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Reckoning Page 15

by Christine Fonseca

  “I can’t think of a solution either,” David says.

  I pull away from his embrace and turn back toward the window. “I have to keep trying. For Mom. For Josh.”

  “I know.”

  Silence grows between us. My mind swirls on everything I wish I could say, everything I know he needs to hear.

  “Let’s run away,” I say after a long pause. “Let’s pretend none of this happened, the experiments don’t exist.”

  David stands behind me and slips his arms around my waist. “We could do it,” he says. “We could leave right now. Hide.”

  I release a deep sigh. “I can’t, not really. You know I can’t.” A new gulf extends between us. “It’s not his fault. He deserves more than this life.”

  “Who? Liam?” David asks as he tightens his hold on me. “It’s not your fault either.”

  “I had choices he didn’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I say. Everything in me tells me that I’m right—his life was dictated to him from the second he was born. “Regardless, my brother deserves better.”

  David kisses my hair. “Okay,” he whispers in my ear. “What are we going to do?”

  Tears fill my eyes and drift down my face. “LeMercier has to die. It’s the only way this ends.”

  David’s body stiffens against mine as I feel him inhale a tight breath. “No!”

  “I have to push aside my ethics and become everything he trained me to be. You know it’s the only way.”

  “I won’t accept that. We can kill him without you being his assassin. This is about justice, retribution for what he did to your brothers and what he’s doing to you. This isn’t about random killing, or shoving aside your ethics or becoming a mass murderer.” David spins me around and wraps me into a tight embrace. “You are so much more than you realize,” he breathes into my neck. “Please have faith in yourself. See the you I see.”

  “I’m trying,” I whisper.

  David tilts my chin and covers my mouth with his. The kiss deepens, speaking a truth that scares us both. Every word we refuse to say, every feeling I can’t express comes through our lips.

  My body trembles as we pull away. My eyes blur and more water streams down my face.

  “I love you, David,” I say through my tears, my fear.

  David kisses me again. Our minds intertwine. I love you, Dakota fills my thoughts. Forever and always.

  “I love you, so much that it scares me.”

  “I know,” David says between kisses. “I’ve always known.”

  Seven’s mind blurred. The fire running through his veins coiled around his spine, his brain. He pushed against it, desperate to break free from the fire’s hold. The harder he tried, the more his mind fractured, the more his body refused to work.

  Seven fell backwards in his thoughts. Fresh pictures sprang up around him. Images of children, parents, a life he never knew.

  The images morphed and twisted until a single picture clarified in his mind. A woman and a baby.

  Seven focused all of his energy on the picture, noting every detail. The picture moved and looped. It joined with other pictures until a movie formed against the backdrop of Seven’s mind.

  The movie of his life. If he could trust it.

  A baby with deep set blue eyes squeezed his mother’s finger. Terror gripped his thoughts. He looked at his mother’s face, noting the tears that welled in her eyes. His body was stiff, her jaw set. She spoke in tight clips to a hard looking woman. Seven didn’t understand what was happening. His mother’s voice filled him with a terror he’d never known. Even the arguments that happened at home ever since his birth didn’t scare him as much as his mother’s tone did now. Seven watched as several heartbeats passed. His mother’s eyes grew dark with each moment. She pulled Seven close to her chest and kissed his forehead. “I love you, Liam.” She said before she passed him to the harsh-looking woman.

  Anxiety mixed with fear in Seven’s mind as the fire continued to coil around him. The movie continued to play, tugging at his deepest fears.

  The baby tightened his grasp on his mother’s fingers. He opened his mouth and screamed. No, no, no, no, he said in his thoughts, willing his mom to hear him. Seven’s mother loosened his grip on her fingers and pulled her hand away. Expelling a deep sigh, she kissed the top of his head once more and turned. Seven screamed until his voice was raw. His mother hesitated, wobbled on her heels, and walked away without glancing back. Sobs wracked his tiny body.

  The movie sped through Seven’s mind. Clips of a past he couldn’t remember streamed forward and Seven felt as though a piece of his soul had died as his mother walked away.

  The images continued. They blurred together and spun away. Until his thoughts settled. A single picture pulled into focus. The Creator and a three-year-old Seven. A movie formed from the vision and whirled to life:

  “You’re safe,” the Creator said to Seven. “You’ll always be safe with me.” The Creator lifted Seven into his arms. “No one will ever love you like I do. She abandoned you. They all will desert you. But not me. I will never leave.” Seven looked from his master to the kind-faced woman he had begun to consider his mother. Her eyes filled with tears. She reached for Seven and pleaded with the Creator not to steal her son. Seven reached for her. Seven’s master pulled him away. Seven screamed. Please, he pushed into the Creator’s mind. Please don’t take me from my mother. Not again. The Creator’s brow furrowed. Anger tugged at his mouth. Seven began to cry and his master grabbed his chin, hurting him. “Do not cry,” he barked and the child. “Never cry.” Seven released an unearthly scream as fresh tears streamed down his face.

  Seven jerked in his thoughts. He pushed against the vision and dreams, begging for the fire to wash him away. Lies, he screamed in his mind.

