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Redemption (The Reckless Rockwoods Book 4)

Page 21

by Monica Burns

  It was obvious she expected him to take her into his mouth. Instead he continued kissing his way downward to her waist then to her hip where he playfully nipped at her flesh. She yelped in surprise, and he chuckled at the sound before he soothed the area with this tongue. With each taste of her creamy skin, his desire strengthened exponentially. Silk couldn’t be any softer than every inch of her body.

  Each curve and dip of her made his body ache with a craving that had already begun to blind him to everything but the scent, taste, and feel of her. His body roared angrily at his continued refusal to satisfy his desire, but he ignored the demands of his cock as he kissed the top of her thigh. The moment he kissed the inside of her leg she gasped. In a clear effort to prevent him from accessing the heart of her core, she tried to shift her body away from him. Ignoring her reaction to the intimate caress, his hand stroked its way up to the apex of her thighs where his fingers found the white heat of her.

  “Dear Lord, Percy, surely you–”

  Her protest died as a keening cry escaped her lips the instant his mouth nibbled at her silky folds. Hot and tangy, the first taste of her cream swept across his tongue. A low moan echoed above his head. The throaty sound became a sob of pleasure as he flicked his tongue across the small nub of flesh at the edge of her sex. In response to the deeply intimate caresses of his mouth, her body writhed beneath him, while he devoted his attention to the delicious taste and feel of her. As much as his body urged him to bury himself in the slick buttery feel of her, he held back. This moment of pleasure was for her and only her.

  Chapter 12

  Fire skimmed across her skin. With each flick and stroke of his tongue he aroused her body to a fevered pitch until the flames consumed her. It had only been in the darkest point of the night that she’d imagined what it would be like to be in his bed. None of her fantasies had prepared her for this. It was as if he were worshiping her body with his hands and mouth. The sudden shock of his teeth lightly nipping at the small nub between her legs made her cry out in surprise and delight as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive flesh.

  The acute pleasure of the hedonistic act forced her hips to arch upward in a wild response to his mouth stimulating her darkest of desires. An odd sensation unfurled in her belly. It built inside her with a speed that overwhelmed each of her senses. The power of it pulled her upward to a pinnacle of delight only to have his mouth send her plummeting over a delicious abyss of sensation that singed every inch of her. The strength of her reaction made her back arch as she screamed from the sheer joy of his intimate caresses.

  Shudder after shudder rocked her body as his tongue continued to stroke her core. The mind-numbing pleasure reduced her to a primal state of being. The only thing she was aware of was him and the sensations he created inside her. Frisson after frisson raced through her body until her breathing was mere gasps. Time and again she was pulled upward to a peak of ecstasy before she crashed downward into a pool of fiery sensation. Certain she couldn’t bear another moment of such intensity she cried out his name, pleading with him that she couldn’t bear the pleasure he was giving her.

  His response was to use his teeth to tug at the nub of flesh at her core before he sucked on it hard. Another wild cry of pleasure escaped her lips as she arched upward, her body frozen in place as pleasure held her hostage. A second later her body convulsed violently, and she fell apart in a wild, glorious moment of pure unadulterated rapture.

  Ever so slowly, the waves of pleasure rolling across her skin eased until they were soft ripples of warmth. His mouth warmed the inside of her thigh as he leisurely worked his way up over her stomach to her breasts. The instant his tongue swirled around the sensitive flesh she released a soft cry.

  “Oh, please, no,” she gasped. “Not yet. I don’t think I could bear another moment like that again so soon.”

  A low growl rumbled in his chest, and she suddenly realized the tip of him was pressing at the edge of her sex. With a grunt, he rolled off her to lie on his back. One arm flung over his eyes, his breathing was erratic while the taut muscles in his face had pulled his lips tight with strain. Self-recrimination sped through her. Even after satisfying her so completely he was willing to forgo his own physical release in order to please her. It warmed her, and created another crack in the wall of ice surrounding her heart.

