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Born a Queen (Lilith's Shadow Book 1)

Page 28

by Benjamin Medrano

  “It’s my head… a headache, I think. It feels sort of like the time I stood up under a metal bar,” Lilith replied, wincing as she reached up to rub her head. “It doesn’t feel like I hit my head, so that’s strange. Actually, this probably is worse than it was with the bar.”

  “You’re sounding surprisingly alert for having just woken up,” Orchid murmured, checking her charts. “As for the headache, I believe it’s due to you overextending your new powers. You burned most of your energy reserves in the process, and need both food and sleep. I do not recommend using your powers to that extent often… it has much worse backlash than most I’ve seen. I’ve had an IV helping restore nutrients, but you’re going to need a good deal of rest and time to recover.”

  “Ah, that explains much. I wasn’t exactly worrying about the drain at the time, and was in a hurry. Since Rachel appears fine, it seems that my pain was for a good reason,” Lilith replied, sighing softly as she sat back. “As for being alert… well, I tend to wake quickly and clearly, and this time I woke even faster. It wasn’t very pleasant, however. I almost wish I was still unconscious.”

  “I see, that does explain one of my questions. Still, you appear to be otherwise well,” Blooming Orchid murmured, then shrugged and stepped back. “I think Rachel wanted to talk to you, though.”

  “Thank you, Lilith. I didn’t realize what a risk you were taking,” Rachel spoke softly as she stepped forward. “If you hadn’t, I would’ve died, and the others might have been killed too. Are you going to be okay?”

  “I think I’ll be fine. While I’m in a little pain, it seems just general… I think Blooming Orchid is right about what the cause is,” Lilith replied, shrugging and sitting up slowly. “What about you? I tried to heal everything, but I can’t say that I know exactly what I was doing. I’m just grateful that it worked, and a little pain is well worth that.”

  “Well, it did more than that. My skin is like new, and you even fixed a few fillings in my teeth, which was a bit of a shock,” Rachel replied, and grinned as she added, “I didn’t expect that, I have to tell you!”

  “Which isn’t fair at all! You saved her, and she gets her teeth fixed? What about me?” Gina interjected, sounding outraged, but with a grin that showed she wasn’t serious. “All I got were blue streaks in my magic.”

  “That’s not true. It sure as heck looked like you developed the ability to teleport,” Galvanic Action interrupted Gina in turn, and he seemed amused as he added, “I think that’s a rather big improvement, isn’t it?”

  “That’s not fair, though. I don’t have any idea how to use it yet!” Gina protested, and Lilith laughed quietly.

  “You aren’t the only one, Gina. I have no idea how my powers work, not really. I seem to be able to focus my… captivation field even more, and to heal people who trust me sufficiently. I even…” Lilith paused, blinking, then tilted her head. “That’s odd. I didn’t realize it before, but I can sense you and Rachel, now. I knew that you were nearby even before I opened my eyes, and I couldn’t do that before. That’s… odd.”

  “You really don’t know how to use your powers?” Orchid asked curiously, continuing to look at her readouts. “You seem to have done a lot despite that.”

  “Not really, no. I’ve been mostly running on instinct,” Lilith admitted. It was odd, but she did find the heroes fascinating, so she continued. “I was going to be meeting with a specialist tomorrow to identify my powers, but I suspect today is going to make that a little more complicated.”

  “I can imagine. What sort of specialist?” Galvanic asked, leaning forward in his bed. “I know there are a bunch out there.”

  “Oh, it’s a woman with SuperNet named Allison Gambry. I don’t know much more…” Lilith’s voice trailed off at the man’s slight jump, and the glances of surprise that the women had given one another. After a moment she asked, “I suddenly suspect that I don’t know something about her, since all of you are looking at each other like that?”

  “It isn’t really anything important, but she’s somewhat renowned among heroes,” Gina spoke up, explaining quickly. “She’s often called Insight, and heroes with unusual powers are often trained by her. She can read into the abilities of a superhuman with far more accuracy than should be possible, and is normally in Paragon City. I just wonder why she decided to take your case…”

  “That’s an interesting question,” Rachel murmured, tugging on a lock of hair thoughtfully. “I remember that she sometimes randomly visits other cities to examine new supers, so that’s what she could be up to.”

