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Lords of the Kingdom

Page 105

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  “Aye,” Hope said with a wink. “It fools many.”

  “And makes fools of many,” Faith said, laughing.

  Faith saw that Eric approached with Colin and waited for him with a smile.

  The blast came out of nowhere and the soldiers descended on them in a fury.

  Chaos reigned in seconds, smoke filled the air along with screams, swords clashed, arrows flew and Hope grabbed Faith, pushing her toward the surrounding forest.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Hope kept her small body protectively in front of Faith as she pushed her toward the safety of the woods. They dodged several sword-wielding men and frantic women who were attempting to get the children to the cover of safety.

  Anguished screams pierced the warm air and Hope tried not to think of Colin. He was a skilled warrior and he would survive. Her concern now had to be for Faith. She was in no condition to be on her own and Hope knew she had to protect her.

  Hope grabbed for a knife from a felled villager and with steady though unsure steps she kept working her way toward the woods. She caught sight of Colin and Eric fighting side by side and saw that they were attempting to make their way toward her. She understood the anguish Eric must be feeling, unable to be at his wife’s side to protect her, and she had no doubt that Colin fought with the same intentions, though he would know that her own willfulness would serve her well.

  They were not far from the thick covering of the surrounding woods. Once in there she realized she could make certain Faith was safely tucked away and return to help those in need.

  The soldiers seemed to multiply in strength and the fighting roared out of control. Villagers fell one after another and it was obvious that retreat was the only solution for the small band of innocents.

  Eric and Colin appeared to be in the thick of things. Hope heard Eric scream his name and watched as soldiers gave him and Colin a wide birth since they stood back to back.

  Rath, however, was not so lucky. He fought bravely, but it was obvious the soldiers were determined to capture him.

  Hope managed with a kick and a tussle and a warning of a swinging knife to get Faith to the safety of the woods.

  Faith dropped with a heavy sigh to her knees once under the covers of the dense bushes. “Eric, is he all right?”

  Hope attempted to ease her worries. “Last time I saw, he was fine.”

  “And Colin?”

  “They both do well.”

  “Rath?” she asked with wide eyes.

  Hope’s silence answered for her.

  Tears filled Faith’s eyes. “Go do what you can. I am fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Hope asked, not wanting to leave her.

  “I can hear the children’s screams. Go help them, Hope. I am safe here.”

  “I will return soon,” she assured her and hurried off.

  It took time to get the scattered and frightened children together and finally to safety. Faith took charge from there, quieting the children with her soothing voice.

  Hope made another trip out into the melee to make certain she had gotten every child. Her eyes caught briefly with Eric’s and with a simple nod of her head she informed him that Faith was safe. His look of pure relief brought tears to her eyes and when they caught with Colin’s he seemed to understand, and what she saw in his eyes stunned her even more. He was proud, so very proud of her.

  She guided the last lone child to safety and returned again to see if she could help. The smoke from the burning cottages hung thick in the air and it was difficult to see clearly. The clash of swords had lessened and it seemed the fighting had abated. No cries were heard. Instead silence hung heavy and a sense of defeat was felt.

  Hope went to take another cautious step when she heard the Devil speak.

  “Hold your sword or I will kill you where you stand.”

  The smoke began to clear and she stood where she was, watching, waiting, holding her breath and wondering to whom the Devil spoke.

  He held his sword to a man’s throat and it was obvious the man was in command for his men froze around him.

  “I am Lord Eric of Shanekill.”

  Gasps and whispers circled the area and many took a step back as if in fright.

  Colin stood protectively at the Devil’s back and when he caught sight of Hope he could not hide his relief.

  “I offer these people my protection,” Eric said with a forcefulness that had the soldiers trembling.

  Hope noticed the few wounded and remaining villagers breathed a sigh of relief and helped each other to crowd closer together.

  The man with the sword at his neck attempted to keep his command. “You have no right to speak for these people.”

  Eric pressed the sword to his throat and caused him to choke and take a cautious step back.

  “I have every right to extend my protection to whomever I choose, and you will do well to realize the wisdom of a silent tongue.”

  He foolishly did not listen. “My orders—”

  “I care naught for your orders,” Eric bellowed. “You will take your men and return to your lord and tell them that the people of this village belong to the Devil and will be given safe passage away from it. If he chooses to confront me, then he will face my wrath. An unwise choice.”

  The other soldiers were already backing away, ready to take flight, and when the commander saw retreat in their frightened eyes he himself acquiesced with a nod.

  “I will deliver your message.”

  “A wise choice,” Eric said and lowered his sword.

  The man fled in haste, his soldiers fast at his heels.

  “My wife …?” Eric inquired, turning to Hope.

  “Safe in the woods,” Hope answered and went to Colin who extended his arm out to her.

  He wrapped her quickly in a tight embrace and they followed the Devil to the woods so he could collect his wife.

