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My Commander

Page 20

by Alanea Alder

  "Get away if you can, without permanently injuring him." She was so mad at Aiden, she was tempted to go get the toilet back from the downstairs bathroom and brain him with it.

  "As you wish." Ryuu's dark eyes flashed as blue fire covered his body. With a yelp Aiden dropped him and stood back, holding his arm.

  "Did you electrocute me?" Aiden asked wincing.

  "It can feel that way to some. You must be very strong, most are not able to remain conscious after receiving such a jolt." Ryuu complimented.

  "Why did you mark my mate?" Aiden demanded.

  "She accepted me as her squire. In my country this means the joining of our houses, it is a bond that will last until either my line ends or yours. The mark is simply a physical manifestation of that bond that will allow me to serve and protect my charge better." Ryuu explained.

  "Look Aiden, I got my own tattoo! It's not a sexy mark like your bite." Meryn held up her wrist and showed Aiden the mark. He brought her wrist up to his face and began to cover her with his scent.

  "What do you mean allow you to serve her better? I want to be crystal, fucking, clear about your serving duties." Aiden growled. Meryn rolled her eyes.

  "I will watch over her, guide her, teach her. I will be her mentor and friend. I will guard her health and happiness and protect her with my life." Ryuu clarified.

  "You touch her, if you even look at her like ..." Aiden started.

  Ryuu shook his head. "The bond I share with Denka is beyond the physical. You wouldn't understand as you have never served." Ryuu crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Master Aiden, maybe I can help explain." Marius stepped forward. Aiden gave a curt nod for him to continue.

  "There was a time when your father and I stood across from one another much like you and Master Ryuu are doing now. Your father was afraid I desired his mate, and though I loved her I would never hurt her by dishonoring her bond with Byron, to do so would have destroyed a piece of me. When you are a squire, a good squire, your whole world narrows and all you see is your charge. The bond is profound, but it is a platonic one, I assure you." Marius placed a hand on Aiden's shoulder.

  "He will be to your children as I was to you. Please believe me when I say you could not ask for a better man." Marius nodded to Ryuu who exhaled loudly.

  "My story has reached even as far as here?" He asked. Marius nodded.

  "Had I known who you were, we would have simply had you over for tea to see if you were compatible with little miss. You have my apologies for being subjected to such rudimentary tests." Marius bowed low.

  "Umm. What did I miss?" Meryn asked.

  "I must have missed something as well, can you explain Marius?" Adelaide demanded. Marius turned to her apologetically.

  "Since I had to reach out to those I knew in Japan, his background check only just came in fifteen minutes ago. There was a long delay in responding because they could not believe that Ryuu had left Japan. The reason why we didn't recognize his name and assumed he was a new squire is because he has only served one family. That family lost their last surviving member last month and in a drunken stupor an extended family member accused Ryuu of murdering his Master and exiled him from Japan. Everyone knew this to be a lie, but the damage had been done. Ryuu left Japan to come here." Marius turned to Ryuu.

  "I am sorry if I am over sharing, but Adelaide is my charge and Meryn her daughter, they need to understand." Marius bowed again. Ryuu shook his head.

  "It is better that this is discussed up front, that way we can put it behind us. I do not fault you for your loyalties."

  "When you say he has only served one family, what does that mean?" Adelaide asked.

  "I served my Master's family for a very long time. I protected his line, but in the end, I could not save them from old age. I came here to this new land to die, to rest. But it seems like Fate has something else in store for me, she is a hard taskmaster, but I think I will enjoy looking after you Denka."

  Aiden cleared his throat.

  "I guess you'll do." He said begrudgingly.

  "I am grateful for your words." Ryuu inclined his head.

  "Shit! What time is it?" Meryn exclaimed as she realized that it was nearly time for her visit with Elder Vi'Ailean's mate.

  "Time for you to be leaving. Marius, the cake." Adelaide reminded them. Aiden turned to Ryuu.

  "She has someone after her ..." He started.

  Ryuu's answering smile was chilling. "I have heard of this monster. I hope that I get the chance to eradicate this filth from her life."

