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Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4)

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by Lilian Roberts

  “I’m glad about the outcome,” he contradicted, and she could sense something unusual in his behavior, but she couldn’t quite grasp it. “I made the flight arrangements, and we’re leaving in the morning. That is the first flight out,” Sebastian said, as he pulled her in his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “I love you, Arielle,” he murmured. “Everything will be all right. We’ll all be together shortly. Gabrielle will be fine, and we’ll pick up where we left things before the accident. Please trust in me.” He sounded so sure and confident that she felt more at ease, especially when he suggested that they cancel their afternoon outing and spend the time together without distractions instead.

  Curled up with him on the bed, Arielle grinned as she remembered a plan that she made with her friends. “Eva, Gabby, and I had a wild idea.”

  “What about?” he asked.

  “We want to get married on the same day. We thought that would make our wedding day a magnificent event. Don’t you think it would?” She chuckled softly as tears welled up again. She gazed at his face with a bitter smile, and she noticed a brief shadow crossing his beautiful emerald eyes. “A wedding for three couples,” she mumbled again, as she detected a half smile teasing the corner of his mouth.

  “I’ll be happy to be your husband, any day, any time, any way you choose,” he said and laughed softly. He gazed deep into her eyes, and she felt as if she was sinking in the passion of his soul. Jaw set, he stated. “If I had my choice, we would be married by now.”

  Arielle blinked, surprised. “Oh, why?”

  “Why?” Sebastian couldn’t believe she was asking him that question. He seemed shocked. “Arielle, I love you,” he stated. “I feel like I’ve know you all my life.” His voice was filled with emotion.

  “Sebastian, please! You have been on this earth for over five centuries, and you have known me for a little over a year,” she snorted, pinning him with her gaze.

  He closed his eyes, and his jaw muscles shifted. A feeling of tenderness washed over him. “My life began when I met you,” he said quietly. The look he gave her was full of promise and pleasure. “I want to be your lover and your best friend for eternity.” His voice was mesmerizing, soothing every part of her body and soul.

  God… she thought to herself, how can he be so perfectly faultless? She heard his quiet laughter and flinched. Certain she’d thought aloud again, she glanced at him and saw his eyes filled with amusement. Suddenly bashful, she bit her bottom lip and stared down at her hands with a small smile.

  “You are my lover; you’re my private dream,” she said sincerely. “I want to marry you, but I also want to be out of school before we get married. I thought you were okay with that,” she said, gazing into his beautiful eyes.

  “Yes, I know, baby, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to marry you now. I want the world to know that you’re mine.”

  “They do!” she said, utterly surprised. “Everyone in my world knows that we are engaged to be married, and I mean everyone!”

  Sebastian sighed, nodding in agreement. He then reached for her, and she fell into his arms, letting relief lap about them. Their eyes locked, and his lips came down on hers in a warm and passionate kiss.

  “I just want you to be my wife more than anything I have ever wanted in my life,” he whispered. Arielle’s heart swelled at the thought of this man being her husband; sharing her life, her heart, and her dreams. This man that she considered a mere dream not long ago, a desire that might never come true. She choked back tears and reached up to press her lips against his. Arielle basked in the strength of Sebastian’s mind and body, and she let out a loud sight. Sebastian nuzzled her hair and drew her tighter in his embrace.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, his brows creasing.

  Arielle chuckled. “Oh, my thoughts are mostly about you,” she murmured, and Sebastian grinned.

  “That’s what I want to hear. I want to be the center of your universe, the only man in your life,” he said, and his voice cracked.

  She pulled back, and their gazes met and locked. Her lips curved teasingly.

  “Am I the center of your universe?”

  “I’m sure I have told you that before, but in case you didn’t hear me or don’t remember, you are that. And much more.”

  “How much more? How can there be more?”

  “Arielle, you’re the very core of my soul. Without you, there is no me.” His voice was soft and sincere, his statement mind-blowing.

