Book Read Free

Give a Little

Page 13

by Lee Kilraine

  “Gray,” I breathed against his lips. I slid my fingers in his hair, keeping his mouth on mine. The man knew how to kiss. He hypnotized with his kiss. It was addicting. I could spend the night in his kiss.

  I pressed my hands against his back, needing him closer, into me. On me. Surrounding me. Rocking my hips into his, loving the weight of him. He kissed me deeper, touching his tongue to my lips like he was tasting me, and he whispered against my lips, “So sweet.”

  He slid his tongue up my neck and gave extra attention to the soft, sensitive spot below my ear. I felt his hand slide up my side, over my ribs, to curl around my breast as his whiskey dark voice rumbled against my ear. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Tessa.”

  Then he lifted his head, his eyes held mine, his beautiful blue eyes, now dark with desire, held me in a timeless moment. Our breaths caught as he slid a finger into my damp heat. He took his time, sliding his finger in and out of my slick folds while he brushed my clit with the pad of his thumb.

  He found the sweet spot again, sending waves of sensation crashing through me. My eyes fluttered closed as I let go and rode the waves of pleasure all the way to the last ripples.

  Chapter 17


  I lay in bed, my arms wrapped around Tessa, her head resting on my chest, trying to absorb everything that had just happened. I believe the term for what we were doing was cuddling. Not my favorite word. This was not something I did. Not before Tessa.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “I agree. Wow.” Bend wow over the couch and fuck it wow.

  I felt her head move. Felt her eyes on me. “But you didn’t even— I mean, you still have your pants on. Are you sure you don’t want to… You didn’t even get your pleasure.”

  “Oh, Tessa. You couldn’t be more wrong. I fucking did. I may not have come, but I did get off.” Got off on her kiss and the feel of her lips. I got off on the taste of her against my tongue. Christ she was sweet. Pleasure from the way her hands gripped my shoulders. And ran through my hair. From listening to the sighs and gasps and cry when she came.

  “Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

  “Trust me, you’ll be the first to know.” Or maybe not since I was still hard. Painfully so. But seeing Tessa’s body—the scars—the woman had been through a lot. The last thing she needed was to get tangled up with a man like me. I’d love more than anything to make love to her, but right now, especially because she was a client, probably best to back this up. If anything more happened between us, it should only be after careful consideration.

  What I wasn’t going to examine was the gut punch I got when I saw Tessa’s scars. Looking at her body and knowing the pain she’d lived through killed me. The strength it must have taken to be where she was today blew me away.

  “When we walked through your house…I saw the hospital bed…saw the wheelchair…saw the safety rails, the walker, the crutches… I thought they all belonged to your grandmother. The one you said had lived with you. I thought you were putting off the reno because you were still dealing with her loss.”

  I felt Tessa’s shuddering breath against my chest. I ran my hand over her shoulder, along her back and down over her hip, my hands moving slowly and firmly over her, touching her soft skin and scars. Her body had gone rigid in my arms, even though I’d been trying for the opposite effect.

  “You don’t have to tell me any details. I think I can guess.” I wanted to know, although that wasn’t my most pressing need. Because more than that, I needed to ease the tension I felt pulsing through her. Pulling her closer, I kissed the top of her head. “Are you a novice sword juggler?”

  Thank God she laughed. She turned her face into my chest and giggled. Her body relaxed into my arms, and I felt her lips soft on my skin. She ran her hand lightly back and forth over my abdomen.

  I had to grit my back teeth with how much I liked her hand on me.

  She sighed. “Car accident. Three years ago. An eighteen wheeler hit my car. I was in the hospital for a bit. Then I transferred to an inpatient rehab hospital, and then home where I continued with outpatient therapy. And now I’m finding my way back.”

  She made it sound so simple and easy. Downplaying it, or maybe she was still unable to talk about it. Something she’d said during the walk-through of her house came to me… All I know is I want this room changed top to bottom. Starting with the ceiling. That far corner by the front window has a web of cracks in the plaster. If you stand near the bed, the crack looks like an evil grin. It’s creepy and disturbing. Right. Because Tessa had spent days…weeks…months lying in that hospital bed staring at that damn ceiling. Fuck.

