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Promise of Love (Knights of Sin MC Book 6)

Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  “I heard that. Bullet doesn’t trust her.” I sigh.

  Bomber looks over at me before he says, “Do you?” I blow out a breath before I shrug.

  “Can’t say. I think she was fucked over by Bone but I honestly can’t say, brother.” Bomber nods his head before he says, “I get it, Link. She’s your first. You wanna keep that safeguarded...” I stop him there.

  “That’s not what it is. I like her in general. Fuck, if I see anything off you know I wouldn’t fuck this club over, Bomber.” He slaps a hand on my shoulder.

  “I know you wouldn’t.”

  It’s the truth. I can’t lose my family over a girl. It doesn’t matter what the fuck I feel her for her. It doesn’t matter who she is.

  Family is first.

  Chapter 20


  It’s weird being on the back of Link’s bike. I was scared shitless when he passed me that helmet. The tighter I hold onto him though, the more I enjoy it. The rumble beneath me. The way I hold tightly to him. It’s all so surreal because after tonight, I would have put his whole family in danger. If he finds out, I have no doubts in my mind that he will kill me if they don’t first. The thought alone makes my stomach churn. Link veers the bike to the left before pulling into a parking lot. I glance around but I don’t see many cars out here. He climbs off, offering me his hand. I take it of course, and climb off behind him.

  “There aren’t many people here,” I say as I pull the helmet off my head.

  “That’s the beauty of it. No one to bother us.” He winks at me. “Besides, they have the best fuckin’ food here. I don’t know why more people don’t come.” Link grabs my hand and leads me toward the door. He leads me inside and straight toward a booth at the back.

  “I take it you come here often,” I say with a smile. Link nods when an older lady walks up with menus.

  “Oh, Lincoln! I didn’t know you were coming today!” She sets the menus on the counter before he pulls her into a hug.

  “I’m hungry. It’s where I go when I need some good food.” He pulls back and presses a kiss to her cheek. Her eyes fill with a light that I’ve never seen another person get. She practically beams at him. I wonder if that’s his mom or grandma?

  “I’ve missed you. You want your usual, honey?” she asks him. He nods with giant smile before nodding at me, “Make it two.” The lady turns her head and smiles at me before she walks away.

  “Is she your mom or grandma?” I ask after seeing that interaction. They have to be related somehow. You don’t just find something that special these days.

  “Long story short, she’s like a grandma to me. She was the one I turned to when a lot of shit happened. She’s never judged me for what I’ve done. She always treats me with respect. I love her.” God, the way he says it melts my heart.

  “I can see that.” He sits across from me, his eyes lingering on mine. I know he wants to ask me something but he’s holding back.

  “You can ask me anything,” I tell him. He lets out a huff before I get that gorgeous smile of his.

  “Where’s your parents’?”

  “My mom is gone. Not sure where she is. She was into drugs. My dad is upstate.... Life sentence.” I’m short with my story. He doesn’t need the whole sad story of my shitty life even if part of it is a lie.

  “Life sentence, huh?” I nod once but his eyes pierce through me. Can he see that I’m lying to him? Does he know?

  “Had to be hard on you.” I nod again, not wanting to talk about it anymore. I don’t want him to know that the reason I fell into the lap of Bone was because I was running from my dad.

  I don’t want Link to know that the asshole is still out there somewhere. Watching and waiting for me to fuck up. I threatened him when I left. I told him that I would fucking turn him in and he’d rot in that hell of a place. He warned me—that if I made one false move—he would kill me. That, I have no doubt about.

  “There’s more to it. I can see it in your eyes.” I jerk my gaze back to meet Link’s. I shake my head slowly not wanting him to push me.

  “That was all of it.”

  “You’re lyin’, darlin’. If there’s one thing I fuckin’ hate, it’s to be lied to.”

  His words linger in the air around us. He can see right through me. I don’t know how that makes me feel. If he knows I’m lying about that... does he know about Bone? Does he know what I’m doing to bring them down?