  "If you keep her safe, we'll get along just fine." Aiden held out his hand. Ryuu clasped Aiden around the forearm and they shook. Meryn rolled her eyes.

  "Men! I don't care how old you are, you're all toddlers." Marius handed Ryuu a large, square, white box.

  "I have arranged for a carriage. The easiest route to Elder Vi'Ailean's is to cut through the city." Marius explained. Meryn turned to Aiden.

  "I'll be back after my visit." He nuzzled her neck repeatedly until she squealed in laughter.

  "Stop it! I gotta go." She giggled and picked up her backpack.

  "Take care of her Ryuu." Aiden commanded.

  "I intend to." Ryuu responded then followed Meryn out the door.

  "Colton, looks like your vacation is over buddy. You have drills to make up for, from when you were lounging around with my mate." Meryn heard Aiden tell Colton.

  "Lounging? She almost blew me up!" Colton yelled. Ryuu raised an eyebrow as he extended a hand to assist her up into the carriage.

  "Long story, total accident." He nodded without saying a word and climbed up after her. Meryn waved until she couldn't see Aiden in the doorway anymore. Now she had two Neanderthals to order her around. Great.


  When they arrived at Elder Vi'Ailean's estate Meryn could only stare. The shifter council house where Byron and Adelaide lived was a huge, brick mansion. The fae estate looked like something out of Lord of the Rings. The heavy gates opened to reveal a sprawling elaborate house that was built right into the trees. Vines and carved staircases wound around the base of each tree invitingly.

  "I swear if Legolas pops out from behind a tree Aiden is gonna be in trouble." Meryn muttered as Ryuu opened the carriage door and stepped out. He held a hand up to help her down. The problem with being five foot three in a city built for paranormals was that everything was higher off the ground. She hopped down and turned to Ryuu. He waited patiently for her to walk up to the house. She stared and he stared back.

  "Denka, I wasn't the one invited, they are waiting to see you." He reminded her gently.

  She nodded. "I know, but dammit, look at that place and look at me." She pointed down at her worn sneakers, jeans and Goonies tee-shirt then to the pristine manor in front of them.

  Ryuu regarded her outfit. "Was there a dress code implied in the invitation for this visit?" He asked brows knit together. She shook her head.

  "Then I wouldn't worry about it. If it bothers you that much I will make arrangements for a tailor to visit so you will have attire suitable for your station. Though, I don't think you'll be as comfortable." Ryuu offered.

  "Maybe a dress or two, just for visits. I hate sticking out." Meryn turned and walked towards the front entrance. Ryuu just nodded and followed behind her. Meryn was agonizing over the thought of fittings when she walked through what felt like a force field. She froze. The October afternoon disappeared, even the sun felt brighter.

  "It's okay Denka, it's a containment spell. It's how they are able to live in such open housing year round without worrying about inclement weather." Ryuu explained. Meryn turned and looked back at the carriage. It looked like a typical grey fall afternoon. But now that she was within the bubble the house shone brilliantly in the sun, giving it an almost unearthly appearance. She took a step back and it was grey and cool. She took a step forward and it was bright and warm. Laughing she bounced in and out of the bubble, before straddling it.

his is so cool!"

  "So this is where you've been." Elder Vi'Ailean walked forward with Vivian, both were smiling.

  Meryn popped back inside the bubble. "Your force field thing is neat."

  "We like it, especially during the winter. I am assuming this is your squire?" Vivian asked. Ryuu gave a half bow.

  Meryn nodded. "Yes, this is Ryuu Sei. He is new to Lycaonia too."

  "A pleasure to meet you Ryuu." Vivian said.

  Elder Vi'Ailean stared. "I didn't think your kind left Japan."

  "Normally we do not. My situation is extremely rare and complicated. However, after meeting Meryn, I do believe that I was brought here for the single purpose of being her squire." The fond expression on Ryuu's face was evident.

  "What do you mean his kind?" Meryn asked. Elder Vi'Ailean raised a brow to Ryuu who shook his head.

  The Elder turned to Meryn. "That will be a mystery you'll have to figure out later. Now, why don't I escort you two lovely ladies to our gardens. You're in for a treat Meryn, the passionflowers bloomed this morning, and the entire place smells divine." Elder Vi'Ailean held out both arms and escorted them to the garden.

