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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 18

by Maya Starling

  He slowed the mating of their mouths, hesitated, and then peppered a last few pecks on Olivia’s tempting lips. He could never get enough of the taste and soft feel of them. It was his own personal nectar of life.

  “What was that for?” Olivia said, happiness shining brightly from her pale blue eyes.

  Kaden pushed himself up and pulled Olivia’s face close again, mumbling against her lips, “Everything will be just fine.”

  Olivia let out a happy squeal as she threw herself at him, toppling them both, oblivious to the people surrounding them.

  Kaden froze as he felt a nudge from within. “Love?”

  Olivia quickly scrambled back, “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. But you need to stand back.” He looked behind her and around them, at the relieved and amused faces. “All of you, step back.” The people of the tribe quickly retreated, but Olivia hesitated. “Kaden?”

  “I’ll be alright love, please… just… I need to do something. I promise… It’s alright.” Kaden caressed Olivia’s cheek. She nodded and walked back to Cassiel and Charlie, waiting with bated breath.

  Kaden rose on trembling feet and stretched to his full height. Olivia noticed that the amulet wasn’t on him. She couldn’t even see the chain around his neck. Her eyes quickly scanned the ground around him, wondering if it had fallen off. Before she could question Kaden about it, he was suddenly hovering a foot above the ground.

  Gasps and murmurs spread among the people. Olivia heard Charlie curse under her breath in disbelief.

  Kaden took a breath, and with the slow exhale, smoke billowed out of his nostrils, obscuring him. The air crackled, spreading the scent of trees, fire and lightning. Quietness blanketed the forest, as if the trees and animals held their breath in anticipation.

  The smoke drew in on itself, then burst forth. A dragon landed on the grass. The ground shook, people gasped, birds took flight. The dragon stood proud and tall. Flames from the bonfire caressed his scales.

  A few screams echoed as some people cowered in fear, retreating even further. They had heard about dragons and their past coexistence, but witnessing one in person for the first time left a few of them terrified.

  The dragon scanned the faces around him. Most people stood their ground, awestruck expressions on their faces. Others gripped their weapons, prepared to defend their tribe if needed. All the shamans had their eyes wide open, disbelief mixed with pride and happiness on their faces. Ma’ad and Nahane clutched tightly to each other.

  Murmurs spread.

  The chief and his wife were wary but shocked just as well, while Koda was being… Koda. The boy beamed, glowed, barely suppressing the urge to jump up and down and scream, I knew it!.

  Bast was one of those with a scowl on their faces. Hands gripping her weapons, she studied every single move and breath the dragon took. Disa stood by her side, bristling.

  Charlie and Cassiel were calm, but guarded. They had seen the dragon before, though the circumstances were different then. Cassiel had tried pushing Olivia back without success, so he just took a defensive stance in front of her.

  Finally, the dragon’s eyes landed on Olivia and visibly softened. But Pup was the first one to react. He ran to the dragon, yipping and wagging his tail. He wove beneath and around the dragon, and then made happy circles around himself.

  The sight made Olivia laugh out loud, and some of the people relaxed a bit. When the dragon didn’t harm the little wolf, but looked at him with humor in his eyes and even nudged him gently with his snout, he didn’t seem as threatening.

  “Kaden?” Olivia broke the silence, hoping it really was her Kaden.

  The dragon’s head snapped up before he replied, “Yes, love.” The sound of that familiar low rumbling voice made a shiver run down Olivia’s spine. She beamed.

  She took a step forward and in front of Cassiel, “Will you be able to turn back?”


  Olivia laughed again and ran to Kaden who lowered his head so she could hug his snout. She squeezed him tightly. She hadn’t even realized how much she had missed her dragon. She felt grateful to know Kaden both as a man and as a dragon.

  She peppered kisses over his draconic features, over his scar and she pulled back slightly to run her hands over his soft silky scales. She was giddy with happiness, giggles escaping her easily.

  Kaden chuckled along with her. The sound reverberated through the clearing, and people calmed even more.

