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Bought By The Highlander (Scottish Highlander Romance)

Page 15

by Kaley McCormick

  When he arrived home that night, she was quiet during dinner. He did not seem as demanding as he had been the previous days. After she cleaned up the dinner dishes, he motioned to the bedroom.

  “Another bath, perhaps?”

  “Thomas?” her voice was quiet.


  “Could we just forgo the bath tonight?”

  “Skip it? Skip it altogether or just skip the bath part?”

  Mary felt her cheeks redden, “Just skip the bath part.”

  “Ah, I see.” He tried not to grin but the smile tugged upwards at the corners of his mouth. “I do not seem so despicable any longer?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “What was that? Louder please.” He relished the fact that her desire for him was overcoming her shyness. That thought made his cock twitch already.

  “No, you are not so much.”

  He took her by the hand, “Then come here. We shall do this properly.”

  He quickly but gently unbuttoned the dress and let it fall. His hands roamed her body freely, his rough fingers simultaneously scratching her and making her tingle. He removed his own clothing, piling it up on the floor next to hers.

  He lay her down on the bed and crawled up next to her. “What would you have us do?” he whispered, pushing the very limits of what Mary was willing to speak out loud.

  “You could touch me again?” her desire for those feelings was overcoming her sense of decency.

  “Like this?” he asked as his hands trailed up the crease between her closed thighs.

  “Hmm mmm. Like that.”

  He bent his head, no longer able to resist her breasts. His tongue circled her nipple slowly as she moaned. As he licked and sucked, it stiffened in his mouth same as his member stiffened against the side of her hip. As she squirmed, she rubbed up against it, causing him to groan against her skin.

  He left a trail of wet kisses down her belly until he was kneeling on the floor in front of her, pressing her thighs open.

  “Thomas? What are you doing on the floor?”

  “Another lesson to remember.”

  She felt the same wet kisses on her thighs, moving upwards until she was quite nervous at his proximity to her ache. The ache was stronger than the night before, this time she knew what it was capable of. But what on earth was he doing on the floor?

  He kissed her tightly closed folds and she gasped loudly as his tongue slid inside to find the center of the ache. He easily found the swollen nub that together they had discovered the previous night, and curled his tongue around it. Her thighs fell further apart as he sent ripples through her body, bubbles upon bubbles until she could hardly catch her breath.

  “Thomas… What are you doing to me? I never…”

  Her stomach trembled. It was as though each ripple and bubble and tingle multiplied inside of her. It was so much and so intense, she cried out just from the newness of all of it. He flicked and licked and sucked at the tiny center until all of the bubbles exploded at once and she dug her hands into his hair, pulling his face against herself.

  As the quivering slowed, he stood and eased her back up onto the bed and climbed on top of her.

  “Mary, are you sure?” he ground himself against her slippery wetness.

  “Oh Thomas, please, come here,” she was not even sure what she wanted any more but she knew it had to do with feeling him pressed up against her.

  He slipped easily inside, groaning deeply as she whimpered. Last night she had not noticed but tonight she felt how much he was, how he filled her body.

  “Oh. You are so big!” her innocent declaration spurred his hips faster. This was no simple stroke of his ego, this was true amazement on her part.

  She writhed underneath him as he felt her tight heat surround him. He was not going to be able to exude much self-control at all. He pounded harder and faster, every thrust sending both of them towards the cliff. Her wonder and new-found enthusiasm drove him straight up to the edge.

  “Thomas!” Mary cried out.

  “Yes, I’m going to…”

  They grunted and groaned together as her velvet walls drew out every bit of his hot seed.

  “Oh Thomas, I had no idea… I never knew… it could be like that…”

  Thomas kissed her lips roughly, his tongue again diving inside of her. She tasted a tart sweetness on his lips and knew it was her own flavor.

  “I have something to tell you,” he whispered against her neck.

  “I think at this moment, you could tell me anything.”

  “George does not want you back. He said we can do with you as we please because he is not giving up his land for a useless barren woman.”

  Mary felt a hot tear slide down her cheek.

  “Mary, can I keep you?”

  “Thomas, I have nowhere else to go.”

  The pair fell asleep with their naked limbs still tangled together.

  Mary adjusted easily her new life. She found that housekeeping was not so hard when life was simpler, and she actually enjoyed cooking. Occasionally she would make plans to meet her friend the cook in the apple grove for a snack, and Thomas had no concerns about letting her go. The cook always commented on how radiant she looked and how insufferable George had become in her absence. It was no surprise given her glow that she was soon with child. The poor young girl even whispered about George visiting that house in town.

  Several ecstasy-filled months later, Mary and Thomas were in town buying supplies when they happened to run into George as he staggered out of the pub.

  “Mary!” He was startled to have encountered her and nearly lost his tentative balance completely.

  “George, good day. I trust life is treating you well.”

  “Well enough I suppose. And Thomas, hello. Give my regards to Robert and tell him to keep his blasted pond. And this blasted woman. Wait… What on God’s good earth…” George tried desperately to make his eyes focus on the couple in front of him, and his eyes wandered to her rounded belly plump with the seed of her new lover.

