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Bad for Business: Mixing Business With Pleasure Book Two

Page 23

by Ace Gray

  “You’re birthday is next week!” I shrieked. “Were you planning on telling me?”

  “My birthday is always bad news. Even turning a year older upset my stepfather. I don’t really celebrate.” His shoulders sagged and it broke my heart to see him suddenly so deflated.

  “Baby…” I softened immediately. I’d have to get better at guessing those sensitive spots. “Can we celebrate together? I’d like to do something special for you.”

  He looked up from his food, unsure. “Why?” His brow knit together.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake Bryant. You know why.” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t play naive, it doesn’t suit you.” His eyes started to swirl and I figured I’d see gray filter in but instead they danced with something else.

  “You really want to go out of your way?”

  I laughed at his puzzled face. “Of course. I’d like to go ridiculously out of my way, but only if it’s okay with you.”

  He thought for a moment then nodded a slow, suspicious nod. I beamed all the same. I was sure I’d burst by the time we got back to the car, and I wasn’t sure if it was bliss or the small vanilla cone I added as we left.

  “Should we talk about Vesper now?” I asked once we were back on the road.

  “What is there to talk about?” His business mask warred with the lighter look he’d been wearing.

  “Well you own it, do I still have a job?”

  “I never signed anything. Technically you still own 100% and I only have a letter of intent to buy 20% at a price that factors in your acquisition of Nectar.”

  “Is that something you still want to do?” I tilted my head to watch his response.

  “Of course. Just like you said to your staff yesterday. This was never a personal decision. Vesper is a business I wanted a piece of and I got it. I’ve been impressed since day one, nothing’s changed there.” He sounded so matter of fact. “In all honesty, after having seeing the inner workings, I’m even more excited. I wish I owned a larger piece.”

  “What do you think of the tech proposal in its entirety?”

  “I understand why you were so frustrated with it. You have a phenomenal idea but no one to execute. Luckily, I do.”

  “It really is possible then? I’d started doubting myself. Do you think a larger role in the tech department is worth an additional percentage? And before you answer automatically, let me clarify that I’m asking you now, as my boyfriend, as someone who is looking out for my interests, not their own.”

  “I can’t help but look after your interests. That’s why I was at Vesper while you were gone. I wouldn’t let you down even if you never took me back.”

  I bit my lip, trying not to break out smiling. “Okay then…?”

  “If we do it right I think I can make 30-35% worth your while right off the bat.”

  “Done. If we’re expanding to include Nectar, I’ll have plenty on my plate.”

  “I can’t be there day to day.”

  “I know. I’m not an idiot, nor do I want a babysitter,” I said sharply and raised an eyebrow. “But you can help make guiding decisions, be a sounding board, put a proper tech team in place, help me recruit an appropriate day to day operations manager for that portion of the business.”

  “Of course I can do all those things but you’re intelligent enough to do all that on your own.”

  “Not like you.”

  “One thing I’ve realized is that you’re better at the game than me. You just didn’t have the same resources I had, nor did you have the same demons driving you. Kate, you picked something you loved, did it exceptionally well, and made it extremely special. I picked up everything I could get my hands on and kept tinkering until I got good. Then great. I wouldn’t let myself stop until I was more powerful than my stepfather.”

  Nick got lost watching the road again for a moment. I let him sit in silence. Finally, he recovered his smile.

  “You, on the other hand, are incredibly unique. You’ve never faltered, not even a misstep. You parlayed a minimal cash investment into an empire. I couldn’t have built a brand that way. Your business mind is a truly beautiful and frightening thing.”

  He was completely serious, his eyes pure and bright. I was left speechless by his sincerity rather than the compliment. I knew he wouldn’t—no, couldn’t—be lying to me. I bit my lip as I tried to process one of the most powerful businessmen in the country paying my business compliments.

  “Breathe, Sweets.”

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. “I’m just a little shocked, Nick.”

  “You shouldn’t be. You underestimate yourself. Not tons, and not frequently, but enough to be frustrating.”

  “You can be frustrating too.”

  “I’m well aware.” He grabbed my palm and kissed it again, purposely setting me at ease.

  The Manhattan skyscrapers came into view and I started chewing on my lip. We rode in silence again, though this time Nick kept a hold of my hand, squeezing harder as the blocks went by. We parked my car at my garage and were waiting for a cab when I broke the silence.

  “Are you sure they don’t hate me?“ I asked when I realized Nick had never actually answered my question.

  “What?” he stammered. “Who? Why?”

  “Jaime…Ari…Your mom…The press?” I was nauseous and it wasn’t the chili cheese fries. “I left you.”

  “No, they don’t hate you, and I told you to stop saying that.” His authoritative snarl was back. “I pushed you away. They all know, why don’t you? If anything, they hate me. Even though I didn’t cheat, and I swear to God I didn’t, they think that.” His voice got low as a cab slowed for my outstretched arm.

  “Nick, so you know, I think even then, on the street that morning, I knew you didn’t cheat.” My voice matched his. “The thought of being with someone else makes you physically ill. Or at least it does me.”

  “It turns my stomach. There could never be anyone else.” His voice was still authoritative but had become richer, warmer.