  Unfortunately the woods were empty and silent. Not a sound could be heard. The birds had taken flight, the animals had scurried off and Faith was gone.

  Eric turned to Hope. “Where is she? I saw you guide her here.”

  “I did,” she said frantically, her wide eyes searching the surrounding area in disbelief. “I left her right here with the children and a few of the women. They were safe.”

  “Rath?” Colin asked as if his name gave answer to the question.

  Eric looked ready to explode, but spoke with a frightening calmness. “Did he escape?”

  Hope answered. “He does not appear to be among those left behind.”

  Eric began to breathe heavily and pace the wooded area. “He took her. He took my wife.”

  Hope attempted to reason. “Perhaps he thought he was protecting her.”

  Eric would have none of it. “He knew she would be safer with me. Once the soldiers found out my identity they would not fight me. He understood this and he took her anyway.”

  “Do you wish to follow?”

  “I know not this area, and he does. I would be foolish to follow him blindly. Borg will be at the river in a day or two with the coins, horses and men. And Rook, he will find Faith. We go after him then. For now see to the wounded and those needing help.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Colin said, and he and Hope walked off.

  “Hope,” the Devil called out.

  Colin and she stopped.

  “Thank you for seeing to my wife’s safety.”

  “I should have remained with her.”

  “Nay, you did what was necessary. You saved the children and Faith would have had it no other way.”

  Hope was at a loss to respond and simply turned with Colin and walked away.

  They were only a few feet from the woods when a fierce cry of anger ripped through the air and sent shivers racing over everyone.

  The Devil had made his wrath known and there was no escaping it.

  Hope cast a silent prayer for Rath, for when the Devil found him there would be hell to pay.

  Hope did what she could for
the wounded. Gratefully there were no serious injuries—only minor abrasions. Colin hunted the woods for food and returned with enough game for all.

  It was a quiet night with many too lost in their thoughts to speak. They missed loved ones and their faithful leader though none would mention his name in front of the Devil.

  Hope did not feel Rath meant Faith harm and she wondered why he took her along. He had known she was not feeling well and it would have been safer for her to remain behind with her husband. So why did he take her with them?

  She sat away from the fire on a bedding of blankets she had prepared for herself for the night. She missed Lady and wished that she was there with her. She wished that she had not run away. Then Faith would now be safe at Shanekill. She wished that she had not run away at all for then she would never have upset so many lives, including her own.

  The tears fell one by one, landing on her linen tunic, and she wished that she was wearing the lad’s garments for then perhaps she would find some of his courage and not feel so guilty for all the harm she had caused.

  She heard Colin approach and wiped at her tears, not wanting to appear vulnerable or weak.

  He crouched down in front of her. “Have you ea—” He reached out and caught a descending teardrop. He asked her not a single question; he simply moved in beside her and took her into his arms.

  She cried then in earnest, holding tightly to him, her head resting on his shoulder. Her fear, frustration and worry flowed out in continuous stream of tears, and he continued to hold fast to her, protecting her from her own weakness and vulnerability.

  “I am sorry,” she finally said when she was able to control her emotions.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. Battles leave scars that must be faced.”

  “This is not my first battle,” she reminded him with pride.

  His pride in her caused him to smile. “Nay, it is not, though after your first battle you were ill. Not so with this one.”

  Hope remained silent, for she remembered that battle well and had wished she could cry. She had also wished she could have remained in his arms.

  Colin must have remembered also, for he slipped a finger beneath her chin and with a gentle lift he forced her eyes to meet his. “I recall after that battle how you clung to me. You must have been frightened and close to tears, but you shed none.”

  She was honest with him. “I wanted so badly to remain in the safety of your arms, but I could not. A young lad would not seek the shelter of a man’s arms.”

  “A woman would,” Colin said and began to realize just how difficult it must have been for her to be disguised as a lad. He wrapped her tightly in his arms. “You are safe in my arms now and may remain so as long you wish, though I must tell you how proud I was of your courage today. I feared for your wellbeing when we were attacked. I could not stand the thought of losing you.

  She allowed her tears to run dry. “You worried over me?”

  “Of course I did. Life would be meaningless without you.”

  She looked up at him in surprise. “It would? I thought I was a nuisance to you.”

  He captured her chin in his hand and leaned down to place a firm kiss on her lips. “Nay, a nuisance you are not. You have come to mean much to me.”

  She pursued his remark. “What do I mean to you, Colin? I wonder, for you have agreed to wed me, committing us to a lifetime together.”

  He had thought much while hunting game for the camp. He had thought of how frightened he was that he would lose her during the attack. It left a hollow pit in his stomach that he continued to feel from time to time. He thought of how much he enjoyed talking with her and how stubborn she could be in her ideas and ideals, yet she was determined to defend her opinions. He thought of how free and unrestricted she was when they made love and he thought of how he felt when he was not near her.

  Empty. So very empty. And he ached until he once again was reunited with her.


