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Immortal: The Chosen

Page 7

by Terra James

  It is said to be a Chosen that on a female's seventeenth birthday she would meet her soul mate, before she even knows she is a witch. After full explanation and acceptance that she is a witch, she would then complete her initiation ceremony into her Keeper's coven. Once completion of initiation, she will receive the magical gift of summoning that resides within her, finally having access to one-fifth of her magic, which makes her different from other witches. She will only be known as a Chosen once the mark has been shown, and she has proven that she in fact has the soul mate's gift. It is then that the High Priestess of her coven will receive the gift of becoming her Keeper. The Keeper ceremony will be completed, adding to her already marked pentagram a star symbolizing she has a Keeper. The Keeper will then give her the magical gift of psychokinesis /precognition, unlocking one-fifth of her magic just as Seraphina gave to Chloe as her Keeper in this same Coven," I read aloud while the coven listens closely.

  "Emmaline, do you understand what this means?" asks Ella.

  "Umm, I am not sure," Emmaline replies worriedly.

  Chapter Twelve


  I really think things have just gone beyond unbelievable. I feel arms envelop me, and I know it’s Dravon trying to comfort me. I smile to myself, and it's at this point that I know that I am going to be able to get through whatever life throws at us. As long as Dravon is by my side, I can accomplish anything.

  “You can do this, babe. I'm right here with you, and I'm not leaving your side.”

  “Dravon, are you sure? Is everything going to be the same?”

  “No, Emmaline, things will not be the same, but things will be perfect for us. I promise you that.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  "Gran, what's going on here?" Emmaline asks.

  "According to Ren's bloodline as a vampire, when traced back generations, he found that five generations ago a vampire in his bloodline named Asher was the Chosen's mate. My great-great Grandma Chloe was a Chosen. My grandmother Claire was the first generation to not produce a Chosen, because she never believed in magic at all."

  Emmaline's eyes widen in disbelief when she hears this news. She looks at Dravon, and then realization replaces the disbelief. In a moment, panic takes its place. She brings her shaking hand up and straightens her hair at the ends pulling on them in the nervous fashion she always used when she was a child. I just continue to read, praying that she will stay conscious and sane until I can get through this book.

  "She never had her initiation ceremony into a coven and her markings never appeared. It's a big mystery as to why this happened. Since she was not supernatural, her grandmother Chloe could never tell her about the prophecy. It would have been punishable by death, so she lived out her life and died as a human."

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Dravon, why didn't you tell me?”

  “Didn't you just hear your Gran? Punishable by death? I didn't want you to die. Emmaline, you are my life now.”

  “Dravon, promise me something?”

  “Yes, anything.”

  “No more secrets please.”

  “I promise.”

  I am not going to panic, because somehow I already knew that Dravon was immortal. I mean, I woke up this morning telepathic. It's obvious supernatural events occur, and I have met my quota for panic attacks today. I am just going to take this in my stride. I am Dravon's soul mate and he is mine. That explains my unusual pull to him, and the fact that we can speak to each other telepathically.

  Chapter Fifteen


  "When my mother was born, she also lived her life as a human. I was not raised to believe in magic, but somehow destiny has a way of making things happen. My best friend belonged to the witch coven I am to become High Priestess of now, and she introduced me to magic."

  "Ella, thank you for everything you have done for me. I also want to thank you for doing this ceremony to initiate me as High Priestess, so that we can complete our ceremony," I say smiling at her, and she nods at me.

  It's not the time to tell Emmaline that her grandmother is alive, and that she will be meeting her later. We need to get this ceremony finished. I still have that overwhelming feeling of dread. I push those feelings back from the surface and continue to read.

  "The second step will be completed after the Keeper Ceremony, and she will be bound to her Soulmate for life. It is then that her heart will beat for him. She can actually live without her soul mate, but it is excruciatingly painful. Her soul mate can't live without her, because she has now become his life force. He becomes her everything, the other half to her soul. It is after the bonding has taken place that the magical marking of the infinity symbol will also be located inside of her already marked pentagram, symbolizing that she has a Soulmate for infinity, just as Asher has been and will be Chloe's Soulmate for infinity. As previously, Asher provided Chloe with the magical gift of telepathy, so will Dravon give this same gift to Emmaline. He will provide her with one-fifth of her magic that was released when the binding ceremony took place, and without him she can't be a Chosen."

  I gaze over the book at Emmaline to see how she is interrupting this information, and I am still getting the shocked look that I was seeing before. I know that I need to continue to read before she shuts down.

  "The third step is to be completed after the mate bonding has taken place, and she then will also be bound to her Protector for life as well. The relationship here is completely different in that they can each live a normal, pain-free, and human life without each other. Her Protector will give his life for her, and vow to protect her at all costs, just as Jameson has protected Chloe these generations and will continue to protect her infinitely. Once the Protector bonding has taken place, a wolf will appear in her already marked pentagram symbolizing she has a Protector. He will give her the magical gift of teleportation/Chrono kinesis, releasing the one-fifth of her magic that he holds. Their trust is what will bind them together. She gives him the ability to be whole, to be someone's mate in return, and the ability to share his supernatural gifts with their race. He will be lonely forever without her, and without him she can't be a Chosen. It is said that The Protector is the mate to a Chosen's Healer who he can't live without and vice versa.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Oh, my God, did you know this Dravon? She has to be speaking of James, and that explains what I have been feeling around him. The overwhelming tingling sensations that travels from head to toe, engulfing me in comfort and pleasure.”