  Trust your instincts, son. The voice was more thought than sound. Seven’s body reacted and his heart clenched. Please. Have faith.


  I never wanted this for you, she says. Let me help you now.

  Seven fought against the sound, desperate to ignore the thoughts, the hope, in his mind.

  Your sister, Dakota, is trying to save you, the voice continued. Don’t resist her. Your master, LeMercier, he is not who he claims to be. He wants to hurt you.

  Liar! Seven screamed inside. He’s the only one who loves me, the only one I can trust. The Creator needs me. I need him.

  No, the voice said in soothing tones. He doesn’t. That’s what he wants you to believe. He’s using you the same way he uses everyone—for his own desires.

  No! Seven’s mind filled with rage. Help me, Creator, he screamed. His mother’s voice faded back.

  Seven drew an image of his master in this thoughts. Help me, he pleaded again.

  His eyes snapped open. Gritting his teeth, he broke free from his binds. Blood stained his wrists and ankles. Get out of my head, he thought. “Get. Out.”

  Seven lunged toward the Assassin and knocked her off the bed. The Samurai grabbed his arms, pulling hard. Seven shrugged him off and unleashed his anger on the Assassin. “You can’t beat me,” he growled as his fists collided with her jaw.

  She grunted, screamed, clutched her face.

  Images bloomed across Seven’s mind. The nightmares, his mother’s voice. The Assassin crawled backward, her gaze locked on him.

  “Is that the best you’ve got?” Seven taunted.

  The Samurai shoved Seven away from the Assassin. The cool metal of a blade edged toward Seven’s throat. “I told you what would happen if you attack her again,” the Samurai said.

  Seven raised his hands, growled.

  The knife flew across the room. Seven rammed images of the Assassin’s death into the Samurai’s mind. “Who’s going to stop me,” he taunted. “You?” He flooded the Samurai’s mind with more pictures until a feral cry raged from his mouth.

  The onslaught continued. More and more nightmares unleashed in the Samurai’s mind. His hold we
akened; his face turned ashen.

  “No!” the Assassin yelled.

  Seven’s mind darkened. The Assassin barreled into him and they both plowed into the wall before landing on the floor.

  She shoved her arm across Seven’s throat. White-hot agony filled his vision.

  Get off, you bitch, Seven thought as he continued the attack on the Samurai.

  The Samurai writhed in pain.

  Let him go.

  “Release him or I’ll kill you myself.” The Assassin snarled at Seven. Fresh agony streaked across Seven’s thoughts.

  His vision narrowed as darkness coiled around his mind.

  “Release him now!”

  Seven’s eyes closed. His pain subsided.

  And the Assassin fell.

  The Solomon Experiments 3.0

  The Order

  Dr Christyn Harrison’s Personal Journal –

  October 5, 2016:

  You came home. I knew you would. This has always been a safe place for you. You came for answers, about Josh, your father, answers I’m not certain I have.

  I can’t believe my son is dead, that you had to be the one to find him. The betrayal you must feel, the anger.

  I tried to protect you from this world, but I couldn’t. I know that isn’t enough—you need answers, a reason to trust in me after everything that’s happened. All I can say is that I did all of it for you. For Josh, Liam and you.

  I’ve failed you all so many times. But I am here now. I am alive. And one day, soon, we will be together.

  Until then, I need you to find Liam. He is innocent, too fragile for this life, despite his many gifts. Find him for me. Keep him away from LeMercier.

  Your father wasn’t always this way, Dakota. He wasn’t cruel. That started after the experiments, after he saw what you and Josh could do.

  When I first met him he was a brilliant scientist, dedicated to helping the United States government in any way that he could. I fell in love with his mind, his heart. He was tender and generous in a way I never knew existed.

  He didn’t know that you and Josh were his. But when Liam was born, he suspected the truth.

  Ben, your father, wanted to help me. Help us. He encouraged me to leave my husband. He expected us to live with him. When I declined, he was hurt. He started to change, focus only on his work, on building a new world order.

  I gave Liam up for adoption to keep him safe. I wanted to give you and Josh up as well, place you somewhere safe, but I couldn’t bear to lose you, too. So we immersed ourselves in the experiments and I waited for Ben to come around.

  He slipped further and further away from me the more he worked with his recruits. You, Josh, and the others.

  It was slow at first. A few questionable decisions I couldn’t support. Ethical dilemmas he couldn’t explain. By the time I realized how far Ben had slipped, it was too late. You and the others were completely under his control.

  You wielded your abilities as weapons without conscience. I had no choice but to get you away from him.

  So I changed your memories, everything.

  I was a fool to think it would work.

  And now like your older brother, you and Liam are paying the price for my decisions.

  Find Liam, Dakota. Help him get away from LeMercier. Don’t trust anything Ben says, anything he does. Get your brother and get somewhere safe.

  I will find you.

  I promise . . .

  My head throbs as I force my eyes open. Stale air, filled with the scents of fresh dirt, bleach and antiseptic fill my lungs. I push myself up to my elbows and stretch my neck. My body strains in protest. “Ouch,” I say as I examine my scalp for the source of my pain.

