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Neon Chaos

Page 5

by Karen Erickson

  She bent, their mouths meeting, tongues tangling, soft and sweet and she wanted to cry.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered against her mouth, their bodies stilling. “I’ve got you. We’ve got this together.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek and plopped onto his face and he drew away from her, his fingers skittering across her face, catching a few stray tears. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “I’m scared, too,” he confessed and she knew he spoke the truth. He was a badass like she’d never seen before but this was scary shit, what was happening to them. “As long as we stick together, we’ll be all right.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  He licked his lips and breathed deep, his chest expanding. His gaze cut away from hers for a brief moment, and she touched his face, turning his head so his eyes met hers once more. “Do you?” she asked again.

  “I don’t know.”

  At least he was honest. She had to give him that.

  “What should we do?” Her voice trembled and she couldn’t believe they were having this serious, frightening conversation while he was still inside her.

  “Well.” He lifted his hips, sending himself deeper and a little whimper escaped her. “We should finish this. Then we should get dressed and get out of here.”

  “And go where?”

  “We’ll figure that out when we get to that point, sweetheart. Now let’s snatch these few stolen moments before…”

  Before they had no more stolen moments whatsoever.

  She was hot and snug, like soft, damp velvet wrapped around him. And she was also scared she was going to die.

  So was he.

  Russ tried to blot her questions out of his mind, erase the memory of her tears tumbling down her cheeks. He wished he could fuck their worries away but this was temporary. It was only a fleeting moment before they had to face the serious stuff.

  Before they most likely would face their doom.

  She sat straight, her hands above her head and buried in her hair, her breasts swaying with her every move. He clenched his hands around her slender waist, guiding her, and he released a shuddering breath.

  Fuck, she felt good. Had he ever been inside a woman without a condom? He didn’t think so, not really. Maybe a quick slip before he put the jacket on but never, ever like this.

  She was so beautiful, so raw and real and into it, into him. The low moans that escaped her drove him on, making him groan and sigh her name, making him whisper all sorts of wicked things he wished he could do to her.

  Any other time of his life he would’ve run from this woman, scared shitless over the things he was thinking, feeling for her. But now…now he had nothing to lose. If he wanted to show Samantha how much she affected him then he would.

  It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but this.

  Sitting up, he kept her in his lap, his hands splayed across her slender back. He was still inside her, shifting even deeper and she smiled just before she kissed him.

  “Like this, baby,” he whispered against her trailing tongue, his darting out for a lick. “I need to be close to you when I make you come.”

  A whimper choked in her throat and she kissed him again. He slid his hand down her back to curve around her ass.

  She shivered. “Oh, my God, Russ.”

  “Come for me, Sam.” The expression on her face was pure, unadulterated bliss and he knew she was close. “I want to feel you when you fall apart.”

  His words worked some sort of magic because she did fall apart, all over him. Clutching him close, her body undulated against his. She cried out his name and he buried his face against her fragrant neck, his hands tight about her waist as he brought her down over him.

  He tumbled over the edge right after her. Her name fell from his lips reverently, his hands smoothing over her, as if he couldn’t get enough.

  It felt like he couldn’t get enough of her. She was tender and strong, beautiful and sweet, brave and scared. He wished he could ease her fears and tell her everything was going to be okay.

  It would be a lie. He was many things, but he wasn’t a liar.

  “We should pack up and go,” he whispered close to her ear just before kissing her there.

  “You’re right.” She lifted her head, and they stared into each other’s eyes. Leaning in, she pressed her forehead to his. “I don’t ever want to forget this. How good it is between us.”

  Their feelings for each other were heightened because of the situation they were in. They had to be. There was no other explanation for the overwhelming wave of tenderness he felt for her that threatened.

  So he went with it. Clutching her close, he both felt and heard her rapid heartbeat and he kissed her, consumed her really, before he finally broke away. “I don’t want to forget either,” he whispered against her damp, swollen lips.

  And he knew at that moment he never would. If they were to survive this, really survive it, he would never let her go. The possessiveness within him should’ve felt unusual, unsettling. But it didn’t.

  It felt right.

  She was his, and he was hers. Nothing could come between them.


  Chapter Six

  They headed back to Vegas. Why, she didn’t know, but he’d insisted and she wasn’t about to argue. He knew this area best and hopefully, he knew what he was doing.

  Samantha had a sneaking suspicion he didn’t know what the hell he was doing.

  Not that she was going to protest because she was completely in the dark. And not that he wasn’t capable. Oh, no. Studying Russ out of the corner of her eye, she watched him drive, his expression one of grim determination. He wore a black knit cap that covered his hair, his brows drawn together in fierce concentration, his lips thin. Lips that only an hour earlier had traveled all over her skin, been connected with hers, soft and giving and so unbelievably good…

  He was an amazing lover and a strong, smart man. Life was a real bitch, delivering him into her lap on the night before her birthday only to screw everything up approximately one hour after they met.

  If she had more energy she would’ve been really angry. But she was over it.

  She had no choice but to live in the now.

