Work With Me (Office Love Book 1)

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Work With Me (Office Love Book 1) Page 1

by R S Burton

  Work With Me

  Copyright © 2017 by R S Burton

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review .

  Chapter One .

  I Ruby Moritz, had made it. After four years, countless all nighters and over $50,000 spent on students loans I had made it… albeit as an office junior.

  Of course, I was still one of the lucky ones, I’d managed to walk out of my college graduation and into a semi well paying job at the largest marketing firm in Worthington. Sure, I was charged with filing papers and fetching coffee. Things I could have easily done without a degree, but it wasn't forever and it paid the bills... just.

  Today had started like any other, After dragging myself out of bed I'd showered in my almost non functioning shower, dressed in my thrift store bought work clothes, before eating a bowl of what was supposed to at least resemble oatmeal until I was finally ready to catch the train and two buses to get to the city where I worked. Just like every other morning I leapt off the last bus as it pulled into the stop in the city and began the brisk walk toward the office, dodging through numerous other people who were on their way to work. But today was different in that I’d missed my second bus and had to catch the next, with such a strict timeline I was well on my way to being late and after only four weeks on the job, I didn’t want to ruffle feathers. I looked at the lock screen of my phone. Five minutes, I had five minutes to walk five blocks.

  I picked up the pace, readjusting my brown satchel over my shoulder. My long brown hair was down, and for a moment I regretted my decision not to pull it up into a bun as the wind rushed through it as I moved. My black heels barely had time to clip the ground as I turned my brisk walk into a jog. The smell of coffee and gasoline filled my senses which cause a smile to paint across my face, yes, every morning was the same and while to some it was monotonous, it just made me feel comforted. The anxiety of being almost late seemed to melt away.

  I ran through the front door of Clarke Industries only a minute before I was due to start, swiping my card on the security marker as I passed through. Breathless and almost surely a mess I stood at my cubicle and placed my satchel down. I was about to attack my ‘In’ tray when my manager Stacey walked over with a black folder and a large smile upon her face.

  “Ruby, may I speak with you in my office.” She exclaimed. Her brown eyes were bright and her smile inviting, but her words were enough to turn my blood cold. My stomach twisted into nervous knots. I couldn’t afford to lose my job, not with my parents both gone... I had no support, I only had myself and this job. I was only two minutes late to my desk she wasn’t going to fire me over two minutes was she? I swallowed hard and tried not to look as desperate as I suddenly felt.

  “I’m sorry, my bus was late, It won’t happen again.” Stacey held her hand up and shook her head. Which stopped me from make anymore excuses. Worry settled in my gut and I shifted in my seat.

  “Just come to my office in five. Make yourself a coffee first, oh and me too.” She grinned. “Black, no sugar.”

  She turned on her heel and walked across the floor, back toward her office. With nerves coursing through my veins I forced myself to stand and made my way into the kitchen. A group of my fellow office juniors sat at one of the tables in the corner, talking in hushed voices.

  “Didn’t you hear?” One of the girls whispered. “Tobias fired Josanna this morning.”

  “But Josanna was Mr Clarke Senior’s PA for years.” Another replied, sounding aghast.

  “Since Tobias was a little boy.” the original girl added. “Apparently she was telling him how to run the place, and he’d had enough.”

  “He’s so horrible.” One of the girls complained.

  “But so incredibly hot.” another added while fanning her face.

  I rolled my eyes. Tobias Clarke was Clarke Industries new CEO. His father had died three months beforehand and left the business to him. I’d never met the guy, but I had seen pictures. He was attractive, but all this hearsay, well it didn’t make everything everyone said about him true.

  “Anyway, he’s sent word down here for a new PA.”

  Their hushed whispers continued although I shut off and finished making myself and Stacey a coffee, last thing I needed was to get involved with office gossip. Once I was done I walked across the office, ignoring the continued whispers permeating from the staff on the floor. Obviously news had spread. I knocked on Stacey door and peeped my head around it.

  “Coffee, black, no sugar.” I smiled.

  “Come in Ruby, please take a seat.” She gestured to a small black leather chair on the other side of her desk. I placed her coffee down and then sat down myself. Stacey looked at her computer and typed something in. Then she placed her hands on her desk, lacing her fingers together. A sinking feeling hit my gut. I was the last staff member hired, they were letting me go. I really was being fired. It had all been too good to be true. Getting work right out of college had been a pure stroke of luck, but I had figured at Clarke Industries I’d at least have a steady income and job security, I’d be okay.In time, maybe I could even afford to live in a nicer place. Suddenly it seemed like those hopes were burning up in flames, I sighed and resigned myself to my dodgy apartment with the dodgy shower on the dodgy side of town. It had been fun while it lasted…. Kind of.

  “You look worried.” Stacey smiled as she picked up the coffee cup and raise it to her mouth.

  I turned my own cup around in my hands and let the warmth radiate from my palms to my fingers. Worried didn’t even begin to cover it.

  “Are you firing me?” I choked out. It was better to rip the band aid off and know sooner rather than later. Stacey chuckled and pointed to her computer.

