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Immortal of My Dreams

Page 12

by Alexis McNeil

  I licked the berry juice from my fingers. “You could say that. Did it seem like Cameron was gone a lifetime?”

  “No. He appeared suddenly one day in the garden. I almost walked right into him. He had been in the castle and the next minute, he stood in front o’ me. At first glance I didn’t think anything was different, but then I began to notice the differences,” Elise said quietly. She stared off into the crackling fire. “He wore strange breeches and his eyes seemed older, wiser, and when he first spoke, his accent sounded different. He talks and sounds more like ye do now.”

  “Do you miss the way Cameron was before?”

  “Sometimes. But he’s the man he had ta become. I love him for who he is now, what he’ll become when he grows old, and what’s in his heart for all eternity.” Elise patted my knee and looked at me with bright vibrant blue eyes that seemed a lot older than a mere nineteen years old. “Now ye ken how I died and how my true love came back for me, only ta bring his bonnie kin back with him.” She smiled and nudged my side playfully with her elbow.

  “Elise, aren’t you afraid I ruined things for you? I mean, we don’t even know what the Guardians are going to do. What if they punish Cameron?”

  “Jillian, dinna worry aboot it. I ken deep in me heart that everything is as it should be. I believe there’s a reason ye tagged along with Cameron.”

  “Yeah, so I could cause trouble in the 15th century,” I mumbled.

  The corners of Elise’s mouth curved upward. “Ye ken, he’s always watchin’ ye. I’ve ne’er seen Merrick look at a lass that way before.”

  I abruptly coughed as the drink of tea I swallowed went down the wrong pipe. I cleared my throat. “I don’t know about that. Have you seen all the women he’s with? He’s definitely not looking for exclusivity. And besides, whenever we’re together, he ends up wanting to throttle me.”

  “Och, shame on ye, Jillian Murray! Merrick kens ye’re special. I can see it in his verra eyes when he looks at ye.” Elise crossed her arms and made a cute little pout with her mouth.

  “Thanks for the story and fruit Elise, but I think I’m going to go down to dinner.”

  I reached the door and when my foot crossed the threshold, Elise said, “Jillian, think aboot what I said.” If only she knew Merrick was the only thing on my mind since I laid eyes on him!

  I came down to dinner and as soon as I entered the hall Grant hurried over to me. “Jillian, I’ve been worried aboot ye. Are ye all right?” He sucked in a breath as his hand reached up to touch my face. His hand stopped, hovering just above my cheek. His face turned red and he gritted his teeth. “I’ll kill the bastards. Who were they, what did they look like?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “It’s over. Don’t worry about it, please. I feel fine,” I said to his murderous expression. “Let’s go sit down. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

  “I think ye should get ye’re head checked, lass. We dinna eat horse.” I glanced over and just smiled at Grant. As I sat down I noticed Merrick’s chair and the other Immortal’s were empty. Almost as if I summoned him, Merrick, Cameron, and the other Immortals walked into the great hall. They all took their seats and the music and entourage of servers began what resembled choreographed steps of a play instead of merely placing food on the tables.

  I ravenously ate while Grant talked about the woods and how dangerous they were. I half listened when he mentioned that Merrick would pay if he had laid a hand on me. I glanced down at the end of the table. Merrick sat leaned back in his chair with a scowl on his face staring at his uneaten trencher of food. He must have felt the weight of my gaze because he slowly glanced up at me holding my stare.

  Abruptly he stood up and walked out of the hall stopping briefly at the buxom blonde server and whispered in her ear. He quickly glanced back at me with a sneer on his face and continued out of the hall as the blonde eagerly ran after him.

  I didn’t think I’d ever understand that man. I pushed my trencher aside and gulped down my full goblet of wine. “Easy lass,” Grant said with a smile. “Next thing ye ken, ye’ll be needin’ me ta carry ye out o’ here.”

  I smiled as the wine flowed liquid heat through my veins. I filled the goblet one more time and by the time I left the hall, I felt relaxed enough to hopefully get a deep night’s sleep. My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was the tender caresses from Merrick when we had ridden back on his horse, with him thinking I slept.

