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Immortal of My Dreams

Page 9

by Alexis McNeil

  Blake followed my stare. “Those are the four remaining Immortals, weel besides Cameron,” Blake said. “They’re here for the Ceremony o’ Beginnings. The mon with dark hair is Merrick. The jet black haired mon is Gideon. The taller one with long brown hair who always wears a scowl on his face is Alexander and the blonde mon is Cain, he’s always startin’ trouble.”

  “Aye,” Grant said with disgust, “they’re a ruthless bunch o’ men Jillian. Heed my warning, stay ta ye’re own kind.”

  Ignoring Grant’s comments, I stared in awe at the beautiful specimen of man. Merrick. So that was the name of the Immortal who had noticed me in my window. Suddenly, a servant girl sashayed up to him. My mouth dropped open at the blatant invitation she gave to Merrick. He swung her around pulling her to him as he grabbed her butt.

  “They sure make themselves right at home,” I said disgusted, diverting my gaze from the lewd couple.

  “Och, that’s Lorna,” Grant said. “She’s a whore who’ll cavort with anyone.”

  Blake’s forehead creased. “Anyone but me,” he said quietly.

  I turned regarding the hurt expression on Blake’s face. “Blake,” I said gently, “don’t you think that might be a good thing? Why would you want to be with a girl who obviously has no morals?” Blake just shrugged his shoulders. I caught Grant’s gaze as he shifted uncomfortably.

  Grant cleared his throat. “Come, let’s take our seats, dinner’s almost ready.”

  We made our way up to the table raised on the dais. The whole time I tried my hardest to not stare at the dangerous group of men conjugated around the opposite end of the table. Grant pulled out a chair for me at the far end of the table and after scooting me in, took a seat to my right, while Blake sat more toward the center where Cameron and Elise sat.

  I glanced up, and at the opposite end of the long table directly across from me, sat Merrick along with the other three Immortals. Lorna straddled Merrick’s lap while she kissed his neck and rubbed his chest. I tried not to stare while they practically fornicated at the table. Perusing out over the great hall, I did my best to ignore the bawdy exhibit in my peripheral vision.

  My gaze returned to the end of the table as shouting erupted. Alexander and Cain argued as their voices increasingly grew louder. “A bunch o’ worthless men if ye ask me,” Grant muttered next to me.

  I paused a moment feeling I had to defend the immortal men, one of which was my cousin…of sorts. “Grant,” I said, “isn’t your sister marrying Cameron? He’s immortal. Doesn’t that make him one of those ‘worthless men’?”

  Grant’s cheeks flushed. “Cameron’s different. I ken he’ll take care o’ Elise.”

  Our heads quickly turned as Alexander and Cain abruptly rose. Their chairs fell away with a loud bang as they stood nose to nose. Without warning, Alexander punched Cain straight in the face. The punch would’ve knocked an ordinary man out cold, but with Cain, his head barely snapped back. Cain raised his fist.

  “Enough!” Cameron roared smashing his fists on the table. The hall instantly became deafeningly quiet. “If you can’t be civilized in my home, then leave! This is a special time for my fiancée. I won’t let anyone ruin it!” I glanced over at Elise who stared down at her plate with glassy eyes and a quivering chin.

  “Forgive me,” Cain said with a wicked smile lowering his fist. He wiped away the spot of blood on his lip and righted his chair taking a seat. Alexander suddenly kicked his chair across the hall. A loud crash filled the silence as the chair hit into the stone wall splintering into a thousand pieces. Alexander glared at Cain briefly and then strode from the hall. Gideon looked upset and immediately left the table following Alexander out. Merrick just laughed continuing to fondle Lorna.

  With the flick of Cameron’s wrist, the music picked up again and murmurs of voices gradually filled the hall. Cameron kissed Elise’s palm receiving a small smile from her. I let out my breath while Grant harrumphed next to me as if he said, “told you so”.

  Suddenly, servants emerged from all doorways with trays upon trays of food. One tray displayed an array of vegetables, another pheasant with all its feathers still intact. I stared impressed as a servant passed with a variety of fish and small game birds in an artistic presentation. More and more food spread out upon the tables. My mouth watered as the delicious aroma filled the great hall.