  When they walked past the entrance Meryn stopped and stared. Garden? The word implied a space set aside for pretty flowers and landscaping. This was no garden. This was a slice of paradise. Stumbling she made her way over to the small table and chairs that had been set up for her visit. She sat down across from Vivian but continued to turn this way and that trying to take everything in. She felt one of her moments coming on. She sat still and waited for her brain to catch up.

  Hibiscus rosa-sinesis, Lavandula, Jasminum, Passiflora

  She blinked and turned to her hosts. They were watching her carefully.

  "Sorry about that, I was taking everything in."

  "What do you think about our garden?" Vivian asked looking relieved.

  "It's amazing. I couldn't imagine a more perfect place." She paused. "Do you get Wi-Fi out here?"

  Elder Vi'Ailean laughed and shook his head.

  Meryn sighed. "Okay, almost perfect."

  "I would take exception to that, but I know how helpful you and your laptop have been with the ongoing investigation." Elder Vi'Ailean said pouring her a cup of tea. Meryn looked at the cup and remembered the cake.

  "Oh! Ryuu, can you put that down here?" Meryn pointed to an empty part of the table. Ryuu sat down the box and stepped back behind her chair. Meryn carefully opened it and lifted out the round, vanilla frosted cake.

  "Is that Marius's Lemon Crunch Cake?" Vivian asked, leaning forward.

  "Yup, Adelaide said to thank you for last night, she said you made the night pleasant." Meryn set the cake down. Immediately Vivian reached for a knife and cut it into slices. She lifted a piece onto a small plate and handed it to Meryn. Meryn lifted her fork and took a bite. This could easily become one of her favorite desserts. She turned around to Ryuu.

  "Did you want some?"

  He shook his head. "Denka, you have to pretend as if I wasn't here. A squire does not eat with their charges." Ryuu explained.

  "That's rude!" Meryn frowned. Maybe she hadn't thought this whole having a squire thing through.

  "She's so young. Makes me feel very old and jaded." Elder Vi'Ailean sat back with his tea.

  "I agree. We've had servants for so long, I've never even thought it might be considered rude." Vivian took a bite of her cake. At that point Meryn began to have serious doubts about her being able to fit into Aiden's world. A warm hand on her shoulder had her looking up. Ryuu's expression was kind.

  "It does not bother me Denka. It makes me very happy that you are concerned for my wellbeing, but you don't have to worry about me. Serving you and seeing the world through your eyes is reward enough for me."

  "If it were me I'd rather have cake."

  Ryuu's mouth twitched, "Of course Denka."

  Meryn took a sip of her tea and was pleasantly surprised.

  "Honeycup!" She took another sip.

  "I have such a sweet tooth, so Celyn always keeps it in stock for me." Vivian took her mate's hand with a smile.

  "I have to have my tea sweet." Meryn looked out at the garden and blinked. She rubbed her eyes. Just on the corners of her vision she was seeing darting specks of light. She turned back to Vivian.

  "Thank you for supporting me last night. It really gave me the confidence I needed to face everyone."

  "Don't get me wrong my dear, I had already planned on inviting you over based on the glowing descriptions Celyn gave of you. But it was infinitely more satisfying to deliver the invitation in person at the ball instead of with a written card just so I could see the expressions on those nasty old harpies' faces."

  "Vivian." Elder Vi'Ailean chided with a grin.

  "Don't Vivian me Celyn. Those women have been a thorn in my side since I arrived here two hundred years ago. I won't stand by and see the same thing happen to Meryn." Vivian said waving her fork in the air.

  "So I'm not the only one who wants to stick them with a pin to see how loud they yell?" She laughed when Vivian bobbed her head enthusiastically. Meryn squinted, the lights were getting brighter.

  "I knew you and I would get along the second you chastised Daphane Bowers, indirectly of course, about the clothing shops in front of everyone."

  "I didn't mind, but poor Adelaide nearly had a coronary shopping that day." Meryn shielded her eyes.

  "Okay, seriously! What in the hell are those little light?!" She exclaimed.

  Vivian gave her mate a triumphant look. "I knew she'd see them!"

