witch kindly provided the information. “It’s going to be on me for up to two weeks.”

  “Is that right?” I asked, however since I had gotten a glimpse of my initial on there, I hadn’t looked elsewhere. Men were easy to please. Things like these—though they might seem like a small gesture—meant so much more. It showed what the woman thought of us when she decided to get something such as this done. It was a woman’s way of saying I’m yours, your property, to do with as you please. It didn’t make Emma a slave because she had freely chosen to do it. Instead, she had given herself to me. It didn’t matter that it was inked in nothing more than henna—it was the thought and the reason behind it that mattered to me most.

  First, she came here as a surprise. Second, she shocked me with her new, drastically hot makeover, and now, this. How could a man handle all these lovely presents? The woman definitely knew how to drive me insane with anger, but I had to give credit where credit was due, this was a nice compensation. Quite lovely indeed, I mused.

  Slowly peeling the rest of the shredded cloth away, I revealed her breasts and her dynamite figure, all for me to feast on. My eyes lingered on her breasts before brushing my heated stare upwards, meeting those cornflower eyes of hers.

  More blood pumped south as I silently praised her sultry beauty. My eyes told her that she was beautiful. They told her how much I loved her. How honored I was to have her presence in my life.

  Since we were openly staring at each other, I moved away and started to strip right before her until I was stark naked. I then stood there, unabashed, with my rabid cock poised to charge forth; ready to be sheathed and bathed with her sweet, honeyed ambrosia.

  Emma’s passionate nature ignited my own. Her eyes were aglow with burning need as she thirsted for my exposed sex.

  Stroking my fevered shaft, I gripped the base of my dick before I took a few steps forward, about to join her on the mattress. “Lay flat on you your stomach.”

  The witch didn’t rush. She took her time and made sure that I was extra aware of her body when she exposed the heart of herself before rolling onto her stomach, wiggling her butt in the air for good measure. Had I felt playful, this would’ve been an easy laugh shared between us, but alas, I had been conquered by my body.

  I kneeled behind her right below her ass in a sort of half sitting position. Both of my palms rubbed against each supple cheek, massaging it gradually before my fingers dug into her skin, gripping it as I parted her ass before me.

  Still in my half-sitting position, my hands wrapped around her neck as I slowly lifted her upwards, gradually stretching her upper body towards me while I relentlessly rammed in and out of her cunt. With my hands still wrapped around her neck, I stretched her some more so I could lean over and whisper into her ear. “Tell me how much you like being my instrument, Emma.”

  “Don’t stop until I come,” she stuttered, heaving and panting with her eyes closed. “I love your massive size.”

  All my frustrations channeled into my thrusts, hammering them into her body as I let loose and worked my demons in and out of her pliant body. “You like it when I fuck you like this,” I stated as my body climbed towards its final completion.

  “Yes,” she yelped, fingers digging into the mattress then gripping the sheets in delirious abandon. “I can’t think of anything else other than you inside of me.”

  My ever so lovely Emma had learned how dirty talk made our lovemaking even more intense. I had trained her to know my needs as well as my wants and it hadn’t taken much time.

  “You like this fat cock, don’t you, my little slut?” I jammed my rod in and aimed to ram it against her cervix, knowing how livid her body got when it
came to feeling the rapid flash of pain it brought along with the heightened pleasure that lingered after.

  “Yes—I’m addicted to it.” Emma thrashed, sounding like an animal. “I love it. I love how it feels.” She started with her half screams, escalating into a crescendo. “I love—” She was about to lose it as she clamped on my dick so hard that I felt like she was going to cut all circulation during her orgasm. “I love you,” she yelped, riding the highs of her orgasm.

  No man could fuck her like I could. No man could satisfy her the way I pushed her body above and beyond its capability. Only me—the man she had vowed to marry—could ever bring her that electrifying, out of this world experience.

  “My love,” I groaned into her hair before I closed my eyes, thrusting like an animal for the last time.

  Ever since our engagement, spilling my seed into her body only made me yearn for one thing, a family with her. It used to be about owning her and marking my way into her body, yet now, it was so much more than that. I wanted a family. The real deal. Picket fence and all that jazz.