  Kaden opened his connection to Órva’ar now. He was glad the dragon within was letting him have a few moments before asking to take over. They discovered that they could not communicate by exchanging words, but they could share feelings, and nudge each other in certain directions.

  Koda dodged his father’s grasp and approached Kaden, wanting to be the first of his tribe to do so.

  “Koda, no!” Kamil called out but the boy was determined as he ran onward, Bast hot on his heels.

  Olivia was standing by Kaden’s side and Koda stopped in front of them. He looked up at the dragon, eyes filled with wonder.

  Weapons drawn and ready, Bast stood behind Koda. White knuckled grip on her weapon, she narrowed her eyes, daring Kaden to try and hurt her little brother. Kaden nodded his acknowledgment. Even without the warning, he would never hurt the boy.

  Pup now ran circles around Koda as well.

  “May I touch you?” the boy said.

  “Koda!” Bast admonished behind him.

  Kaden lowered his head toward Koda.

  “Look, Bast!” Koda touched Kaden’s snout. “I’m touching a dragon!” His voice rose, now a high pitched squeak.

  The shamans came closer, also wanting to touch the dragon. Soon enough, Kaden found himself surrounded by people, hesitantly touching him, even chief Marok, Kamil and Bast joined them.

  Charlie and Cassiel were the last to approach. The knight’s stoic façade was gone, replaced by awe. He was proud and honored for the opportunity to witness this moment, the rise of a dragon.

  Olivia proudly stood by Kaden’s side, absentmindedly tracing patterns on his scales. Kaden was glad she was there, because the onslaught of physical contact made him a bit uneasy. Still, he obliged.

  Órva’ar, on the other hand, was glad to reconnect with humans. He realized that he didn’t want to be alone anymore. He nudged Kaden, letting him know that he wanted to take over. Órva’ar yearned to spread his wings.

  “Alright, I think I have been groped enough.” Kaden said. Olivia and Charlie chuckled.

  “I need you all to step back, the real dragon wants to take over. We have reached a compromise.” He looked at Olivia. “Everything will be fine. Mostly, I’ll be in control, but he wants to spread his wings occasionally. He has been patient enough so far.”

  The people stood back, thanking Kaden for letting them share the moment. Bast had to carry Koda away by force, for he was utterly entranced by the dragon.

  “What is his name?” Olivia asked as she held Pup back.


  After a moment, Olivia responded. “It is a lovely name for a dragon.”

  “Lovely?” Kaden snorted, the smoke billowing out slightly.

  “Yes, lovely.” Olivia winked.

  He couldn’t object to that innocent yet mischievous smile, it brought him inner peace. He let the feeling flow to Órva’ar. The dragon within almost purred in contentment. Finally he was calm, after all the anger and turmoil he had been through.

  Kaden nudged her slightly to step back. Olivia obliged, pulling Pup along, and after Kaden issued a command, the cub stayed in place.

  The tension in the air shifted. The dragon’s aura changed. He stood taller, regal, his features somehow sharper, more serious; eyes narrowed slightly, deep breaths expanding his wide chest. The change almost had people falling to their knees in wonder, for this was the true dragon now, body and soul.

  He was the epitome of magnificence, worthy of true veneration.

  Órva’ar’s eyes landed on O
livia. She stood rooted in place by the dragon’s powerful presence. Their eyes locked and she felt as if he was peering into her soul, crumbling all its defenses. She whimpered under his gaze.

  Kaden sent a feeling of disapproval to Órva’ar for invoking this reaction in Olivia, Órva’ar immediately softened his gaze, sending a pulse of regret to Kaden. He had momentarily been mesmerized by her bright blue eyes, so full of trust, love and innocence.

  Órva’ar spoke and everyone, including Olivia, took an instinctive step back. It was the same voice, yet with a different timbre, the words carried his power.

  Soon, Órva’ar realized that no one understood him. The language of the dragons was ancient and difficult for humans to learn. It was long forgotten. He was glad he still had the understanding of their language; he had lived among them long enough to learn.

  “He said he was sorry.” Koda said and everyone turned to him.

