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Blackmailed by the Beast

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, perfectly,” she whispered. Her mother let her go with a shove. Lily fell back and caught herself in time before she hit her face on the floor.

  “Hopefully, Wayne will see the disappointment in you and shift his attention to Stephanie. Until then you’ll be the picture of acceptance.” Her mother sneered and left the room.

  Lily touched her face. She felt to see if her mother had broken anything. Once she was sure, Lily slowly got to her feet.

  “What are you doing on the floor?” Lily cringed when she heard his voice. Before he turned up, everything was going fine, and now, she was left with nothing but blackmail.

  “I think the floor is comfortable.” She lied. Nothing about the study gave any indication of comfort.

  “Witty comments. I’ve been told you have an answer for me.” Lily stood and put her back to him. She knew from the dull ache near her jaw that the marks would resemble her mother’s touch, and like every other time, shame built inside her. She needed to keep the marks hidden. “Look at me, Lily.”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” she said.

  “Turn around, Lily,” he repeated his request.


  “I want to see the face of the woman I’m going to marry.”

  Lily took a deep breath before she turned to face him. He gasped, and instantly, her hand went to her face. The marks weren’t that bad, surely.

  “Why me?” she asked.

  The marks didn’t matter. What she was going through didn’t matter but this did.

  “What are you talking about? Who did this to your face?” He came over and reached out to touch her. He didn’t lay a finger on her. Her flinch kept him away.

  “I’m not Stephanie. You could have any number of girls. Stephanie would be more than willing to be anything you want. Why me? I’m not good—” She stopped, unable to bear the years of hurt brought by the people who were supposed to love her the most. Ironic really, the amount of pain family could produce.

  “Stephanie isn’t you.”

  “She’s pretty and slim.”

  “I don’t want to fuck a bag of bones.”

  Lily gasped. His words were crude, vulgar, and strangely erotic. “There is no need for that. I get it. You want me to fuck. Fuck the fat Jones girl, is that it? Take one for the team?” She started to shout, and the tears she’d held in so long suddenly overflowed and poured down her cheeks.

  “Don’t you dare talk about yourself like that,” he growled. Wayne took her in his arms and held her against his chest.

  Lily pushed him away, lashing out, and hit him.

  “I don’t want to marry you. I hate you and everything you stand for. I hate you,” she screamed. She raved and through it all, he let her. When she was finished and exhausted, he held her close. No words were spoken.

  “You’ll marry me because I demand it. One month from today, you’ll be at the church where we decide, putting a ring on your finger, and you’ll belong for me for better or worse.”

  “And if I don’t?” Lily couldn’t believe the rebellion in her. Why was she attacking the man who was prepared to give her the whole world?

  “If you don’t, I’ll make your life and the life of your family a living hell. I’m a beast, Lily. You should have heard about my reputation by now. I take and take and very rarely give. Take this opportunity as the gift it is.”

  Yes, she’d heard about his fierce reputation in the boardroom and the bedroom. The Beast with his face like sin, he tempted everyone and everything. Oh, the power and pleasure he could give. What would it feel like to be the one to receive such pleasure? Lily gazed up into his handsome face, struck again by the magnetic green of his eyes. She could sink into their depths without a care in the world. His lips were firm but Lily imagined they held the promise of pleasure and sweetness. The pages in magazines and papers were always prepared to dish out the latest kiss and story on Wayne and his current girlfriend. Wayne was built, his muscles showing he didn’t spend all of his time behind a desk.

  “That’s blackmail,” she accused. Lily was trapped in a corner, no way to get out. Any other person would tell their family to go fuck themselves after her treatment, but she couldn’t do it couldn't leave her family high and dry after everything.

  After all the insults and years of torment, she still loved them.

  “It’s what I call life, sweetheart. And sometimes we have to make decisions we don’t like, so deal with it.” Wayne threw his hands up in the air and walked away.

  “Can’t I have time to decide? This is too much to take in.”

  “You’ve got until I walk out of the room.”

  “But that’s too soon. I need time to think.” Lily moved away and faced the shelves of books. Useless material, her father didn’t even know what they possessed.

  She jumped when Wayne’s hands came down on her shoulders, spinning her around. He pressed against her, trapping her between the wood and the hard length of his body.

  “Life is full of hard decisions and now is the time for you to make some, Lily. Will you marry me and save your family along with this mausoleum, or will you reject me and leave your family and yourself to rot?” Lily, about to answer his question, got cut off by the position of his lips on hers in a heart stopping first kiss. Lily gasped. Before she could stop herself, Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself over to his ownership. The way her life had been for the last few years, she’d never dated many boys. Interaction of a physical nature always consisted of a peck on the cheek or a brief press of lips. Wayne wasn’t a boy but a man. Pure, dominant, and masculine. Lily moaned as his tongue pressed against her lips, seeking entrance. Without question, she opened and when her own tongue met with his, she moaned. His taste erupted on her tongue, coffee and mint exploded inside her mouth. Wayne pressed her up against the shelves. His hands intertwined with hers and locked them above her head.