  She glanced down to where his hard, thick erection jumped slightly against his stomach. Desire tugged at her body as she stared down at the beautiful maleness of him. She wanted him—wanted to give him the same pleasure he’d given her. The moment she straddled his thighs, he jerked with surprise. His dark brown eyes flew open to meet her gaze. The passion blazing in his eyes made her tremble. In a languid gesture she trailed her forefinger across his chest and downward. A white droplet clung to the tip of him, and she smeared it across the top of his erection in a slow teasing gesture. A dark groan escaped his lips and he closed his eyes again.

  “Christ woman,” he said in a strangled voice. “I’m trying to give you breathing room. Don’t make it harder for me than it already is.”

  The words split off a large chunk of the ice encasing her heart. It stirred to life the banked fires inside her. She leaned over him to kiss him. The tangy flavor of her essence hovered on his lips and another groan rumbled in his chest. A sense of power flooded its way through her, and her tongue slipped past his lips to tangle with his. When she started to lift her head a strong hand curled around her neck to hold her in place. She allowed him the small measure of control, but only for a moment.

  Breaking free of his hold, she sat upright then slowly slid her body over his until he filled her completely. There was something so right about this moment. The feeling was so intense it heightened each of her senses. The friction of their joining caused her body to tremble against his. It was a physical connection that opened the door to an emotion that made her heart slam into her chest. She ignored the thought to devote all her attention to this moment with him. Strong fingers grasped her hips in a silent demand that she increase her pace. She smiled down at him and shook her head.

  “Not yet,” she whispered.

  His reply was a growl of complaint, and his fingers dug into her thighs with a bit more force. Instantly she lifted her body until she was almost completely free of him.

  “Behave,” she said with a smile.

  “For the love of God, woman. A man can only take—”

  Before he could finish his sentence she thrust her hips downward to bury him deep inside her. A shout of pleasure escaped him as she slowly lifted her hips and repeated the swift sharp motion. Another shout reverberated out of his throat. In a clear demand for her to increase the pace of her body against his, he gripped her hips even more firmly in an attempt to make her move faster. She resisted.

  She wanted to extend the pleasure of this moment for as long as possible. Leaning over his chest, she swept her tongue over his nipple as he’d done to hers. The scent of pine and sandalwood drifted off his skin. It created a smell that was distinctly his. A growl rumbled in his chest and vibrated across her lips. With a powerful thrust he threw his hips upward to sheath himself inside her. In punishment for his impatience, she bit down on the hard pebble against her lips.

  The soft roar escaping him made her smile, and she sat up again to slide her body upward until only the tip of him was inside her. Her gaze met his, and what she saw in his brown eyes stole her breath away. It would be so easy to drown herself in those eyes. Her heart skipped a beat at the mesmerizing intensity of his gaze. Passion blazed in his eyes and it held her breathless as she quickly thrust her hips downward once again.

  The sharp thrust tugged a deep groan from him as she began to rock her hips against his. Pleasure seeped its way into her blood until it flowed fast and furious through her body. A strong, powerful hand stretched out to caress her breasts before he gently pushed her backward slightly all the while her body rocked against his at an ever-increasing pace. The position increased the strength
and depth of their mating.

  A white-hot heat shot through her veins, and she was certain she would burst into flames from it. Hands braced against his thighs, tension tightened her body as pleasure curled tight in her belly ready to spiral out of control. The sensation made her tremble, and her breasts grew heavy and ached for his touch. Without thinking, she caught his hand and pressed it to one of her breasts. Instantly he came upright, pulling her tight against him to suckle her. The hedonistic caress made her sob with delight.

  Fingers spiking through his hair, she continued to rock her hips against his at a frantic pace. The rough edge of his tongue teased her nipple mercilessly as a vibration slowly built inside her. Stroke after stroke her body tightened and gripped the hard thickness of him. Every part of her was alive with sensation, and when he captured her lips in a hard kiss she responded with an unrestrained abandon as their bodies pounded against one another.

