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Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Lilian Roberts

  It was twilight when she decided to get up and finish her dinner. She knew he was not going to have anything to eat, but she was starving.

  She lifted her head from the pillow, and turning slowly, she gazed into Sebastian’s beautiful face. He seemed to be deep in sleep. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing quietly. She let her gaze drink him in and grinned blissfully as she followed the rise and fall of his magnificent, masculine, bare chest. She shook her head trying to put aside her cravings, and gently she eased away from his embrace. She edged herself close to the side of the bed, and just as she tried to sit up, his hands fastened about her waist and he pulled her back into bed.

  “Where do you think you are going?” he murmured.

  She yelped, startled. “I was going to get something to eat,” she whispered, as she tried again to pull away from his steal embrace. He released her reluctantly, and he immediately felt the loss of her warmth. He groaned in frustration, struggling to fight his desire to pull her back into his arms where she belonged. Suppressing the need, he just watched her as she got out of bed, and he drew in a sharp breath.

  Pushing her hair away from her face, she looked down at Sebastian, and their gaze locked. She lost her train of thought, and nearly turned around and jumped back into bed, but at the last minute, she changed her mind. Pursing her lips together, she turned and walked into the shower, closing the door behind her, letting a loud sigh escape her. She heard him chuckle just before she turned the water on, and leaning against the tile wall, she remained motionless. The first warm drops hit her skin, and she quivered at the sensation. She wet her hair. Massaging a small amount of shampoo into her scalp, she let her emotions whirl wildly. She thought of how much his love had changed her life. I don’t deserve to be this happy, she thought as she washed her face. She would never understand how he chose her over the vast amount of perfect women in his immortal world. She dragged in a deep breath and exhaled, shaking her head. It was a while later that she realized she had been standing unmoving under the water, lost in thought about Sebastian’s world that she couldn’t grasp.

  She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her, and she picked up the hairdryer. She looked into the mirror, and she was startled to find the man of her thoughts leaning against the doorframe, watching her blow dry her hair. Her gaze swept over Sebastian’s unclothed, shockingly beautiful body. Heat emanated in her stomach and spread across her skin like fire. The sight of him was quite distracting. His eyes were electric and fervent, and it was wrapped all around her. She groaned quietly and forced the feeling of desire back down her throat.

  She finished drying her hair, and when she turned around, he hadn’t moved an inch. He was still watching her with the same hunger in his eyes. She walked toward him, a wide smile spread across her face. His arms reached out and wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against him. The towel dropped onto the floor, and their bodies melted into each other. Arielle threw her arms around his neck, and he moaned with eagerness. His hands stroked her naked body, and their lips locked in a passionate kiss that made her world shudder about her. He deepened the kiss, and she gasped, pressing herself even closer. She parted her lips, and he slid his tongue inside the warmth of her mouth. The sweetness of her mouth sent a delightful sensation deep into his bones. Sebastian groaned as he felt her relaxing in his embraces, and he lifted her in his arms.

  She broke the kiss reluctantly and pushed against his chest softly. He let out a soft gasp, and she noticed curiosity lingering in his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he moaned, tightening his hold on her.

  “Please, put me down,” she murmured, “I’m hungry.”

  “Mmmm… so am I,” he said.

  “Stop it; you are always hungry,” she scolded him, tenderly. He sighed aloud and put her down. Stepping aside, he let her walk past him. She picked up a clean t-shirt and a pair of shorts and went into the kitchen. She prepared a plate of spaghetti, and, as usual, she was the only one eating tonight. She heard the water running in the shower as she picked up a book and took a seat at the kitchen table. Eating and reading at the same time was something that she enjoyed immensely. She took a couple bites, pulled the book even closer to the plate, and opened it.

  The book was by one of her favorite authors, Jane Austen. She was extremely satisfied, getting into the romance of “Persuasion” one more time. Anne Elliot was the heroine of the story, anguished over her enduring love for gorgeous Captain Wentworth. A warm feeling swept over her at the thought of her own Wentworth.

  “What are you reading?” He was standing right behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders, his cheek flush against hers.

  “Persuasion,” she replied.

  “Ahhh…another Jane Austin love story.”

  “Yes, she is my favorite author,” she said with a smile.

  “I’m completely aware of that,” he chuckled, as he put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up to press his lips on hers.

  “I know all about your favorite books and your favorite author,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you a lot more than Wentworth ever loved Anne, or Darcy ever loved Lizzy,” he said, and his eyes glittered. She could feel his body heat through her t-shirt, and she giggled ecstatically. He knew how to say the right thing at the right time. What an amazing man!

  Chapter 13

  CLASSES WERE COMMENCING in two weeks. This was the last semester of their senior year. The anticipation of their imminent commencement was overwhelming but also bittersweet. Arielle knew that the university was just a stepping-stone to upcoming achievements in her life. The fear and the excitement of entering the real world that would challenge her in new ways became her daily thought.