  “Power’s still out,” he observed as they crested a hill and the city suddenly loomed before them. It was almost six in the morning and the sky was starting to lighten, but dark clouds hung low. There would be no sunlight today.

  Would there ever be sunlight again? Would she be around long enough to see it?

  She didn’t know.

  “Do you think anyone is—out there?”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t look like it.” He pounded the steering wheel with his fist once, twice. “What I want to know is where the hell did all the people go? Where are they? It doesn’t make any sense. None of it.”

  “I know.” She glanced down at her hands, which were covered in thin, black wool gloves. After they’d dressed, Russ had taken her back into the house along with the empty Christmas decoration containers, to load up everything they could get their hands on. Clothes and blankets and toiletries, more food, more weapons and bullets—lots and lots of bullets—all of it piled in the narrow backseat of his truck.

  “No sign of those freaks that were chasing us earlier, either. Though I’m sure they’re out there.” He pounded his fist one more time before his gloved fingers finally uncurled and gripped the steering wheel again. “They have to be.”

  “Maybe they’ll leave us alone?” She sounded way more hopeful than she felt.

  “Fat chance.” He snorted. “They want something from us. Wish I could figure out what.”

  She remained silent, thinking of her dream and how they’d wanted…her. She’d woken up before anything really bad could happen, but she’d been left with an uneasy feeling, a sense that the chase was all about her. How they wanted to—mate with her.

  Impregnate her with their alien child.

  A shiver moved thro
ugh her, and she gripped her hands together. It had felt so real even though she told herself over and over again it was only a dream. It was just her overactive imagination running full steam ahead. They didn’t want to make a baby with her. It was straight out of a cheesy horror movie. Aliens landing on earth, looking for fertile females to fill with their alien offspring and then they would rule the world, ah ha ha ha…

  Samantha frowned. Yep, she’d lost it, for sure.

  Another shiver moved through her, and Russ noticed. “You all right?” he asked, his deep voice laced with concern.

  “I’m fine.” She shrugged, feeling stupid for what she was about to say next. “I, uh, kind of need to go to the bathroom.”

  “You’re kidding.” He rolled his eyes but shot her a quick smile. “Why didn’t you take care of that before we left?”

  “I didn’t have to go when we left.”

  “Well, lucky you, there’s a rest area up ahead, I’ll pull in there.”

  “You think it’ll be okay? Safe?”

  “I’ll get out with you and check it out before you go in.” Reaching over, he settled his hand on her knee and gave her a little squeeze. “I got your back, remember?”

  Of course, she remembered. Without him, she’d probably be dead. Or dissipated into thin air. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart.” He flashed her a heart-stopping grin, and she couldn’t help but smile back. How he could appear so cheerful she didn’t know, but she was going with it.

  Better than feeling shitty and depressed.

  He pulled off onto the next off ramp, the truck slowing as they neared the abandoned rest stop. There were a smattering of cars parked in front of the restrooms and a few semi-trucks parked off to the side. No other sign of life, no lights, no people walking around, nothing.

  She told herself to get used to it but so far, her brain was fairly resistant.

  Russ pulled into a spot directly in front of the restroom and killed the engine, yanking the keys out of the ignition and shoving them in the front pocket of his jeans. “Let’s go.”

  They exited the truck, and Russ led her up the concrete path toward the women’s room. She glanced about, clutching her purse close, the handgun Russ had given her nestled within. She wasn’t about to let it out of her sight.

  He went into the bathroom first, checking it out for her before he whistled, giving her the signal she could come inside.

  “Looks safe,” he said when she walked into the cold, dark bathroom.

  “Will you stay close?” She didn’t like thinking of him even leaving the room.

  “I’ll be right outside.” He kissed her once, softly, right on the lips. “Don’t worry.”

  She watched him walk out, admiring his firm backside despite her fear.

  God, her emotions were absolutely all over the place. She couldn’t get a grip on them no matter how hard she tried.

  She took care of business quickly, surprised that she could flush the toilet. Who knew how long that would last but at least she could also wash her hands.

  Scrubbing her hands with liquid soap, she dashed them under the frigid water, rinsing quickly. The automatic paper towel dispenser didn’t work but luckily there was a spare roll sitting on top of it so she tore off a large piece, drying her hands completely before she slipped her gloves back on.

  The minute they got back into the truck she was going to tell Russ she wanted out of here. Out of Vegas for good. Maybe it was stupid but she couldn’t stand to be in this empty city for another second longer. There could be life out there. For all they knew this could’ve happened to Las Vegas only, they didn’t have a clue.

  But if that were true, wouldn’t there be rescue teams overtaking the city by now?

  She pushed the rational thought from her head and exited the bathroom.

  And headed right into disaster.

  Kicking at a rock, Russ walked around the side of the building, keeping close to the women’s restroom side. He scanned the horizon, the endless, sparse desert spread out before him just on the other side of the fence. Talk about desolate. The dry Nevada land was the perfect setting for the end of the world—like straight out of a movie perfect.