  I know that I have given too much of a visual image when I hear Dravon growl.

  “Grr ... Emmaline ... Stop! I didn't know! Em, you do know broadcasting these things can get a certain wolf killed. I will tear him apart, and eat him for my supper.”

  “Eew... Gross! Dravon! Just chill out already! Let's make a deal?”

  “What do you propose my, sweet Emmaline?”

  “I propose that we let her finish, before we freak out. I don't want you to kill a certain wolf. He happens to be my best friend.”

  “That is just all kinds of wrong to be thinking that way about my best friend. I should be shocked, but again somehow I just knew James was supernatural as well. I've met my panic attack quota like I said before; I am not going to panic. I am going to take this in stride. Who am I trying to convince here?”

  “That's a deal, Emmaline. Let's focus on the ceremony.”

  Dravon interrupts my internal struggle, and I focus back to reality. I straighten my back and continue to listen. I am strong and I can do this, I chant to myself.

  Chapter Seventeen


  "The fourth step to be completed after the Protector bonding has taken place is that she then will be bound to her Healer for life as well. They can live a normal, pain-free, and human life without each other. Her Healer will heal her, and be able to hear her call of pain anywhere just as Aaryanna has healed Chloe many times
, and will continue to do so. Once the Healer ceremony has bound them together by friendship, she will receive the symbol of a teardrop in her already marked pentagram, symbolizing that she has a Healer. The Healer will give her the magical gift of empathy/healing, blessing her with one-fifth of her magic. A Chosen gives her Healer the ability to be whole, someone's mate in return, and the ability to share her supernatural gifts with their race. She will be lonely forever without her, and without the Healer she can't be a Chosen. It is said that the Healer is the mate to a Chosen's Protector who she can't live without and vice versa."

  My thoughts drift to Sadie, and I am almost panicked to the point of not finishing reading. I know I need to get through this before all hell breaks loose. I just have a feeling trouble is lurking close by. Please God let me be wrong. We really need Sadie here though. She is Emmaline's Healer, and that part of the ceremony can't be accomplished without her. We will settle that once she is bound to Dravon and James. I silently make a decision with determination.

  "The fifth and final step of the Five Ceremony is to be completed as follows. Each person stands at the five points of a Pentagram, and they are all given the choice to be bound to the Chosen. If they choose to be bound to her for life, only then will she get her full abilities and magic. She will then be given the magical gift of invisibility/element manipulation by the Goddesses. She will become the ruler of all supernatural races. She will keep peace between them all, and they can all live freely to do as they choose."

  "As stated before, she allows them to possess their natural magical abilities. The Keeper ability will guide her by teaching her an abundance of knowledge. She gives her the gift of always being able to channel her magic as long as she possesses it. The Soulmate ability is to telepathically communicate with her. She gives him the magical ability to be able to walk about in daylight and night as he pleases, and she also gives him the gift to never crave blood lust. The Protector ability allows him to track her, and her to automatically know exactly where he is at all times. She gives him the gift of never having to phase unless choosing to do so, because his emotions no longer affect his phasing. The Healer ability will always be able to heal each other in times of need. She gives her the gift of being able to teleport/travel to her realm anytime she chooses, so that she may help her people when in need."

  I am very aware of the quietness in the circle as I finish speaking. I look at Emmaline, and she looks back at me with determination, instead of panic this time. I think everything is going to be alright.

  Chapter Eighteen


  After my failed attempt back at the condo, I follow Emmaline and the dreaded smelling wolf to an old lady's house. That must be her Keeper, I think to myself. They don't even go inside to visit, because she is waiting for them when they arrive. I continue to follow them, and we end up in a beautiful wooded area. There are mountains all around me, and the view is beautiful. I dread the fact that I have to ditch my car, and I pray that no one hurts my baby. Yes, I said baby. My BMW is my baby! Don't judge me.

  We reach a breath-taking cabin in fifteen minutes, and I have now ditched my car in a wooded area. I am on foot in the woods trying to find them now. I see her keeper just up above, but I am trying to stay back so that I am not noticed. I smell a pungent smell again, and realize that there are more wolves in the vicinity. A fact, I think Jasper needs to know; and I need to text him our location.

  Liam: Jasper I am texting you my location. I am in the woods a short distance from the cabin. You need follow the path to the clearing. Wolves are also present, so I think we need back up.

  Jasper: We will be there soon. Stay with her! Don't make a move until we are there. Understood? I am sending Drew now, and I will follow.

  Liam: Jeez Jasper. Yes!