  She wasn’t going to let Sebastian’s wealth interfere with her plans. She wanted to embark into that wonderful journey using her own abilities, just like all the other students. This would be the time for her to make a difference and to plunge into new beginnings with hunger and commitment for a better tomorrow. She was planning on reaching for the stars, and she was fixed on that course.

  Gabby wasn’t going to be able to attend the first two weeks of school; however, there had been an agreement between the Dean of Medicine and her parents. She could attend classes via the Internet and take her tests the same way. They were all delighted that the accident was not going to prevent her from graduating with her senior class.

  Troy agreed reluctantly for Gabrielle to move to her parent’s home after she left the hospital. She would remain there approximately three weeks, until she was able to care for herself with no assistance. Troy suggested getting her private help at his house, but Gabby thought it would be better this way. She would rather be at home and let her mother provide the care she needed right now.

  She left the hospital five weeks following the accident and moved into her old bedroom at her parent’s home. Troy was in distress. He missed her terribly. He wanted to take her home, to their home and their bed. He wanted to hold her and love her like he knew she wanted to be held and loved by him. It had been five weeks at the hospital and now another three weeks or more at her parent’s home. He wasn’t happy at all, and he had a hard time hiding his feelings from Gabby.

  It was the second day after she left the hospital, and Arielle was with Gabby in her bedroom when Troy arrived. He smiled at Arielle as he walked by her and embraced Gabrielle, pulling her tightly against his body, locking them into a passionate and zealous kiss.

  “Gabrielle,” she heard his soft whisper, his lips at her ear. “I’m not going to make it without you for another three weeks. You have to come home. I need you,” His voice was full of anxiety.

  Gabby was trying to hold back laughter. He looked absolutely pitiful. She wrapped her arms around him and gazed into his beautiful eyes. “I love you, Troy,” Gabrielle murmured. “I know that this will be difficult for both of us, but I think this is the right thing to do. I’m not strong enough to be alone, and I can’t expect you to be there
every moment of every day. My mum is home, and she’s delighted to have me here. Take this time and enjoy your books, your work, and our friends. Time will go by faster than you think,” she said, smiling softly.

  Troy grunted and muttered something inaudible under his breath. He paused for a short moment. Turning, he rested his gaze on Arielle long enough to notice the amusement on her face. He started to say something and suddenly stopped. Arielle wasn’t sure what he wanted from her. Eventually, he shrugged his shoulders, and his gaze found its way back to Gabby’s smiling face. He leaned in and pressed his lips on hers with obvious hunger.

  “I need you. I can’t breathe without you,” Arielle heard him murmuring in a wretched voice. Arielle chuckled quietly at the remark; Sebastian used that sentence with her, quite often.

  “Troy, I’m here, baby,” Gabby said trying to remain serious. “I’m not going anywhere.” Gabby was having difficulty trying to keep a straight face. This beautiful, incredible, indestructible immortal looked utterly miserable. They were still looking at each other, eyes locked, and expressions fervent. Troy’s arms wrapped around her, and Gabby relished the sanctuary of his solid, heartfelt embraces. Troy took a deep breath and surrendered, nodding his agreement to her decision.

  “I’ve never experienced separation pain like this,” he said, and he exhaled deeply. “First the hospital, and now your parents’ home.” The tone of his voice was that of misery and desire.

  Listening to Troy’s reaction made Arielle smile inwardly. Her attention wandered from Troy to Gabby’s thoughts. She could read her mind, and she focused on the turmoil that was consuming her thoughts. She was battling her need for Troy against the need to stay the course and get better with her mother’s support. She was sure that her mother’s care exceeded any care that a hired nurse could provide for her.

  She couldn’t read Troy’s thoughts, but she was sure that he wanted to protect Gabby and take care of her in their own home. However, he was being a bit selfish, not that Sebastian would react any different if she was in Gabby’s shoes.

  Arielle smiled. Troy was a warm passionate guy, and she loved him. He had become one of her dearest friends and, in many cases, her protector. She chuckled at the memory of all the occasions that he had saved her life from angry immortals. Both Troy and Gabby turned to look at her inquisitively. She hadn’t realized that she had chuckled just a bit too loud. Trying not to cross the line between her amusement and their privacy, she cleared her throat and began a gradual walk toward the other side of the room.

  Troy stayed for a while, and it was on his way out that she heard him mumbling something like, “I’ll endure.” When the door shut behind him, she and Gabby burst out into a hearty laugh.

  Gabrielle was really coming along extremely well. Now all the casts were off her limbs, the bruises were going away, and the stitches had been removed. The four and half inches long gash on her thigh was still raw, and she was still experiencing a fair amount of pain. She was on pain pills to be able to tolerate the hurt, and she was taking antibiotics to prevent infection until completely healed.

  The doctor said that the gash would mend, and the scar would fade away slowly. But for the time being, she needed to be careful and keep it clean. Her father made sure that she did the right things to become well. She needed to rest and regain her strength. She was having difficulty getting around from being in bed for all these weeks.

  Arielle left around two o’clock in the afternoon, and Gabby walked her to the door.