  “It really doesn’t matter why she’s out here. The important thing is that she’s one of the best people in the country to help you determine what your powers are, Lilith,” Blooming Orchid spoke up, smiling. “In any case, I think you’re ready to go, Lilith. Just take it easy, hmm? Even with your amazing body, you have your limits.”

  “Thank you very much. I’ll be sure to go to the meeting in the morning, since you all have me very curious,” Lilith murmured, but she smiled nervously as the doctor removed the IV, asking softly, “So, did Gina and Rachel tell you about my past, then?”

  “They did, while you were unconscious,” Orchid said, glancing up to meet Lilith’s eyes for a moment, then continuing after a short pause. “Was it difficult, growing up in a laboratory alone?”

  It took Lilith a few moments to put her emotions in order, even though she knew that the two hadn’t shared her most deadly secret. When she did speak, her voice was soft. “Extremely. I don’t think anything can explain what it’s like to be raised completely alone, with nothing but an AI as company. Still, I survived it mostly intact, and now I meet other people and have the opportunity to learn and grow. I’m fascinated by society, even if my own reactions are a bit atypical.”

  “I can’t even imagine what that’d be like, but congratulations on surviving it,” Blooming Orchid said, smiling warmly as she put a band aid over where the IV had been. “There we are, you’re good to go.”

  “Thank you, Blooming Orchid. I appreciate it,” Lilith replied with a nod of her own and climbed to her feet.

  “Pardon me, Ms. Carpenter, but do you mind if I ask a couple of questions?” Galvanic Action asked, his question making her pause and blink at him.

  She nodded and walked over to him, her legs slowly growing steadier as she stood longer. Smiling, she spoke pleasantly to the man. “I think I can do that, so long as they aren’t too intrusive. You’re Galvanic Action, yes?”

  “Yup, that’s me. So, if you don’t mind me asking, whose project were you?” Galvanic asked, prompting a gasp of surprise from Gina.

  Smiling, Lilith shook her head firmly. “I refuse to answer that question. I don’t know you nearly well enough to trust you with the information.”

  “In fact, it was rather rude,” Gina added, glaring at him. “You know that prying on things like that isn’t considered polite, Galvanic!”

  “I do know, but I was curious!” Galvanic protested, holding up a hand apologetically. “I’m sorry, Ms. Carpenter, I’m just trying to be careful.”

  “There was no harm done, so it’s perfectly fine, Galvanic Action,” Lilith replied, amused at Gina’s scolding. “What of your other questions?”

  “Yes, though this one may be a bit silly. See, it’s your name,” Galvanic murmured, looking a little sheepish as he ran a hand through his hair. “I remember some legends growing up, and your name surprised me.”

  “Ah, yes… that would be my creator’s fault,” Lilith said, carefully avoiding mentioning a gender for her maker. “In fact, the entire name is part of their perverse sense of humor, or their hubris if you look at it that way.”

  “Um, what’re you talking about?” Gina asked, tilting her head slightly.

  “In some mythology, Lilith is the name of Adam’s first wife, but she refused to submit and was replaced by Eve,” Lilith explained as simply as she could. “Jesus’ mortal father was a carpenter, so that’s where that bit came fro
m. My maker was playing god with my creation, and they found it amusing to give me a name that almost flaunted what they’d done.”

  “That…” Rachel interjected, looking ever so slightly appalled, while some of the others looked thoughtful. Galvanic Action surprised her by simply laughing, seeming relieved.

  “So that’s it. Sorry, I just… somehow it’d make me feel worse if it was an accident, or something that you chose,” the hero explained with a chuckle. “My last question is simple enough. What’re your intentions toward Gina and Rachel?”

  Gina inhaled sharply, but he held up a hand, speaking firmly. “Look, we’ve gone the rounds on this plenty of times already, and everything so far has been speculation. So why don’t you just let her answer.”

  “I…” Gina began, but Lilith shook her head and laughed, interrupting by incident.