  After the fare was served, Grant began to fill my trencher with various foods. “Wow, this looks wonderful,” I said.

  “Cameron has the best cooks in the land,” Grant said. I took a bite of salmon closing my eyes in ecstasy. The fish melted in my mouth. I think even Gerdie would’ve been impressed.

  As I ate, I glanced up noticing Lorna no longer sat on Merrick’s lap, but down at a bench table. She flirted with one of the guards while she picked at her meal. Every so often, her gaze would dart up to Merrick after placing an affectionate squeeze on the soldier’s thigh, or after she adjusted her low-cut neckline. Merrick continued to talk with Cain not even giving Lorna a second glance through the entire meal.

  I couldn’t help myself. I tried not to watch Merrick, but something about him drew me to him, enticed me. Merrick laughed with Cain as he reached for his goblet. Merrick raised the goblet to his lips and brought his gaze up to mine lifting one eyebrow in a wicked arch. Nonchalantly, he licked the rim of the goblet while he kept his gaze on me. I sucked in a breath quickly staring down at my trencher. A low rumble of laughter drifted down from Merrick’s end of the table. I knew my cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment. This was twice now, Merrick caught me ogling him. For the rest of the meal I either stared out over the great hall or focused on my trencher. As I peered out over the crowd, I noticed Lorna grow more and more desperate for Merrick’s attention.

  When the trenchers began to get cleared away, Lorna stood up turning toward Merrick with her fists at her sides. “Are ye no goin’ ta do nothin’!” she yelled at Merrick. “This guard just offered his bed ta me!

  Merrick glanced over at Lorna with a smile on his face. He held up his goblet to the guard in a toast. “Just keep an eye out when she’s comin’ lad,” Merrick said. “She likes ta bite.” A roar of laughter erupted. Lorna stomped her foot and shoved out of the guard’s arms. Hoots and hollers filled the room as she strode from the great hall. Merrick glanced across the distance of the table at me when he quietly said, ”No lass is worth keepin’ or fightin’ o’er.”

  “Would ye like me ta escort ye ta ye’re chamber?” Grant asked breaking my stare with Merrick. I nodded and he scooted my chair back placing my arm over his. I didn’t miss the glare he gave the Immortals when we stepped down from the dais. We made it to the center of the hall and I couldn’t help but to look back at the table. Merrick was gone. I quickly glanced around the room spotting Merrick just as he disappeared through the door leading to the garden.

  “Grant,” I said stopping, “I think I want some fresh air before I retire for the night, would you excuse me?”

  “Lass, I’ll go with ye. I could use—“

  “By myself…please? I’ve been through a lot today. I need to run things through my head, get everything sorted out.” Grant’s lips turned into thin slits as he made a tight nod. He let my arm drop to my side and strode from the room. I shook my head at Grant’s ridiculous behavior and made my way over to the doorway leading to the gardens.

  As I emerged into the gardens, the chilly night air caressed my skin sending goose bumps racing up and down my spine. Rubbing my arms up and down, I noticed my breath hang in the air. Winter wasn’t far off from arriving, a few more weeks and there’d probably be frost. After all, it was almost November. I glanced around at the shadows created from lit torches placed throughout the garden. I was alone. I followed the circular path to the center of the garden where a large fountain stood. I gazed up into the night sky at what seemed like millions of stars shining brightly.

  “Lookin’ for me, lass?” I whipped around finding Merrick standing a couple of feet from me. He se
emed so much bigger and badder when he stood so close to me.

  “N-no,” I lied. “I just wanted a breath of fresh air.”

  “In that case,” he said taking a step closer, “a sweet, innocent lass like yerself shouldna be out at night by her lonesome.” Merrick took another step, towering over me. “There could be dangerous men lurking in the shadows.”

  I craned my neck finding myself staring into a set of gorgeous twinkling blue eyes. “And are you one of these dangerous men?” I asked breathlessly.

  Merrick smiled and reaching out with his finger, slid it across my low neckline lightly caressing the top of my cleavage. He leaned forward until his lips brushed my ear when he said, “Ah, lass…I’m the most dangerous.”

