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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 42

by Maya Starling

  “We have other plans. Would you let us deal with them?” Lilith asked casually but her fully blackened eyes dared Norman to defy her.

  He took a step back and nodded. “Of course, you exposed them; you can deal with them if ya want.”

  Lilith smirked and turned her attention back to the traitors. “We—”

  “I need you to take a message to my little bitch and her pet.” Magnus cut Lilith off as he spoke to Rylan. He resented her taking charge. He was the prince, he was the person everyone was supposed to obey.

  “I’m not a coward to just sneak up on them,” he continued. “I want to face them before I fell them. Tell them… Just tell them we will be visiting in two days’ time.” He looked away from Rylan and said to his men, “Now, take them both alive!”

  Lilith turned her gaze skyward and sighed with a shake of her head.

  The men stood waiting for Lilith’s reaction, not noticing Rylan and Luke moving and positioning themselves for escape. Words didn’t need to be shared between the two, a twitch of an eye, a tilt of the head and a hand sign was all it took for them to agree on a plan.

  “What are you waiting for?” Magnus’ nostrils flared as his voice carried over the camp. As the men sprung into sudden action, so did Rylan and Luke, making their attempt to escape.

  The two charged where the barrier of men surrounding them was the weakest, where they had the least to fight their way through.

  The moment of surprise worked to their advantage and Rylan broke through first, almost completely unscathed, but Luke had to fight off the men trying to hold him back. Taking two of the bandits with him, he toppled backwards into the little stream where Rylan jumped back in to help his cousin out. He only needed to help Luke back on his feet, and they could flee before the rest could converge on them again. Then, it would be a matter of who could run faster.

  Lilith watched the two traitors scramble out on the other side of the creek, with a horde of men chasing right after them. She really wanted to kill one of the two so she reached out with her mind and tried to gain control over Luke.

  Her eyes widened with shock when she couldn’t penetrate his head. Some people were naturally resistant to her mind affecting spells, and it seemed that Luke was one of them. She tried harder, but when it didn’t work without her overexerting her pool of magic, Lilith gave up.

  “Just let them go, they’re not worth it, they’ll deliver the message either way,” she said but thought to herself, Your idiotic, conceited message.

  “We just ran, and after a while, when we noticed they weren’t following any more, we continued to walk.” Rylan finished recounting their encounter with the prince.

  “You just walked all the way to the estate? How far away are they based?” Olivia said.

  “Nay… we had to stop when we thought it safe and rest, what with being hurt and the fighting. I reckon, they’re about half a day out or so towards the east.”

  “They’ll be here tomorrow,” Delilah spoke up.

  “Why do you think so?” Kaden said as he leaned forward on the table.

  “I know my… I know Lilith. She would still prefer some kind of an advantage over us. She will probably make them attack or at least show up early to catch us unprepared.”

  “Tomorrow?” Kaden repeated.

  “Tomorrow,” Delilah confirmed. “Probably just before the sun sets.”

  Chapter 49

  Olivia’s fingers traced the contours of a dark indigo dragon stitched into the thick black velvet covering the breastplate of her armor. It was a proud centerpiece, its wings spread wide, the silver rivets scattered about like stars. The dark fabric clothed the rest of the armor as well, the back plate and the… faulds! Olivia remembered the name of the lower part of the armor. These faulds, too, were made of metal plates, and would surround her hips and waist as if wearing a really short skirt. The thought made Olivia’s cheeks heat up, painted her face a rosy color.

  “Who is it?” she asked when a knock sounded against her door.

  “It’s me, love.” Kaden’s muffled voice floated through.

  “Give me a moment please!” Olivia squeaked, as she pulled the cotton sheet back over the armor.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes! You can come in now.”

  Olivia faced the door, wringing her fingers behind her back as Kaden stepped through. He looked up and stayed his feet.

  He noticed Olivia’s flushed face, her eyes aglow with mischief. She’s up to no good, the corners of his lips tilted up and his eyes roamed her body. Dark leather pants outlined Olivia’s lean legs, and the way they hugged the curves of her hips made him jealous of the suddenly sensuous-looking piece of clothing. A charcoal-colored brocade shirt hid under a leather vest, accentuating her waist.

