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Breaking us Both: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband with Public Humiliation

Page 4

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Her legs move around me as I thrust my hips, letting the walls of her pussy start to milk me. Her tits look so hot, rolling like huge waves of flesh with each thrust I make.

  My whole body suddenly stiffens.

  “No!” Lily cries as I gasp my load deep into her.

  “Wait a minute,” I say, even before I have my breath back. I slide my now-wilting cock from her, move up the bed and lean across her to her bedside table.

  “Let’s use this.” I let her see the large dildo before I move it down between her legs. “I found it when I was looking for a hairbrush in your draw.” I grin at her.

  Before she can react (beyond her face turning pink), I’m kissing her neck then sucking at a nipple. She closes her eyes.

  “Imagine its someone else doing this..” I grip the thick shaft in my hand, guiding the head against my wife’s entrance. Lily’s moans quietly. Once in place, I twist the base of the dildo and the whole thing buzzes, vibrating dimly against her. Lily’s hips begin to slowly gyrate.

  “Imagine it’s one of those fantasy guys,” I say and in my head it’s not silicon impaling her, but what I imagine to be Richmond’s huge weapon. A man with the ability and the physique to make my wife cum easily, to squirt so much that she drenches him.

  “It’s someone who only wants to use you for sex....”

  Lily moans loudly at my words and I adjust my position on the bed so that I can both kiss her neck feed the dildo repeatedly into her writhing body.

  “Oh God he’s so big,” She’s moaning rhythmically now, almost like a chant. High up the bed Lily spreads her arms wide and mouth gapes open as if in a silent scream. She really is getting off on this. She’s cumming.

  Chapter Seven

  Sitting in a queue of traffic I ponder how some husbands would probably be content to see their wives like Lily was last night. They’d be happy to merely pretend they were someone else with a bigger dick and more dominant personality if that’s what got their wives off.

  I have wondered whether I should just do that. Except that deep down I know it wouldn’t be enough. I doubt it would ever totally satisfy her even if I could feel comfortable play-acting the kind of lover she dreams of. Lily deserves more.

  She laughed when I asked her again if she felt we needed another man to help us out in the bedroom. Some big guy to use her in the ways she fantasies about, someone to truly satisfy her. I told her I thought it could be hot for us both. At first she said again that it ‘didn’t matter’. She said she didn’t care if they remained ‘just fantasies’.

  Then when I kept on about it, I think when she realized I might be serious; she asked me how we’d ‘ever find someone suitable we could trust’. My cock was throbbing when she said that. And she said that ‘even if we did’; she wasn’t sure she’d be confident enough about her body to ‘go through with it’. I got so excited when I heard that. We even did it again.

  I thought about it all for a long time later while she was asleep next to me. In some ways I think I’m scared that if I don’t introduce her to what she really wants in bed it’s inevitable she’ll go behind my back and do it anyway at some point.

  Why wouldn’t she? I’ve never really satisfied her and the type of men she dreams of are completely different to me. At least someone like Richmond would never actually ‘take’ her from me. He’s married so she’d only ever be a bit on the side for him.

  The thought of my beautiful wife as another man’s mere booty-call swells my cock as I pull into the hotel car park.

  I park in a discrete corner of the leafy parking lot and sit in my car gulping deep breaths. I’m half an hour earlier than the arranged time to meet Richmond. I figure if I’m already here when he arrives there’d be no risk him spotting my car and maybe trying to trace it. I know that must sound like paranoia, but my nerves about meeting him have been building all morning. I’ve talked myself out of it and then back in to it more times than I can remember.

  I take another deep breath and remind myself of the reasons I’ve convinced myself of to be here.

  I’m only trying to get some ideas from this guy about how to deal with and satisfy Lily’s submissive side. Talking to him is helping us already. My sex drive has kick-started and soared since the first time I spoke to the guy.

  Another part of me is scared by the thrill I’m getting out of just talking about my wife sexually to this older man. Toying with the notion of Lily actually being used by him.

