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Page 14

by WL Knightly

  Getting his house back was going to be like dying and going to heaven, and he hoped that Bay would make it happen.

  When Bay finally showed up, the man was smiling ear to ear, grinning like the snake who’d just unhinged his jaw to eat a rat. Darek could only hope that he had saved his appetite for their queen. “You look great, almost too great, but I’m not worried about a thing.”

  “I’m glad you’re not,” said Darek. “I have enough nerves for two.”

  Bay waved his hand away. “You have to learn to trust me, Darek. Megan is going to roll over and give you everything you want, just you wait and see.”

  Darek laughed. “And when that happens, you’ll have to tell me how you did it.”

  Bay held out his hand, and Darek took it. “It’s a deal.” Then he led Darek through the crowd and down the hall to the courtroom where the divorce proceedings would take place. As they walked to the front of the room, he noticed that most of the seats were empty, but there were a few observers.

  “At least it’s not too crowded in here. Why is it so busy out there today?” He had seen the courthouse on a normal day, which was pretty busy, but one might think there was a famous person on trial with the gathering, and he hoped that it wouldn’t affect the judge's mood.

  “There’s a big trial from out of town. Which reminds me, any new evidence?”

  “The brand came back clean, and the final report on the woman is that her mark was made post-mortem.” He hadn’t told Bay yet about the burner phone and didn’t think he ever would. The killer had clammed up and stopped talking, but he wasn’t giving up. Even if the person gave him a sentence a week, it was better than nothing.

  They got to their place up front, and he saw the door open at the back of the room where Megan walked in with her head down. Her shoulders were slumped, and she looked like someone had given her shock treatment to tame the wild beast. She actually looked vulnerable for a change, so much that Darek almost felt bad for her.

  “She looks like someone died,” mumbled Darek as he took a seat.

  “That’s the look of frailty. I’ve seen it before.” Bay shrugged, and the statement cut him deep, knowing that with Bay, it was a reminder that they had all been weak to him. But then, he realized that was how Bay saw everyone in the world around him.

  “I haven’t seen it from her. Not in all the time we were together.”

  “That’s because she didn’t have anyone to show her who was master.” Bay slowly turned his head to meet Darek’s eyes with a dead stare as Megan and her lawyer, Henry Morris, took their seat. Bay finally sat down and opened his briefcase.

  They stood as the judge entered the room and took his place behind the bench. “Good morning, everyone. Please have a seat and let’s get down to business.” The man seemed laid back, and Darek liked that.

  “I’m here this morning to oversee your final divorce proceeding. You are Detective Darek Blake?” Darek nodded as the judge met his eyes.

  “Yes, your honor.”

  “And you, are Mrs. Megan Howard-Blake.” He looked down his nose at Megan, and she calmly nodded.

  “Yes, your honor.”

  “Good. I like to make sure I’m on the right page.” He turned and chuckled with his bailiff. “Is there anything the two of you would like to say before we get started?”

  Darek couldn’t think of anything and knew it was better to let Bay handle any talking. However, Henry Morris cleared his throat.

  “Your honor, I can save us all a lot of time this morning. My client has decided not to dispute Mr. Blake on the house.”

  Darek’s jaw hung open, and he turned to meet Megan’s eyes, which stayed focused on the table in front of her.

  “Is this true, Mrs. Blake?”

  “Yes, your honor.”

  Darek could tell that her smile was forced. “I can’t believe this,” he whispered to Bay, who acted as if he hadn’t heard.

  But then, as the judge continued with the proceedings, Bay opened his briefcase and then flipped open a manila folder. Darek’s eyes widened when he saw the photograph which seemed to be in a stack of many.

  Megan was sprawled out on silk sheets, wearing nothing but her pageant sash and beauty crown. Her tits looked amazing, and her legs were spread wide enough to display everything she had for the world to see.

  Darek had never seen the pictures, and by the style of her hair, he could tell that she was much younger. It had to be right around the time she won her last big pageant.

  Bay had blackmailed her into giving up the house. He shut the case and smiled. “Thank you, your honor.”

  The crack of the gavel turned Darek’s attention back to the judge, and just like that, the hearing was over. He had totally spaced out. He looked over at Megan, who was already making her way out of the courtroom, and as his eyes followed her to the door, someone else caught his eye.

  Lizzy stood in the back of the room, waiting for him. He held up a finger as if to ask for one minute, and she nodded. He couldn’t believe she’d shown up, and he wanted that kiss more than ever.

  “As I said, a piece of cake,” Bay boasted next to him. “You have no idea how many people out there hate that woman. It really made finding dirt easy.”

  “I can imagine,” Darek said. Megan didn’t really have friends for as long as he’d known her. Everyone she claimed was a friend was also someone she’d rip to shreds at the first chance she got.

  Bay nodded. “Yeah, she’s lucky I didn’t use the sex tape, but only because it was such low quality.”

  “Megan had a sex tape?”

  “Oh yeah. Apparently, one of her old boyfriends liked to film all of his women, and he was pissed off at her for dumping him.”