  Chapter 21


  I left my conversation with Jordyn where it was. I was getting fired up and there was no reason to take it all out on her. I knew I would, too. We ate in silence... and came back in silence. I watch the screens come to life in front of me. I check in with the guys to make sure the com’s are up and running properly. My fingers move over the keys gently, much like they would over Jordyn’s body. I shake my head trying to rid myself of all the thoughts of having her naked beneath me.

  “You ready to roll? Bikes are movin’ in at your three,” I say into the mic.

  “Heard that,” Bomber replies back to me. I lean back in the chair and watch the cameras. I know we have a thirty second delay. I fucking hate it, too. I don’t like that lag, but there is nothing I can do about it pulling from someone else’s feed.

  “I’m sorry about earlier.” I hear her voice. I don’t look over because I’m too focused on the job at hand.

  “It’s fine. I was bein’ an asshole. I shouldn’t have said that, but it’s true. I don’t take well to bein’ lied to.” I watch the screen but I can feel her behind me. She has warmth that spreads out from her and surrounds me.

  “I wasn’t lying.” I nod once before I feel her hands on my shoulders. Fire races through my veins.

  “Workin’, darlin’,” I remind her, trying to keep my voice under control.

  “Can I stay?” she asks sweetly. I reach over without looking and drag the chair up next to me.

  “Where did you learn how to do all this?” She sits in the chair next to me. I risk the glance over at her and see how her eyes are lit up. She’s really interested in this stuff.

  “Just fell into it really. I liked the idea of the computer and made it my mission to figure it all out. When I’d play around on shit, I figured out a hell of a lot more than I should have.” I grin when I say it. I know I was on a watch list for a while when I first started hacking into shit. The cops had a lead but I shut that shit down, too.

  “That’s amazing. Self-taught. I wish I was that smart,” she mumbles as her eyes track the screen. I slide the keyboard in front of her before her eyes snap to mine.

  “Link, I have no clue what to do. I don’t want to mess anything up.” I smile before I say, “Babe, it’s virtually impossible for you to break this. Just take this, click on that camera and type in the number I tell you.” Jordyn wipes her hands down her pants before she does it. I ramble off the number and the screen comes alive with the guy’s faces.

  “Oh, my God! I did it!” she squeals. I laugh before she leaps into my lap. “I did it, Link!” She giggles a little more. I run my hand down her back before I say, “You officially hacked that camera.” Her lips land on my neck and the groan that escapes me doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Fuck!” I roar pushing her off me in the matter of seconds. Jordyn jumps back into her chair and watches as I work the keys.

  “What happened?” she asks. I pull up the com’s and say, “Got company! Thirty second delay but they’re comin’,” I roar into the mic. Bomber’s face is visible from one of the screens. He doesn’t look happy at all.

  “Got it. We’re movin’ out. Fuck this!” Micah responds. I watch the guys before I see the guns.

  “GUNS!” I growl into the mic. The guys begin to move faster but I can see the fucking lights flicker.

  “Are they ok?” Jordyn asks but I’m too lost in the scene in front of me.

  “Go north! You’re clear north!” I roar. I watch the guys return fire before climbing on their bikes.

They take off north just like I told them to. Fuck, that was close. I go to work rewinding the footage I have and zooming in to see who the fuck those assholes were. The more I look, the more pissed I get.


  Chapter 22


  Link’s eyes are wild as he scans the footage. I already know who it was. I was the one that set that shit in motion. My heart tugs in my chest. I know this could come back on me at any fucking second. I try to keep myself calm.

  “You son of a bitch. How did you know where the fuckin’ drop was?” he mumbles under his breath. I’m so fucked. I know I am. I start to leave the room when he stops me.

  “You know somethin’ about this?” His voice rumbles through the room. I stop walking and turn to face him. His eyes are murderous. My heart hammers in my chest as I try to keep my cool with the whole situation.

  “What do you mean? Why would I?” I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

  He takes a few steps, closing the distance between us. His hand wraps around my throat, rage simmering in those beautiful eyes. “Don’t make me ask twice.” The way his words rumble from his throat scares the hell out of me.