  The wind is cold as I make my way across the car park with my almost-empty laptop case. I turn up the collar of my coat.

  Inside and into the warmth and hum of mood music I spot the sign for the gent’s washroom. Trying not to look as out of place as I feel, I head straight in there. I avoid my reflection in the mirror.

  There’s a middle-aged guy washing his hands who looks a little like the photo Richmond mailed me. Shit, is that him? Do I say ‘Hello’? What am I thinking? You don’t say hello to people you don’t know in places like this. I avert my eyes from him. He had gray hair but he looked stouter than the guy in the photograph.

  Outside the washroom the bar area is almost deserted. There’s only one sullen-looking waitress slowly clearing away plates and cutlery from departed lunchtime diners. I take a second to study the seating layout and carefully choose a table in the corner. Hopefully this area will be well out of earshot of anyone else who may come in.

  I take a seat and wait.

  I alternate between checking my phone and reading the menu four or five times as I wait for the girl to come over and take my drink order.

  “V? I’m Richmond. Pleased to meet you.” Tall, tanned and standing shoulders back in an obviously expensive navy blue business suit and red tie; the man extends an arm towards me. Dark brown, almost black eyes smile at me.

  I come close to stumbling as I attempt to rise from my seat to shake his hand. I wince inside at the dampness of my own palm. His large hand is cool and very smooth. It’s not the hand of someone used to any manual labor.

  “Let me organize some drinks for us,” he gestures a long arm, revealing gold cuff-links. The sulky waitress is transformed into a pencil-wielding, simpering smile on legs. I sneak a look at Richmond’s powerful, chiselled features as he takes a seat opposite me. There’s a sort of ‘easy charm’ to his manner as he orders my espresso and a herbal tea for himself.

  I can’t bring myself to imagine him with my Lily. The waitress is obviously taken by him but what would Lily think of him?

  “So,” he sits back in his chair and smiles warmly once the small talk about the traffic and the ease of finding this place are out of the way.

  “It’s good to get to meet you V. There are a lot of time-wasters online.”

  I nod my head. Secretly I’m wondering whether I would have been better advised joining the ranks of those daydreamers rather than be sitting here now.

  “Let me explain my approach to these situations V.“ His hands are perfectly steady as he pours the semi-translucent herbal tea from the white porcelain teapot into his cup.

  I remain silent, glad I’m not having to do any of the talking.

  “I’m pleased you agreed to this meet V, it’s not always easy for a man my age to find potentially suitable younger couples like you and your wife.” He smiles.

  I’m cringe inside every time he calls me ‘V’. It sounds ridiculous.

  “My name’s Vaughn” I mumble.

  “I appreciate you telling me.” He crosses his legs. His brown brogues look as if they’ve never been worn before.

  “Well, honestly Vaughn, you don’t need to feel anxious about any of this. All we’re doing is having a bit of a chat and an afternoon drink. We’ll see whether you feel there’s any way I can help you OK?” he nods his head.

  I return the gesture but shift awkwardly in my seat.

  “I think it’s important we both; we all know exactly what we want from any potential involvement,” he says, “I’m going to be totally honest with you Vaugh
n, if all you want from me is some advice in dealing with a wife who wants to experience true submission, I’ll be happy to provide it.” He holds both hands up towards me as if in surrender.

  “All I would ask in return is that you perhaps indulge me with some fairly intimate details and hopefully some further images of your rather beautiful wife.” Richmond sits back in his seat, studying me closely.

  “Right, yes,” My face burns both with embarrassment and excitement at his words.

  “Alternatively, from what little I’ve seen and heard of her so far, I’d be delighted to provide a more direct, ‘hands on’ kind of input. In the end and subject to your wife’s acceptance of course, it will be up to you to decide on the depth of my involvement in your marriage. She’s your wife after all.”

  Something about his last sentence fills me with relief. The stress of this moment is almost unbearable but ultimately: I can always walk away from any of this.