  She drew a deep breath and sank deeper into his embrace. Putting a finger under her chin, he lifted her face as his lips came down on hers with passion that was set to explode into something beyond rational thought, beyond anything he could comprehend. The kiss fed the fire that already sweltered in his veins and increased the confusion that swept through his thoughts. Why does my body respond to hers, like a thirsty man at the sight of water or a hungry man at the sight of food? he wondered and shuddered. Sebastian was at a complete loss. The same question had recurred since he first laid eyes on Arielle. The feeling grew stronger with passing time until he couldn’t breathe without her by his side. That was a truly startling revelation for someone like him, a strong, unbreakable, and resilient immortal.

  Realization brought his equilibrium back under control. It would be unconscionable to act on his desires for her while she was in this state of mind. She ached for her friends, so he paused and prevented his impulse from penetrating this part of his mind.

  The thick sweet scent of freesia filled Sebastian’s nostrils, and he inhaled deeply. He nuzzled Arielle’s hair again and rejoiced at the fragrance that was as familiar to his senses by now as the very air he breathed.

  Sebastian rested on the bed and put his arms around Arielle; he pulled her to his chest and sheltered her. They lay in a calm silence for a very long time, as deep emotions coursed through them. Sebastian smiled faintly and drew in a shaky breath. Despite the muddled thoughts about the situation, Sebastian gave the appearance of a man in complete control, a man who knew exactly how to handle each and every situation. But the truth was entirely different. Sebastian was nervous about what was to come when they finally went home. How was he going to divulge the truth to Arielle and when would be the right time to do that? He cursed inwardly in frustration.

  Arielle was resting in the solace of his embrace with her eyes closed, and she seemed to be calm but for a few dry sobs that shook her body lightly here and there.

  The sun went down slowly, and the light in the room faded away, shading every piece of furniture. Arielle was asleep and Sebastian didn’t want to move; he didn’t want to wake her up. Suddenly, a sob shook Arielle’s body, and she moaned lightly. Sebastian sucked in a huge breath and tightened his embrace. She was shivering, so he held her closer and rubbed his hand up and down her back, wanting to protect her from whatever haunted her sleep. His mouth set in a straight line and his chest muscles tightened, as joy surged thought his body. She was his to have and protect, and he would give his life to do just that. He placed a soft kiss on her temple and placed his face in the crook of her neck.

  Arielle opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times. The room was dark now, and she tried to bring the ghostly shadows in the room into focus.

  “What time is it?” she whispered.

  “I don’t know, Baby, but it’s getting late.” He breathed the words and placed a tender kiss on her temple once again. She turned and pressed a warm kiss to his lips as she pulled away from his embrace and stretched, trying to gather her thoughts.

  “How long have I been asleep?” she asked.

  “Oh, it has been about a couple of hours. You were exhausted.”

  She eased off the bed and set her feet on the floor. She stretched and smiled down at Sebastian.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said, walking into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. When she came out, Sebastian was still lying in bed, his hands behind his head while watching her carefully. Ar
ielle’s lips curved, and he smiled back. Turning she walked to the balcony doors and pulled them wide open. It was now twilight, and the air felt warm as a light breeze brushed across her face and made her shiver lightly. She stepped outside and took in a lungful of air. She could smell the ocean, and it made her smile, reminding her of Brighton and her two best friends.

  The thought of Eva and Gabrielle made her frown, and tears welled up. Her eyes scanned her surroundings and her breath hitched when she saw the magnificent sliver of the moon peaking at the end of the horizon. She watched mesmerized as the moon started to climb slowly over the ocean and spread its silvery light across the dark waters. It looked like a huge pearl suspended from the dark, unending surface of the sky.

  Tuscany’s beauty was mesmerizing. Several boats with their shimmering lights were moving slowly, casting streaks of bright illumination across the waves. She wrapped her arms around her body and stood utterly unmoved. She felt his warmth radiating toward her just before his arms snaked around her waist and pulled her possessively flush against his body. He nuzzled her hair and pressed a soft kiss on her shoulder.