  Using my arm, I rolled her up, so she lay fully on top of me, lined up, her breasts to my chest. My cock pressing against her belly. Her chin resting on my chest, so I could look into her eyes.

  “Something tells me you glossed over a lot.” I leaned up, placing a kiss on her lips before rolling us over and reversing our positions. Her back against the bed, her eyes looking up into mine. “I will have lots of questions later. But I have a really important one right now.”

  Her eyes went wide and darted away before coming back. She licked her lips and whispered, “What?”

  I stared into her eyes for a long moment. “How sensitive are your breasts?”


  “How sensitive?”


  “Just what I wanted to hear. Time for me to go to work.”

  Tessa wasn’t lying about her breasts; they were amazingly sensitive, and that was a reward all its own. I held her breasts in my hands, squeezing and holding. I rolled us again until I was under her and sat her up on my stomach so I could watch her face as I caressed them, pinched and tweaked her nipples. She threw her head back, face up to the ceiling, as a soft groan left her throat. God, she was beautiful.

  She tilted forward, placing her hands flat against my chest, but froze, sitting up on a gasp. “Oh, my God, Gray!”

  “What? Did I hurt you?”

  “No. Your wall—it’s amazing. The color is breathtaking. Your brothers were right.”

  I blinked at her. Was she kidding? I was doing stuff here. Good stuff. I grabbed her and rolled again, putting her back under me, flat on her back.

  “Babe, your breasts are amazing. And I’m trying to give you breathtaking. Pay attention.”

  “Pay attention?” she asked, blinking up at me, like I’d said something shocking. And then she said, “I’ve been trying to.”

  I got back to work. I kissed my way around her breasts, teasing with my tongue, and then sucking a nipple in my mouth, sucking on one while my fingers worked the other. I took my time. I got as much pleasure from her breasts as she did. Almost. She surprised me when she came. Pulled in a sharp breath and shuddered under me.

  A few minutes later, Tessa was in my arms again, draped across my body, newly relaxed, her soft caramel-colored curls of hair spread soft across my chest. We were cuddling again. “Tessa?”

  “Hmm?” Her finger traced a soft pattern over my skin, which I liked very much.

  “Just FYI… When I have you naked in my bed, and I have my lips on any part of your body, and I’ve got you hot and panting and seconds away from rocking your world… Please don’t mention my brothers.”

  “Gotcha, boss.”

  Chapter 18


  Can an orgasm last a week? I’m just asking. Because it had been a week since I’d “looked at the paint” in Gray’s bedroom and I still felt like I was free-falling. I had a sneaking suspicion that it had less to do with breaking my three-year abstinence, and more to do with Gray Thorne. Possibly everything to do with Gray Thorne. The man knew what he was doing in the bedroom. It was the best non-sex sex of my life.

  Except…I had a few concerns. Rather than drive myself crazy, I figured I’d run them by Laura
and see if she could be the voice of reason. She was much more in-tune with the dating world than I was, considering she’d been in the dating trenches the last three years.

  It was Laura’s day off so we were running errands together after dropping Sully off for his weekly playdate at my dad’s. We’d already been to my physical therapy session, hit up the grocery store, and then stopped by Flo’s Nails so Laura could get her nails done. (She had a big date this weekend with her new mechanic. Talk about free oil changes for life.)

  Our last stop was at D & D’s for lunch. We sat at an out-of-the-way booth drinking sweet tea while waiting for our order. Their honey-drizzled fried chicken was worth the longer wait with the lunch-time crowd.

  “So now, fill me in on where things are with Gray.” Laura had both hands around the glass of sweet tea on the table in front of her, like it was a life-saving beverage. Which as any Southerner knows—it is. “The last time we talked, you’d pissed Gray off and when I picked you up today, there was an SBC remodeling sign in your yard. I know I’ve been busy with work, but come on, I need some details here.”