  “You can understand him?” Olivia asked.

  “I don’t know how, but yes, I understand him.”

  “You are a very special boy Koda, your parents and your people should be very proud.” Olivia praised.

  “We are,” chief Marok said, laying a hand on his son’s shoulder.

  Olivia faced the dragon and tilted her head. She was curious. “What are you sorry for?”

  Órva’ar kept eye contact with Olivia as he spoke, trusting the boy would translate.

  “He says he is sorry for scaring you, Kaden did not approve.”

  “Thank you… You are very overwhelming. Your presence is… immense.” Olivia replied.

  A weird rumbling sound came from the dragon and Olivia looked at Koda questioningly.

  The boy shrugged. “I think he’s chuckling.”

  Looking back at the dragon, Olivia smiled. The knowledge that Kaden was still somewhere in there helped calm her further.

  “I am glad you find me so amusing.”

  The dragon bowed his head slightly, before turning to Koda and speaking again.

  Koda translated. “He says he is proud of the people of the forest. He knows that our predecessors would be proud as well, to see us keeping the traditions and believing in dragons. He says that we shall be rewarded for our loyalty when the time comes.”

  “I believe I am speaking for every person here when I bid you welcome. We are honored that you deem us worthy of your friendship. We hope that our bond will become even greater than it used to be,” Nahane said. “Where are the rest of the dragons?”

  “He says they are all asleep.”

  Before Nahane could ask his next question, the dragon spoke again.

  “He says he will be able to call upon them in the time of need. He does not wish to wake them from their slumber unnecessarily. They value their peace.”

  Nahane nodded.

  Órva’ar stretched his wings. He spread them wide and stood up on his legs. The anticipation of flight flowed through him. He couldn’t wait to take to the skies. The ultimate freedom that came with flying awaited him. He felt young again, giddy even, as if going for a flight for the first time. He was glad to note that Kaden had kept his body in very good shape, though he had been even stronger before.

  “Wow!” Koda voiced all of their thoughts and the dragon spoke to him. “He says he will fly now. We need to retreat further or the wind that his wings create will whoosh us all away.” He chuckled at the end, for he’d been loose with his translation.

  Everybody retreated, yet piled as close as they dared so they would have a better view. Parents picked up their little ones, putting them on their shoulders or just holding them up.

  Órva’ar was ready to make the first beat of his wings when Olivia called out, “Wait!” She took a few steps forward. “May I fly with you?”

  Kaden’s alarm shook the dragon. Órva’ar was surprised by Olivia’s daring request and by the determination written on her face.

  Olivia sensed the dragon’s hesitation, or was it Kaden’s?

  “Kaden, please?” she asked again, hoping her request would somehow reach him.

  Kaden sent his worry and disapproval to Órva’ar, but the dragon could feel Kaden’s urge to please Olivia as well. He didn’t want to disappoint her, but the worry was stronger. Órva’ar decided to bond with the woman. Kaden’s feelings were not his, but they did share them. He let Kaden know that he would keep Olivia safe, since he felt Kaden’s love for her.

  Kaden agreed, but Órva’ar had no doubt that the human would give both their lives to protect his woman. Órva’ar nodded to Olivia, pleased by the happiness and elation written on her face. “Thank you! Both of you.”

  Closing the distance between them, Órva’ar gently took Olivia into his embrace, careful not to harm her with his claws. He held her close to his chest and Olivia hid her face, braced for the wind that was to come from his wings.

  The people gained new admiration and respect for Olivia.

  It took only two beats of the dragon’s wings for them to lift off the ground. Soon they were above the treetops. People gathered below them and looked up through the dust the dragon had left behind to watch their flight.

  When Olivia felt that the wind of his wings was no longer creating an updraft from the ground and gusting into her, she left her hiding place and looked around. The same intoxicating mix of exhilaration and joy coursed through her as the last time she had flown with Kaden. She let out a loud squeal of joy, not caring how immature it sounded, and the dragon once more shook with chuckles. He took flight above the treetops.