  I stared into his eyes for a moment, surprised by the vehemence of his statement. Of how deeply it resonated with me. I leaned my head against his shoulder as the cab crept towards his—no, our—apartment.

  We pulled up to One Madison and it glittered with reflections of other twinkling city lights. A warm feeling spread through me as I craned my neck to search for the penthouse. It was so familiar, so right, and when Nick pulled me into the crook of his shoulder I felt home in more ways than one.

  The only unusual thing was the lone photographer hovering by the curb. The usual blanket of press had become as natural a fixture as the glass doors or concrete curb out front.

  “Are you ready for this?” he murmured into my ear.

  “It’s one person.” I laughed.

  “Now.” His brow knit tightly. “They’ll swarm tomorrow.”

  “If I’ve got you, I don’t give a damn. And I do have you, right?”


  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  I threaded my hand through his elbow and he pulled me easily from the cab before hurrying toward the front door. The photographer only recognized a thoroughly scruffy Bryant at the last minute. The flurry of clicks and flashes appropriate for Nicholas Bryant with a girl began.

  The photog called out, “Who’s the new girl?” and to my surprise Nick stopped short.

  “Who do you think it is? It’s my girlfriend, Kate.”

  His blue eyes contradicted his sharp frown but only I noticed the contrast. Nick pushed open the door and immediately had security and the concierge cowering. I pictured how horrific he’d been to deal with in my absence. I smiled, hoping it would make a small amends.

  As soon as we were in the elevator, Nick’s frown faded and he pulled me tightly to his body. His fingers traced any spot they
could reach. Circles skated on my back, arms and even a few naughty ones tickled when his finger slid down under the waistband of my jeans.

  The soft ping of the elevator signaled the opening doors. We hadn’t even stepped out when Ari started squawking.

  “They’ve been delivering boxes here all day and you’ve been missing in action. Where did you go anyway? I know you’re having some sort of nuclear meltdown but do you have to disrupt everyone else’s life so thoroughly?” She took a gulp of air from wherever she was hollering.

  “Look Nicholas, I’m worried about you. I hate you a little bit for what you did to Kate but at the end of the day, you’re the only brother I have. I’m worried about you losing your shit so completely that the whole Bryant world goes to crap. You can’t keep freaking out like this…”

  She rounded the corner and her voice trailed off. Her face morphed, jaw falling open as her eyes practically bugged out of her head. Nick inserted himself between us as his hand fidgeted against mine. I squeezed to still him and stepped forward to burrow back into him. But neither Bryant moved. Neither dared speak. Tension kept building until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “The boxes are mine Ari.”

  “You forgave him?” She gasped. “He doesn’t deserve it!”

  “He does. You should be mad at me for walking away, for not listening.” I couldn’t help the edge of defensiveness in my voice.

  “He was here with Piper. Overnight. You shouldn’t have to listen!” She balled her fists, stomped her foot.

  “Aribella, stop!” I commanded, my tone authoritative enough to surprise both of them. “I hate to say this, because it was painful, unbearably so, but it was a giant miscommunication. I’m not mad at him, I’m mad at myself. You’re welcome to be mad at me too but you will lay off your brother.”

  All my missing confidence came barreling out at her. My chest relaxed completely for the first time since the incident in the park. Apparently, I had to lose Nick to put everything in perspective and find myself. He tightened his grasp around me.

  “Are you serious Kate?” A hint of excitement colored her voice and, in true Ari fashion, when I nodded, her words started tumbling out.

  “He was devastated without you. And horrible. He was mean and rude and harsh and a complete ass. I couldn’t stand him. I can’t believe he was with her. Why was she around anyway? Why would you forgive him? He was a jerk. Are you sure you want to take him back?” She finally took a massive breath. “I mean, I want you back, don’t get me wrong, but can he make you happy?”

  I took my eyes from her and swept up to his. They churned violently, Ari having given voice to every single one of Nick’s fears.

  “He’s the only thing that can make me happy Ari.” I didn’t take my eyes from his when I answered.

  “Thank God!” she shrieked and threw her hands around my neck even though I was still attached to her brother. “He can’t live without you. He loves you whether he ever says it or not.” She was blubbering into my ear but I shifted so I could see Nick, his eyes were back to perfect.

  “I can’t live without him either.” The words were a reply to Ari but I held his gaze so he knew they were for him.

  “Ari, lay off. I’m taking Kate to bed.” He pulled me loose from her grip and scooped me up into his arms.

  “Should I find somewhere to stay tonight?” She was only half joking.

  “Not tonight. I will be finding you a new, safe apartment tomorrow.”

  “Deal.” I caught her conspiratorial wink in my direction.

  Nick wore my favorite crooked smile just before he turned for the stairs.

  In the bedroom, he plopped me down on the bed and, before joining me, set an alarm clock. I crinkled my nose at the thought of waking up to it, but as he unbuttoned his wrinkled white shirt and exposed his chest, I forgot about mornings completely. He slipped out of his pants and I stuck out my bottom lip when he quickly pulled on sweats.