  “Okay, yes, I did make Gray angry, but that’s only because I apparently have a talent for it. Although, this time I did it sort-of-not-but-sort-of on purpose. I needed to push the pause button and regroup. At the time, my plan wasn’t working. And then in the middle of me taking a break to think, he drew up the plans for my kitchen and they were perfect. I mean…perfect. Here, look.” I grabbed my phone from my purse on the bench seat next to me and pulled up the plans he’d sent, handing my phone across to her.

  “Huge window over the sink, bigger island, double ovens, oooh look at all that counter space.” She nodded, using her fingers to manipulate the photo and see it all. “Nice setup with the separate refrigerator and freezer. And they’re starting today?”

  “The demo. Plus, see right there…”—I pointed to one end of the island—“He included a built-in bed for Sully.”

  “I approve,” she said, passing my phone back to me. “So that’s it?”

  “No. I met with Gray at the SBC offices so he could help me figure out what I want to do with the rest of the house…” I fiddled with the silverware on the table. “And then…I ended up at Gray’s apartment and…I ended up in his bedroom. And then I ended up…naked. And then I ended up…you know…”

  Laura’s mouth had fallen open. She leaned forward and hissed, “You had sex with Gray Thorne? And didn’t tell me?”

  “Yes. No. Yes and no.” Laura and I did tell each other everything. Mostly. We were best friends since forever. But we’d never gone into details. Plus, I was sort of savoring my time with Gray. Thinking it over and trying to figure it out. If I didn’t have a serious question that I needed her opinion on, I’d probably keep my time with Gray to myself longer. It felt different than anything I’d had with Paul. Special.

  “Yes and no? Explain. No wait.” The waitress was just approaching our table with our food. “Can we have that wrapped up to go instead? I’m sorry, but something’s come up and we need to leave.”

  “Sure, hon. You’ll want that other chicken to-go with it, yeah?”

  “Yes, please.” I nodded at her. I’d ordered chicken to drop off for Dad when we stopped to pick up Sully. The chicken was that good, seriously.

  Ten minutes later we had the meals, were strapped into Laura’s Toyota, and on the way to my dad’s.

  “Okay. Spill it,” Laura said, her voice firm and prodding like a cop in interrogation. “Explain yes and no, please.”

  I did. I told her more than I usually would, but only on account of my concerns. I needed to lay out what happened so I could ask her.

  “Wow,” Laura said when I got to the end of the evening. “So, he didn’t…? He never…?”

  “Nope. I even asked him if, you know, he wanted to. He said and I quote, ‘Anyone who’s gone three years without and wears battle scars like you, coming out on the other side still beautiful and strong—deserves my undivided attention.’ And that’s what he did. At least three or four times.”

  “I think that’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Holy, super control, Batman. Wow.”

  “Well, that’s what I thought, but then I’ve been thinking more since that night—”

  “That’s part of your problem right there. Over-thinking sex leads to insanity.”

  “Tell me about it.” I picked at a thread unravelling at a hole on the thigh of my jeans. “First option: He was totally honest and just wanted to get me off and save his turn for later.”

  “Did he say that? That there would be a later?”

  “Um, he did, yes.” I squirmed in my seat at the memory. Trust me, we’ll get to me next time. We’ll fuck twice as long.

  “Oh, my gosh, you’re blushing!” She grinned at me. “What’s the second option?”

  I felt the blood drain from my face with this one. “That he saw my scars and felt sorry for me. And…it was out of pity. Which is why he didn’t…get his.”

  “A pity half-fuck?” Her eyes flicked to my face, before returning to the road. “What did his face look like? Did he look like he felt sorry for you? Put off by the scars?”

  I remembered a look of surprise. Maybe a bit of shock—but not pity. The look of pure enjoyment and heat when he brought me to orgasm. I may not have come, but I did get off. “I don’t think so. But then again, I was a little distracted. I will say this: The man has amazing attention to detail.”