  “What are you thinking, my love?”

  Arielle bit down on her lower lip and placed her hands over his. There were so many questions and so many emotions that were whirling in her head; she couldn’t differentiate which ones were more important that the other. Turning around without leaving his embrace, she looked up into his beautiful eyes. “I was thinking that school is starting in a couple of months,” she said and swallowed hard. “How is this going to work for Gabby?” A tone of despondency coded her voice. “Do you think that she will be able to come out of this well enough?”

  Sebastian listened carefully, searching her eyes, but he remained silent.

  “God, I love her so much, I can’t imagine what she is going through,” she furthered, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

  He didn’t say anything again for a short period of time. Finally he pressed a soft kiss on her lips and whispered, “Everything will go back to normal before you know it.” His voice was so comforting.

  There he goes again, Mr. Positive, my Darcy, and my life’s miracle, she thought. She snuggled even closer to his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck, rising to her toes and pressing his lips with her tongue.

  Sebastian moaned as her touch resonated through his bones. Pressing his hands to the small of her back, he pulled her even closer and their lips met. They stood there holding each other, lost in their thoughts.

  Exhaustion weighed down every part of her body, and when they finally went to bed, she snuggled up to Sebastian in need of his warmth and comfort. Closing her eyes, she laid her hand flat on his chest, and he gathered her into his embrace. She took a deep breath and tried to sort through the worrisome emotions that were invading her head. Her body trembled, and Sebastian tightened his hold. “Go to sleep, baby. I’m right here,” he murmured.

  Sebastian watched her uneasiness as she attempted to sleep. He pressed his lips to her cheek and pulled her even closer, as he knew she liked to sleep that way. Two hours passed before he finally felt her relaxing and drifting off to sleep. His mind was working double time as silence closed in around him. He mulled over all the details of the accident and his conversation with Troy. Troy had averted such devastation! But how were they to explain the truth to Ian and Eva? The situation would be both terrifying and difficult for them to understand.

  The subject would have to be approached delicately, but that problem was for another day. More important was figuring out who the woman was that caused the accident by standing in the middle of the road. While on the phone with Troy, his mind had immediately gone to Annabel, but his friend reassured him that she looked exactly like a woman the group had encountered earlier the night of the accident at the club. She’d handled the seating arrangements.

  Immortal vision was flawless. Despite the darkness and the rain, Troy had to be believed. The woman was not Annabel, as bizarre as it sounded. Of course, Annabel had always known Sebastian and Arielle’s whereabouts, so why would she create this accident if Arielle hadn’t been in the car?

  Who was the stranger Troy had seen? What had motivated her to attempt to murder their friends? Neither he nor Troy had thought of a good reason, and rage surged through him as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

  Arielle would have to be told about Ian and Eva soon. One of her many superb characteristics was the ability to alleviate the stress of other people and temper their emotions. If only she could do it for herself. She was the most amazing person he had ever met, and he had met an immeasurable number of people in the last five centuries. She was the only woman that gave him knee-weakening intoxication, filling his existence with warmth and tenderness. She was the one and only bright star in his world, and they were perfect for each other. They fit together like hand and glove.

  He chuckled at the thought and pulled her even closer. He didn’t like to see her unhappy, and he absolutely hated to see her cry. However, he needed to tell her the truth. He had a little time ahead of him, and he was going to find the right moment to discuss this sensitive matter.

  He watched her sleep peacefully in his arms, and she looked beautiful, relaxed, and untroubled. Watching her cry was the worst experience, leaving him powerless and shattered. All he wanted to do was turn the clock back to when they left for Italy and alleviate the hurt and the pain that was consuming her.