  “He just gave it to you?” Darek asked.

  “He even wished you luck. Which we both know, you didn’t even need with me as your lawyer.” He looked to the back of the courtroom, and while almost everyone else had cleared out for lunch, Lizzy stood looking around the room at nothing in particular.

  “I was going to invite you to Bakes to celebrate, but I think you’ve got other lunch plans, and for the record, I would choose her over me, too.” He gave Darek a pat on the back and then shook his hand.

  “Thank you, Bay. You have no idea how much this means to me. I can go home again.”

  “Yeah, I’m hoping you stay comfortable and focused. That way, you don’t forget to keep me in the loop.” With that, he took his briefcase and turned to walk away. Darek looked up to see that Lizzy was still waiting in the back. Bay slid past her without a word, and she walked over to meet Darek as he headed out.

  “Congratulations.” Lizzy’s smile was as welcome as her words.

  “You don’t know how happy I am. And thank you for showing up. The support means a lot.”

  “I figured she’d have a bunch of people supporting her, and I just wanted to show you that I care. I mean, this is the kind of things friends do for one another, right? They have their backs and support each other. Besides, you’ve been very supportive of me lately, and I wanted to show you that I appreciate it.”

  “I’m glad you did. Do you want to grab some lunch?” He held his breath and hoped that she didn’t have to run any errands.

  “I’d love that.” She opened the door and walked out into the busy hall where she took his hand and weaved him through the crowd. They stopped outside once they hit the parking lot. “How about we take my car, but you can drive? I’m parked right in the front.” She turned and pointed to her car, and they headed in that direction.

  “How did you manage to get a space right in front?” He stopped by the car, and she handed him the keys. He hit the button to unlock it and opened her door as she kept talking.

  “I pulled up right as a little old lady was leaving. I thought she’d never pull out.” She sighed. “I don’t know why people do that when they see you waiting.”

  He turned to walk around the car, and she shut the door. He opened the door and slid into the seat ne
xt to her. “People like to be in control of one another. If she takes her time, you have to wait. It’s the way of the world these day. No one is courteous anymore.”

  “Some people are. I like to think that there are more good people out there than bad. It makes the job a bit easier. Especially when you see so many killings.”

  “Is it starting to get to you?”

  “Maybe a little. How could it not?”

  He started the car, and as he left the parking lot, they talked about where they wanted to eat. They decided on a pub where Lizzy insisted they made the best milkshakes.

  Darek opened the door for her, and as soon as he stepped in behind her, the aromas from the kitchen hit his nose and kick-started his hunger pangs.

  Lizzy flashed her badge, and the hostess led them right inside to a table. “Works like a charm.”

  “I can’t believe you flashed. I haven’t flashed in ages to get a perk.”

  She winked. “Because you don’t have one like mine.”

  “Yet.” She and Darek said in unison.

  Darek was happy for a change. He could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel where his personal life was concerned. Maybe once the Zodiac thing played out, assuming he didn’t become mincemeat, too, he would have a better life waiting for him. Maybe even a new career. “Thanks again for putting in a good word for me,” he said. “I think things might actually start to get better for me.”

  “I hope so; you deserve happiness.” She turned her head as the waitress came to the table.

  They ordered their food and made small talk about his plans as he pondered how long it would take Megan to get out of his house.

  After lunch, where he was shocked to see Lizzy put away just as many beers as him, they decided to go for a walk. Darek noticed Lizzy warming up to him as the hours passed, and he hoped it wasn’t all in his head.

  Finally, they made it back to her car, and she let out a sigh. “I think this is just what we needed. A little time with no dead bodies to worry about.”

  “And to celebrate my victory with the divorce. I’m not going to miss that fucking motel.”

  “Is it so bad?”

  “It isn’t the worst, but only because it’s getting worse daily.”

  “Show me.” Lizzy’s voice had dropped an octave, and Darek did a double-take, wondering if she meant what he thought she did.

  She’d seen the place before, but he knew that wasn’t what she meant. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I think I am. Besides, I’ve been meaning to give you something.” She leaned over, and before he could believe what was happening, she kissed him, long and lingering. It had been worth the wait, and his body responded, wanting more.

  She placed her hand on his thigh. “Only if you want.”

  “I’d rather bring you someplace nicer, honestly, but if you’re sure.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She moved her hand up his thigh, and though she didn’t grab his cock, her hand stopped dangerously close.

  By the time he got them to the motel, they were both so worked up that they hurried into the room. He shut the door behind them and locked it as she unbuttoned her blouse.

  They came together with so much passion, kissing and stroking each other’s bodies, as they made their way to the bed. He was just about to strip off his shirt when he realized he couldn’t let her see his mark. As she ran her hands up his chest, he grabbed her wrists.

  “Maybe we should slow down. We’ve been drinking.” He wanted to kick himself for stopping what he himself had been hoping for since he’d laid eyes on her.

  Lizzy pulled away and raked her hands through her hair. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry, Lizzy. I mean, I’ve wanted this for a while. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. But with this case going on and both of us in emotional places, we really need to make sure we’re taking things slowly. I don’t want us to look back and blame the case for things not working out.”