  “I don’t know, Tess. I’m going to have to think on this one.”

  Laura and I arrived at my dad’s and stayed to eat the chicken with him. I worried about him. Three years had passed and I knew he still wasn’t used to being alone.

  “So how did the dogs do today, Dad?” I bent over to say hello to both the puppies.

  “Little on the wild side, so we went for a drive. Decided to stop by your place, Tessa. I knew your work crew was starting demolition today. I thought I’d check them out since they’re working in my baby girl’s house.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I haven’t even met Frank and his crew yet, but Gray assured me they were the best. Very professional and all the crews they work with have to pass a background check.”

  “Good to hear. Only Frank and his crew couldn’t make it. They all got food poisoning from a potato salad at some picnic they’d been to. Gray and his brothers are doing the demo themselves. They didn’t want your job to get behind.”

  “Excuse me, Mr. M? Are you saying that the Thorne brothers are over at Tessa’s house right now?”

  “That’s what I’m saying. Got to respect a company that—”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. M. We’ve got to go.” Laura stood abruptly, helped gather all the trash from our meal, moving at light speed. Fast enough to make Dad laugh. He knew what was going on. “Tessa, grab Sully. Let’s go.”

  “Love you, Dad.” I gave him a tight hug. “Sorry we’re running out on you. Apparently Laura’s never seen a man before.”

  “Tessa! Now!”

  Let it be known, my best friend Laura loved me so much that, knowing my anxiety in a car, she didn’t even go one single mile above the speed limit—even though she wanted to Indy 500 it the whole way on the drive to my house. I think it helped that my dad only lived ten minutes away.

  She did swing into my driveway pretty quickly and set the parking brake so abruptly the car rocked back and forth.

  “You grab the dog; I’ll grab the groceries!”

  Laura was moving at triple-time speed, which had me laughing. But truth be told, I scooped up Sully pretty darn fast too. I hadn’t seen Gray since he’d dropped me off after the night at his apartment. I might’ve even been more anxious than Laura.

  I followed Laura into my house, setting my car keys down on the small entrance table, and my jacket on the coat tree. And then proceeded to plow into the back of Laura, who’d frozen at the en
trance to the kitchen.

  “Sorry, Laura.”

  “Not me,” she said. “They still have their shirts on, but holy hotness there are three Thorne brothers in tool belts in your kitchen. This is the way to do a renovation.”

  I stepped next to her in the doorway, Sully in my arms and wow. Wow, wow, wow. Gray, Eli, and one brother I hadn’t met before were tearing apart my kitchen. They were a sight to behold. Tall, muscled, with wide shoulders and slim hips and in my house.

  They each wore a T-shirt, dusty blue jeans, construction boots, and, yep, tool belts. And they were hot. Those belts all slung low on their hips, like modern day gunslingers. Only it was hammers and drills and tape measures hanging off their belts. The brothers wore a light coating of drywall dust on their shirts. As if someone had sprinkled confectioners’ sugar on them. Serving them up for dessert. Streaks of it where they’d wiped their hands on their thighs. Eli even had some in his beard.

  “Do you think I could snap a photo without them noticing?” Laura whispered. “You know, for my own private viewing.”

  It was a tempting idea, only Sully barked when his patience wore out waiting to get attention from other humans. That brought all their heads around to us.

  “Hey, Tessa,” Gray said, hefting a large piece of drywall he’d just torn off the wall where the oven had been and tossing it onto a growing pile in the corner.

  “Gray. My dad said y’all were here doing the demo instead of Frank and his crew. Food poisoning huh?” My greedy gaze used this bit of conversation as an excuse to run all over Gray.

  “Yep. They were in no shape to work today, but it’s only the kitchen, so pretty easy.” He grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it up to wipe sweat and drywall dust from one eye.

  I managed not to stare at his ripped ab muscles. Not too much. By the time my eyes moved back up to Gray’s face, his gaze was hot on mine. Calling up memories from last week. Making me feel hot and tingly all over.


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