  “That’s refreshingly direct, I must say. One moment, please, I need to think of how to explain myself, and to figure out what it is that that I’m feeling,” Lilith told him, her thoughts racing.

  “That makes sense. Take your time, if you need to,” Galvanic replied, watching her closely. Though he was suspicious, Lilith felt that he was one of the better heroes she’d heard of. He was just concerned about his team and friends.

  Lilith began to pace back and forth, the slow, measured movements helping her think as she considered, her eyes distant. What was it that she felt for the two women? Before this, she’d always just wanted to be close to have their friendship, but… it was something more than that. Glancing at Gina, in her suit with the hood pulled back, and Rachel in her dress, Lilith felt the warmth spread through her. She felt like she belonged with them, and like earlier, she realized that she was willing to do almost anything to be with them. Until that very moment, she hadn’t been able to identify her feelings, and she stopped suddenly, smiling gently.

  “I didn’t know. Not until a few moments ago, at least. My emotions were unfamiliar, and they were… immature, I suppose. Still, I think I’ve worked them out,” Lilith explained, looking at the two women and smiling, then back at Galvanic Action. “I like both of them. As friends for certain… and possibly romantically. I’m not certain where things will go with that, but it’s part of the future. I don’t know what else to tell you, other than I wish for them to be happy.”

  Rachel blushed in the middle of Lilith’s explanation, and Gina followed shortly afterward, turning her odd shade of blue as she gasped. “You… how could you tell him before telling me! Us!”

  Galvanic Action looked drop-jawed, staring at Lilith. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” Lilith asked curiously.

  “That’s—” Galvanic Action began.

  “It’s none of your business,” Rachel interrupted firmly, standing up straight. “It’s ours. Shall we go have a little discussion, Gina?”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Gina agreed, taking Lilith’s other arm firmly.

  Looking between them in amusement, Lilith asked, “Do I get a say in this?”

  “No,” they told her in a chorus and led the way toward the door. Lilith decided that the wise thing was to let them.

  “See you later. Remember, she’s recovering and was raised in a lab. Don’t break her!” Orchid called after them, and the heroine was chuckling merrily as the door closed.

  Chapter 31

  Thursday, December 19th, 2030

  Lilith’s Condo, San Francisco

  “Let me just throw all of this in, and we can talk properly,” Lilith told Gina and Rachel.

  The marinade in the wok was sizzling as she added the meat she’d diced up. All the vegetables for the stir fry were already cut, waiting in small containers for when they were needed. Rachel had found it fascinating that Lilith had prepared the ingredients for about three separate meals and stored them in in the fridge. It was convenient, but not something Rachel was willing to spend the time to maintain herself.

  The three women were back at Lilith’s condo, and as Lilith worked on dinner, the other two were sitting at the small bar near the stove. The rice cooker was burbling away softly, and the rest of the sizzling food smelled wonderful. Rachel couldn’t help her feeling of bemusement as Lilith cooked the meal, especially after the day that they’d had. Days, really.

  “You know you don’t have to cook for us,” Rachel finally spoke, smiling at Lilith. “You’ve rescued each of us once in two days, and you were bedridden for a few hours. I wouldn’t mind cooking for you for a change.”

  “I might take you up on that another day, but not right now,” Lilith replied, smiling as her wok spoon moved briskly. “I know I don’t have to, but I like cooking, Rachel. It’s soothing. In its own way, it’s an endless experiment that can’t be objectively quantified, which helps. I… I enjoy it. Besides, I find it nearly impossible to cook for less than four, and I’m starving.”

  “That seems fair to me,” Gina interjected with a grin. “I’m more than willing to help test your experiment. Someone needs to be the test subject!”

  “Of course you are, you’ve always been a sucker for free food,” Rachel teased, then laughed as Gina stuck her tongue out. Rachel couldn’t help feeling far more relaxed than she had been recently.

  “Perhaps she is, but I appreciate it. Now, didn’t you have some questions, Rachel?” Lilith asked, adding the vegetables to the wok and stirring them about.

  “Yes, that’s right. Mostly about what you said before you healed me.” Rachel nodded, pursing her lips for a moment before continuing. “More specifically, about what you meant.”