  Fire and ice raced across her skin, burning her as their bodies pulsated with the heat of blinding passion. The spicy scent of him invaded her senses even more potently than before. It enveloped her the same way his embrace was holding her hostage. The raging heat of his kiss whipped through her with the strength of an out of control blaze.

  With each stroke of their bodies against one another desire spiraled through her. It drove her to the edge of a familiar abyss, the sensations inside her building to a feverish pitch until she convulsed violently around him. First one wave of pleasure and then another rolled over her in a rapid succession. As her body tightened, convulsed, and clenched around the fullness of his erection, her head fell backward and she cried out his name. With a speed that only intensified her own pleasure, he thrust his body into hers at a blistering pace.

  A brief second later he released a guttural shout of fulfillment and throbbed inside her. They remained frozen together for a few seconds before Percy fell back onto the mattress pulling her with him. Harsh breaths echoed between them as they remained locked in each other’s arms for several long moments. Still astride him, she buried her face in the side of his neck. The warmth of his skin, his scent, and the powerful strength of the arms holding her close made her sigh with happiness. At the sound, Percy forced her to look at him.

  “You, Miss Bennett, go to my head in the best possible way.”

  The compliment sent heat rushing into her cheeks at the emotion in his gaze. It was a look of possession, and she kissed him gently. His hand curled around her neck as he pulled her closer and kissed her with an intensity that startled her. When he released her, she slid off him to lie beside him. Almost as if he were unwilling to part with her, he tugged her into his side his arm holding her in a snug embrace that was as tender as it was protective. She’d never felt so safe or cherished in her entire life. It was the last thought she had before she drifted off to sleep.

  Rhea wasn’t certain how long she’d been asleep, but when she awoke, her backside was curled up against Percy’s chest. She didn’t move for a long moment, instead she chose to savor these last brief seconds in his arms. Deep inside she’d known tonight would be all they’d ever have. The reality of her past made it impossible to hope for anything where he was concerned. Tears formed in her eyes.

  Tonight he’d given her the most beautiful gift she’d ever received. But she’d already sacrificed a small piece of her heart to him. She couldn’t risk losing all of her heart to him. If that were to happen, it meant surrendering not only control of her body, but her soul as well. She could never yield to any man in that way again—not even Percy Rockwood. As gently as possible she slid out from his embrace and off the bed.

  The one candle in the room burned low, but it gave her enough light to make her way about in the darkened room. She moved with stealth as she gathered her clothes, and in a matter of minutes the only item of her appearance not completely repaired was her hair. Unable to find her hairpins, she quickly braided it as she’d learned to do while under Ruckley’s command.

  Her tread soft and barely detectable, Rhea moved to the side of the bed and leaned over Percy intent on brushing his brow with a kiss. She froze just before her lips caressed his skin. Her touch might wake him, and she knew she had no defenses left to say no to him if he awoke. It was best to leave now while he was asleep. With one last glance over her shoulder, she memorized his beautiful male figure sprawled across the bed. It was a memory she would carry for the rest of her life. The moment she experienced the desire to run back to his arms, she brutally crushed the urge, determined not to ignore common sense. Despite her resolve, a voice inside her head whispered that pragmatism was a cold bedfellow. She ignored the thought and left the bedroom.

  It wasn’t until she was standing on the front stoop of Percy’s home that she realized she had no way back to Sherrington House other than her own two feet. Trepidation spiraled through her at the thought of walking home at such a late hour. The feeling lasted for only seconds before she remembered how she’d lived for the past seven years. It startled her that she’d forgotten her past if even for a few brief moments. Was it possible Percy had done that for her? The thought made her bite down on her lip. Percy had always treated her as a lady, and had consistently indicated her past was of no consequence. But she knew better. She was who she was. It was laughable to think she could go back to being the girl she’d been before her father had sold her and Arianna to Ruckley. It was why she could make her way home without help. Despite Percy’s misgivings, she was more than capable of taking care of herself. Her life under Ruckley’s thumb had taught her how to survive. Fear was a means of defense. It sharpened the senses. It gave one the means to do what others would not. Fear no longer her enemy, she headed in the direction of Sherrington House.

