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Blackmailed by the Beast

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “That’s a bit extreme.” Lily could see the emotion breaking through the blocks of ice and walls he’d erected around himself. Is it possible he was protecting himself from hurt? The very Beast himself had a weakness?

  “That’s the problem with our world. It’s either one extreme or the other. We don’t do stuff like half measures.” He licked his lips and cupped her cheek. “As a young boy, my parents...they....” He couldn’t finish, and Lily got the message loud and clear.

  “They hurt you.” There was so much more to this man than a big cock and reputation. A broken child lay beneath the surface, lost and alone exactly like her.

  “Yes.” He sobbed. Tears formed in his eyes, and she watched in total amazement as the man who was always in control, brutal in his approach, weakened before her.

  Lily caressed his cheeks and stared in wonder as the tears spilled. She leaned down she kissed them away.

  “I’m a horrible man. I’ve hurt you more than I’ve ever hurt anyone else.” His large hands encircled her waist and held her close. His head nuzzled her bosom as he let the sobs release. Lily held him, consoled him.

  “I’ve got you,” she whispered, stroking his hair back from his face. Her breasts were coated with his tears. After some time, he stopped.

  Wayne looked up about to talk, but she stopped him with a finger over his lips. “You don’t need to tell me. I understand, and thank you for giving me some of yourself already.” She kissed him on the lips.

  “I want to show you something.” Wayne picked her up, placed her on the sofa, and went to his desk.

  Lily recognized the contract she’d signed in Richard’s office, and her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

  “Why do you have that awful thing?”

  “Because I want to give you every copy that was ever made.” He handed her the paper copies and a disk. “That is everything linking to that contract. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my wife by choice not by contract.”

  “What if I walk out of here?” Lily tested him.

  “Then my heart will go with you wherever you want to go, but I’ll warn you now, you’ll never find a man out there who’ll love you the way I do.”

  Lily watched him freeze. He stared at her, but his hands fisted at his sides. Getting to her feet with the contract in her hands, she walked over the fireplace and threw the documents and disk onto the fire. The paper went up in flames, and the plastic began to melt.

  Her heart lifted in her chest.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I don’t need any contract to tell me how I feel. For some strange reason, Wayne Brown, I’ve fallen deeply in love with you, and I can forgive everything you’ve done, and everything you’re going to end up doing to me. I forgive you.”

  Lily walked over to him and hugged him tight. They stood naked in front of the fire, the heat radiating to them. Wayne put his arms around her waist. She giggled when his cock bumped her back.

  “Someone’s pleased to see me.”

  “I’ll always be pleased to see you, baby,” Wayne said, nuzzling her neck. “I’m going to do something I should have done at the very beginning.”

  Lily stood while Wayne moved to his clothing. He came back to her and went on one knee. “Lily Jones, the light of my life, the love of my life. I’ll love you forever with my heart, mind, body, and soul. I’ve been an utter bastard, but I do love you with everything that I am. Will you make this Beast whole and become my wife?”

  As far as marriage proposals go, it was the most beautiful she’d ever witnessed. Nodding, she accepted the new ring he presented her with.


  A few days before Christmas, Lily Jones, who was once blackmailed by a beast, was suddenly the very reason for him to open up and become the man willing to love her, and she willing to love the man with all of her heart.


  Richard smiled at the text message from his recent conquest. An amateur model from some fashion show who did a really nice trick with her mouth. She sucked his dick like a lollipop.

  It was his lunch break, and he’d already seen Lily and Wayne. They wanted him to be a godparent slash uncle for their unborn son. She’d had the ultrasound confirming sex, and they were already planning a room and decorations. Seeing the love and happiness in his friends’ faces gave him a shred of hope. Even though the Beast was still very much present in negotiations, people noticed a difference in him.

  Some people were just made for each other.

  Glancing out of his office window, he watched Scarlet Hughes, the young office trainee fresh out of college and a thorn in his ever-loving side, bend over the desk. Her rounded ass was in full view and his dick tented in his trousers. Fucking hell, he was a thirty-year-old man. He did not lust after young women.

  There was nothing wrong with the girl other than his growing attraction to her. Everyone in the office adored her. She was so lovable and baked cookies for everyone, even the clients enjoyed her calming presence.

  Shaking his head at the horrid, inappropriate thoughts running through his head, he sent back a text to his overindulgent and older flavour of the month.

  Want some loving. U available 2night?

  Richard knew he’d never get the hang of text talk. He was a lawyer for Christ’s sakes. He shouldn’t be using abbreviations for anything but case law and legislation with note taking.

  A knock on the door disrupted his thoughts. Scarlet stood waiting for his call. Turning his phone onto vibrate, he gestured for her to enter.

  “You’ve got mail here, and I’ve been told to tell you, your two o’clock is running behind.” She handed him the letters and the note slip.

  Scarlet turned to leave, and Richard enjoyed the view of her ass. Not a skinny thing that he usually liked but a nice plump bottom. He thought how tasty it would be to bite into the rounded flesh.

  Fuck. Pre-cum was already leaking from his slit. He could feel the damn thing.

  “Oh, before I forget,” she said, turning back to face him. “I noticed your friends earlier. Please let me not make a fool of myself but the woman is pregnant right?”

  “You mean Lily? Yes, she’s pregnant.” He pulled himself farther under the desk, hoping she wouldn’t see his tight trousers.

  “Well, I’ve got a cot and pram. I know some people like to buy new but these have been well-looked after, and I’d love to see them go to a new home.”

  “You’ve got a child?”

  “Yes, Harry, he’s four in August.” She came forward, pulling out a mobile phone. Even to him, the thing looked dated. She showed him a picture of a young boy.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-two, sir.”

  This was so wrong. The woman he lusted after had a child of four.

  “I think they’ll buy new,” he said and stopped when he saw the disappointment on her face.

  “Oh, yes, I understand. Thanks anyway.”

  She moved out of the office, and he could breathe easier. He steered away from women with kids. Why would she be any different?

  Unfortunately, Richard didn’t have an answer for that question.

  The End

  Evernight Publishing

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


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  Sam Crescent, Blackmailed by the Beast




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