  Instantly, I swatted his hand away just as a commotion came from one of the garden’s paths. “Merrick? Me lord?” said a woman’s voice. “I ha’ the wine ye wanted.” A tall hedge shook as a curvy blonde stumbled into the clearing. “Och, there ye are.” She took a step toward us and tripped catching herself before she landed on the ground. She came up behind Merrick, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  Merrick turned burying his head into the cleavage spilling over the woman’s ridiculously low neckline as she squealed with delight. He glanced back at me over his shoulder. “Run along, lass,” he said coldly. “Ye dinna belong here.” I stared at the couple as he guided her toward a cover of trees, disappearing into the shadows of the night.

  I let out a sigh as I sat down on the edge of the fountain. I dunked my hand in the fountain and played with the water for a time until my fingers grew numb. I couldn’t get Merrick out of my mind. What would it feel like if he did those things to me? If he kissed me with his perfect mouth or grasped my breasts with his large, strong hands…. “Ugh!” I splashed the water with my hand sending droplets everywhere.

  “Jilly,” Blake said coming over to me, “is everything all right?” His forehead furrowed as he sat down next to me.

  “Yeah, it’s just everything is so different here,” I said looking around. “There’s no noise other than from the nature surrounding us.”

  “Ah, ‘tis bootiful here. I canna imagine living anywhere else,” Blake said. My smile faded and I glanced down at my fingers playing idly with the water. “Och, Jilly, I’m sorry. As much as I would hate ta see ye go, I ken Cameron will come up with a way ta get ye home.” I made a tight smile and nodded. “By the way,” Blake continued, “I heard Cameron request all the Immortals meet in the library. I think Cameron wants ta get ideas on how ta send ye home. Ye should go see, maybe ye could help.”

  My head shot up. “Oh, thank you Blake. I think I will.” I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek. I left him sitting on the fountain’s edge with a huge grin on his face and a starry-eyed look in his eyes.

  After searching for a half an hour, I finally found the corridor leading to the library. I came up to the library door which stood open a crack. Just when I raised my hands to push the door open, I froze. “She doesna belong here!” I peeked through the crack spotting Cameron along with Gideon sitting on a large leather couch, Cain in an armchair across from them, and Merrick and Alexander standing by a huge stone fireplace. Merrick braced himself against the mantel and quietly said, “She needs ta leave, the sooner, the better.”

  Cameron stood up placing his hands on his hips. “You think I begged her to come with me?” he demanded. “I know I’d be punished if she came. She’s nothing more than a silly girl who didn’t listen. If I could do it all over again, I’d never have talked to her!” I stepped away from the crack as a lump filled my throat. Out of everyone here, Cameron was the closest thing I had to family. I thought he’d stand by me. I heard movement and peered through the crack once more.

  “Calm down,” Gideon said standing up along side Cameron. “We dinna ken what the Guardians will do, if anything. Maybe, they dinna even ken.”

  Alexander spun around taking a step toward the others. “Dinna ken!” he demanded. “The Guardians ken everything we do, every move we make, and every ally and enemy we find! I think we should do what the Guardians are most likely planning and kill her!” My breath caught. Not in a million years would I believe one of their options would be to end my life. I could accept being thrown out, or told to stay in hiding, but not being murdered! I waited for Cameron to stick up for me, but I shortly realized I’d be waiting all night. I had trusted him. “If we kill her,” Alexander continued, “then it will truly look like her coming with ye was an accident. We will ha’ proved ourselves and our loyalty ta the Guardians making this small mishap become forgotten.”

  Merrick stared at Alexander and I noticed a muscle tick at the side of Merrick’s jaw. Cain wore a sick grin on his face and Gideon looked like he would have pitied me if I had been in the room with them. Cameron kept staring down at the floor. I’d seen and heard enough. From the looks on everyone’s face along with the quiet room, I knew no one disagreed with the idea to off me. I tiptoed back to the end of the corridor where I made a mad dash to my room. I had to get away. I agreed, I didn’t belong here, but I wasn’t going to let them kill me over it. I’d hide with the McDougals, or at least stop there. Robert and Rebecca would help me hide and give me supplies until I found my own way home, which I was more determined than ever to find.