  Lily cried out when he moved away, and his lips travelled down to her neck. He bit into the delicate, sensitive flesh between her ear and collarbone. Heat pooled at her centre, her panties soaked with cream. She screamed as his hand landed at the apex of her thighs through her simple dress.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” he said, and the noise only served to drive her arousal higher.

  Taking her lips again, he kissed her, and his hand explored between her legs. Lily knew she should stop his exploration but the part of her that had laid dormant for so many years was awakening. It called out to her to let him do whatever the hell he wanted.

  He pulled her summer dress out of the way. She opened her legs, inviting him in, and he pushed aside her flimsy panties. Now Lily truly knew what it was like to have a man between her thighs. His touch burned every part, and she could do nothing but stare into his eyes. One hand still trapped her own above her head, stopping her from moving away from him. She should find her voice and scream at him to back down and leave her alone, but Lily knew she wanted his touch more than she wanted to take her next breath.

  “You’re burning my hand, so hot and wet.” He moaned and took her lips. He seemed addicted to her kisses already. “Tell me what you want?”

  “I can’t.” Lily sobbed. Wayne's fingers teased her swollen nub, and her legs were shaking from keeping them open, unaccustomed to anything he put her through. No man had ever been between her legs, and Wayne was breaking all of her own rules.

  “You can tell me to play with your pretty pussy. Tell me to let you come. Tell me you’ll marry me.”

  Lily shook her head. She couldn’t do it. Marry a man she didn’t even like very much, let alone love. As a young girl, she’d promised herself to never ever allow money and position to get in the way of love. Jessica and George married for money and to further their own situations, and look where it had gotten them. Bitter, twisted, and totally broke.

  “Please don’t make me do this?” she begged. Lily bit down on her lip to stop her calling out. No one would come, and she knew her family had as good as abandoned
her, only satisfied in their own position.

  “You’ll be mine, eventually, Lily. Give in and offer yourself to me.” To state his point, he fingered her pussy, going from her clit down to the entrance of her cunt.

  Pulling one hand free from his hold, she stopped him with a hand at his wrist. “Please don’t.” If he penetrated her walls, he’d take something from her she wasn’t ready to give him—yet.

  “Why are you holding back?”

  “Because I don’t love you.” Lily respected him more when he didn’t push her hand aside and proceed with his invasion. He moved up, fingering her clit.

  “Love is for fairy tales and saints. I don’t need your love, just your wedding finger for now.”

  Wayne sounded so cruel. All of her life she craved the love and affection of her family to no avail. This man—rich, attractive, and sexually willing gave her an offer she really couldn’t refuse, but also, one she wanted to turn down with all of her heart. If she gave in and allowed him to marry her, she knew her feelings wouldn’t even settle into the equation in the future. Sex, money, and more sex would be in the cards.

  How could she live a life without love?

  Chapter Three

  Wayne saw the conflicting emotions cross her face. He flicked her clit to gain her attention. His dick threatened to burst out of his zipper. He was so hard.

  He moved a hand away from the wall, and he placed her free hand over his cock confined to his pants.

  “Touch me,” he said. Her small hand circled around his cock as much as possible through the trousers. Her gasp made his blood race. Wayne knew from her innocent reactions that she was becoming attracted to him. Her leaking cunt confirmed it. She was so wet and juicy. Her hips were thrusting on his hands trying to get him to play with her nub. Wayne smiled and ran his fingers through her slit, gathering her juice on two of his fingers, and then to shock her a little more, he brought those fingers to his lips and sucked off her cream. Her husky scent teased his nostrils, and he wanted more. He needed to put his face in her cunt and lick her clean. If they were in his own office and not her parents, he’d have her spread over the desk, half-naked and close to her second climax. From her reaction, this place didn’t offer her many fun memories.

  “You’re so big,” she mumbled.

  Wayne knew then she didn’t possess any sexual experience beyond the merest fumble in a car somewhere.

  Her innocence astounded him.

  “You taste good,” he whispered near her ear. His lips locked on the flesh. She bowed to his touch, and Wayne knew he’d found her sweet spot.

  Their pants filled the air around them, and he wanted to see her come undone in his arms, to watch the flow of arousal consume her.

  “Come for me.” His fingers found her swollen clit, and she groaned. Her legs quivered. He supported her with his weight against the bookshelf. His two fingers ran along her slit and clit. “Look at me. I want to see you explode,” he said. Her beautiful eyes pierced him with the desperation she must be feeling. “I’ll take care of you, baby.” Wayne knew more than anything he’d give this girl the world if only she opened up and gave him a tiny piece of herself.

  All he wanted was the promise of a future with her.

  With a few taps on her clit, Lily came apart within seconds. Her hands on his body squeezed, and her cry of pleasure erupted in the air. Wayne swallowed down her kiss, muffling the sound so no one but he could hear or know what was happening.

  What would it be like to have his cock inside her pussy when she contracted around him? Would she get tighter as she thrashed wildly around him? Or would she be peaceful and serene? Either way, Wayne was going to be the one and only man to make her lose total control.

  “Give me your answer.” He growled, sucking her juice from his fingers.