  “Would that be the ‘trust me’ comment?” Lilith asked, frowning thoughtfully as she looked up from the food.

  “That’s right. Obviously I do trust you, but I’m trying to figure out what you were really getting at,” Rachel said, her elbows resting on the counter, her chin cradled in her palms.

  Gina seemed about to say something, but shook her head and walked over to the fridge and opened it. Rachel’s friend seemed to pause for a moment, then pulled out a bottle of root beer. Wiggling it at Rachel, she quirked an eyebrow, and Rachel barely suppressed a giggle before nodding. As Lilith considered, Gina brought a second bottle over to sit down again.

  “It’s odd, Rachel, but I suspect that my power has a lot more aspects than I’ve fully explored. I believe it requires you to trust me fully because it can do so much more than merely heal. I’m not sure, honestly,” Lilith told them, and glanced up as the two bottles of soda hissed, continuing. “It… well, I don’t know, but it felt important. And it is important, because you do trust me, do you not?”

  “Yes, I do. I was a little worried before, but I knew that it wasn’t entirely rational,” Rachel admitted, and paused before adding softly, “The other problem was that I didn’t want to get between you and Gina.”

  “Mmm… I see. Well, how would you react if I told you that a part of me wants you to pin me to a wall and kiss me?” Lilith asked, and Rachel couldn’t help but splutter as her soda went down the wrong pipe. “I’ll admit I’ve had the same thought with Gina, but I suspect she wouldn’t object.”

  “That…” Rachel coughed, clearing her throat as she glared at Lilith, and took a deep breath. Her emotions were a confused tangle, and she looked at Gina, confusion warring with happiness, then asked, “How would that even work, with me, you, and Gina?”

  Gina giggled softly, prompting a glare from Rachel. Lilith smiled, pulling the wok off the heat as the rice cooker beeped. Pulling out three bowls from the cabinet, she replied. “That’s the question we need to answer. Gina mentioned that she said something about it, but… it’s up to each of us. We need to come to an agreement, one way or another.”

  Lilith put a layer of rice at the bottom of each bowl, then added the stir fry to the top. Pulling out the forks, she placed a bowl and utensil in front of each of them, and another at the third place at the bar. She didn’t move, though, instead asking, “With that in mind, let’s see, shal
l we? I’m certainly willing to see what we work out. Gina?”

  “I am,” Gina replied, looking at Rachel. She took her fork and added, “I might not have before Rachel made her admission this morning, but I’m willing to give things a chance.”

  “B-but…” Rachel began to protest, but the words froze in her throat. She swallowed hard as Lilith looked into her eyes.

  “What about you, Rachel? I’m not going to push you any farther than you wish to go. I trust you, absolutely,” Lilith spoke softly, and looking into her eyes, Rachel felt the last misgivings quiet, and she nodded.

  “I… I suppose I am,” Rachel replied, and her heart leapt as Lilith gave one of her slow, glorious smiles. “I’m just not entirely certain about what’ll happen.”

  “Neither am I, Rachel. But we’ll see how it works out,” Lilith replied, and nodded. “Now, let’s eat before I waste away to nothing.”


  Friday, December 20th, 2030

  SuperNet HQ, San Francisco

  “I can see her now. I see what you meant about knowing her when I see her,” Allison murmured, watching Lilith Carpenter as she stepped into the building foyer. Admiring the woman, she could see hints of Lilith’s powers, but her eyebrows rose as she saw two more women follow her. “She also brought two other people with her, and I’m quite surprised to see them here.”

  “Yes, well, she is what she is,” Vlad replied calmly, his voice clear through the speaker. “Do you have any more questions, Ms. Gambry?”

  “Not any that you’ll answer,” Allison told him tartly. “You could tell me what you meant for once, you know.”

  “It’s good to keep you on your toes. Besides, it’s more interesting this way,” the man replied with a deep laugh, then the line went dead.

  Watching Lilith for a long moment, Allison saw how Gina and Rachel flanked her and pondered for a moment. “Your captivation field is interesting, Ms. Carpenter, but I have to wonder what it is about you that got his attention. What is it that makes you a ‘queen bee?’ Well, let’s see if I can’t find out.”


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