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Born a Queen (Lilith's Shadow Book 1)

Page 21

by Benjamin Medrano

  “I came awfully close to killing him for what he’d done to you, Gina, but I refrained. It…” Lilith paused, then shook her head. “Never mind that. But I will kill him before allowing him to touch so much as a hair on your head ever again.”

  Gina shivered at the soft, deadly promise in Lilith’s voice, her urge to cry slowly easing, but didn’t let go of Lilith. She clung to her rescuer, and after a moment she realized that this must be how many people felt when a hero saved them from near-certain doom. She’d never really known what it was like, but she leaned in and asked softly, “Can I just… stay like this for a little while?”

  “Of course you can. You can hold me for as long as you want… and not just because I’m a little unsteady,” Lilith replied in an amused tone, sitting back and holding Gina gently. Slowly Gina relaxed, calming down and letting herself believe, truly believe that she’d been rescued.

  At that moment Lilith’s phone rang, breaking the silence harshly. Gina couldn’t help a yelp as she jumped at the sound, then blushed with embarrassment.

  “Isn’t this typical? It’s Rachel, Gina,” Lilith murmured, slipping the phone out with her unoccupied hand. Flicking a finger across the surface, she raised it to her ear and spoke calmly. “Hello, Rachel.”

  “Where are you, Lilith? I just got your message, and I checked on Gina. Her phone’s off, her tracker is at home, and no one has heard from her since yesterday!” Rachel’s voice was tiny but clearly audible, as close as Gina’s head was to the speaker. It was obvious her friend was panicking, and considering what had happened, Gina couldn’t blame her. “Damn it, I wish I hadn’t been out on patrol. Are you alright?”

  “Slow down, Rachel, Gina’s safe. I have her here with me, and I think she’ll be alright, but things have gotten complicated,” Lilith replied calmly, glancing at Gina and giving her a small smile. “The short version? Blue Impulse kidnapped her, and it was really, really bad. It could’ve been worse, but even so…”

  “Dear god! Where are you? We’ll be there as soon as we can!” Rachel’s voice grew even more worried. “Should I call an ambulance? Are you hurt?”

  “I’d suggest bringing both the police and an ambulance. I was a little rough on the thugs who tried to kidnap me, and Blue Impulse will probably live. He’s definitely not going anywhere for a while. The address…” Lilith paused, then recited the address before continuing. “I’m fine, though. I’ve got some bruises from where I hit them, but that’s it.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as possible, and let everyone know who needs to be contacted,” Rachel replied. Even so, her voice had some faint suspicion as she continued. “Still, if you took down Blue Impulse and a bunch of thugs, I have some questions that I need answers to.”

  “Well, Rachel… I’m afraid you’re going to have to get in line,” Lilith replied dryly, then hung up without waiting for a reply. She shook her head and gave Gina another soft hug before asking, “Gina, I think it’s time to let go. You need clothing before Rachel gets here. I think she’s going to blow up badly enough as it is, let alone if you’re naked, looking like this.”

  “And? She wasn’t the one who rescued me. She can blow up all she wants,” Gina grumbled, unwillingly relaxing her hold. “I was almost calmed down, then she brought all the stress back.”

  “While I can’t say that I dislike having you hugging me, what happens when the police get here? I don’t want them to think that I was the mastermind behind all of this,” Lilith replied, and Gina let out a soft growl of annoyance.

  “Alright… you’re right, after all. Still, I’m tired and I expect that the police are going to keep me up for ages,” Gina replied, letting go and slowly standing up. Now that she wasn’t under so much stress, she felt her weariness much more clearly. With a sigh, she headed for the office. “He had me put my clothing in there earlier.”

  “I’m just glad that he didn’t have it destroyed out of spite,” Lilith replied, following Gina.

  “You’re right. That isn’t a fun thought. Still… as you said, he’s not going anywhere any time soon,” Gina replied, glancing over to the villain sprawled on the ground before adding, a hint of satisfaction in her voice, “Except for the hospital, maybe.”