  My dark avenger.

  Kaden kicked the doors closed and placed a cloth-wrapped bundle on the dresser on his left, his eyes never leaving Olivia’s amused face.

  In four longs strides, Kaden reached Olivia and wrapped his right arm around her waist while his left gripped her lustrous tresses. He pulled her closer, lifting her onto the tips of her toes. She readily tilted her head up and his lips met hers in a scorching kiss.

  When he’d drunk enough nectar from Olivia’s sweet mouth and tasted the jasmine tea on her tongue, Kaden rested his forehead against hers. “Never thought men’s pants would make you look so… desirable.” He pecked her lips again and grinned when he felt a shiver run down her spine. “And with that vest, and all the black. You look like my very own Goddess of vengeance.”

  Olivia had wrapped her arms around Kaden’s neck. “I just might wear them more often. I approve of your reaction.” She gave a firm nod of her head and then burst into giggles.

  “You approve? How nice of you…” Kaden’s eyebrows shot up in amusement.

  “Yes, of course.” Olivia bobbed her head up and down. “I was born nice!” she added and giggled again.

  “You really do find yourself quite amusing, don’t you?” Kaden asked, letting his hands glide down Olivia’s back and over her tightly-clad behind.

  The action made Olivia stop giggling. “Ummm… yes?”

  Kaden bent his knees so his hands could reach the back of Olivia’s thighs, and he hoisted her up.

  Olivia squeaked, wrapping her legs around his waist and tightening her grip around his neck. “Kaden!”

  “Do you want to know what I find amusing?” Kaden asked as he turned with Olivia in his arms and faced the bed. “What brings me joy?” He gently lowered her onto the covers, and slid them both up.

  “I am not sure I want to find out anymore.” Olivia teased and stared into Kaden’s lust-filled eyes above her. She bit the side of her lower lip as her fingers slid into his raven curls, eliciting a moan of pleasure from his throat.

  “I think I should demonstrate, nonetheless…” Kaden lowered his head, sucking Olivia’s lower lip between his own teeth. After a short nibble he slid his tongue past Olivia’s lips. Their tongues caressed, curled, glided, breaths mingling in short, passionate pants. Olivia held Kaden’s hair in a tight grip as his hands massaged her thighs, moving higher up.

  He rolled them over and yelped, arching his back into Olivia. “What’s that?”

  “Oh! I forgot!” Olivia scrambled off Kaden, breaking their intimate moment. “It’s my surprise.”

  Kaden groaned.

  “Are you hurt?” Olivia said, offering her hand to help Kaden up.

  “Yes, I am,” he answered but didn’t take her hand, and instead covered his eyes.


  Kaden raised his eyebrows at Olivia and then looked down - at his pants.

  She followed his eyes. “Seriously, Kaden!” Olivia slapped his chest, stepped back and folded her arms.

  “It’s what you do to me, woman! Seeing you like this…” he sat up, “tasting your kiss, all my blood just drains from my brain into my pe –”

  “Alright, alright! I understand!” Olivia cut him
off. “I promise we’ll take care of that problem later.”

  “But it’s a problem now,” Kaden whined, pushing himself off the bed and pursuing Olivia across the room. He loved getting her all flustered.

  Olivia’s eyes never left Kaden’s face as he stalked closer to her. Taking the first step, his gaze burned with lascivious playfulness and a mischievous smirk danced on his lips. With another strid, though, his eyebrows plummeted down in sudden realization. Kaden’s smile wavered, his eyes filled with worry. By the time he took the last step and reached Olivia, his features had softened and pure adoration shone from his eyes, accompanied by fear.

  Kaden opened his arms and Olivia walked into his embrace. She hugged his waist and pressed her face into his chest.

  “It will be alright. Everything will be alright,” Olivia said. She kissed his chest and tilted her head back, gazing at Kaden’s furrowed brows. His scar always crinkled when he was worried or angry. Olivia leaned up to kiss it, and Kaden obliged by lowering his head. She always did that.

  Before she could lower herself back to the soles of her feet, Kaden captured her lips in another, fleeting kiss.