  * * * * *

  The next morning I woke up and dressed in a simple green linen gown with a white leine or chemise of sorts which showed through on the arms and above the low-cut neckline. I finger combed my hair and twisted it up into a loose bun. After I stepped into Mary’s old worn leather slippers, I headed out of the room to look for a privy, or as Elise called it, a latrine.

  As I walked down the empty stone corridor, light spilling out through a slit from an open door up ahead caught my attention. I planned on walking by without looking, but I heard a flirty laugh and couldn’t resist. I glanced through the crack and sucked in a breath. Merrick lay in a bed with the sheets around his thighs as his head rested against the headboard. His hands slid up the curvy blonde’s naked back that straddled him. She bent down to kiss his mouth. “Ah, ah, ah,” Merrick said turning his head, avoiding contact.

  “Wot’s wrong?” asked the curvy blonde.

  “I dinna kiss on the mouth,” Merrick said in a cool tone.

  “Why not? I bet I could make ye change ye’re silly rule!” The blonde leaned forward again, but Merrick held her back.

  “A kiss on the mouth creates too many promises I willna keep.”

  The blonde pushed out her bottom lip pouting. She lightly ran a finger over Merrick’s mouth. “I just wanted a wee taste.”

  Merrick grinned. “I ha’ something else ye can taste.” He reached down for the covers, as he pushed the blonde’s head down. The blankets began to bob up and down at Merrick’s waist. Suddenly, he glared over at the opened slit in the door. I quickly jumped back and ran toward the stairwell leading to below. He couldn’t have seen me. Even if he did see someone, I’m sure he had no idea who it was. I chewed on my lip as my cheeks burned. God, what was I thinking! I wasn’t a peeping tom. I’ve never done anything like that. It bothered me that when I was around Merrick, I didn’t act like myself. What was happening to me? And why did it bother me so much that he did those things with that woman? I headed straight for a side door exiting the keep.

  I remembered hearing Blake talk about a small loch not far into the woods the other day when I arrived. I ran into the woods following a worn path, hoping it led to the loch. I stumbled over fallen trees, thistles, and brambles as the path became overgrown. After a few minutes, I slowed to a brisk walk arriving at the bank of the loch. A few birds flew up into the trees as I walked out of the forest close to the edge of the water. I scanned my surroundings and took a deep breath. The cold brisk air felt good on my heated skin. This was just what I needed. The dark waters had a sense of calm humming through them, calling to me. I took one more quick glance behind me. No one. I slowly began to untie my gown and stepped out. I walked over to a low branch hanging over the bank tossing my gown over the limb.

  Suddenly, a bush rustled from behind me. I turned around just as a rabbit darted from the bush only to hide under another. My heart slowed and I continued to undress. I slipped out of my leine draping it over the branch with my gown. The cold morning air chilled my skin causing goose bumps to appear over my body. I dipped a toe into the water. Ice cold. Sucking in a breath, I ran into the water and dove under once the water covered my waist. I exploded from the water releasing my breath. The cold felt good. My head cleared. My senses came alive. I treaded the water as my mind drifted to another place, another time.

  I was fifteen and it was a cold thanksgiving morning in Dornoch. My mom, dad, and I had just flown in from New York the night before. As everyone gathered in the kitchen helping with the food, Gerdie realized she forgot to buy bread f
or the stuffing. My dad volunteered to go and I tagged along.

  On the way back from the store, my dad stopped at Dornoch Sands. We walked out standing at the edge of the sand as waves crashed up in front of us. Gray rain clouds filled the sky as white caps rode the choppy waters.

  My dad reached down dipping his hand in a wave as it receded. “Och, that’s cold. No one could swim in that.”

  I raised an eyebrow as I glanced out the corner of my eye at him. I followed suit reaching down to test the water. Freezing. “It’s not that cold,” I said smiling.

  “Really?” my dad said laughing. “Ye’re sassy just like ye’re mother.”

  “I bet I could stay in longer than you.”

  “And what do I get when I win, lassie?” my dad asked with a smile.

  I thought for a moment. “You can have my piece of pumpkin pie.”

