Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat
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The Shadow also is a Secret Face, concealing the Black
The Dragon-Serpent and Devouring Jaws are the Visage. Whispering with a Forked Tongue the Serpent speaks
Words of Power,
That I may speak to make the World Flesh. I point Above, to the Empyrean I ascend and bring Order; I point Below to the Infernal and Chthonic Earth I behold
From the Dimension of Timeless Darkness, I have placed my Seat of Power, That from the Abode of Fleshly Incarnation I build my Kingdom. That in Chaos so the Immortal Fire radiate from my Daemon, I am the Only God which Is. I am made in my Father’s Image. The Circle is Cast and the Words Spoken.
So it is Done.
[End of Ritual]
The Bloodlore of Cain
The image of Baphomet, representing the incarnation of symbols and the Union of Samael and Lilith is to be in place upon the Altar. A Hammer, Athame, Chalice of Red Wine and Bell is to be utilized. The Night of the Dark and Full Moon this ceremony is best performed. The Athame is taken up and after the bell is sounded three times, the blade is turned to the image of Cain and Baphomet while invoking. This is a simple ritual of renewal and focus.
From the Watery Abyss Leviathan Coils, Eyes flashing the light of stars.
Bring into blissful and radiant Infernal Union, Archangel and God Samael,
Howling Winds around your 12 Wings. Goddess and Huntress, Devouring Lilith, Whose forms take shadowy darkness as mirrors of night. Joined in Union, the sky burns and brings forth freezing
A blazing dawn is ushered forth and the Beast is born. Of Blood and Bearing Light as if crowned, The Two-Horned One!
Cain, Two Serpents entangle and are as support, Rise to create and destroy.
Cain named Baphomet my chalice is filled, The blood of the weakened vessel of clay is my oath, The Elixir of Life and the Power beyond death! Cain, Born of Black Flame, whose desire makes the
Hammer Strike and Azazel’s wisdom is made lore! So it is done!
The cycles of nature and the balance between the world of the living and dead are part of the beauty and terror of this world. Listen to the whispers of the host of the Azazel and Sathariel, horned Satyrs and Centaurs: As Above, So Below is the cry of panic from those of Baphomet. Seek to understand the balance of nature and this world is to be the bringer of disorder to then make again Order from Chaos. This is the Luciferian Sabbat Wheel: each mark a time of change and transformation. When you celebrate, do so while observing what that change brings and why it is necessary. Even so, what does this change represent for your path in life.
All-Hallows Eve, Halloween, Calangaef (Welsh)
October 31st Greater Sabbat The night of October 31st is a primary celebration time for many Witches and has deep roots in ancient traditions. Halloween is the gateway period for when the veil between the realm of the living and the dead is thin as well as a time for death and regeneration. The barriers are thrown down and the Wild Hunt and Ecstasies of the Shades of the Dead go forth upon the nocturnal skies. The Watchers Bezaliel, Sariel, Gadreel and Azazel are honored during this time. The Cultus of the Nephilim (as deified Heroes) and ancestral spirits are celebrated and communion with the shades of the dead are closely sought. Hecate in her Dark Crone manifestation as well as Lilith are one significant part of the cycle of death, spiritual immortality and renewal by entering the Underworld.
12 Nights of the Wild Hunt December 20- 31st,
December 22nd, Lesser Sabbat Mother Night, a time of honoring the ancestral motherspirits. The Wild Hunt is the astral and nocturnal ride of Woden, the path of the liberation of the soul to the deathlike and regenerative Netherworld or Underworld known also as Hel and Annwn. This is also the Birth of the Solar-God HeliosMithras-Apollo, whose very syncretic association with the Bottomless Pit/Abyss Demon-King Apollyon is noted. The Watchers Shamsiel and Dan’el are honored as the emergence of the Sun as regenerating anew.
February 2nd, Greater Sabbat The Candlemas Greater Sabbat in February is a Luciferian awakening and illuminating period for the Sacred Fires to invigorate the mind and initiate a path towards new potential in this world. The Serpent of the Chthonic realms of the earth arises to bring fertility and healing to the world and that which grows in the wild. The Black Flame is the gift of the Watchers so sparked to life by the Will of the Sorcerer in the Forge of Azazel and Tubal-Cain. The Watchers Sathariel, Yequn and Azazel may be honored for the gift of the initiatory journey towards Apotheosis.