  “I don’t know anything, Link,” I say, trying to swallow around the lump in my throat. His hand loosens before he takes a step back. His eyes flick around the room before he runs his hand through his hair.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that,” he says softly, his posture slowly calming.

  “It’s ok. I get it.” I turn on my heel and walk out of the room. I’m halfway down the hallway when I hear him yell, “Do you get it?” I slowly turn to face him once more.

  “What do you want me to say here, Link?” He walks the distance to me, his hand coming up to cup my cheek.

  “Do you understand what would happen if someone set my family up? Do you know what we would do to them?” he asks but his tone is soft.

  “I would assume the same thing Bone did to us,” I say watching him for a reaction.

  “No. Much worse... and I don’t want that to happen to you.” His eyes search mine. My stomach rolls.

  “I don’t know anything. I’m sorry.” His arms fall to his sides, Defeat paints that beautiful face.

  My heart squeezes in my chest. What am I doing? What the hell is wrong with me? I could have gotten them all killed, and for what? That baby could have lost his dad. I could have torn a family apart. I know for what. For my own life.

  Link stands there watching me have a war in my head. It’s almost like he can see through all the bullshit I’m throwing up in front of him. It scares the hell out of me, too. What if he does find out? Then what? I don’t notice him walking closer but there he is. Right in front of me. His hand comes to rest on my cheek and the world explodes into a million emotions. I hate myself for doing what Bone told me to do. I hate that I hurt Link and lied to him. I hate that I could have gotten them all hurt, but I hate myself worse for feeling something for Link.

  “I don’t trust you, Jordyn. I fuckin’ hate for those words to leave my mouth—especially when I like havin’ you close to me.” His realization hurts but I know it’s his truth. I can feel his warmth but I can also sense his hesitation.

  Chapter 23


  I pace outside, waiting on the guys to get back. My chest feels like a lead weight is sitting in the middle of it. I can’t get her face out of my head no matter how hard I try. The look in her eyes, Fuck! She knows something. I don’t know what just yet, but it’s inevitable that I’ll find out. I don’t know what to make of it. I wanted to believe her but I saw her fucking eyes! I saw the betrayal and the fear. I run my hand through my hair as the bikes start pulling in. I have the prospects at the gate, ready to take on anyone that may have followed them back here. They pull in and are off their bikes in seconds. I scan over all of them making note that no one seems to be hit.

  “Everybody good?” I ask Bomber when he walks toward me. He’s pissed but not at me. He gives me a quick nod before he walks inside. I know he’s heading straight to the bar.

  I watch the rest of the guys file inside in silence before Bash steps up next to me and says, “You’re smart, Link. Hack that damn delay.” He isn’t being an ass. He says it with a smile on his face. I know that he’s just playing with me right now.

  “Shit, brother. If there was a fuckin’ way around it I would. Glad you’re all safe though.” He nods before slapping a hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey, Bash. Got a second?” If anyone would know how to handle this feeling I have inside of me, it’s him. He takes a step back and looks around before he says, “The girl?” I nod once.

  “As much as I feel like I connect to her, I don’t trust her.” Bash sighs before pulling a cigarette out and lighting it up. I watch him blow out a ring of smoke before he looks over at me and says, “I get the connection shit. Trust? That’s another story, brother. That’s a big thing. If you feel there’s somethin’ off, you’re probably right. You’ve never been off before, Link, what makes you think you are now?” I know he’s right. I’ve never been off when my gut has told me something. And right now, it’s telling me Jordyn is lying.

  “I don’t think I’m wrong, Bash. That’s the fuckin’ problem. I don’t want to be right this time.”

  “You wanna elaborate on why?” he asks, and I know he’s just wanting to help.

  “Nope. Could get someone killed.” Bash huffs before he tosses the cigarette to the ground. He walks in front of me, standing directly in my face.

  “If it’s club shit, you need to figure out what side you’re on, Link.” His finger is in my face which only serves to piss me off a little more.

  “You don’t think I fuckin’ know that?” I roar.