  Chapter 24

  Wednesday, December 18th, 2030

  Police Station, Hayward

  “Do you have any idea just how much damage you did to the men you hit in the alley?” Officer Brown asked, glowering at Lilith as she let out a frustrated sigh. Lilith could sympathize with the woman, as she was also frustrated. They’d been getting nowhere for the better part of an hour, but Lilith’s sympathy ended there.

  “I kneed the first one between the legs, a good deal harder than I intended to. That was partially because of the shock of the stun gun he’d hit me with. The second one I freed myself from, and probably cracked his teeth when I hit him in the chin,” Lilith replied calmly, carefully categorizing how she’d hit the attackers mentally to get her explanation right. “The third had a knife and was moving quickly, so I had to hurry, and knocked his feet from under him. Unfortunately, that made his head hit the wall, but how was I to anticipate that? The last one surrendered, and remained unhurt. Based on what I do know, all of them should recover, except possibly the man whose head hit the wall.”

  “The first man has internal bleeding, the second has a cracked jaw and a concussion, and the third man may never wake up! He might even die,” Brown replied tightly, glowering at Lilith. “Did you really have to do that much damage?”

  Looking back at the officer, Lilith smiled thinly, but her tone was pointed as she asked, “So, are you saying that I should have let them kidnap me, officer? Because I heard from Gina what they had in mind for me, and I think they got off lightly.”

  The officer gritted her teeth, then took a breath before moving on.

  “Lilith destroyed the circlet that allowed Blue Impulse to control me because I asked her to! How many times do I have to explain that before you’ll accept it?” Gina demanded impatiently, slamming her hands onto the table in front of the detective. He cringed slightly at her frustration, trying to decide how to reply to her. The woman looked oddly exotic with her blue lips, and she was clothed in a simple outfit provided by one of her friends.

  “Ma’am, please, I’m just trying to make sure we have all of the facts in order,” Inspector Fields replied, trying to keep his voice soothing and making placating gestures toward her chair. “Please sit down? As badly as both the villain and his hirelings were injured, we just—”

  “The damned jackass was going to rape both of us!” Gina interrupted explosively, her eyes bloodshot. “No, I won’t sit down! I don’t care how badly hurt they were, they damned well deserved it!”

  “Ma’am, please!” Fields pleaded, and privately wished that he was interviewing the other woman. While the woman had hospitalized three thugs and a noted supervillain, at least she’d seemed calm!

  Rachel wasn’t in her guise as Morgan anymore, and Gina was standing next to her, drumming her fingers on the wall impatiently as they waited for the police to release Lilith for the evening. While Rachel was incredibly worried about her friend, Gina had refused to go home or to Ocean Shield’s HQ. Instead she insisted on going back to Lilith’s condo, which somewhat confused Rachel. While she’d argued with Gina, she hadn’t been too strident, and had capitulated when she realized that her friend wasn’t going to budge. In the end, she’d also been forced to argue with Crimson Bull and the others when they’d decided to argue the point, pointing out that Gina should be given the chance to do what she wanted, and the argument had just barely prevailed.

  What she’d found when she arrived at the warehouse had shocked her, Rachel admitted to herself. She hadn’t known what to expect, but the shaking thug in the panel van had only been the beginning, even with his injured friends to warn her. She hadn’t been certain what to do with them, so Rachel had left them to the police and rushed into the warehouse instead. The scene inside had been h
orrific and ugly in turn, and for a few seconds it had almost shaken her faith in Gina’s judgement.

  Blue Impulse’s injuries had been far worse than she’d thought at first sight, when she found him leaking blood on the ground, and realizing that Lilith had done so much damage worried her. That worry had been completely sidelined at the sight of the restraints and the massive spell carved into the floor, though. Lilith and Gina had been standing near the office, her friend looking almost defiant as she hugged Lilith, with the changes to her skin terribly obvious.

  It was the spell and the pillars that haunted Rachel, though. It’d taken her several minutes to decipher the magic, and what she’d seen made her physically ill. The spell used the curse to corrupt Gina’s magic and wield it against her very body and mind. The pillars and circle had been absurdly complex, as were the traditions that they’d combined, and what they’d done would have been horrifying if Lilith hadn’t broken the circlet. Rachel doubted that Blue Impulse had realized it, but so long as the previous wearer was dead, whoever wore the circlet would have been able to control Gina, and the changes had made her virtually immortal. Assuming she had translated it right, at least.

