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Dangerous Highlander ds-1

Page 24

by Donna Grant

  When she was alone once more, Deirdre rose and ran her hands down her sides, then over her stomach. How she had longed to have Quinn touch her, kiss her, stroke her. Soon, he would be hers again. And this time, she would turn him to her side.

  * * *

  Cara sat on the castle steps and leaned her head back to watch the large clouds drift lazily past in the morning sky. She had slept soundly despite being in the great hall with both Lucan and Fallon.

  As soon as everyone had broken their morning fast, Lucan had pulled her out into the bailey for more training. Each day the training became intense, more difficult. Because each day brought the threat of Deirdre that much closer.

  Cara had battled Lucan and Galen and Quinn all at once. At first, she had been so focused on keeping away from them that she kept getting caught by Quinn. When she listened to Lucan’s advice to use all her senses, she was able to keep out of all their reaches. It limited the number of hits she put on them, but it helped to make her quicker.

  Now, as she and Galen lounged on the castle steps, she found she looked at the castle in a much different light than she had when she had first come there. It had been a pile of ruins before, scary and uninhabitable. Now . . . it was home.

  Lucan handed her a waterskin and sat on her other side.

  She smiled and drank deeply. She was exhausted but eager to go to the garden and help the plants grow. “Galen, you knew I could use my magic to help the plants grow. What else can I do?”

  “Cara,” Lucan cautioned.

  She knew he worried about her taking Galen’s advice, especially since he wasn’t a Druid, but she needed to know. For more reasons than Lucan could ever know.

  Galen leaned an elbow on a step behind him as he stretched his legs out in front of him to cross at the ankles. “Do you know why the Druids were needed in each tribe?”

  She shook her head.

  “They were used for more than their knowledge of the earth and their magic with growing plants. The chieftain of each clan had to have a Druid for their wisdom and ability to tell the truth from a lie.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “Magic. The Druids were well-respected members of every tribe. No one would dare to go against a Druid. Just as in all things, some Druids became power hungry. They searched their magic and delved into evil. The power they received from black magic surpassed anything they had ever known. Yet it was never enough.”

  “Wouldn’t they have been able to destroy the other Druids?” Cara asked.

  Galen shrugged. “You would think they could have, and would have, but they didn’t. I think they knew they needed the mie. The mie, though not as powerful as the drough were individually, together could easily conquer a drough. Since the drough each sought power, they stayed separated from the others.”

  “So the mie would band as one and destroy the drough?” Lucan asked.

  Galen gave a small nod. “I was told it happened rarely, but it did happen if a drough delved too deep in the black magic.”

  “Yet the mie were happy to go to the drough to ask for help with the Roman invasion,” Cara said. “Why?”

  Galen chuckled. “It was a common enemy they shared.”

  Cara smiled as Galen used her same words she had used on Hayden. “So, are you telling me I have the power to tell if someone speaks the truth or not?”

  “I don’t see why you couldn’t. It might not be as easy to learn as helping the plants, but I think it is something you could do in time.”

  “With the help of a Druid,” Lucan added.

  Cara bit her lip and nodded. “Aye. I would like to find a Druid that could help me with this.”

  “We’ll find one,” Lucan said, and took her hand in his.

  She smiled into his sea green eyes, but Hayden’s words about the drough blood inside her made the smile slip.

  “What is it?” Lucan asked.

  “Hayden said I had drough blood, that I would turn. Was he speaking the truth?” She looked from Lucan to Galen. “Will I?”

  Galen shrugged. “I know some history of the Druids because I was forced to learn it while in Deirdre’s capture. She had us search books and scrolls for any information on the Druids. As to Hayden’s claims, I don’t have an answer for you.”

  “I don’t want to be drough.”

  “Then don’t,” Lucan said. “Remember, Cara, you have a choice.”

  But did she? By the weary, sad look in Galen’s blue gaze before he turned away from her he didn’t think she did. Maybe she didn’t. Maybe she would have to become a drough to fight Deirdre.