  “Are you pouting?” he questioned me as I fought a giant yawn. I smirked once I could shut my mouth. “Sweets, did you even sleep last night?” He looked down at me as he brushed a stray hair behind my ear.

  “For a few hours,” I admitted.

  “That’s what I thought.” He pulled off my jeans then folded back the covers so I could shimmy under. But new, framed photos caught my eye. They were of me from that night, not too long ago, in front of the mirror. I tiptoed over, drawn to the images.

  They were like the Patríc’s in the theater room, sensual and anonymous, but also far superior. It was obvious these were shot from a lover’s eye, they were intimate and tender. The way my goose bumps or scarlet flush were featured, or the way my shoulders arched and my head turned betrayed how aware I was of the photographer. How enrapt too. I let my finger trace along each thick frame where they leaned against the windows.

  “They turned out perfect didn’t they?”

  “Yeah, actually.” I smiled shyly as I leaned forward to inspect one.

  “The subject made it easy.”

  “Bullshit,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “But I’ll let it go.” It was sweet and the photos really were something. “Do we really need to hang more? There’s already a full room downstairs.”

  “I could never have too many.” His shy, crooked smile broke across his face. “I would have plastered every wall eventually if you hadn’t come back.”

  I surveyed the space. It was slightly narcissistic to hang my ass up on another wall but he was so serious, so tender, so vulnerable. The memory of all my shortcomings barreling through my brain in the dark came back. This was about us being an us. The solution hit me like a ton of bricks and pulled a matching timid smile across my face.

  “Can we get pictures of you, or us together, up in here too?”

  “That’s your only stipulation?”

  “Yeah. I guess so.”

  “Done and thank you. They mean so much to me.” He crouched next to me for a moment, gazing across the frames. He pulled my hand off the one I was holding and whispered, “You mean so much to me,” into my palm before kissing it ever so tenderly.

  I woke rested for the first time since the incident in the park. I tried to stretch but couldn’t without unwinding from Nick. Rather than fight it, I snuggled into his arms and buried my face into his chest. He sighed in the faint light as I moved closer.

  MMMmmm slipped from my lips as they grazed his skin. Nick’s body responded automatically to his favorite sound. His arm shifted up around my neck and his fingers wound into my hair. He pulled my head back, first taking my lips then nuzzling my neck where it was open to him. With every kiss and nip, he pulled me tighter, held me closer, enough to make me feel ensnared. Anyone else and I would have panicked but I lived for being consumed by Nicholas Bryant.

  He rolled over, bringing me with him. I squeezed him between my thighs and he grasped my knee to pull it higher. Our lips were locked together in the early morning light and my skin started to tingle. That ever-present fire built more than usual to quake my bones.

  His hands skated over my back, across my ass, and he groaned when I snaked my arms down and around his neck. My nipples pressed hard against his chest and my body rolled against his while his hands ran over every inch of me.

  Without warning, he twisted, easily pressing me back against the bed and pinning me with his broad frame. His kisses broke away and he reached for the hem of my shirt. He pulled it over my head but left my arms trapped inside. He smiled as he kissed down my body, adding small nips and licks as he trailed across my collarbone and down between my breasts.

  Nick pulled back slightly and his lips grazed over my chest just before kissing me fervently above my nipple, over my heart. His lips lingered on me, and his eyes squeezed shut. When he broke his kiss, he started back down his trail, kissing lower and lower. My body trembled beneath him. He reached the apex of my thighs an
d his kisses changed to assertive strokes with his tongue.

  My fists clenched at the fabric trapping me while loud, unabashed sounds poured from my throat. I’d forgotten how good he was at this. He circled my slit with his tongue and then plunged in. I jerked when he did and my breath caught. He didn’t even hesitate, his hand just shifted to my hip and pushed hard enough to pin me. I gasped when his other hand appeared between my thighs, his tongue still lapping, both working torturously slow.

  “Nick!” I moaned as the telltale rip of a seam sounded above my head. He added small strokes with his nose to hit three different sensitive spots at once. My arms went even more ridged and I tried to wriggle my hips away from him. Nick just pushed me back against the mattress and he started to make small swipes across my G-spot with his fingers. I quivered and yelped each time.

  “Do you love me?” Nick asked as his fingers danced inside me, making me pant.

  “Yes,” I moaned and he pressed fractionally harder.

  “Will you ever leave me again?” His voice was oh-so-serious but still a carnal purr.

  “No, God no.”

  His eyes burned when I answered, and his fingers rolled again over the most sensitive spot inside of me.

  “You’re mine.” His breath was warm between my thighs. “Forever.” He nipped just to the side of his fingers, knowing exactly what to do to make me orgasm.

  “Yes. Always!” I screamed as I came, feeling myself ripple around his fingers.

  I was completely out of breath as shivers rolled up and down my spine. My eyes fluttered shut and I was having the hardest time peeling them back open. He waited until I did to pull his fingers from me. My arousal glistened down the back of his hand.

  Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he pushed two fingers past his lips and sucked. All my insides clinched and a delectable tremble moved through my body, even tightening my nipples. I smiled, panting still, at the blatant erotic gesture and the surprisingly sweet memories it brought back.


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