  “Hmm, ye’re mother does make the best pumpkin pie. Deal!” We quickly undressed down to our underwear and t-shirts and ran into the water. The cold water turned into icy fingers wrapping around my body. My teeth began to chatter as wave after wave splashed over me. “Ye’re crazy lass…but I’m crazier!” my dad yelled before he dove under the rolling water. A second later he splashed up out of a wave next to me. Before I had a chance to get away, he grabbed me launching me out into the icy waves. I laughed swallowing a mouthful of salt water. I came up coughing with my drenched hair plastered to my face.

  My dad swam over. “Ye okay, Jillybean?” I nodded as I still coughed up water. “Come on, your lips are blue. We’ll call it a truce. We both get pie.”

  We wrung out our wet clothes and hastily put on our dry ones. As we drove back to my grandparent’s house with the car heater pumping out hot air, my dad looked over at me and smiled. He wrapped a large comforting arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his burly chest. “I love ye, Jillybean.”

  I looked up into his twinkling green eyes as he quickly kissed my forehead. “I love you too, dad.”

  “Ye’ll freeze ta death in there.” My head jerked up realizing Merrick stood on the bank. His hands were on his hips with his feet braced wide apart. He wore dark brown breeches and a cream tunic with a brown mantel around his shoulders.

  “S-so, w-what do you c-care?” I asked as my teeth chattered. I wrapped my arms around my body under the icy water. Merrick shrugged his shoulders. “G-go away and I’ll g-get out.”

  He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Nay. Ye saw me this morn in all me bare glory. ‘Tis only fair for me ta see ye…dinna ye think?”

  “Y-you s-should learn to c-close your door,” I said as a chill racked my body. “It’s not m-my fault.”

  Merrick crossed his arms and tsked. “I can wait all day. I dinna think ye can though.” He sat down on the damp grass resting his arms over his bent knees staring at me with one side of his mouth curved up.

  My head dipped under the water as another chill paralyzed my body. “Ugh!” I yelled after a few minutes. “D-don’t think y-you’ll ever g-get another l-look again!”

  “We’ll see,” is all he said.

  I sunk below the water and swam toward shore. When my feet touched the bottom I covered my breasts and rose from the water. My numb feet carried me over as fast as they could to where I left my clothes. They were gone. I shivered turning around. Merrick’s mouth dropped open as he stared at me. He gripped my gown and leine in his fist, which slowly lowered to his side. I diverted my eyes from his roving gaze. Another chill raced up my spine as Merrick slowly walked over to me.

  * * * * *


  Merrick stood before me as I gazed up into his stormy blue eyes. He brought his empty hand up brushing his warm knuckles down the side of my face while his other hand wrapped around the back of my neck. His head bent down toward mine. His lips grazed my mouth and I whimpered in response when the warmth from his kiss began to spread through my body. Immediately, he pulled back. His eyes narrowed and without haste he shoved my clothes at me. Abruptly, he turned and strode away, disappearing into the forest. I touched my mouth with my fingertips feeling the remaining warmth from his kiss linger across my lips.

  As I walked back toward the castle through the woods, my shivering stopped. I cupped my hands to my mouth and blew warm air over my stiff, icy fingers thinking about that kiss. What would have happened if he didn’t pull away? How far would I have allowed him to go?

  “Ha’ a nice swim?” I jumped, spotting Grant coldly staring at me as he leaned up against a tree with his arms crossed.

  “Were you spying on me?” I asked incredulously.

  Grant shrugged. “I was huntin’ in the woods when I heard splashing. I thought someone needed help.” I studied him for a moment. He did have a valid point. I didn’t tell anyone where I’d gone. I guess I could’ve been in trouble. He pushed off from the tree and sauntered over, stopping in front of me. Slowly, he reached out and pushed back a piece of wet hair from my forehead. “I wouldna want ye ta get hurt,” he said quietly. “Ye should let someone ken the next time ye decide ta go off alone. These woods are kenned ta ha’ an occasional thief or beggar pass through. I thought ye learned ye’re lesson,” he said lightly caressing my bruised cheek.