  His deep sigh brushed Olivia’s face and his hold on her tightened, their bodies flush against each other, caught in a loving stare.

  “Whatever happens, you will stay back if the need arises. From what I’ve learned about Magnus, he won’t just give up. His pride and reputation will be at stake the instant he sets a foot on your estate.” Kaden cradled Olivia’s face in his palms and continued, “He’ll have seasoned fighters at his side. I don’t want you getting any silly ideas, for example that you can go up against one of them. Understood?”

  Olivia nodded.

  “Good.” He kissed her forehead. “If we must fight, you hide and stay awa- What am I saying… I know you won’t stay back.”

  “The last time I listened to you, I ran and left you behind. I lost you Kaden. I… I just cannot do that again. I’d rather –”

  “Don’t.” Kaden stopped her as he gazed into eyes brimming with tears. “Alright, you don’t have to run, but please be careful; don’t try to face anyone on your own. Try to stay back and defend yourself if needed.”

  “Magnus won’t let them hurt me. He… he wants to do it himself.”

  “Please don’t speak of that, my love.” Kaden leaned his forehead against Olivia. “I cannot bear that thought.”

  “Alright. I will stay away, defend myself if needed – my only compromise is, I will help if I see someone needing help, but I will be smart about it. I know my limitations, Kaden. I am not a seasoned warrior. I will not be foolish,” Olivia brushed her nose against his.

  Kaden pulled back and looked closely into Olivia’s pale azure eyes. After a few moments, he softly touched her lips with his, lingering a bit, and said, “Fine. I don’t like it though, I’d rather have you locked up somewhere safe... but I know you would resent that and it would make you miserable. You need closure as well, and to stand with your people.”

  “Thank you…” Olivia let out a sigh of relief. “I love you so much Kaden, please promise you will be careful, too… please? I do not know if my heart could take it again, if something were to happen to you.” A single tear slid down her cheek.

  Kaden’s brushed it away with his thumb. “I promise.” He sealed the vow with another kiss.

  “Now, what is it that you are hiding under that sheet? What blasphemous thing interrupted us at the wrong moment?” Kaden joked, trying to rid them of the dark mood.

  Olivia appreciated the effort and rewarded Kaden with a soft chuckle. “My armor - and my surprise.” She took Kaden’s hand in hers, kissed his palm and tugged him along. “Come.”

  When they reached the bed again, Olivia took a hold of the sheet and glanced back at Kaden. “As I said, the armor is done, with an extra detail I asked to be added. I… umm… I hope you will like it.”

  Kaden nodded for Olivia to remove the sheet, and she did. He stared at the corrazina decorated by a rearing dragon, wings spread wide, and more love for Olivia flooded his heart. For her to have remembered to add such a simple but meaningful detail on it meant almost more than any declaration of love. It meant that she had really accepted the dragon within him. He couldn’t believe his fortune to have Olivia by his side, and he promised himself he would make up for all the misfortune in her life.

  “What do you think?” Olivia’s voice broke through the haze of his thoughts.

  “It’s beautiful,” Kaden said. “Thank you. And I think it will look even better on you.” He winked. “Let’s put it on so you get a feel of it.”

  With Kaden acting as Olivia’s squire, he helped her buckle into the corrazina, strapped on her polished new greaves to protect her legs and then the shoulder protection.

  “How does it feel?” he asked after Olivia walked around a bit with the armor on.

  “Much lighter and more nimble than I expected. The practice armor was actually heavier,” Olivia said as she went to the mirror, where she turned from side to side, inspecting her first suit of armor. The black, silver and blue made her feel as if she were the Moon Goddess’ apprentice of old.

  “That’s how it’s meant to be. Practice with heavier equipment, so it makes everything easier and much faster when you switch to the real thing.”

  “That makes sense. Oh, I almost forgot about my bracers and buckler!” Olivia turned and bumped into Kaden’s chest. She hadn’t noticed his approach. “Oh!”

  Kaden chuckled and took Olivia’s hand. “You don’t have to throw yourself at me. You’ve already won my heart, my sweet.”

  Olivia bumped his shoulder and beamed back at Kaden. “What is that?” she asked once he stopped her in front of her dresser, where he’d put the cloth-wrapped bundle.