  Órva’ar felt Kaden directing his flight, not too high and not too fast. The dragon understood and adjusted his flight, mindful of the fragile human woman in his arms.

  Olivia could see the lights from the torches in the village below. As they flew just a little higher and away, she could discern other similar lights scattered in the distance. They looked like hovering fireflies.

  She shivered, her teeth chattering but a silly grin was plastered on her face. Feeling a change in the air, Olivia frowned.

  “Hello, love,” she heard the familiar voice say from above her. She looked up.

  “Kaden! We are flying again!” She squeezed him affectionately, placing a kiss on one of his scales.

  “That we are, Olivia.” He glanced down at her, love sparkling in his eyes. “I’m going to take you down soon. I don’t want you to catch a cold, and we’ll let Órva’ar stretch his wings some more.”

  “Alright!” Olivia yelled above the sound of the air rushing by. “We will have plenty of opportunities to fly again, right?”

  “Yes, love.” Kaden shook his head in amusement and veered right, flying them back.

  The people on the ground scattered when they saw him come in for the landing. As soon as Olivia’s feet touched the ground she ran to Charlie and Cassiel.

  Órva’ar took over and didn’t waste a second as he shot up, far above the ground, not visible to those below him anymore.

  “That was amazing!” Charlie said to Olivia.

  “Yes, it was! Incredible really, you should try it.” Olivia nudged her friend. Cassiel gazed down at her with renewed respect.

  “Oh… no, no… no way. He goes so high!” Charlie looked up.

  “That’s the idea silly! He never takes me too high. He always keeps me safe. Let us go closer to the bonfire, I need to warm up.”

  “Where did he go? Is he coming back?” Koda caught up with them, voice tinged with panic.

  “Of course he is coming back. Órva’ar just wants to stretch his wings, he could not do that properly, not with me in his arms. I forgot about that before I asked him to take me along.”

  As they neared the bonfire, others gathered as well, asking question of their own, Nahane and Ma’ad at the forefront.

  Sometime later, when most of the people had retreated for the night, the handful of them left by the fire heard thumps above them and saw the dragon approach. They gave him the space he needed to land safely and without blowing anyone away. Olivia re
membered the first time that the gust of wind had made her fall on her behind. She hid her giggles.

  Órva’ar looked around and when he didn’t see Koda among them, he knew there was no use in talking. He was happy that he was able to fly again, to enjoy the air rushing around him and when he went above the clouds, the stars were amazing. He had forgotten how much he had enjoyed stargazing from that high vantage point.

  He let Kaden take over and it was felt with the subtle change in the air. People were beginning to recognize the difference now, when Kaden was in control as opposed to Órva’ar.

  Before Olivia went to him, he said, “Wait… I want to shift back.”

  Smoke again billowed around him, clouding him from view and when it cleared, he was in his human form again.

  Kaden looked up and saw Olivia covering her eyes.

  “Olivia, what are you doing, love?” Kaden said as he approached her.

  Olivia peeked out at him from behind her hands, and blushed. “I thought you might reappear naked.”

  Charlie snorted, trying to prevent laughter from escaping her but she failed as the giggles took over.

  The shamans and the chief with his wife, smiled and bid them good night, leaving them to their own company. They would have time to talk more tomorrow. It was already very late.

  Bast stayed though, standing side by side with Cassiel.

  Kaden was just as amused as Charlie. “And seeing me naked would be such a terrible sight that you had the urge to cover your eyes?” he teased as he came closer.

  Olivia hid her blushing face in her hands. “I did not mean it like that. You know it.”

  As he reached Olivia, Kaden turned toward Charlie, Cassiel and Bast, nodding at them to give him and Olivia some privacy. Even Pup made himself scarce.

  “See you tomorrow Olivia, don’t do anything I wouldn’t…” Charlie teased as they walked away, making Olivia groan, even more embarrassed.

  Kaden laughed as he pulled Olivia close. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nestled his face in her hair. His chuckles gently shook them both. “It is not funny…” She hugged Kaden and snuggled into his chest, still hiding. “I really thought… I mean… ahhh… never mind.”


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