  A nice red blush stained her cheeks and the top of her chest. Wayne desired to pull her gown down and suck on her sweet, hot nipples. How many times had he fantasized about seeing this voluptuous woman naked? Spread before him on the silk sheets of his four-poster bed?

  “Please, give me more time?” Her voice quivered, and her body shook. Deep down, he wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from everything threatening to pose harm. He needed to stay strong.

  “I want your answer now.”


  “Now or never, Lily.” Wayne pulled away and shut off his emotions. It was time to think with his head and nothing else. “When I get to the door, I better have your answer. If I leave this room without any answer, the debt collectors will come knocking tomorrow. It’s your decision, Lily.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  Wayne caught her face in his palms. He looked deep into her eyes. “Because you’re the one that caught my attention.”

  Without a second look, he walked the short distance to the door, each step like a ticking clock in his mind. Wayne closed his eyes and prayed she wouldn’t be stupid. She wouldn’t test his resolve. They didn’t call him the Beast for nothing.

  Hearing her sob caught at his heart, breaking a little at what he was doing. One way or the other, she’d realize he wasn’t the monster everyone painted him as.

  All families had their secrets and so did he. Scars, physical and emotional, bound him just like her. The desire to look back and promise her it would be all right was so strong that he decided to shut himself off from it all. The man in the boardroom took shit from no one.

  The heartbeat in his chest increased in speed, the door got closer with every step he took, and he had no way of seeing what she was doing behind him.

  A hand on the doorknob.

  This was it. Her last chance to save herself and her family.

  Wayne turned the knob slowly, giving her every second chance possible.

  A twist, a sob, another twist. So close to being out of the room.

  “Please, stop. I’ll marry you, please don’t leave.” Her plea snared him, and he went back to where she stood.

  One of her hands was trapped in a tangle of her hair, while the other clutched at her stomach, tears streaming down her face.

  If he could still find it in him to cry, he would at this very moment. The euphoria inside him was unlike anything he was used to.

  “An excellent answer,” he said. He picked her up in his arms and moved out of the room.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked. Wayne didn’t care. He came to the Jones’s house with the intent of having this woman. Mission accomplished, he intended to get on with the next stage of his plan. He’d acquired her through blackmail and he would have to use everything at his disposal to show her the man within. He wouldn’t quit until everything was bound and legal. Lily wouldn’t ever be able to leave him.

  “I’m taking you away from here. You’re going to be my wife and not be treated like some slave.” He kicked the door, and it swung outward. George, Jessica, and Stephanie came running over. He saw them watching. Her father looked shamed and gazed at the floor. Her mother pressed a hand to her heart and smiled, and Stephanie shot daggers at Lily. Wayne saw all the reactions, and he was disgusted with them all.

  “Where are you taking her?” Jessica came forward, all motherly pretence included.

  “Away from you. You’ll be invited to the wedding, but with regards to anything else, you’d better stay away,” he warned. “My lawyers will be in contact.”

  He left them behind. Caring for his woman was now at the forefront of his mind. “You can put me down now,” Lily said.

  “I like having you in my arms.”

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “Is that what they all told you? Nonsense, Lily, I’ll carry you whenever I want.” He’d carry her over the threshold as a married couple. And he’d do the same on his wedding night when he took her to bed.

  Wayne was determined to wait until his wedding night, giving Lily the proper white wedding she deserved, and hopefully, win some brownie points with her.

  Chapter Four

/>   Lily watched the passing scenery with half a heart. Wayne, her future husband, carried her all the way to the car and strapped her in. His attentiveness was sweet after the demands he’d made earlier.

  With a sigh, she rested her throbbing head against the windowpane. Her life would change forever. Her thighs still ached from having him between them, her pussy and panties soaked from her climax. When she’d awoken this morning, it had never entered her head where the morning would go.

  Wayne took her hand, and she wanted to pull away but knew he owned her. She didn’t have much of a choice but to do as he said.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “I’m taking you to my apartment in the city. We’re going to spend a little time house hunting before we pick a property, and then I’ll organize for a wedding planner to come around for you to plan our wedding.” He sounded so chirpy.

  “What happens to my family?”

  “Why do you care about them so much?”

  “Because they’re still my family, and I love them.”

  She knew what he was thinking. She still loved them, but they couldn’t give two shits about her. Pitiful. The entire situation simply highlighted the fact she would do anything to gain their love and respect.

  She continued to watch the flow of trees and houses. She refused to look at him.

  “They’ll be looked after. The debt will be paid and they'll be given an allowance, but they must keep within their means. I’m not some bank account.”

  “What happens to my father’s companies? And you do sound like a bank account. What makes you think I’m not some gold-thingy or other? I can’t remember what you people call them.” She knew his business acumen left a lot to be desired but she hoped, in his own way, he would still care about other people and their loyalty to her father’s company. She really hoped he cared enough. He'd bought failing businesses and built them back up with the same staff.

  “They’re still his but my company will be overseeing them, trying to find ways to turn a profit. The term, by the way, is gold-digger.” Wayne chuckled. Seconds later, his chuckle turned into laughter.


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