  “You studied business and marketing in college yes?. You have an innate understanding of this kind of business that most of the women in this office don’t. The way news travels down here, No doubt you’ve heard the boss is looking for a PA.”

  I screwed my face up. Was she insinuating that I take the job? me? I’d been here all of five minutes, not to mention I had no actual experience.

  I’d had a plan, I was meant to work as an office junior for a few years, I was meant to work my way up the ranks gaining vital knowledge along the way, skipping all those steps, racing straight to the top, it seemed strange and sudden.

  “I’m new. Surely there is someone who understands this business more?” I remarked looking up at the woman who seemed to be about to offer me the job of a lifetime. Her eyes were bright and her smile wide.

  “Actually no.” Stacey replied. “You’re the best fit for the job Ruby.”

  There were women out on the floor who had been here for almost 20 years. I struggled to believe that my education outweighed their extensive experience. There had to be another reason she wanted to give me the job. Something I couldn’t put my finger on.

  “Oh.” I mumbled finally, unable to verbalize any of my thoughts.

  “Of course, you’ll get a pay increase, say to the tune of an extra 15k per year.”

  I swallowed hard. 35k a year had been enough to survive on, but 50k meant I could move out of my doldrums sooner, and I could pay off my rising mountain of debt quicker too. It was more than a little tempting to say the least. I looked down at my hands and tried to weigh up my options. But my mind was overrun and I couldn’t make sense of the situation.

  “Mr Clarke needs someone immediately I’m afraid, so you’ll need to decided rather quickly.” She murmured, interrupting my thoughts.

  I get a choice? I looked at Stacey, her eyes were wide now, obviously she was under pressure to find someone quick, and If I said no she’d have to go back to the drawing board. Saying no meant coffee making and filing for the foreseeable future. Who knew when something like this would happen again. Probably never.

  “I’m in.” I smiled. I had to jump head first and figure the rest out later. This was what I had studied for. Risk or not, I had to take a leap of faith.

  Stacey relaxed into her seat and nodded. She pulled the black folder off her desk and held it out to me.

  “There is your new contract. You’ll be working the same hours, but as you’re probably aware, Mr Clarke will most likely require your assistance outside of normal working hours.”

  I understood. I hadn’t had much of life before, so all hours work wasn’t going to be a problem.

  “Right well, you may pack up your things and head up to the top floor Ruby. I have faith in you.” She smiled sweetly, but for some reason, her over the top kindness now seemed fake.

  I left her office and walked with my coffee back to my desk. The hushed whispers around me were now followed by pointing... pointing at me. News had already spread that I was the PA’s replacement, and I hadn’t even picked up my purse yet. Silently I gathered my things before I took a deep breath. I carried my satchel, the folder and my coffee to the elevator all the while knowing that all eyes were on me. I pressed the button and I waited, with my back to the whispers. Then, when the silver doors opened, I stepped inside, turned around and looked out at the floor of women who were staring back at me. All with looks of relief clearly present on their faces.

  I gulped.

  As the constricting box began to move up, it suddenly felt like a moving cell, taking me to imminent death. The supposed relaxing elevator music may as well have been the Imperial March. My heart thudded against my rib cage so hard that cracking a rib felt like it may have actually been possible and when the doors finally opened again, a rush of nervous energy pulsated through me to the point I was afraid that I actually had a chance of fainting. I wanted to run away, back to the safety of the second floor, but with nowhere else to go I stepped out anyway, onto the dark navy blue carpet that stretched up the corridor ending at a state of the art white desk. I hadn’t been up here before, but it was clear from first glance that up here and down there were a world apart. The dull browns of the cramped office space were gone, and had been replaced by crisp white walls adorned with art work I could tell cost far more than my monthly rent.

  I walked down the corridor, eyeing the desk at the end. I placed my things down and looked around.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  I walked behind the desk and looked down. My new computer was brand new and top of the line, with three screens instead of two I’d had down stairs. To the left was a small water filter and all the stationary one could ever want. I ran my fingers over the paper clips and stapler.

  I was still taking in my surroundings when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. My blood ran cold for the second time in less than 30 minutes and I stiffened, as I turned around to face the owner of the cleared throat.

  Tobias Clark

  It was clear right away that pictures did him no justice. The man was gorgeous in every sense of the word. In the flesh he seemed taller somehow too, at least 6”2, and well built, with sculpted muscles that I could make out through the snug fit of his navy blue suit. He had his hands in his pockets, and a deep frown on his face. He was clean shaven, and his lips were drawn in a thin line, while his icy blue eyes were as cold as a winter's night. Although his disapproval was apparent in his face, he was still attractive, more than in fact, but I could tell he was completely closed off.

  “I asked for a PA and Ms Jones sends me a child.” He huffed.

  I frowned, who was he calling a child? It was a well known fact that Tobias himself was only 27, only 5 years older than me. I was going to start this position as I intended to go on, and I didn’t intend on being some jump upped CEO’s doormat.

  “With all due respect sir, I am 22, educated and willing to serve as your PA. Judging by the look of relief in my colleagues faces as I stepped into the elevator just now, I might be the only one willing.” I was sure now… More than ever that my appointment into this role hadn’t been about my qualifications. I was last on the floor, and first into the firing line.