  Cara would have to ask Galen about it later, when Lucan couldn’t overhear.

  With Lucan by her side every moment, it became almost impossible to get Galen alone, but she had the opportunity when she was getting the noon meal ready and she spotted him in the garden.

  Cara walked out of the kitchen to his side. He looked out over the sea, his hands by his sides.

  “I knew you would come,” he said.


  He glanced at her. “You want to know about becoming drough.”

  “You mentioned something once about me fighting Deirdre, that I would need to be drough to do it.”

  “I spoke hastily,” he said. “You are just coming into your power, Cara. You’ve also found love with Lucan. Do you really want to ruin it?”

  Love? Aye, she did love Lucan. Desperately.

  “Do you?” Galen asked again. This time he turned to face her. “Once you are drough, there is no turning back. You will wear the mark always.”

  “Mark?” she asked. “As in the blood vial?”

  “That is part of it. The drough are also marked by the cuts from the blade when they do the ritual. The wounds heal, but not naturally because of the black magic involved.”

  She licked her lips and glanced at the plants growing around her. She had done that, brought them back to life. “Do you know what it’s like to be a drough?”

  “Once the evil has you, Cara, it never lets go.”

  “I don’t believe that. A good person could fight it.”

  Galen sighed. “Just as the gods inside us don’t care what we were before, the evil won’t care about your life before the ritual.”

  Cara’s mind was in a whirlwind. “My parents were good people, Galen.”

  “You were a child, Cara. Your perception of them is distorted. Look at what you have here. Think of that.”

  “I am thinking of it,” she said, and blinked back tears. “I’m thinking of all of it. I would do anything to keep Lucan and the rest of you out of Deirdre’s grasp.”

  He blew out a breath and stepped to her side. “You and Lucan are happy. Don’t destroy that.”

  Cara stayed in the garden long after Galen left, and watched the sea. She thought of his words and knew he was right. Despite the impending battle and an uncertain future, Cara had found contentment with Lucan.

  She hadn’t lied to him the previous day. It didn’t matter where she was as long as he was with her.

  “Because I love him,” she whispered into the wind. “I love Lucan.”

  If the time came when she had to choose becoming drough to save Lucan, she would do it in a moment. She would do anything for Lucan.

  Strong arms wrapped around her from behind. “Cara?”

  She leaned back against Lucan and closed her eyes. “I’m here.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Aye,” she lied. She turned in his arms and pulled his head down for a kiss. “I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting.”

  “They can keep waiting,” he said with a grin.

  She laughed. “Galen is likely to eat everything in the kitchen before I can get it into the great hall.”

  “True,” Lucan said with a sigh. “Come. I’ll help you.”

  * * *

  Lucan sat in the great hall before the hearth staring into the flames as night descended. He’d had an uneasy feeling that had grown as the day wore on. No
w that night approached, he knew Deirdre would attack. He had told his fears to his brothers.

  They hadn’t questioned him; they simply made sure everyone was at their posts at all times. There had been no supper in the great hall. Each man had been brought a trencher of food by Fallon.

  Cara hadn’t understood why Lucan wouldn’t let her bring the food. He didn’t want her to worry, not yet. He wanted her to relax and enjoy the time they had before Deirdre attacked.

  “What is going on, Lucan?” Cara asked.

  He turned his head to the chair beside his to find her watching him. “What do you mean?”

  “Did you think I wouldn’t notice how edgy everyone is? Fallon hasn’t touched his wine since the noon meal.”

  Lucan couldn’t hold her gaze. Not even when he had woken to find himself a monster was he as scared as he was at that moment, knowing Deirdre would stop at nothing to obtain Cara. Despite his power, he might not be able to prevent Deirdre from taking her.

  “Please, Lucan.”

  He squeezed his eyes closed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Cara, I . . .”

  “It’s Deirdre, isn’t it? You think she’s going to attack tonight.”