Spring Equinox
March 21-23, Lesser Sabbat, The Day of Ahriman This is the time of the Lady or Goddess coming forth in passion and love, the very reflection of the growth and fertility of the land. The Watcher Semyaza as the patron of roots, herbs and earthly fertility, along with the teaching of Sorcery and Magick is recalled by the Witch or Warlock especially during this time. Incense offerings, pouring liberation to celebrate Semyaza and the Watchers is conducted focused on earthly fertility and new opportunities in life. In ancient Persian lore, the day of March 21st at 12 Noon Ahriman first entered the world via the Sky as a great Serpent-Dragon, entering and balancing the world into a deep cavern into the earth where the Underworld (Hell) would be his reservoir of power.
Beltane, Walpurgis Night, May-Eve,
April 30th – May 1st, Greater Sabbat Walpurgis Night, a time which is traditionally Summer’s beginning is also a time in which the Bonfire, sacred to the Black Flame is ignited and the Sabbat’s convocation of Spirits, Witches and Demons of the earth and sky are joined in the joy of life and death itself. Semyaza is the Lord of the Green Wilds which both heal and curse, inspire and terrify. Satharial (Sathariel) is associated with both the Moon (in this aspect also Saturn) and the Bringer of Black Illumination.
The satyrs and demonic shadows associated with Sathariel are associated with the Witches Sabbat as the mysteries of the spirit convocation. This is also the green shapes of the wild spirits in nature bringing frenzy and growth, a time of Semyaza and the Dionysian garland with the hordes of Satyrs.
The Horned God or Greenman of the Forests in his fertile and creative aspect is invoked. Semyaza manifests in the earthly green incarnation and inspires the Witch or Warlock to go forth into the forests, meditating silently against an older Oak and listen to the sounds around you. Take your hands and dig your fingers into the earth, visualize your astral body extending into the earth and reaching down with tendrils as the roots of the Oak. Inhale deeply and slowly, the Chthonic realms bring you whispers of nature-spirits which so stalk and encircle the primal wilds of the Horned God’s domain. Looking up, those roots drink up the generative and renewing force which in you, reaches up into the skies above.
Summer Solstice
June 21st, Lesser Sabbat The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and is associated with healing and health. The Watcher Shamsiel and Dan’el are honored among other Deific Masks relating to the Sun in a beneficial aspect. Semyaza also holds dominion over the wilds, having similarities with the Hunting God, the Gaulish Cernunnos.
August 1st, Greater Sabbat Traditionally, Lammas is associated in Witchcraft with the death and resurrection of the spirit of grain, the fading of the Sun god unto the Moon goddess during this changing cycle preparing for winter. The Watcher Sariel is honored as the knowledge-bringer of the Lunar cycle bringing death for rebirth. Sariel brings forth the Moon Goddess and her powers associated with life and death.
Autumn Equinox
September 21st, Lesser Sabbat The Autumn Equinox is known as the height of the harvest season beginning with Lammas and ending with Samhain. The descent of Inanna (Ishtar) as the Evening Star and the Crone aspect of the goddess is recognized now, as well as during Samhain. Demeter is also celebrated by witc
hes as well. The Watchers Arakiel and Bezaliel are honored now.
The Luciferian Wheel of the Year
11 Luciferian Points of Power
By Michael W. Ford 1. Lucifer represents the light of intellect, wisdom and power unique to the individual with the courage to ascend to this responsibility.
2. The symbol of the Adversary is that of the self-liberator and spiritual rebel who inspires self-evolution. 3. Lucifer represents the balanced torch bearer of Venus: The Light Bringer as the Morning Star and the Night Bringer as the Evening Star.
4. The Adversary symbolizes the spark of consciousness which questions everything, manifesting the individualistic path with accountability only to the self.
5. The fall of Lucifer symbolizes the liberation of the mind from the slave-mentality and the courage to explore and master the darkness within. One may not offer the illumination of the Morning Star without the wisdom of the darkness within.
6. The Adversary represents rebellion with purpose: wisdom, strength and power. 7. Lucifer represents the courage and fortitude to acquire healthy self-love, leading to the responsibility of honoring your temple of mind, body and spirit.
8. To become your own god you must have the wisdom and
strength to govern and guide your life as if your mind is to survive beyond the mortal body.
9. Indulgence with restraint, love for the deserving and disdain for those undeserving. 10. Lucifer represents the insight that every act, no matter if perceived as selfless, is at core a selfish act. Even if helping others is your passion, the brain still receives a chemical reward triggered by
the act. Therefore, many consider that doing good deeds in society may bring you closer to “god”. Recognize you are selfish, then see this fact in all others while observing. Accept this and then with this knowledge, make choices that would benefit not only yourself but your loved ones’ when possible.