  “Thanks Richmond. I appreciate it.” I stir my espresso.

  “May I ask your wife’s name Vaughn?”

  “Lilian, Lily. Her name’s Lily,” A vague sense of betrayal shadows me for uttering my wife’s name to this stranger.

  “That’s nice. Believe me I do totally understand you’re likely to feel conflicted at the moment Vaughn. Sharing your wife with another man - even if it’s only her details or images, must feel confusing.” He smiles at me and strangely I’m reminded of the reptile house at the zoo I took Lily to once when she was only my girlfriend

  I want to return his smile but somehow I can’t.

  “Speaking of images of Lily,” Richmond gestures airily, “Do you have something for me to see?”

  I’m sure my face must be burning a deeper shade of pink, but I take Richmond’s words as my cue. His eyes are on me as I self-consciously dig into the pocket of my laptop case.

  “I brought three for you to see.” There’s no lap-top in my case, merely the sheets of A5-size paper I’ve printed off for this man.

  Every time I’ve thought of this moment, I imagined placing the images of my wife (each the size of a paperback book), down in front of Richmond in a certain order. One at a time. Instead, now the moment has come I simply hand all three over at once.

  “They should give you a good idea of her.” For the first time since I arrived here I feel my balls tighten.

  I watch Richmond’s pupils dilate as he studies Lily. ‘What the hell am I doing?’

  His assured fingers sift through the pictures, and then back through them again. A smile plays at the corner of his thin lips. ‘Which one is he lingering on?’

  “She’s beautiful...curvy,” Richmond says as if to himself. “Lovely big tits” he adds, startling me with the inelegance of his words.

  “Which picture is that?” I ask and Richmond turns the paper to show me my own wife dressed in a low cut top. It was taken by me just before she’d left home to go on a night out with her girlfriends.

  “Nice shapely limbs and her rear looks a good shape and size too Vaughn,” Richmond nods his head without looking at me as he studies an image of Lily in her bathing costume.

  For a moment I wonder whether this other man can sense the thrill I’m deriving from hearing my wife evaluated this way.

  “And she’s really compliant as well Vaughn?” Richmond slowly moves his eyes from Lily’s ass to my face.

  “As I mentioned on the phone, Lily has fantasies of submitting to a forceful, demanding man or men.” I mumble

  “And do you play that scenario with her?”

  “Well no, not really” my face burns again, “I’d feel a bit ridiculous trying to be dominant with her.”

  “I’ve met one or two couples in similar situations to yours in the past Vaughn,” Richmond blows then sips his tea. “None with wives quite as desirable as Lily it has to be said. However, in each case part of their problem was that the husband himself was also submissive.” Richmond studies me over the top of his cup.

  “Would it be fair to say that applies to you Vaughn?”

  “I guess so,” I can’t look at him.

  “You only guess so?” Richmond’s brow crinkles.

  “Well, I mean I am submissive; but I don’t have any real experience of it.”

  “Why don’t you indulge each other? Take turns switching between dominating and submitting to one another?” Richmond gestures with his palm like what he’s suggesting is the easiest thing in the world to do.

  “I’ve tried, I mean I sort of told Lily I’m submissive. She didn’t like the idea. And I’ve tried to act out the part of being more forceful with her but....”

  “Yes, it can be difficult I suppose.” Richmond puts down his cup. He deals out the images of Lily like over-sized playing cards and lays them face up towards me on the table. The waitress is approaching, presumably to see whether we need more drinks. I lean forward, hurriedly attempting to scoop up the images of Lily. Richmond pushes my hand away leaving the images in place.

  “Isn’t she a rather pretty young lady?” He smiles at the blushing waitress. What the hell is he doing?

  The waitress tightens her mouth. She nods politely and withdraws her eyes from Lily’s barely-covered behind.

  “Don’t be offended Vaughn.” Richmond says after the waitress has left us. “I wanted you taste a very small sample of surrendering Lily to my more hands-on involvement. In case you were considering that route.” He smiles a smile of satisfaction.