  Lucan opened his eyes and looked at her. He couldn’t lie to her, not now. “I think so.”

  Cara rose and moved to kneel in front of him. She took his hands in hers. “You’ve done everything you could to prepare me. You found me a sword and made me a dagger. You allowed Galen into the castle, even when you didn’t want to, and when others came, you welcomed them as well. We will do what we can.”

  “And if Deirdre captures you?”

  Dark eyes with more strength and bravery than he had ever seen met his. “Then I will fight her. I will do whatever it is I must in order to escape.”

  “And I will find you.”

  “Nay,” she all but yelled. “Nay, Lucan. You and the others, you must run to safety. Deirdre wants to use all of you to wage war on Scotland. You cannot let her succeed.”

  He leaned forward and cupped Cara’s face in his hands. “I cannot let her have you.”

  “How long do we have?”

  “I doona know.”

  She rose and climbed into his lap. “Then let us enjoy what little time we have.”

  Lucan didn’t stop her when she leaned down and kissed him. She straddled him, her sex rubbing against his hardening cock. He gripped her hips and pushed her down as he ground into her. Her moan spurred his need.

  She clawed at his tunic while he jerked her gown and chemise over her head. He kissed and licked her delectable skin, stopping only long enough for her to yank his tunic off.

  He cupped her breasts and moved his mouth over one nipple, suckling the tiny nub in his mouth until it hardened. He circled her other nipple with his thumb, teasing it until it was as hard and straining as the one in his mouth.

  Her hips rocked against him as her moans grew louder. He wanted inside her, needed to be inside her to be as close to her as a man could be to a woman.

  When he reached to unlace his breeches, she rose up on her knees and helped him. She grasped his cock when he sprang free and ran her hands up and down the length.

  “I want to take you in my mouth as you’ve taken me.”

  Lucan closed his eyes and groaned. He could imagine Cara leaned over him, her chestnut locks falling on either side of his legs as she took him in her mouth, her full lips sliding over him.

  “You want it, too,” she whispered.

  “Aye.” He barely recognized the croak as his own voice, but Cara had the ability to make him hard and wanting with just a touch.

  She kissed his chest, her hands still moving over his rod. She cupped his balls and gently rolled them in her hand. “Let me,” she urged.

  He was ready to climax. One touch of her lips and it would be over. “Nay,” he said. “Not this time. I need you too desperately.”

  He opened his eyes and reached between her legs to caress her swollen flesh. She sighed and rocked against his hand. His thumb circled her clitoris before he dipped a finger into her heat. She was so damned wet.

  Her head fell back, her hair cascading over his legs. “Lucan,” she moaned.

  He thrust a second finger to join the first, pumping in and out of her in quick, short strokes. Her breath quickened and her hands gripped his shoulders. He withdrew his fingers and moved his thumb back and forth over her clitoris while he pinched her nipple. She gasped and reached for his arousal to guide it into her heat.

  She lowered herself onto him. Their eyes met as they began to move. Sweat glistened over his body as he held her hips. Her hands were on his shoulders, her lips parted. His climax was nearly upon him. He wouldn’t be able to hold it back, and he refused to go without Cara.

  He reached between them and took her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a gentle tug. She cried out as her body stiffened. The feel of that first contraction of her body around his rod sent him over the edge.

  They reached orgasm together, lost in each other’s eyes. When they finally came down, Cara placed her lips on his for a gentle kiss.

  “I love you.”

  His breath locked in his lungs.

  She leaned back and caressed his cheek. “I know there are too many odds against us, too much that would keep us apart, but I know what I feel.”

  Lucan knew he felt something for Cara, but was it love? “Cara—”

  “Sh,” she said and put her finger to his lips. “Let me give you all that I have to give.”

  Her love had been unexpected, but maybe it shouldn’t have been. It shone in her eyes every time she looked at him. He wasn’t sure he even had a heart to give her anymore, but there was one thing he could do: protect her.