  Thomas wrapped his arm around her shoulders protectively, “She is taken care of, sir.”

  Mary smiled sweetly, and leaned into Thomas’s strong chest as she gently caressed her swollen expectant belly. Thomas had given her everything George had not.


  The Cowboy Soldier’s Knocked Up Email Order Bride

  Chapter one

  “I don’t know how you do it, Avril. You’re constantly in the kitchen and you’re making these new dishes all the time. The papers rave about you, but critics can’t get enough. It doesn’t seem to matter to anybody that the menu doesn’t stay the same on any given week. I came to work with you, specifically because I helped you with your success and I want to learn from the best. I try to get here early in the morning to beat you to the punch, but you’re always here. It almost makes me think that you live here.” Timothy was my right hand man and if I didn’t have him, I probably would’ve sunk into a pit of depression.

  What I didn’t want to tell him was that my work visa had expired. I was going to be shipped out next week back to Nigeria. Not something that I missed or wanted to return to. I found the solution on the internet by becoming an e-mail order bride. The guy I got in touch with turned out to be a regular at my restaurant.

  Timothy was the one that told me that I had a gift and that I should pursue it and give the world a taste of what I had to offer. It wasn’t lost on me that he had a crush on me and that he looked at my caramel skin and wondered what it would be like to be with me. I might’ve been a little overweight, but it was nothing, as far as most were concerned. I was 5’10, 180 pounds and most of that was up front and in back.

  “I’m just glad that you convinced me to do this. I never thought that you would want to join, but I’m more than happy to have you. This whole thing was mostly your doing and it would be a damn shame that you lose out on some of the accolades. I’ve only been teaching you for the past two weeks and already I
see potential to become a chef in your own making.” I stood there and admired him from behind, trying to bring about some kind of attraction that might turn things from something friendly to something even more explosive.

  If I didn’t have my chef outfit on, I might have taken matters into my own hands. There was no denying that Timothy had a body that just wouldn’t quit, but his attitude towards women didn’t exactly make him something that I wanted to try out myself. Maybe if I could gag him and stop him from making these insane remarks that put women down, I might be able to see clear about giving him one moment of bliss.

  “I think you know that he’s out there waiting for you. He ordered the Beef Wellington. He always gets the special and I think he might have a thing for you.” I knew exactly who he was talking about and this guy was a bit of a mystery wrapped up in a paradox. I saw him on several occasions come in and he wouldn’t say much, but he would constantly look at me and make me feel like he was undressing me. I had no choice and I had to throw out a proposition of marriage.

  “Holden Reynolds is a very accomplished businessman with a checkered past. He came back from Iraq and instead of wallowing in self pity; he opened up his own security agency. He has his own farm right here in Texas and I think his penchant for hard work and discipline comes from the navy. I’ve done my own research on the Internet and I found out that he was quite instrumental in bringing some of those very sought after terrorists to justice.” He wore his suits impeccably and there wasn’t a crease to be seen. Any time that I went out to see him to make sure that his food was good, he would only smile and nod his head politely.

  I probably wouldn’t know that he was even interested, except for the fact that he kept looking at me. I saw him in the mirror, stopped cold with his fork poised in the air about to go into his mouth. I think he was drooling a little over my posterior and wondering what it would take to ask me out. He found out that I was the one that approached him.

  “You really should go out and see him. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen you admiring the man and not do anything about it.” I didn’t even know that he noticed that, but it didn’t bode well, because if he did, then everybody else probably saw it written across my face in bold letters. “I think that I can handle things back here. When I’m done, I’ll close up and then we can compare notes tomorrow morning. I have a date and let’s just say that my hopes are up for breakfast in bed.” I was glad to see that he wasn’t pining after me. It did make me feel a moment of jealousy, but I had no reason to be. He had every right to date whoever he wanted and besides, I wasn’t even interested in him in that way.

  If I was going to approach him, then right now would be the right time and the right place. If I didn’t do it now, he would walk out and I probably wouldn’t see him, until next week. I didn’t know if I could go that long without doing something about this obvious attraction and heat between us. The arrangement of marriage had been made between the two of us, but he thought that was all I wanted…silly boy.” I had a delicious cheesecake that was to die for. It wasn’t even on the menu, but I had made it in hopes that he was going to come in tonight. It was getting late and he was always the last one to leave.

  I saw him dabbing his mouth with a napkin and I wondered how that would feel between my legs. I had to stop thinking like that, or at least give him a reason to see me, as more than just the chef behind the scenes.

  My sister was a bit of a handful and she was now working with me, as an accountant. She was good with numbers and I had to admit that she had found ways to make my life less of a problem when it came to government taxes. She used to be big into drugs, but she had recently cleaned herself up and I just hoped that she was going to keep it that way.

  My parents guilted me into hiring her, because they were worried that she was going to fall off the wagon. I had that same sinking suspicion and if she didn’t have something to do that would occupy her time, then it was possible that she would turn to old habits.