  “Thank you, babe.” She twisted her head to the side then kissed my cheek before I rolled off her body with closed eyes.

  Stars—twinkling, bright, glowy lights—were sparking behind my lids, the aftermath of amazing sex. Only with Emma did this ever happen. Sighing with blissful contentment, I pulled her close then settled her head on the crook of my neck while she thanked me for the wild ride before wrapping her leg and arm around me, getting ready to sleep.

  Without saying anything, I kissed her forehead and held her closer to my body.

  This is what life is about, I thought as I shut my eyes, enjoying this moment while I pondered some more. Amazing sex was also a part of it, but that wasn’t the essence of it. No. It came closer to love, I believed, but I think it was more about being a piece of everything; not a trace of hate or any of those ugly dark things brewing inside of you anywhere. Having the serenity of peace in your life made a person appreciate love. It made you fully grasp it, embrace it and become intimate with it.

  I was simply dwelling on the past hour’s events when my cell phone rang out of nowhere, pulling me out of my easygoing mood. No calls past midnight were ever good. Plus, as of late, the person that had been calling me past this hour was the culprit who was capable of ruining what I had preciously nurtured.

  Closing my eyes, I counted—One. Two. Three—before gently pulling myself away from Emma’s sleeping body. Rolling off the mattress, I snatched my phone from the chrome-mirrored table and walked towards the living room, hoping the patience I had found earlier was still in my system. “This better be important,” I snapped the second I picked up the call. I guess being patient was out of the question.

  “Don’t be so mean to me; I’m depressed.” Nikki sniffed on the other end.

  “I’m not your therapist,” I growled out, trying to calm myself down. “You need to stop calling me whenever you feel like you want to vent. Get it together, Nikki. This is getting really old.”

  She was quiet awhile before I heard her make a long sigh, and when she spoke, it was as if I didn’t say anything to her. “I can’t wait to see you next week. Do you think it’s a boy or a girl? What would you prefer? I think I would like a boy and we could name him Bass Jr.,” she happily chatted away, annoying me more.

  Placing my elbows on my knees, my hand gripped my forehead as I tried to reason with myself that this woman was pregnant, hormonal and was going through so much. Most of all, though, she could possibly be the mother of my child. I flinched at the thought because, each time I thought of babies, it was Emma who I saw carrying mine, not Nikki or any other woman. It was only Emma.

  Back to my ever present reality, I forced myself to act like a decent person and considered her question. “I haven’t really thought about it much to be honest.” Bass Jr.? Fuck.

  “Do you ever think about—”

  “No,” I cut her off, knowing where it was going to lead. “I don’t ever think about it when it concerns you. There’s nothing to think about other than this problem.”

  Nikki didn’t know when to stop, she just kept on nagging and pushing until I was out of energy to argue with her, but tonight, I was running low on steam. Besides, I merely wanted to curl next to Emma, sleep and dream of a world that didn’t consist of a woman named Nikki Pavlova.

  “Our baby isn’t a problem,” she yelled into the mouthpiece, about to lose her shit, yet again. This was a common occurrence. As I stated before, pregnancy made her psychotic-ness much, much worse.

  “It’s not mine until proven, Nikki. I understand that the other guy doesn’t want to be named, but at least give me some breathing room. You can’t expect me to be at your beck and call whenever you feel sad or lonely. I’m not your go-to person. I’m not your man—I’m not your anything. You may be in love with me, but I feel nothing towards you other than pity. You must get that through your head. I love one woman and that woman isn’t you. How many times can we dissect this using different words and a different approach? I’m fucking sick of this.”

  Nikki was whining again. “If Emma didn’t intervene…”

  “If—” I growled, not willing to hold back any longer because she was unwilling to drop the damn subject. “If I stayed with Emma and went to Dallas to film with you, I wouldn’t even bat an eyelash if you ran up to me naked. I’m not that guy that would cheat because I’m fucking horny and need a pussy to fuck; I’m not that man. If you think I’m like that, then you’re sadly mistaken. I have a beautiful woman to come home to. It’s Emma I want, not you. So, I’m begging you, leave the subject alone.”