  I make myself as invisible as possible in the wooded area just out of range of a wolf’s highly sensitive sight. It is hard for a six foot three man to become invisible, not to mention my sandy blond hair doesn't blend well with the trees. I look down at my attire, dressing in all black was a good idea, I decide. At least the black does make me somewhat invisible.

  I watch as other coven members arrive, and the shenanigans begin in just a few minutes. I stand back and smile to myself, while I watch them and think they look like idiots. I mean seriously, do they think this will work? What am I saying, it will work? I am in fact a vampire, but I still think this looks ridiculous. I hope that Jasper gets here before this ends. Drew should be here soon, so now I just play the waiting game. I am starting to get nervous, and the wolves are in the woods now. They were asked to retreat and did so. If they find me this won't end well.

  Chapter Nineteen


  "It's time to go!" I say forcefully. The gang I have come to know as family jumps to life under my order. We hurriedly begin to disperse, and I remember that we have a prisoner that needs to be watched while we are away. I need to be with the gang for this particular assignment. I can't trust Emmaline to anyone but me. I will have her, because she is the Chosen. I need her powers to destroy this God-forsaken race.

  That thought hurdles me back in time to a place I barely recognize. I am standing on the corner of a busy street in New Orleans, and it is in the middle of Mardi Gras celebration. There are people everywhere drinking alcohol, beads around their neck, half-naked. Everyone is having a good time, and my friends and I are no exception to this fun.

  My friend Jack and I had a little too much to drink and we were on our way to the hotel we were staying in with our girls on our arms. The only girl I ever loved. Jessica Delow. She was beautiful with long blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes that could pierce a man's soul. She had the body of a Goddess, with long legs that seemed to stretch for miles. Her five foot eight height was only lacking a few inches of matching my six foot one inch height. She fit perfectly in my arms, almost like she fit me like a glove, like her body was made just for me, like her soul was mated to mine. We had been together since high school, and we had a date set for our wedding. We were here with friends to celebrate our recent engagement, and we were living life to the fullest.

  The tragic events of that night changed my life forever. I will live for eternity stuck in this supernatural world without her, and I don't want to do that. Emmaline is imperative to that. If I keep her from becoming the Chosen then the supernatural world will cease to exist, meaning I will be with my darling Jess once again.

  As we walked to the hotel that night I saw a bunch of guys out of the corner of my eye. They were lurking in the darkness, but this happens in New Orleans at times. I mean, we are talking about the capital of voodoo, or so people seem to think. To say that it was creepy would have been an understatement. I grabbed Jess's hand and pulled her to me tightly to try to protect her; but I failed to protect her that night. Jack failed Sherry that night as well, before we knew it a group of vampires mauled us in the street like savages and they left us for dead.

  Jess was attacked, and I watched in horror as the bloodsucker drained her blood out of her body, and the life faded from her eyes right before me. This was some sick joke to them, because the others held me in place as the leader took my Jess's life right in front of me. I was helpless, and I couldn't move or break free from the tight grasp the vampires had on me. I screamed and thrashed about trying to break free, sobbing the entire time. I didn't want her to leave me. I wanted to fight for her, but I couldn't break free. They stood there and laughed at me while they enabled their leader to feed on her, draining her life away in seconds, but for me it was like I was watching this horror for hours. My beautiful Jess's life, dreams, and my heartbeat ended on that street with her.

  Their cruelty knew no bounds though, because when he was finished draining the life out of my Jess, he moved on to Sherry. Two other vampires held Jack in place, while he struggled to save her the same way I struggled to save Jess, but were unsuccessful in my attempts as was he. There was no more fight left in me, to try and break free, to make an attempt
to save Sherry. Once Jess was gone it felt like I had died with her, and my heart had been ripped from my chest. I could no longer support my body; it went limp in my attackers’ strong grasp. The only reaction they got out of me was when they tore Jack's body to shreds after Sherry was drained dry. He let her lifeless body fall to the ground with a sickening thud just like he had done to Jess a minute before. He licked his lips while looking at me tauntingly, as if daring me to do something, knowing I couldn't move even though I wanted to.

  I shake uncontrollably as the memories consume me, and it is like I am there again watching a movie. Jack was attacked with such force they ripped his limbs from his body. They did unthinkable things that night. I don't remember much else past Jack, because I was next. I welcomed death, even invited it to take me to the place that it took my Jess. I was not as fortunate as the others to be able to spend my eternity among them in peace. He was even more sadistic to me as he left me to this eternal damned fate. It’s a fate more terrible than death, because I woke up a savage like him. A bloodsucking vampire that couldn't control his hunger and killed, drained, sucked the life out of his victims. I woke up as someone I despised.

  "You'll never get near her at her Gran's! You have to know that right?" I hear her voice and it brings me crashing back to my reality. I want to kill her right now, and just drain the life out of her. I can't do that anymore though, because I'm not that person I used to be. I will not let myself lose control, because I have to keep my eyes on the prize; the end to all supernaturals, including me, the end to what I have become, the end to a messed up life, and the end to causing anyone pain is the prize that I will obtain. No matter what stands in my way, I will succeed.


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