  “I think your actin’ like a man right now and thinkin’ with your goddamn dick!” Bash moves in closer. My hands clench at my sides. I know I’m about to lose it.

  “You don’t fuckin’ know shit about the way I think! You wanna cross that line right now?” I straighten my back, ready to take him on. I’m not typically the one for fights but I won’t back down either. This girl has me in fucking knots and I hate it.

  “What the hell is this?” Micah’s voice comes from behind us. Shit’s about to get serious and I don’t know how much I fucking like it.

  “Misunderstandin’,” Bash says backing off a little. I watch him intently until Micah steps in between us.

  “Bash, get inside. Shannon’s lookin’ for you.” Bash huffs before he walks away.

  Micah stares into my eyes before he finally talks, “The guys think it’s best if you take that girl out of the clubhouse. What’s your thoughts?” I knew it was coming. I could see it a mile away. None of them trust her either.

  “Do I get any thoughts?” I ask, clearly being the asshole here. Micah clears his throat before he says, “To a point. You trust her bein’ here?” There it is. The million-fucking-dollar question.

  I let it roll around my head. There’s the obvious answer but pulling her away from the club and the protection that comes with it? I don’t fucking like that. I don’t like her being vulnerable to Bone and his gang of bastards. I know Micah would send me with her but a lot of fucking good that does if they come in full force! Micah watches me before I open my mouth and answer.


  Chapter 24


  He paces the room, running his hand through his hair. I can’t do anything but watch. He’s a ball of tension and rage.

  “Pack your stuff up,” he finally says. My mouth drops open before I snap it shut. This is turning into a complete fuck up on my part. What the hell am I going to do now? How the hell am I going to get any more information for Bone if I’m not in the clubhouse? He’s getting rid of me. I knew it would come. I knew it wouldn’t last. Reality is a bitch and she’s fucking me right now.

  “Whatever you think I did, I’m sorry.” He doesn’t look at me. I stand up and grab the little bit of clothes that I have b
efore setting them on the bed.

  Before I can make another move, Link has his arms around my waist, pushing me forward. My body falls to the bed, Link’s climbing over me. His lips linger so close to my ear. His breath is so warm.

  “There’s so many fuckin’ reasons why I want you. There’s so many reasons why I can’t have you. I don’t know what the hell I’m doin’ any more, Jordyn.” I can feel just how hard he is right now. My body buzzes with a need that only Link can feel. He’s opened me up to him. He’s made me feel special and made me feel like I actually mean something. He grinds himself against me and the world just stops spinning.

  “What the fuck do I do now, Jordyn?” he whispers in my ear. My body fires off, needing him to touch me. For the first time in a long time, I need that contact.

  “Please, Link.” Tears slide down my cheeks before his lips are there, kissing them away.

  “You’re fuckin’ with the wrong club,” he says softly before kissing me again.

  I don’t know how to respond. I lie there, letting him grind and kiss me like there’s nothing else about to happen. Like the world isn’t slowly crumbling around me. Like I’m not about to be tossed back into the world of hell that I’ve feared for so long.

  “I gotta take you away from here but first, I need you. How is that so fuckin’ wrong? Tell me,” he begs me. I can hear it in his voice. He’s begging me.

  I can’t say a word. Link raises up and rolls me onto my back. His gaze lingers on mine but his hands work to remove every piece of clothing separating us with a new quickness.

  “Whatever this is—I can’t stop it. I don’t know how,” he whispers, his voice barely loud enough for me to hear.

  His hands roam my body before I feel him slide inside of me. The feel of his body and mine meshing together, is the best thing I’ve ever felt. It’s perfect on so many levels but it’s all built on lies. I let it start... and I need to end it. This feeling won’t last. I know that. I know that I can’t be anything for him after what I’ve done, but how can I live without him now that I’ve had it? Will there ever be anyone else that can make me feel the way he does? Do I even want anyone else to touch me the way he does? Link’s lips nibble at my ear before he says, “Let everything else go right now, Jordyn. Just feel it.”


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