  Sebastian’s recollection of his transformation from human to immortal was the strongest memory he held of his human life. Ian and Eva’s transformation would take four days; then, it would no longer be a secret. Their needs would completely change. They would become immortals and incredibly physically powerful-- beyond any human imagination. Immune to harm of any kind, there will be no need for doctors or hospitals, since every injury would simply regenerate. Their heart would stop beating, and their tear ducts would dry up. Human food would no longer be their preference as they would need the immortal drink of salve to nurse and sustain their bodies.

  Glancing down at her sleeping, her head cushioned on his shoulder, he realized he had been frowning for the past hour. Ian and Eva’s immortality lurked at the back of his mind, not allowing him to focus on anything else. The frown returned to his face and his lips twisted in frustration. Through the shadows of the room he gazed at the ceiling and decided not to allow his mind to dwell on tomorrow. Pressing a gentle kiss on her hair, he closed his eyes.

  Chapter 3

  THE FLIGHT TOOK OFF EARLY, and they touched down in Brighton a little before noon. Only stopping at their house long enough to drop their luggage off and freshen up, they made it to the hospital in record time. When they arrived at the hospital, they made their way into the ICU waiting room where they met Gabrielle’s parents, as well as Eva’s mother. The three parents were sitting together, talking in low voices. The physical and emotional trauma of the situation was obvious in the fret lines carved into their faces and the exhaustion they wore like a mantle around their shoulders.

  As they approached, Dr. Taylor stood up and greeted them warmly. He hugged her with one arm and shook Sebastian’s hand with the other. Arielle hugged him back as tears welled up. She loved him just like a father, and she sobbed in his embrace. She knew perfectly well that his heart was shuddering.

  “I’m so sorry,” she murmured, her voice was breaking.

  He patted her tenderly on the back. “I know, dear, and we’re really glad that you, and Sebastian, escaped this nightmare.”

  Sebastian hugged Katherine and Madeline. After exchanging warm regards, he walked over to sit next to Dr. Taylor. Arielle leaned down hug Gabby and Eva’s mothers affectionately.

  “Weren’t you on vacation, dear?” Mrs. Taylor asked.

  “Yes, we were in Italy. We came back as soon as we heard,” Arielle apologized, downheartedly.

  “Oh, honey, you didn’t have to do that,” Mrs. Winters assured.

  “We most certainly did. Gabby and Ev
a are like sisters to me. I love them dearly.”

  “There…there…there,” Mrs. Taylor said, patting her hands lovingly. “The girls will be all right; I’m sure of that.”

  Excusing themselves shortly after, Arielle and Sebastian went to visit Gabby. A nurse buzzed Arielle into the ICU, only allowing her to enter as someone else was already in the room. Without an argument, Sebastian pressed her hand softly and turning away he went back to sit and talk with Mr. Taylor and wait for her. Arielle entered the ICU and the sight of her dearest friend unmoving on the hospital bed sent a wave of wretchedness through her. Gabby looked worse than Arielle had imagined. A tube that was inserted into her mouth helped her breath, and there was an intravenous line hooked to her right hand. The largest cast wrapped her left arm from shoulder to wrist, another covered her left leg from just over the knee to her ankle, and the smallest protected her right foot. An apparatus around her neck appeared to be to prevent Gabrielle from moving her body. Her head was covered in thick gauze, except for her beautiful face. Beneath the bandaids and bruises, she looked pale; her lips were dry and gray. In response, Arielle’s body quivered, as if ice water ran through her veins. Her knees began to quiver at the proof that lives could be instantaneously changed.

  Troy looked exhausted. He had been leaning forward, his arms bent and elbows resting on his thighs, when she entered. Hearing her, he raised his chin from where they rested on his interlocked hands. The look they exchanged was filled with nervousness over their friend’s health.

  A faint smile painted his lips momentarily, and he stood up, reaching for her. Her eyes filled with tears as she took his hands and saw that his beautiful face was distorted by anguish. His gaze was deeply distressed, and she knew he was in extreme pain. If he had a heart, it would be broken, so she put her arms around him and kissed him softly on the cheek.


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