  The very thought of the ritual caused bile to rise in Rachel’s throat, and she couldn’t help but thank the heavens that Lilith had broken the circlet and destroyed the spell before it could become permanent. Still, there were enough questions about how Lilith had defeated Blue Impulse and his minions that she didn’t dare leave Gina alone with Lilith until they were answered.

  “Finally!” Gina exclaimed, her voice causing Rachel to jump, looking up as she was jolted out of her thoughts.

  She saw Lilith step out of the interview room, looking surprisingly calm after as long as she’d been inside. The way she didn’t seem to care prompted a slight frown from Rachel, but despite that, she felt her heartbeat quicken at the sight of the brunette. Lilith smiled at them, giving a nod as she took a few more steps to the counter to speak with an officer. The man quickly retrieved Lilith’s purse and handed it to her, at which point Lilith approached the two of them, giving them a gentle smile.

  “So, are they finally done harassing you?” Gina asked, glancing at the interview room in obvious annoyance.

  “Of course they aren’t. Considering the damage I dealt to the thugs and Blue Impulse, they have to investigate me fully and decide whether or not to bring me up on charges. I suspect that, given the circumstances, they’ll decline to press charges in the end, but that’ll take time,” Lilith explained calmly. “It’s the sort of thing that happens when they decide you’re an ‘unregistered superhuman.’”

  “I already told them… never mind, I guess that makes sense. I’ve just been grouchy ever since the hospital exam, and I’m tired,” Gina groused, pulling her jacket tighter, then seeming to think better of it and instead giving Lilith a tight hug.

  “Gina!” Rachel blurted, stunned at the sudden, public display of her friend’s affection.

  From the brief look of surprise on Lilith’s face, Rachel couldn’t help but suspect that the woman hadn’t expected it any more than Rachel had. Still, Lilith smiled, hugging Gina gently. The warmth of that smile suddenly made Rachel feel bad about her suspicions.

  “Gina, please let go? It’s about time for me to go home, and you need to get some rest. Speaking of which… why are you even here? I thought that after the hospital visit, Rachel was going to take you home,” Lilith asked, gently trying to pry Gina off, and failing until Gina reluctantly let go. Even so, Rachel’s friend refused to let go of one of Lilith’s hands.

  “Fine, I’ll let go, but I don’t want to go home, Lilith. I…” Gina hesitated, swallowing hard before she continued, her voice softer than before. “I was too afraid to go home. He managed to somehow get those foci in place that could affect me even through my wards, where I felt safest. I don’t feel safe at home anymore, Lilith. I want to go with you, and stay at your house. I told you earlier…”

  “Shh, Gina. Not in public, and certainly not until we’ve worked out what’s going on,” Lilith interrupted, blushing slightly. Glancing at Rachel, she asked, “If that’s the case, why not stay with Rachel, or your other friends? I certainly think that would make everyone far more comfortable than if the night after I rescued you, you stayed at my house.”

  “It’s true, Gina,” Rachel quickly spoke, trying to head off Gina’s rebellious look. “After today, there are a lot of questions about Lilith, and a lot of people asking them. You know how concerned Spirit was about her.”

  “I don’t care what Spirit thinks,” Gina replied bluntly, her tone stunning Rachel. “Rachel, Lilith saved me at no small risk to herself, when she had no idea what she was walking into. If she hadn’t, by the time you all figured out what the hell was going on it would’ve been too late for me. You know what he had planned, I know you do!”

  “Gina…” Rachel began, but stopped as she saw the tears welling up in her friend’s eyes. She swallowed her response, glancing at the police to ensure they were far enough away, and continued far more simply. “I’m sorry, Gina. I suppose I’m being a bit too cautious.”

  “I actually agree with you, Rachel, but I’ll concede the point. As you wish, Gina, you can come to my house for the night. I assume you wish to come as well, Rachel?” Lilith asked, rubbing her eyes and sighing.