  I sit back in my seat, heart thumping in my chest and unable to speak.

  “Rest assured young man, you have my attention with a lady like your wife. She is precisely my type – however you decide you want to proceed with this. But tell me; how does Lily herself feel about another man becoming potentially involved at some level?”

  “Well that’s the thing, “ I squirm in my seat as I consider Richmond’s potential reaction to what I say.

  “Lily doesn’t actually know I’m here having this conversation with you. I mean I’ve suggested we could find someone to treat her the way she imagines, if that’s what she really wanted.”

  “And what did your wife say to that?” Richmond sips his tea.

  “She doesn’t believe I’m serious – or that we could find anyone. She’s always been a one man woman. She wouldn’t be a quick overnight lay for anyone.”

  “What value would she have if she were?” Richmond shrugs his shoulders. “So you’ve touched on the prospect of her getting what she needs from someone else?” He says slowly.

  I nod my head.

  “And is that what you really want too?” Richmond tilts his head as if studying me.

  “I don’t know,” my voice cracks as I speak.

  “It appeals to a lot of submissive men Vaughn. The idea of another man being able to sexually provide their wives with what they cannot. “

  “I suppose it would,” I try to smile and appear unruffled.

  “You may be surprised just how far a young submissive wife will go for the right older male Vaughn, the kinds of things she'll willingly put herself through.” He sits back in his seat smiling at me.

  “You might also be surprised just how far some submissive husbands are prepared to go.....”

  For a moment we stare at each other.

  “Well Vaughn, if you decide you do want a more direct involvement from someone like me; I’m the kind of man who likes a challenge. I’m looking for a Long term project. I can be very persuasive with the opposite sex.” He smiles slyly at me. “So even if you never wanted to tell Lily that you’d arranged it; I still might be able to help you both. Sometimes all an otherwise happily married woman needs is the right man to appear in her life and then hey presto! Everyone gets what they want.”

  Richmond glances at his watch and gestures across the room at the waitress.

  “Have a think about everything.” He says, “If all you want is advice about how to get the best out of your wife then email whatever questions you have to me. I’ll do my best to answer.
If you want more direct involvement - even if that means a little initial deceit; just let me know.” He sweeps up the photographs of Lily and pushes them deep into the inside pocket of his suit.

  “Once I hear back from you -either way, I’ll suggest the next steps.” He stands, towering above me.

  “In the meantime if I may; I’ll enjoy reviewing these pictures of your wife at my leisure.” Richmond pats his chest and extends an arm to shake my hand.

  Chapter Eight

  I don’t want to play with myself at all while Lily’s out with her girlfriends tonight. She looked so hot in her little black dress when she left. I’m going to save myself for when she gets back. It won’t be easy though. Especially not after sending that email to Richmond as a follow-up to meeting him.

  I’ve told him I want to know about how he would go about offering a ‘hands-on’ role if that’s what I wanted. I can’t stop thinking of him and Lily together.

  Settling down on the sofa with a Movie and a beer I’m determined to save my hard-on for when Lily gets home. The alert that arrives on my phone announcing Richmond’s reply changes my plans.

  “I was pleased to read that you may be interested in a more direct role for me with this project. I remain very keen for an involvement with you and your wife. As such, I would be pleased to outline my ideas for achieving this. In return as part of this next stage I would propose that you make a full and intimate presentation to me about Lily.” My insides are rigid as I read the words.

  “PowerPoint on a laptop would be my preferred method – although if that’s really not possible I would accept something produced professionally on paper.”

  I read the words several times over. My hand hovers at the front of my pants even as my fear and anxiety levels rise.

  Lily as another man’s ‘project’, I repeat under my breath, fondling the bulge between my legs.

  ‘’Concentrate on presenting a case for my involvement with her, be honest with what you know of her strength and weaknesses as a woman......make all her features and potential benefits clear to me....”


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