  Tobias’ mouth curled slightly, and I couldn’t tell if he was amused or offended. “Education means nothing Ms….” his voice hung, waiting for my response.

  “Moritz.” I offered, my throat dry.

  “Education means nothing Ms Moritz, if you cannot back it up with skill.”

  “Well, hopefully I’m skilled then.” I replied, forcing myself to sound strong. “You’re just going to have to take your chances.”

  Tobias Clarke pulled his hands from his pockets and folded his arms across his chest. He watched me without speaking for almost a minute, before raising an eyebrow and turning on his heel.

  “I don’t take chances Ms Moritz.” He exclaimed, his voice unforgiving. “You won’t last a week.”

  Tobias walked into his office and closed the frosted glass doors. I watched his shadow move across the floor until I could no longer see him. I let out a strangled breath. He wasn’t kind, he wasn’t approachable, in fact he was quite possibly the business version of the grinch. He had no faith in me, and to him I was dispensable. At least downstairs I’d had job security, now I was wedged in between flourishing and unemployment.

  I had to make this work.

  I sat down, the plush leather seat melted around my body. At least for now, I could stress in comfort. I opened the folder with my new contract and read through it. It was standard, stating my new salary and expectations. It came with benefits, such as comprehensive health insurance and a dental plan to die for, but with Tobias’ harsh critique of me in mind, I had to wonder if I would even be here long enough to notice any of it.

  I couldn’t go back now. I was here and I was going to have to do my best to prove him wrong. I reached for a pen from the stationary tray beside me and signed on the dotted line.

  Chapter Two

  “Mr Clarke understands, he knows you want only the very best.” I explained to a potential client named Mrs Casey over the phone. “That’s why it is imperative you meet with us, I promise you that our company has years of experience behind it, you won’t regret it.”

  “That may have been true when his father Jonas was in the lead chair. But I’ve heard the rumors.” The woman on the other end of the phone line commented. “His son is in charge now… and he isn’t a nice man.”

  She was right about that, he wasn’t the warmest in terms of personality, but over the past couple of days I’d made it my mission to look over his past work. Fact was, Tobias had been in the lead chair for quite some time before his father's eventual death. Only now it was official. His personality aside, he was great at his job.

  “I insist that you give Mr Clarke a chance to show you what he has planned for you. You won’t regret it. Should I schedule you in for a week Friday? 2pm?”

  The woman let out a chuckle. “Well, if he has the faith of someone as strong willed as you sound to be, I guess I can give him a chance. Pencil it in dear.”

  “Thank you.” I replied. “I look forward to meeting you then.”

  I ended the call and noted the new meeting down in the shared calendar. I’d been here three days and had already picked up the systems quite quickly. I was well on my way to proving Mr Clarke wrong. I opened up my emails and glanced over them, there was nothing new to pick up so I went to stand and make a coffee in the small break room behind my office. Before I could get very far my screen beeped. In the taskbar there was a small blue flashing box. I clicked on it.

  Tobias Clarke: Ms Moritz, could you please come into my office.

  Even in text his words froze me in fear. He held my job in the palm of his hands, h
e could fire me if he pleased, and then I would be screwed. I stood up and walked toward the doors of his office. The frosted glass reminded me of ice, which was apt considering his cold persona. I knocked once, and waited for his grunt before opening the doors and stepping inside.

  “Do you know what you’ve done?” He muttered. He looked up at me, staring through me with his frozen eyes. “I am running a business here Ms Moritz, I don’t have time for mistakes, and frankly, they make me look incompetent, when I’m not the one with the problem.”

  I frowned. I wasn’t sure what I had done, which I knew wouldn’t bode well with Tobias. He wanted me to admit fault.

  “Sir, please, what did I do?” I asked with genuine concern. Tobias rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw.

  “I have a meeting next Friday with Mr Harris from Harris Hills at 1:30pm, it's a lunch meeting, you set it up yesterday. I won’t be back in the office until 2:15.”

  I gulped, instantly I knew my mistake. The meeting I had just booked with Mrs Casey was too early. I bit my lip and nodded.

  “I am sorry sir, I will fix it.” I assured him, for what good it was worth.

  “Fix it?” He scoffed. “What makes you think you’ll get the chance to. Remember, I don’t take chances Ms Moritz.”

  My stomach swirled with nerves and I forced myself to nod. “It was my mistake either way sir. I will fix it, whether or not you fire me.”

  Tobias leaned back in his chair, regarding me with the same cold stare he had given me since I had started working for him directly.

  “Fine.” He replied, his tone as cold as his icy persona. “Fix it and get out of my office.”

  I nodded and walked out into the safety of my office. I called Mrs Casey and pushed back her appointment to 2:30pm. After I hung up the call I took an early lunch to avoid any more confrontations with the king of ice.

  Once I had returned I spent the remainder of the day with my eye the clock. Five o'clock couldn’t come soon enough. After my mistake the atmosphere in the already icy office seemed to take a dive, even though we were separated by a wall. Soon, I could leave, and go home to my dodgy apartment, two buses and one train ride away.


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