  “Careful,” David says. “You were hit pretty hard.”

  “What?” I blink and focus again.

  The room is small, a single door on the long end of the adjacent wall. No windows. No furniture.

  “Where are we?” I ask. My mouth feels like I’ve inhaled bales of cotton.

  “I’m not sure,” David says as he crouches down and sits next to me. “I woke up in this room a day ago.”

  “A day? I’ve been out for a day?”

  “More like a few days, near as I can tell.”

  Nothing makes sense. David helps me up and I investigate the small space. The walls are made of cement, as is the floor. A small stainless steel tray leans near the only door, remnants of bread and water evident.

  “They should be in with food and water soon,” David says as he follows my gaze to the tray.

  “What?” My mind still won’t coalesce. “Oh. Thanks.”

  “They come twice a day with food.”

  “The guards?”

  “Yeah. They bring one tray each time. They won’t look at either of us.”

  I take in his words, and try to force the pieces together. “Have you tried reading their thoughts?”

  “Once. But I was blocked. Something.”

  “Hmmm,” I say like I’m trying to decode a riddle. “Where’s Liam?”

  “I haven’t seen him. Only you and the guards that bring food.”

  “Same guards, or different ones.” I don’t know why it’s important, but something inside tells me it is.

  “Same, I think. It’s hard to tell. They wear masks.”

  I nod. “We’re in LeMercier’s new compound.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I don’t know. I can just feel him here.” I suck in a breath and reach out for my father, my brother. “Everything about this reminds me of the last time we confronted that man.”

  “We won that time.”

  “Did we? I mean, sure, we survived and got away. But I’m not sure that’s the same as winning.”

  “We will this time.”

  Heavy footfalls echo closer and closer to our room. We stop talking and wait.

  “Step back and look toward the ground,” a gruff voice orders.

  David and I comply and the door opens. A heavily clad figure in black replaces our tray with a new one with two loaves of bread and two cups of water. I note every detail: tall as me, slight build, non-descript in every way. I reach toward his thoughts and feel nothing but a cold shield. The guard walks out and locks the door before another heartbeat passes.

  “Not very talkative, is he?” I say as I carefully grab the water and some bread.

  “He never is.”

  David and I sit on the floor and eat. The water relieves my mouth and throat. I rip a piece of bread and hope food will do the same for my pounding headache.

  “You okay?” David asks, pointing to my head.

  “Probably just dehydrated.” I take another long sip of water, nearly finishing it. “I’m sorry I got you into all of this,” I say. I stare at the floor, unable to stand the scrutiny of David’s gaze right now. “We should have run away.”

  David puts his cup and bread down and moves closer. “This isn’t your fault.”

  Typical David, always trying to reassure me.

  “I’m pretty certain this all started with me. And it was my idea to go after Liam. And—”

  David cuts off my words with a kiss. He pulls away as a smile covers his lips. “Not everything that happens is your fault, you know.” He gives me another quick kiss. “We’ll find a way out of this mess. Together.”

  I absorb David’s confidence, praying it will fuel my own. A long pause fills the space between our words. “I need you to promise me something,” I finally say.


  “When we get out of here, we’re finding Liam and taking him with us.”

  David’s expression grows grim. “Da—”

  I lay a finger to his lips. “Just listen. I need to know you’ll do this, that you’ll do anything you can to get Liam out of here and keep him safe.”

  “We’ll do it together.”

  I nod, my mouth drawn into a thin line. “Promise,” I insist.

  “I promise. We’ll leave with Liam.”

bsp; “No matter what happens, you’ll make sure he gets out.” I shift my gaze to the floor, thinking of Mom’s journal, the promise I made.

  “What are you not saying, Dakota?” David’s voice drops to a whisper.

  “Just say it,” I plead.

  Silence spreads between us.

  David grabs my hand and squeezes. “I’ll make sure he gets out,” he says. “I promise.”

  I release the breath I’ve held too long. “Thank you.”

  “You know, none of that will matter if we can’t figure a way out.”

  “I have an idea about that,” I say as I grab another mouthful of bread.

  Hours blend. It’s impossible to tell if it’s day or night. David and I discuss all the ways we can escape the compound or whatever this is: Trick the guards. Ambush them when they bring a meal. Use our telepathy to goad Liam into freeing us. No matter what plan we come up with, they all involve more luck than skill, something neither of us is comfortable with. We finally settle on a plan. As with the others, it will be a miracle if it works.

  A desperate pause extends between us as I wrestle with my thoughts. I know what needs to be done, I’m just not sure if I can do it now.

  “What are you thinking about?” David asks when he can no longer stand our silence.

  “Mom.” I say, my voice flat. “I know she’s still alive.”

  “Because she came to you before?”

  “That,” I nod. “And she wrote in the journal in October.”

  “Last month?”

  “Yeah.” More silence creeps into the spaces of my thoughts. “If I don’t make it out, take Liam and find her. Please.”

  “Stop talking like you aren’t getting out of here. You’ve beaten that man before. You’ll do it again.”


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