  “I thought we were getting married to unbreakable immortals and look what we are getting into.” The mirth in her voice as she referred to Troy’s earlier scene was evident. Arielle chuckled, nodding in agreement. They hugged, and Arielle promised she was going to visit the next day.

  The days seemed to creep along, and time seemed to pass like sand dripping into an hourglass. Troy and Sebastian spent a lot of time at the office, and she spent a lot of time with Gabby at her house.

  Eva and Ian were coming home at the end of the next week. Arielle was filled with excitement as she stood in front of her study window and gazed out across the ocean. She couldn’t wait to see them. She swallowed hard at the thought and pursed her lips. She simply wondered what they would look like. Would she feel any different around them? Would they have maintained their human sense of humor? Or would she feel awkward around them?

  She didn’t feel awkward around Sebastian, but she never knew him when he was human, so she had nothing to compare. Would that make any difference when it came to Ian and Eva? She couldn’t fully understand the whole thing about immortality. The immortal world was something out of a novel, not real life. But here she was thrust right into the middle of it. She shook her head and shifted from one foot to the other apprehensively.

  Her next thought went to Gabby. She would have to be told about Ian and Eva’s new identities once she was completely well and back at school. She felt tightness in her throat and drew in a sharp breath. What was going to be her reaction to such incredible news? The last couple months had been an implausible phenomenon. She turned her gaze away from the ocean. Picking up her book, she sat down on the sofa to read and wait for Sebastian to come home.

  It was the end of the week when Troy came home with Sebastian, completely distraught. He sank into the chair and dropped his head in his hands, looking completely miserable.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Arielle asked, shocked by his demeanor.

  “Arielle,” Troy said. “I don’t think I can make it for much longer, I can’t sleep, and I can’t breathe without Gabrielle by my side. My whole world has turned upside down, and I don’t seem to be able to get out of this vicious cycle.” She looked up at Sebastian, and he shrugged his shoulders as if he had already tried to get him out his misery but failed. Here he goes again, Arielle thought. She moved closer, and putting her finger under Troy’s chin, she lifted his face up until their eyes met. She was pretty frustrated with his attitude, and she scolded him cautiously.

  “Troy, I love you,” she said, with lips pursed long enough to gather the right words to use. “All I can see right now is a very selfish man, a man who only cares about his loneliness and his personal emotions in an obsessive way.” She took a deep breath and let go of his chin. “This is the time that you need to be supportive, reassuring, encouraging, and completely understanding of Gabrielle’s needs. Don’t make her feel guilty by acting like a spoiled little boy. You know that she loves you more than life,” she said, clear exasperation in the tone of her voice. She paused, because she did notice that her voice was getting pretty intense, and she saw a docile look in his eyes. Then taking a deep breath, she continued. “You need to get yourself together and make her see that you are happy. Tell her that you support her decision to stay with her parents. She was in the hospital, for God’s sake, for five weeks, and you never acted this way.”

  He was looking at her a little shocked, but she was on a roll. “Now that you both are at the last leg of this horrible experience, you are making it difficult for her. You are this incredible, unbreakable, and amazing immortal, so how come you don’t show those powers you possess?” She was looking at him as if she needed an answer, but she didn’t wait for one. “Just think how exciting it will be when you take her home and you can let her know how much you have missed her. Think about how scorching that moment will be and stop acting like a child.”

  He was now looking at her with wide eyes and a stunned look on his face. He pursed his lips. “I…I know that you are right,” he said taking a deep breath. “How can a young girl like you that have barely been on this earth for twenty-one years can be so sensible?” He forced a smile, and reaching over, he pulled her down to him and planted a huge kiss on her cheek. She tried to stand up, but Troy held her gaze for a long time as if he was reading her very core.

  “Sooo…what did you see in there?” she asked him, exhaling loudly.

  “Arielle, you think like an old soul. Has anyone ever told you that?�
� he asked. She stared at him waiting for more information, but he didn’t say anything.

  “No…I never heard that before, but I’m open-minded,” she said.

  “Arielle, you are a wonderful human being, and I’m happy you are in my life,” Troy said, smiling. She smiled back at him, as she shook her head and walked away, mumbling under her breath.

  “Men…I will never understand you guys.” She heard both Sebastian and Troy break out into a hearty laugh. Troy left around six and headed to Gabrielle’s house. She stood up and started to walk to the kitchen as Sebastian reached out and pulled her back and held her tight.

  “Where do you think you are going? Do you have any idea how much I love you?” he murmured.

  “No, not really,” she giggled, as his arms pulled her even closer and his lips met hers passionately.

  “Can you help me? I need you…”

  “With what?” she asked amusingly. Her tongue circled his lip line, and she heard him moan.

  “I need you,” he gasped again.

  “For what?” She tried to hold back laughter, but she failed and he laughed with her. She knew exactly what he wanted and she wasn’t wrong as she found herself off the floor and into his arms, heading for the bedroom. She did try to protest, but his mouth found hers, and her objections were muted. Her whole body quivered with excitement, as she was very familiar with his next move.


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