11. To become a god is to fully understand that you possess the power to create and sustain your path in life and illuminate the light of self-determined potential.
Theban – A Witches Script for spells
Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians, Naomi Janowitz, Routledge A Kind of Magic: Understanding Magic in the New Testament and its Religious Environment, Michael Labahn and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Library of New Testament Studies
The Book of Enoch or I Enoch, A New English Edition with commentary and Textual Notes by Matthew Black, In Consultation with James C. Vanderkam. Studia In Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, Leiden, E. J. Brill 1985
The Ethiopic Book of Enoch, A New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments by Michael A. Knibb in Consultation with Edward Ullendorff, 2, Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Oxford, 1978
The Book of Enoch the Prophet, R.H. Charles, RedWheel 2003
Witchdom of the True, A Study of the Vana-Troth and the Practice of Seidr, Edred, Runa-Raven Press, 1999
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Lawrence H. Schiffman, James C. VanderKam, Volume I, Oxford University Press 2000
Essays on the Book of Enoch and Other Jewish Texts and Traditions, Michael A. Knibb, Brill
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Apocalyptic Literature & Testaments, Edited by James H. Charlesworth, Doubleday, 1993
Witcha a Book of Cunning, Nathaniel J. Harris, Mandrake, 2004
Masks of Misrule, The Horned God and His Cult in Europe, Nigel Aldcroft Jackson, Capall Bann Publishing Call of the Horned Piper, Nigel Aldcroft Jackson, Capall Bann Publishing Rebellion in Heaven, Azazel, and Euhermeristic Heroes in 1 Enoch 6-11, Paul D. Hanson, Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 195-233
The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Edited by Ted Kaizer, Brill 2008 Rescuing the Fallen Angels: The Case of Disappearing Angels at Qumran, Andy Reimer, Dead Sea Discoveries, Vol. 7, No. 3, Angels and Demons, pp. 334-353, Brill.
The Early Enoch Literature, edited by Gabriele Boccaccini and John Collins, Brill 2007
Heavenly Realms and Earthly Realities in Late Antique Religions, Ra’anan S. Boustan, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Cambridge University Press Zodiac Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Their Reception: Ancient Astronomy and Astrology in Early Judaism, Institute of Jewish Studies in Judaica 14, Helen R. Jacobus, Brill Academic Publishers
Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer’s Manual of the Fifteenth Century, Richard Kieckhefer, Penn State Press
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells, Edited by Hans Dieter Betz, The University of Chicago Press
Legends of Cain, Especially in Old and Middle English, Oliver F. Emerson, PMLA, Vol. 21, No. 4 (1906), Modern Language Association I Maccabees: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Jonathan A. Goldstein, Doubleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York 1976
Zeus A Study in Ancient Religion by Arthur Bernard Cook Litt.D., Volume I, II and III, Cambridge at the University Press 1940
About the Author Michael W. Ford
Michael W. Ford is a leading Luciferian visionary and Left-Hand Path practitioner. Author of 25 books, recording artist of Ritualistic Dark Ambient, Industrial, Black Metal projects and Co-Owner of the Luciferian Apotheca. Michael is a student and researcher of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Early Christianity, Demonology and the history of Occultism. As the founder and Magus of The Order of Phosphorus, an initiatory order centered in Luciferian Magick as well as presiding Yatus of The Black Order of the Dragon, a magical guild dedicated to the teachings of astral and energy Vampyrism, dream control and sorcery with a foundation in logic and reason. Michael is also an accomplished musician, beginning in the 1990's with Black Funeral and into the late 2013 with Psychonaut 75 (industrial and ritual electronics), Valefor (death industrial and black metal), Hexentanz (medieval ritual music) and now currently as Akhtya (ritualistic dark ambient). Michael has also been featured in numerous magazines worldwide and many Videos presenting topics concerning Luciferianism.
About the Illustrator
Mitchell Nolte
Mitchell Nolte is a Freelance Artist and Illustrator, based in Melbourne, Australia. Mr. Nolte has contributed to several of Mr. Ford’s books including Necrominon and Drauga.
Mitchell works in a variety of mediums but predominantly pencil and digital painting. His inspiration is sought from music, art, books on mythological, historical and occult, fantasy, steampunk and sci-fi themes, like Alchemy, Qabalah, Qlippoth, Enochian Magic, Tarot.
Mr. Nolte has created work for board games, book covers and illustrations, band art, t-shirts, as well as exhibitions, and private commissions.