  I took a deep breath, steeled myself for the approach and then I walked out there with the cake in hand. “Excuse me, Mr. Reynolds. I was wondering if you had time for something a little sweet and decadent. I promise that it will be worth getting your teeth into something like this.” The obvious innuendo was probably lost on him, but he motioned for me to sit down with him.

  Each time that I came within spitting distance, I was almost putty in his hands. This was the kind of guy that looked like a gentleman, but you could see underneath that there was something forceful and demanding working just within the recesses of his mind.

  His body was like a work of art and I had to keep glancing away, because I just couldn’t stop staring at his baby blue eyes. He had this slight scruff, which only exasperated the issue and made me swoon for him in a more profound way. I constantly had to cross my legs, just so that could scratch that itch that was getting a little bit too hard to take.

  He had a buzz cut and there was just the shadow of hair, but he had the weight of at least 200 pounds of pure muscle to pull it off. His shoulders were huge and I wanted him to sweep me up in his arms and become my knight in shining armor. Wait he already did that by agreeing to marry me for convenience. His chest was massive and I could tell that years of practice in the gym had given him a regiment that was worth its weight in gold.

  “I was just about to leave, but I guess I have time to try something that’s not on the menu, especially since it is from my wife to be.” I wasn’t sure, but maybe he was getting the general idea that I wanted more than just this give and take flirting. “There seems to be a bit of a storm.” I followed his gaze and leaves were now splashing up against the window. The rain was teeming and then there was the strike of lightning. Thunder boomed and made the entire place shake with the dishes on the table making this clanging racket that caused me to grab it. I made sure that it didn’t fall to the floor.

  The cake danced across the table, but it did not reach its final destination. “That was pretty close. If that had gone on the floor, it would’ve been a damn shame. I’m really looking forward to finding out what you think of this latest creation. It’s a four fruit cheesecake.” I didn’t realize it, but he had instinctively reached out and grabbed my hand. His finger was stirring up something to the surface and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react to something like that.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be this forward. I would take my hand away, but I really don’t want to. I’ve been attracted to you for a long time, Avril. I know that this marriage is not going to be real, but maybe I want it to be.” He was staring at my breasts, which were pressing up quite obscenely against the uniform. It was probably because I’d taken off my bra and let the natural wonders speak for themselves.

  “Normally, I would love the attention, but my eyes are up here.” I was only teasing and I loved that he was taking an interest in my more prominent assets.

  ’I just never met a woman quite like you. You not only carry yourself with confidence, but you cook like someone that has been doing it all of her life. I just wish that I had found this place a long time ago. After my wife passed, I’ve been eating mostly takeout and you can imagine how old that gets in a hurry.”

  “I do hope that you coming here is not just because the food. I would hate to think that all of this flirting was for nothing. I would like some kind of payoff for paving the way for us to be together. If I’m not getting my point across, then let me be perfectly blunt. I would like to fuck you and leave you wanting more.” He almost choked on the cheesecake, sputtering little bits onto the plate. He stared at me for some time and I wondered if he would make a move, when suddenly the lights flickered and then went out.

  Chapter two

  The only light was the brief flashed of lightning. For the most part, it was complete darkness and then I felt a hand touching my breasts from across the table. “If that’s not you, Holden, then whoever it is better be prepared to get a swift kick in the balls.”

  “I’m jus
t having my cake and eating it too. I love that I can touch you and eat this cheesecake at the same time. It’s almost too decadent for words. I know that you don’t normally do this with your clientele and I feel kinda special that you would even give me a moment of your time. Marrying me is like the icing on the cake” I was going to give him more than that and the way that he was rubbing my nipple had certainly opened my eyes to the possibilities. “I just want you to know, Avril that I’m seriously considered investing in you. This is not sexual and I’ve seen your success and I want to be a part of it.” I’d never even considered taking on investors, but now that he had brought up the topic, it could be something to pursue.

  “I think that if you continue what you’re doing that I might consider your proposition. After all, you know that sex sells. We’ve all seen it on television, in the movies and even on the Internet. I would call my creations better than sex, but since I haven’t had a good orgasm in quite some time, I can’t really compare the two.” Again, he started to choke and it was at that moment that a strike of lightning showed his face and the way that it was beaming with anticipation. “I’m glad it was you that I found and not some dirty old man with only one thing on his mind.”

  “You really do have a mouthful…I mean, you really said a mouthful.” This was my time to be embarrassed. “I’m not talking about your body, although there is more than enough to go around. I just think that it’s time that you think about opening up a new restaurant. I have a place in mind and I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to pull the switch on the deal. It has everything that you’ll need to make it a growing concern within the community. I’ll even foot the bill for advertising, although I doubt that you’re going to need all that much when they get a load of what you can do in the kitchen.” If he was trying to heap praise on me and I had no problem letting him.

  I got up even though I couldn’t see where I was going, I followed the emergency lighting of the exit sign leading towards the kitchen. I had him in hand and his other hand was now cupping my ass and squeezing it.


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