  § § §

  The muted sound of early morning street traffic filtered its way into Percy’s bedroom. His bedroom was still fairly dark, and when he didn’t feel the warmth of Rhea’s sweet curves burrowed into his side, he sleepily reached out for her. When his hand touched nothing but rumpled sheets, he jerked awake. Quickly sitting up, he stared at the empty spot where Rhea had slept last night. The sudden thought it might have been a dream made him close his eyes for a split second.

  Certain he’d not imagined things, he stared at the spot where Rhea had slept and frowned. She’d left without saying goodbye, and his gut twisted. He’d compromised her in the worst possible way. Even if she had been eager to share his bed, he’d ignored the consequences she would face if someone saw her leaving his house in the middle of the night. He’d also broken his word again. He’d allowed desire to override his good judgement.

  Memories of the night before filled Percy’s head. The way she’d responded to his caresses convinced him that he was the only man who’d ever pleasured her the way he had. He closed his eyes for a brief moment as he relived the pleasure of her riding him with abandon. The passion he’d experienced with her had touched something deep inside him. Now all he had to do was persuade Rhea to marry him. The unexpected thought made him stiffen. When had he decided to take a wife? If he were honest with himself, he’d decided from that first kiss in the gazebo at Melton Park. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he’d known even then that she belonged with him—that they belonged together. In fact, the idea of waking up with her in his bed every morning filled him with anticipation.

  Unfortunately, it would be difficult to make Rhea understand that marriage to him wouldn’t make her a possession, but a partner. For years she’d been under Ruckley’s control. Percy had no doubt her experience with that bastard would make her view marriage as a sort of prison. Then there was the issue of how she viewed herself.

  Percy remembered how she’d referred to herself as a whore. That moment had emphasized her vulnerability and the horrors of her past. Intuition told him she might easily view herself unworthy of him given her past. Percy had no idea how he’d be able to convince her a future with him would be a happy one. And he was certain it would be good between them.

  It wasn’t
until now that he’d actually considered the attributes he wanted in a wife, but the word that came to mind now was partner. He wanted a wife he could share things with as one would a good friend. Someone he could turn to in times of difficulties—a lover to hold and caress. In a word, he wanted Rhea. They could be all that to one another. He had no illusions as to it being a love match.

  Laughter reverberated in his head at how easily he dismissed the idea of love. The laughter was followed by a mocking voice murmuring he was a fool to think he didn’t want Rhea’s love. Percy ignored his inner voice as the memory of his vision came back to haunt him. While the images were still jumbled in his head, the core theme was the growing danger Ruckley posed to Rhea. It made him uneasy about the rescue Ashford had arranged this evening, particularly when he knew Rhea would never agree to stay away.

  He could tell her about his vision, but he had no doubt she would dismiss the images as either him worrying needlessly or perhaps even a ruse to keep her from being there this evening. It all came down to the fact he had to be all the more vigilant where Rhea was concerned. Eager to see her, Percy rang for Jenkins. He wanted to visit Sherrington House as quickly as possible.

  Almost two hours later, Percy entered his club feeling more irritable than he had in a long time. He’d arrived at Sherrington House ready to convince Rhea to marry him. Upon his arrival, he’d been informed she wasn’t at home. From there he’d gone to her aunt’s house only to be told Rhea wasn’t there either. All the more frustrating was the fact that no one knew where she’d gone.

  Intent on venting his anger in a sparring session, Percy made his way to the boxing ring in the gymnasium. To his surprise, he saw his friend Blake boxing with a partner who was losing badly. Percy moved to the sidelines into his friend’s line of sight, and the viscount quickly ended his sparring match to join Percy on the edge of the boxing mat.


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