  He had to admit it. He loved her. And it was a powerful love, one he had hoped to find but had never thought he would. It was a forever love and perhaps that was why he was reluctant to admit it to himself. But now that he had, he felt good about it. He felt strong and sure and safe in the knowledge that a forever love was theirs to share forever.

  “Forever mine,” he whispered to her and kissed her gently.

  She was not certain she had heard him correctly, though her heart raced at what she thought she had heard. “What did you say?”

  “Forever mine,” he repeated with a stronger whisper. “You are forever mine.”

  She was stunned, for she recalled how he had wanted someone to say those words to, someone whom he loved, but he had not mentioned love to her. Were they words of love? She wanted to know, but was uncertain if she should ask. Or perhaps she was fearful of the response.

  He smiled as if he understood her inner turmoil and with a gentle laugh and several teasing kisses to her lips he said, “You have found what you searched for, Hope. I cannot go another minute without telling you how very much I love you. You stole my heart when I was not looking and now I willingly give it to you.”

  Her tears began again and he wiped at them with his thumb.

  “I warn you now that my love for you is forever. It will not fade with the years; it will grow stronger and richer in emotions. My love will follow you throughout your days and comfort you in your times of need. I will be by your side even when I am not near you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You will always be forever mine.”

  Hope burst into tears and flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly to her. She could not believe his words. She heard them, she understood them, but she thought for a moment that she was dreaming.

  She cried harder.

  He laughed softly. “I tell you I love you and you cry.”

  She sobbed, unable to speak.

  He laughed again, feeling delighted, knowing her tears were in response to her overwhelming joy.


  He kissed her with laughing lips. “I love you.”

  “Truly?” she asked between sobs.

  “Truly,” he said and took her face in his hands. “I truly, truly love you.” His kiss was gentle and loving, and welcomed.

  “I love you,” she said against his lips.

  “I know,” he said, reluctantly holding back another kiss so he could respond. “And glad I am that you loved me enough to admit your feelings to me. Your love made me focus on my own emotions and made me face feelings I had not thought possible.”

  Their kisses grew hungry, as did their bodies.

  Colin looked around the camp. Eric sat by the fire lost in his thoughts, though Colin knew he was alert to his surroundings. Many were asleep; two or three villagers spoke quietly together.

  He ran a tender hand along her neck and whispered, “Would the dark woods frighten you?”

  She smiled, for she recalled the many nights she and Lady had spent in the woods together. “Nay, I find it peaceful.”

  “I should have known,” he murmured. “You are not like other women. You are unique.”

  He kissed at her neck and she shivered.

  “Why do I always want you?” she asked more of herself than of him.

  He answered for her. “Love.”

  “It makes no sense.”

  “It is not meant to.” He stood, pulling her up with him, and then reached down to grab a blanket. “Come with me so that I may show you how love can be.”

  With a nod to Eric, Colin directed Hope into the woods and the shadows of the night.

  They found a secluded spot, a small clearing not far from the stream that ran behind the village. Colin spread the blanket on the ground. An abundance of bushes and trees provided privacy and a half moon cast the only light in the darkness.

  They took their time undressing each other, wanting this time, this moment of love to be everlasting. He touched her gently, she touched back and a chil
led breeze suddenly whispered over them.

  Hope shivered and Colin took her in his arms. “Come, I will warm you.”

  He lowered her to the blanket, covering her with his warm body and raining kisses on her face, neck and finally settling on her hard nipples.

  Her moans began softly and he warned her she must remain quiet for the woods could harbor unwanted guests.

  She bit at her lips to prevent her cries of pleasure from escaping and dug her fingers into the strength of his muscled arms.

  Hope had never imagined she could feel more than she had before with Colin but she did. Knowing he loved her, truly loved her, stripped away all her doubts and fears and her surrender was complete, as was his.

  Love brought them together in a whirlwind of passionate emotions and continued to do so well into the night.

  Much later, exhausted from their continued lovemaking, Colin and Hope returned to camp. All were asleep except Eric. He remained as he had been, staring into the campfire.

  “Go to him,” Hope urged.

  Colin looked reluctant.

  “He needs you.”

  Colin nodded and kissed her lips. “I love you.”

  She smiled. “I know, you showed me just how much.”

  “Aye, I did,” he admitted with a sense of arrogance.

  “And I will show you every day of our lives together.”

  “Promise?” she whispered and leaned up to peck at his cheek.

  “Promise,” he assured her and with a quick kiss he left her to go join Eric.

  Hope retreated to the bed of blankets and stretched out, covering herself. She was exhausted, happy and sad. She felt guilty feeling happy while knowing Eric suffered with concern for his wife. She herself worried for Faith though she honestly felt her to be safe. She did not think Rath would allow any harm to come to her and if the babe should come early there would be a few women there to assist her. At least she hoped there would be.

  The long day swiftly caught up with her and she quickly drifted into a much needed slumber.

  It was a wet tongue that greeted her early the next morning and a booming voice that echoed.


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