  I threw a plaid on the bed and tossed in extra stockings, a plain brown gown, and another pair of slippers along with the loaf of bread sitting on the small table in my room. I tied it all up into a bundle and pulled the plaid I wore up so it covered my head. I grabbed the ruby eyed dagger from under my pillow and fastened it to my thigh with a leather thong. I had to get away, now, before they came to look for me. Sticking close to the shadows and sides of the corridors, I left the keep exiting out the side door into the garden. I made my way down to the lower bailey without seeing too many guards or people. It had to be late. Everyone must have been in bed.

  I slowly walked up to the closed gate where a big burly guard patrolled. I breathed out a sigh of relief, the guard was Angus. “And just where are ye off ta, lass?” Angus asked striding over to me. He squinted and hunched down to get a better look at my face. “Och, ye’re the lass we escorted here. Ye should be retired for the night.”

  “I-I need to go into the village. I’m talented in the art of healing and there’s a sick girl in need of my help.”

  Angus stared into my face for a long moment. “Angus?” a guard yelled from the doorway of a small room in the tower. “Are ye comin? We’re startin a new game o’ dice.”

  Angus looked back toward the guard and then back at me. He nodded. “Run along, but ‘tis no safe for ye ta be out at night, lass. Go straight ta the village. Dinna tarry!”

  I smiled. “Thank you.” Angus opened a small door to the side of the portcullis letting me out.

  “Remember what I said!” Angus yelled right before slamming the door shut. I quickly headed toward the tiny lights of the village ahead. What was I thinking? I had to find a horse or a donkey, or else I’d never get far enough away before the Immortals found me, that is, if they decided to come after me at all.

  Lit torches lined the main road winding through the village and mumbled voices, laughter, and music carried on the cool breeze. Stopping at the corner of a small building, I realized I stood at an inn which included a tap room. Loud bawdy hollers and yells poured out of the door as a man stumbled in. Glancing around, I noticed a stable across the road. Keeping to the shadows once again, I made my way over to the stable doorway. I peeked in through the open doorway finding the stalls empty except for one, which housed a sad looking, brown mare. Her back sagged while she busily chomped hay from a pile in front of her.

  I tiptoed over to the horse relieved to discover a saddle lying next to her. I carefully hefted it on top of her. She just lazily turned her head in my direction as she continued to chew a mouthful of straw. I fastened the straps, hoping I did it right. I wasn’t very experienced at riding a horse by myself. I didn’t even partic
ularly like them, but I’d ride one if it meant saving my life.

  I grabbed the reins pulling the mare toward the open doorway, but she didn’t budge, not even an inch. “Come on, please!” I whispered fervently taking a quick glance around. I pulled again, but it was no use. The stubborn horse wouldn’t leave her food and she was too strong for me to physically move her. I let out a defeated sigh and noticed a feed bucket in the far corner. The feed bag overflowed with oats. I picked it up holding the sack in front of the mare. Her ears perked up and she instantly stopped eating the hay. Slowly, I picked up the reins and attempted to lead her out of the stable as I held the bucket in front of her just out of her reach. I quietly drew the mare out of the village stopping at the edge of the woods. I had a pretty good idea which way I needed to head to get to end up at the McDougals’ cottage.

  After five attempts, I made it up on the horse’s back. Stuffing the feed bag and my bundle between my legs, the horse snorted and started into a slow trot. We followed the dark, vacant road leading into the woods filled with eerie shadows from a sliver of the moon shining through a break in the now cloudy sky. As much as I wanted to close my eyes, I kept them focused on the long ghastly road ahead of me.

  After a couple hours of walking and me recounting my whole life to the horse, the stubborn mare stopped. “No, not yet, please,” I said leaning down, patting the horse’s neck. She shook her head and snorted. I slid down the mare’s back landing with a thump onto the dirt road. I guess I could use a break. I put the feed bag onto the mare and she hungrily began to eat. I rubbed my hand down her back and over her rump as I observed my surroundings. I chewed on my lip glancing around, everything looked the same. I wasn’t sure if I headed in the right direction or not.

  Just then, the mare whipped her tail swinging her bristled hair across my face. My nose twitched and a loud thunderous sneeze escaped. Before I could grab the reins, the mare neighed and shook her head rearing up on her hind legs. The feed bag flew off as she galloped back down the dark road from where we came.


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