  “Thanks.” I slowly moved around him continuing down the path. “I’ll remember that.” After a few steps I glanced back over my shoulder. Grant just stood in the middle of the path staring after me.

  * * * * *

  That night as I sat down for dinner, I noticed Merrick’s chair was empty. Alexander sat off to himself brooding quietly, Gideon shifted in his chair, as if something bothered him, and Cain laughed and chatted with the curvy blonde Merrick had been with earlier.

  “Jillian, can I talk ta ye for a wee moment?” Grant asked walking up to the side of my chair.

  “What do you want?” I asked crossly.

  “Somewhere private perhaps…?” I nodded and Grant escorted me over to a small alcove off the great hall. He dropped my hand, pacing for a moment while he ran his hand through his hair. “Jillian, about earlier today, down in the woods…I’m sorry. I followed ye from the castle—wait, wait!” he said as I took a step to leave. “I’m sorry, I canna help it if I think ye’re a bonnie lass. ‘Tis just…weel, I care aboot ye. I didna want ye ta get hurt.”

  I let out a sigh crossing my arms. To think Grant had watched me the entire time. I shook my head. “Just forget it happened, all right? It’s over; you said you were sorry, let’s just move on.” I made a tight smile and turned to go back into the great hall.

  “Jilly,” Grant quickly said, “Ye really should stay away from the Immortals, especially Merrick. He takes what he wants no matter who gets hurt. He’ll use ye and then toss ye out.”

  “Listen Grant,” I said turning on him, jabbing my finger at him with every point I made, “what I do or who I do anything with is none of your business. And for the record, I never plan to let Merrick hurt me!” I spun away from Grant and his shocked expression, and headed to dinner.

  As I filled my trencher, Grant returned sitting down next to me. “Jillian, I’m sorr—“

  “Just forget it!” I snapped. I let out a sigh as I saw his hurt expression. “Grant,” I said more softly, “I consider you a good friend, but I don’t need someone to look after me. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself, believe it or not.” I placed my hand on his arm. “Let’s wipe the slate clean. We’ll pretend none of this happened, okay?”

  Grant nodded as a tight smile crossed his face. He began to fill his trencher in silence, but by the third course, Grant carried on like nothing had happened between us. He talked endlessly about hunting, where to find the best game in the woods, and that he knew the woods inside and out. While he talked, I glanced down at Merrick’s empty chair. Where was he? After glancing out over the crowded hall, it dawned on me, Lorna was missing too. I knew it was silly, but it hurt that Merrick dallied with another woman.

  When, the servants brought out trays upon trays of delicious looking desserts
, Grant excused himself.

  “I’ll see ye on the morrow, Jillian. I’ve got ta record the tariffs I collected for Cameron. It will take most o’ the night, tedious work, ye ken.”

  “All right, I’ll see you in the morning.” Grant made a quick bow and retired from the hall.

  I finished eating the scrumptious variety of desserts on my plate and escaped out into the garden as the tables were cleared. I walked through the brisk night air wrapping the plaid I wore tighter around my shoulders. Spotting a peaceful looking bench hidden in the shadows of a huge oak tree, I made my way across the moonlit path toward the inviting bench. Sitting down, I stared up into the starry night sky catching a bat dart across in search for food.

  Suddenly, a man and woman emerged from a side door. I shrunk back in my seat hiding in the shadows. No torches were lit, which made visibility impossible. I could just make out their silhouettes when they made their way over to the fountain. “So, ye want me ta bite ye again, ye feisty mon!” The woman said followed by a giggle.


  That meant the man was…. My heart contracted. I knew Merrick was free to mess around with whomever he chose, but I definitely did not want to watch. I thought about making an escape, when I realized the path led right past the couple. I couldn’t leave, no matter how much I wanted to. Merrick would see me, making the hurt ten times worse. I diverted my gaze when I made out strong hands bunching up Lorna’s skirt high above her knees. I heard a squeal and glanced back up. Lorna sat on the edge of the fountain wall with her thighs spread open as he moved in-between giving her what she begged for.

  “Harder,” Lorna said. “Give me everything!” Lorna let out a cry of ecstasy.


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