  “Fuck off, Bass. You think Emma’s the shit. Well, guess what? She’s nothing great. I’ve met her and there’s nothing that stands out to me. What makes her so damn special, huh? She’s just another stupid bimbo you like to fuck.”

  “Do not fucking insult her!” I ground out, fuming. “I’m done speaking to you. The next time we talk, I will be contacting you. Stop. Calling. Me. Or I will report you for harassment.” My threats didn’t come empty. I’d had enough of this nonsensical madness.

  I was beyond furious when I ended the call. With Emma, I was a willing participant, yet with this one, I’d rather turn into a monk than listen to another Nikki rant, talking about herself, her career, her beauty and how this pregnancy was ruining her life.

  Enough was enough. I was going to try and be there during this whole experience, but it better be on my terms.

  No more Mr. Nice Guy.

  Chapter 13


  Emma could only stay overnight. So when she left the next day, even though I had to get back to work as well, I felt the pressing void that lingered in me because she wouldn’t be in the hotel waiting for me when I got back.

  With only three more days until I flew back home, I ordered the hotel not to change the sheets until I left for the weekend. Color me nasty, but I wanted her scent to envelope me when I was falling asleep. It was definitely official—I was becoming weird, all due to my lovely wife-to-be.

  Nevertheless, I had never been happier.

  One of the main reasons that I was coming home was Nikki’s ultrasound. I had it arranged on a Sunday, past normal hours, so that no paparazzi could get a glimpse of us. I could only imagine the kind of upheaval it would cause once it was confirmed that I could be the father of her unborn child.

  True, the extra attention bothered me some, however this was me simply being more considerate for Emma and protecting her from more hurt that the pictures could evoke. Dealing with it on a daily basis was hard enough, now sprinkle that with photographic evidence, she was going to go ballistic. Understandably so; therefore, if I had the power to lessen the pain and hurt, I’d do anything to make that happen.

  After the endless countdown, I was standing where I wanted to be.

  “Finally, I’m home,” I whistled, raking a hand through my hair before I let myself in. Dropping my weekend bag on the foyer, I lazily strol
led towards the stairs. I paused on the foot of it as I took in the sounds that were vibrating through the halls.

  Emma’s moans were so loud, one would think she was being...fucked.

  My stomach dropped at the same time that my heart started to palpitate as I ran up the stairs two at a time. I had barely caught my breath when I dashed towards my bedroom, ready to fucking kill someone, yet when I pushed the slightly ajar door fully open, I found her in the middle of the bed. She was arching her back with her legs spread wide, her eyes closed with a vibrator in her and a hand on her breast, teasing it.

  Fucking hell. I loved coming home to Emma like this.

  My cock raged as I took in the scene. Automatically, I shed off my clothing as quietly as possible. Emma didn’t even notice that someone was in the room until I captured her nipple with my finger and thumb, pulling and twisting it.

  She freaked, thinking it was another man intruding her private moment, tensing and looking like she was about to scram and scream at the same time. Then, when she finally realized that it was me interrupting her intimate session, she turned pink, possibly embarrassed that I had caught her in the middle of her erotic action.

  “Bass! I thought you’d be home tomorrow!”

  Well, had I known what my woman was getting herself into whilst I was away, I’d have at least had her let me watch sexy times.

  Licking the bottom of my lip, I let the back of my forefinger circle her areola before zeroing in on the tight rose-tip while noting how shallow her breathing had become. “I did tell you I missed, didn’t I?” I murmured as I got on my knees and joined her before spreading her legs wider until they couldn’t go any further apart. Her exposed pussy was sopping wet with traces of some white residue from her ongoing orgasm, making me want to dip my head in between her sex and taste the very heart of her.

  Emma was about to pull the vibrator out when I stopped her from doing so. “Keep that in,” I demanded as I pushed the flesh colored dick-like object into her pussy, making her shut her eyes before grunting a moan. I have a lot of plans with this toy, my love, I thought wickedly while my eyes were clearly hypnotized at the very sultry sight of her. A woman after the very heart of a man. What was not to love?


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