  "See what? Fireflies?" Meryn asked.

  "No dear, what you are seeing are the garden sprites. Not even all of the fae can see them. When I first mated Celyn, there were a lot of nasty insinuations that I wasn't his true mate since I was human. The fact that I can see the sprites quieted down those naysayers almost immediately. There's no doubt in my mind Meryn, you belong in Lycaonia."

  Meryn turned to face the garden straight on. The more she focused the clearer they became. Soon she could discern tiny body outlines. After a few minutes she could see them clearly. They laughed and played, dancing in the air and hiding behind flowers. Of all of the wondrous things she had seen since in arriving in Lycaonia, this had to be the best.

  Meryn watched as one tiny male sprite made his way over to her. Unlike the others he didn't dance or play, he stayed on the outskirts. Meryn scooped up a finger full of icing and extended it out to him. His eyes widened and he drifted down to the table. Hesitant, he reached out and took a handful of icing from her finger and began to eat.

  "I know what it's like to not fit in. Everyone thinks you're strange because you like to be alone, when really you just don't know how to say hello." Meryn whispered to the tiny creature. He looked up surprised and nodded.

  "Me too. Sometimes I get so nervous I throw up." She confessed. The tiny sprite nodded vigorously and pointed to his chest.

  "You too huh? Maybe we introverts should stick together." She joked. A huge smile broke out on his face. He gave a single nod and darted to the prickly holly bush. Meryn turned to Vivian.

  "I thought your garden was amazing before, but the sprites make it magical."

  "They were my only friends for a long time." Vivian said watching as one sprite pushed another into the birdbath.

  "Well now you have me." Meryn said without thinking and took another bite of cake.

  "Without guile, with no thought of gaining favor or station. A true offer of friendship. You couldn't ask for a more precious gift." Elder Vi'Ailean said to his mate. She nodded a look of wonder and gratitude on her face.

  "I would love to be your friend Meryn McKenzie. There's so much I can teach you about navigating the social waters here, especially how to avoid the sharks." Vivian said, happiness radiating from her.

  Meryn shrugged. "Sharks don't bother me. I'll just shoot them."

  Elder Vi'Ailean chuckled. "I wish the reporters from the paper could have heard you say that. The
article in this morning's paper reported you to be a shy and sweet girl, too timid to answer for herself."

  "Yeah, I kind of panicked when those reporters started shouting questions at me, so I let Byron answer." Meryn sat back holding her teacup to her chest.

  "Smart move." Vivian agreed.

  "Adelaide thought so too." Meryn was just reaching forward to put her cup down on the table when the small sprite from before emerged from the holly bush. He now carried a tiny cloth bundle. He flew over and landed on her shoulder.

  "Um, Vivian?" Meryn turned to her host in confusion. Vivian was staring at them in shock.

  "He wants to go with you." She whispered.

  "What!" Meryn reached up and carefully lifted the tiny sprite in her hands.

  "You don't want to come with me! I don't have a fancy house or garden, in fact I have no idea where I'll end up living." The sprite just nodded.

  "I'm backwards and spend a lot of time alone on my laptop, I would be horribly boring." The sprite nodded enthusiastically.

  "Are you sure?" Meryn asked. He gave one determined nod.

  Meryn looked up at Vivian. "Is that okay?"

  "I think, maybe, you two belong together. He hasn't been very happy here with the others and he seems to adore you. Just keep him warm as sprites are very susceptible to the cold." Vivian warned.

  "I will." Meryn gazed down at the sprite.

  "Do you have a name?"

  "If you still your mind, you will be able to hear him tell you." Elder Vi'Ailean told her.

  Meryn looked at him aghast. "My mind is never still!" Ryuu snorted. She turned around.


  He straightened. "Nothing, Denka."

  "Just think about him, look at his face, his clothes. That will help." Vivian suggested.

  Meryn lifted the little guy until he was eye level. He was staring up at her hopefully. She took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind of everything but him. In her mind's eyes she saw him standing there, in his brown trousers and dark green vest. He had shaggy red hair and bright green eyes that twinkled with mischief.

  Felix. The whispered name floated through her mind.


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