  A tear fell down her cheek. He caught it with his thumb and brought it to his lips. “We will get through this.”

  “Aye,” she whispered, and laid her head on his shoulder.


  Quinn stretched his shoulder. He’d wanted on top of the towers where he usually sat, but Lucan had wanted him closer when the attack came. So he stood on the battlements, his nerves edgy and ready for the fight. He kept his gaze on the east side of the castle and the cliffs, the same cliffs Cara had fallen from.

  That day seemed so long ago, as though Cara had always been a part of their family. Their lives before her had been sedate and boring. If they could have known what her presence meant, would Lucan still have saved her?

  Quinn knew the answer would be a resounding “aye.”

  He paused in his musing as Fallon strode toward him. His eldest brother had changed, and for the better. Though Quinn wasn’t sure he liked the attitude that had returned with the absence of the wine.

  Fallon had always been a good man. He was good at everything, including leading their clan. Their father had been proud of Fallon’s accomplishments, and everyone knew in Fallon’s hands the clan would only prosper.

  It was good to see parts of him return, yet there was no mistaking the thread of fear in Fallon’s eyes. He was right to be afraid of the god inside him, for Fallon had used the wine to dull his senses—and the god.

  Now, when they needed Fallon the most, he would likely fail them. But Quinn didn’t begrudge his brother. There had been many times Quinn had thought to follow Fallon into the flavorful oblivion.

  Quinn had his faults—and they were many—but he wouldn’t leave Lucan alone to tend to everything. It was Lucan’s way, though. He liked to be in control, in charge. He liked to get things done and see to people’s needs. It made him the man he was today.

  “Quinn,” Fallon said, his voice low in the still night. “How is everything?”

  “Quiet,” Quinn replied. “You making the rounds again?”

  “Aye. One last look before I return to the great hall.”

  Quinn snorted. “You just wanted to give Lucan and Cara some time alone.”

  “I did. There’s nothing wrong
with that. If Lucan’s senses are right, they may not have any time after tonight.”

  Quinn blew out a breath and nodded slowly. “Lucan’s senses have never failed him before. He’s always known where the boar or deer are when we hunt.”

  “Aye. It’s why I didn’t question him.”

  “The others don’t understand.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Fallon said. “As long as they stay on guard and alert us if they see anything, they can believe what they will.”

  Fallon and Quinn stood quietly side by side for several moments before Quinn spoke again. “You would have married that woman, what’s her name, Da asked you to, wouldn’t you?”

  Fallon chuckled. “I cannot even remember her name, either. And, aye, I would have. Da said it was for the good of the clan.”

  “Regardless of what you wanted?”

  “It didn’t matter what I wanted, Quinn. That’s the point of being laird. Sacrifices had to be made. The alliance with the MacDonalds would have been a great boon. Two of the largest, strongest clans in Scotland. It was Da’s goal for a long time.”

  Quinn scratched his jaw and shifted his feet wider. “Your life could have been awful with that woman.”

  “Maybe, but then I could live through you and your good life with Elspeth.”

  He cringed and turned away, but he must not have been quick enough, for Fallon’s hand gripped his shoulder and turned him back around.

  “I’m sorry I spoke of Elspeth. I know you don’t like to talk about her.”

  Quinn looked over the moonlit land. “Speak of Elspeth as you will, Fallon. I didn’t speak of her because I failed her and our son. To make matters worse, I didn’t love her.”

  “So why did you marry her?” Fallon’s voice was filled with concern and shock.

  “It seemed the right thing to do. She wanted me, and I wanted a family. I knew Elspeth had always been of a gentle nature, but once we were married, it became worse. Much worse. I couldna get annoyed without her cowering in fear, even though I never laid a hand on her in anger.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “No one did. I wanted it that way.”

  “There is more, isn’t there?”

  Quinn leaned his hands on the stones and lifted a foot to rest it in the crenel, the opening between the merlons of the battlements. “Do you remember when my son was born?”


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