  “You are not the only one with a surprise.” Kaden picked up the parcel and presented it to Olivia. “This is something from me and Órva'ar.”

  “Órva'ar?” Olivia said and took the gift.

  “Yes, and he said to tell you he enjoyed talking to you the other day. We find it easiest to communicate directly when I’m sleep, or about to fall asleep,” Kaden explained.

  “I enjoyed it, too. I had so many questions - and he was so patient,” Olivia replied, unwrapping the bundle all the while.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she realized what it was she was holding.

  Kaden put his finger under Olivia’s chin and closed her gaping mouth, making her look up at him wide-eyed.

  “Your new bracers. I had to help make them according to Órva'ar’s suggestions.” He took one of the bracers so he could strap it around Olivia’s forearm. “It’s made of dragon scales.”

  “I noticed. But-but…” Olivia was stunned by the beauty of the gift and the sentiment behind it.

  “Órva'ar and I volunteered a few scales. It didn’t take much and will heal in time. We were careful where we plucked them from, so we wouldn’t be vulnerable. It took dragon’s fire to mould them.”

  “I am at a loss of words,” Olivia mumbled as she watched Kaden strap on the other bracer as well. The midnight blue scales felt sturdy, yet were smooth to the touch. He too, had to marvel at the sight as the sun peeked through the windows and glinted off the draconic bracers. They would match the dragon on Olivia’s chest perfectly.

  “I love them!” Olivia said, still staring at the scales adorning her arms. “Can I talk to Órva'ar? I want to thank him in person.”

  “Of course.” Kaden closed his eyes and Olivia felt the shift in the air, the current of energy felt deeper and older. She shivered.

  When he opened his eyes again, they glowed amber. “Yes, Olivia?” Órva'ar spoke her name slowly.

  Olivia couldn’t keep the grin from stretching across her face. “I wanted to thank you in person for these.” She held up her arms.

  It looked awkward when Órva'ar smiled using Kaden’s lips, a bit crooked. “You are welcome. It was an honor.”

  Olivia surprised Órva'ar by thro
wing her arms around his neck and hugging him tight. “They are beautiful, and I am thankful for the sentiment behind the gift. You gave a part of yourself to protect me.”

  Órva'ar took in a deep breath of Olivia’s scent. He had grown to care for her a lot. The feelings were at times overwhelming, since Kaden loved her very much. “You mean a lot to us. Kaden loves you. We need to protect you.”

  Olivia let go of Órva'ar. “I really appreciate it.” She forgot herself and surprised them both by raising herself on tiptoe so she could peck his lips.

  “Oh!” Olivia stepped back and touched her lips, “I –”

  The door to the room burst open and Cassiel looked in. “They’re coming!”

  He looked from Olivia’s flustered expression to Kaden’s… no, Órva'ar’s stunned one.

  “Is everything alright, my lady?” Cassiel said.

  “Yes. Wait! Did you say they are coming?”

  “Yes. One of our men just rode in. We barely have time to get ready and meet them on the field.” Cassiel nodded and just then noticed Olivia’s armor, his eyes lingering on the bracers. “It is a beautiful set of armor, my lady. We will strap on the buckler once outside.”

  “Alright. We will be down right behind you.”

  Cassiel nodded, bowed his head and retreated, closing the door behind him.

  “I –”


  She looked up at the sound of Kaden’s voice. By now she could hear the difference. Her eyes dropped back down just as fast.

  “Olivia, love.” Kaden tilted her chin up. “It’s alright. I know it’s still confusing for you, might always be. It was bound to happen. I know you love me and that’s all I need. We can talk about this later?” he offered when he noticed the turmoil, embarrassment and unease in Olivia’s expression.

  “Thank you.” She cupped his cheek and pulled Kaden’s head down for a soft, loving kiss.

  “We should go,” Kaden spoke once their lips parted.

  Most of the people were gathered by the time they entered the courtyard, donning their armors and readying their weapons. All eyes turned to Kaden and Olivia as they descended the stairs hand in hand. A few gasps of surprise and whispers of awe could be heard as people started to notice Olivia’s armor.


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