  He shook his head and leaned against the wall, his senses on high alert. It didn’t feel…right here. Something was off, but he couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it might be. When Samantha was done, they were hightailing it out of here, heading straight out of Vegas if he had his choice.

  There was no reason for them to stay. It was virtually abandoned and even if there were anybody left, he couldn’t trust a soul. Who knew what they might want and what they might do to get it? The only person he did trust was Samantha.

  The hairs on the back of his neck prickled and he whirled around, gun drawn, gaze skittering this way and that.

  But nothing was there.

  Slowly, he headed toward the women’s restroom. It was so quiet he could hear the flush of the toilet, then the sound of running water as it splashed in the sink. Good. She was almost finished. This place was making him jumpy. He didn’t like it one bit.

  “Lieutenant Russell Weaver?” A high-pitched voice asked from behind him.

  Slowly he turned around, his eyes widening with horror when he realized what he was looking at. It was as if his reflexes were hindered, as if everything was happening in slow motion.

  The gun slipped from his hand, clattering to the sidewalk. He didn’t even bother reaching for it. He felt as if he were frozen in place.

  Five of them stood before him, loomed over him really, and he was no slouch in the height department. They were at least seven feet tall. Their bodies covered in silver metal uniforms that gleamed and shone, reflecting in his eyes, nearly blinding him.

  They had no weapons. But they held some sort of otherworldly power over him he couldn’t begin to explain.

  “Lieutenant Russell Weaver?” one of them asked again, and he cleared his throat, tried his hardest to speak.

  No words came out.

  “Seize him.” The command was spoken in a foreign language he’d never heard before but he somehow could understand. His knees nearly buckled when they grabbed him, two on either side of him taking his arms and dragging him down the sidewalk.

  Samantha. He needed to get to Samantha. He had to save her.

  The other three had disappeared, rounding the corner of the restroom facility and heading straight to Samantha no doubt.

  He could do nothing but watch them go.

  “You don’t care about her. She’s nothing to you.”

  Russ blinked, shocked by the strange voice sounding inside his head.

  “She’s useless. A weak, stupid female you must discard to survive.”

  Perhaps she was…

  They took him to another small building not far from the restrooms and pushed open the door like they belonged there. They tossed him onto the floor as if he were a useless piece of garbage. He rolled over on his side, his breath coming in wild spurts as he stared up at them.

  Even in the dark, the shiny metallic of their uniforms shone in his eyes and he held his arm in front of his face to block the glare.

  “She’ll leave you when she finds someone better, stronger. She’ll do anything to find a far more worthy protector.”

  A sharp pain pierced his brain with every word that was whispered, and he grimaced, closing his eyes tight. “Stop,” he muttered, but they didn’t acknowledge him.

  “You must leave. Now. Leave her here. She doesn’t want to go with you.”

  He lay with his back on the floor, the cold cement seeping into his bones much like the strange words seeped into his brain. Pressing at his eyes with the heels of his hands, he fought the foreign thoughts, the manipulation. He knew they were fucking with him. And he needed to fight with everything he had to make them quit.

  “Stop with the mind fuck,” he said out loud.

  The voice within laughed.

  “It’s not a mind—fuck. It’s the tru
th. And you can’t deny the truth, can you Lieutenant Russell Weaver? Russell? Russ?”

  He could move faster without her. One less person meant more supplies, no one to consult. He could just…go. And not worry over what she might think.

  “Yes. Yes, that’s it. You can just go. Leave and never look back. She won’t help you.”

  No, she wouldn’t help him. She was too scared, too afraid of what might be out there.

  “You’re not scared. You can be on your own while she cannot. It’s better if you leave her behind to die…”

  Russ dropped his hands away from his face, his eyes snapping open to stare at the ceiling. He didn’t want Samantha to fucking die. He’d known her not even twenty-four hours and he already cared for her.

  “She belongs to us now. Relinquish her. Relinquish her to us and let us do what we must to ensure our future…”

  “It won’t work. What you’re doing.” He tried to reach for his other gun, the one he kept in the back of his waistband, but his arm wouldn’t budge. “Use your tricks on someone else.”

  Problem was, it did seem to work. Somewhat.

  “She’s one of us, Russ. We’ve taken her away and soon—soon she will do what she was created for. What all women are made for.”

  Slowly he breathed, in and out, taking great big gusts of air every time he inhaled. The tension left his body, his limbs relaxed and he reached behind, grabbing the butt of the gun that was still nestled there.

  “We’ll soon fill her belly with our seed, and she’ll be one of the founders of our breeding colony. A new life force will invade Earth and there will be nothing you can do to stop us.”

  Russ rolled so his back faced the two alien fucks and he counted to five, then to ten. His entire body shook, but he fought it, fought the voice, fought the control.

  He wouldn’t let it happen. He couldn’t.

  Using all the strength he had and relying on his quick reflexes honed by years in the service, he leapt to his feet, right arm out, gun drawn. Aiming at their faces, which he knew weren’t covered completely by the metal, he fired. Rapidly, the sound of constant gunfire ringing in his ears, echoing throughout the entire rest area and one by one they dropped.


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