  “You’re right.” She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for being a good guy.”

  A good guy who needed his head examined, or his fucking mark removed. Either way, he had to make sure he didn’t let her see it. He’d have no explanation.

  Instead of parting company, she drove him back to his car at the courthouse, and though he wished things would fall comfortably back into place, they didn’t.



  He hadn’t started getting suspicious that anything was wrong with Hannah until Sunday when she didn’t call after her shift. He then figured that she was tired and went home to rest. He had decided to give her space for a few more hours. Working the weekends in the hospital was probably the busiest time, and he wanted to be understanding, but when he finally started calling and got no answer and no response to his texts, he began to think something awful had happened to her. And sadly, that would be the best possible scenario.

  He’d unloaded a ton of information on her, heavy shit he shouldn’t have, but he hadn’t been thinking clearly at the time.

  He rolled over on his bed and saw the clock. With the sun dipping down below the horizon, she would be in one of two places; home or work. He moved to the edge of the bed and sat up, scrubbing his face with his palms, and picked up his phone. He called her number for the hundredth time and then sent another pleading text message. Baby, please call me. We can work this out.

  The police hadn’t shown up banging on his door, so he knew that the chances she’d turned him in were slim, which was a good sign. Perhaps she’d left town? Maybe she’d needed space to figure out what she wanted to do? When they’d fucked, she seemed so into him. Even though she’d seen his ugly side, she’d shown him that they were meant for each other.

  He got dressed and decided to go to her house and check things out. Then, if she wasn’t home, he’d make a trip to her job and find out if anyone had seen her.

  He hadn’t called Bay still, and he had no plans to do so, but if she didn’t turn up soon, he would call Darek Blake and report her missing.

  He went to the bathroom to comb his hair, and he checked the bandage on his wound, which was healing nicely thanks to Hannah’s care and advice. He’d done just as she said and changed the bandage and kept it clean and medicated.

  Once he was ready, he grabbed his keys and headed out to his car, carefully looking around to see who was nearby. He gave his windshield a glance, and there weren’t any cards on it, so he started the car and drove out toward Hannah’s house.

  He turned down her street, and before he even approached her house, he could see that her car wasn’t out front. With any hope, it wasn’t a bad sign, and he would find her at work. He thought of how he walked into Lidia’s house and how it had felt so empty. Even though her body was there, it was like her spirit wasn’t.

  Looking back on it was a nightmare, and he hoped when he found Hannah, she wouldn’t be in the same condition.

  He turned around at the end of her street, headed back the way he came, and turned toward the next exit that would take him to the hospital. Thankfully, she lived near her job, and he was there in no time. He drove into the emergency parking garage and then around it a few times, searching for her car, but there was no sign of it. He decided to check a few more places, including a lot for a doctors’ building across the street, but he couldn’t seem to find her car.

  He found an empty place and parked, hoping that when he went inside, he’d find her safely working her shift, but instead, he roamed the halls looking for the nearest nurses’ station that was actually in operation. Every counter he came to was empty, but then he turned a corner and found a round-faced woman with a friendly smile.

  “May I help you, sir?”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Actually, yes. I’m looking for Hannah Halston and hoped you’d be able to call her down for me.”

  “Sure, let me see if I can find her.” The woman got on the phone, and then, a few minutes later, she asked him to have a seat

  He felt a sigh of relief and turned to sit in the small empty waiting area. A few minutes later, a woman rounded the corner, her eyes lit with concern and frustration. “Are you here for Hannah?”

  “Yes, I was hoping to see her.”

  “Well, you wouldn’t be the only one.”

  His heart sank. “You haven’t seen her?”

  “Not since the other night. She showed up for her shift on Friday, but after a few hours, I sent her home early Saturday morning. She said she wasn’t feeling well, so I agreed to do her rounds so she could go and get some rest. She hasn’t returned, and she hasn’t been answering her phone.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, maybe she’s home, and her car just isn’t there. I will go on over and knock again. I hope she’s not too sick.”

  The woman folded her arms. “Well, she better have a good excuse. One more day with no contact, and I’m afraid we’re going to have to let her go.”

  Logan knew that nursing was everything to her. She wouldn’t have just abandoned a great job for nothing. “I’m sure she has a good excuse. She’s been through a lot lately.”

  “And quite frankly, that’s one of the reason’s most of the other nurses aren’t being sympathetic to her.”

  Logan hadn’t realized just how bad it had been for her at work. “If I find her, I’ll let her know she needs to check in. I just hope she’s okay.”

  The woman tilted her head and put her hand over her heart. “You don’t think that something bad happened to her, do you?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m calling the police, so you can tell the other nurses to be thinking about her.” He knew those others wouldn’t care, but they should all be ashamed that they blamed Hannah for something she had no control over. It was the reason that so many people didn’t come forward for help. Not only did they have to worry about their own reputations, but they had to worry if they were bringing shame down on their entire family. It was no wonder that Tad had kept the secret for so many years.


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