  “That’s right. I wanted to ask you a few questions in private,” Rachel replied, keeping her gaze level. “I think you can understand that, can’t you?”

  “I can completely understand. Let’s get out of here, then. It’s been a much longer day than I expected, and I’m surprised Gina isn’t dead on her feet,” Lilith said tiredly. “So, unless you’re planning to play the chauffeur, I’ll take the subway and meet you there. I can promise some answers, at the least.”

  “No, I’ll drive us there. Otherwise we’ll all be waiting forever for you to get there,” Rachel retorted, shaking her head.

  “I rather doubt that. I’ve seen the traffic outside, you know,” Lilith murmured with a wry smile, but nodded. “Still, I’ll go with you anyway. It’s better than being out in public when I feel this worn out.”

  “Fine, but let’s just go already,” Gina said impatiently, her eyes narrowed.

  Rachel laughed softly and headed for the doors as she fished out her keys. As the other two followed her, Rachel couldn’t help but wonder what the remainder of the night would bring. She knew that things were going to change, but the only question was how. She hoped they’d change for the better.

  Chapter 25

  Wednesday, December 18th, 2030

  Lilith’s Condo, San Francisco

  “Alright, we’re here. Finally,” Lilith said, taking off her jacket and hanging it up wearily. Glancing at both of the others, she suggested, “Do you mind waiting a little while, Rachel, so Gina and I can take quick showers?”

  As the other two stepped inside, Gina blushed and shook her head. “No need, at least for me. I got a shower at the hospital, and had plenty of time to clean up while they were interrogating you. While the memories might be a little more of a problem, I think I’ll be alright.”

  “The drive wasn’t that bad,” Rachel replied mildly, looking Lilith in the eyes, then nodded. “Still, I can wait if you want to take a shower.”

  “I promise to make it quick,” Lilith told her. “I’ve just been feeling a little off-kilter ever since I broke the circlet. Even if no one found anything wrong… well, never mind. I probably just need some sleep.”

  They didn’t stop Lilith as she headed for her room, though Gina gave her a concerned look. Lilith was surprised at just how tired she was, even if it was almost midnight. She hadn’t felt so exhausted since she’d almost pushed herself too far during training. Still, Lilith had no plan to go to bed just yet. Behind her she could hear the two whispering, but Lilith resolutely ignored them, blocking out whatever they might be saying.

  Stepping into her bedroom, Lilith closed the door behind her and let out a
soft sigh. The room was spacious, but for some reason it seemed a little too small at the moment. Stripping, she tossed her clothing into the laundry, hoping that she could deal with the blood spatters, but it was a problem for later. She hadn’t had a chance to use the restroom at the station, and hadn’t dared to ask. Stepping into the shower in her attached bathroom, Lilith quickly washed herself off, debating just how she was going to handle the conversation with the other women. It wasn’t going to be easy.

  When she stepped out of the shower and started toweling off, Lilith looked into the mirror and paused, realizing just how tired she looked. After a moment she continued to dry herself, murmuring softly, “I’m a hopeless fool, and it isn’t even Amber’s fault. I did all of this to myself, with only a tiny bit of help from a villain. I could’ve avoided this so easily… but I didn’t.”

  As she finished drying off enough to get dressed, Lilith sighed and tossed the towel on top of the other laundry. She’d already decided she was going to tell the truth, the only problem was figuring out how she could tell them in a way that would reduce the odds of her being dissected or killed. She pulled out a pair of maroon satin pajamas and slipped them on, then grabbed the small holographic projector she kept on top of the dresser. She was delaying, and she’d done that too often. Taking a deep breath, she headed back to the living room.

  Her two guests were sitting on the couch, and Lilith felt a slight pang of guilt as she noticed a faint tension between them, as if they’d been arguing. That wasn’t something she liked, but hopefully it’d be dealt with soon enough. Sitting opposite them, Lilith synchronized the phone to the projector and set the device on the table, a random thought striking her as she did so. Why did she call it a coffee table when she avoided coffee? The only time she’d had anything with caffeine in it, she’d been so hyper that she hadn’t been able to sit down, and it had given her a firm dislike of stimulants.


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