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Alien Games

Page 13

by Claudia Rose

  At some stage the nature of the contact between Jenna and Ghanjihi changed yet again. Their breathing and pulse accelerated, a welling tide of desire filled them, and they climaxed in unison. It was an experience which, for Jenna, felt like a great gift and a great blessing.

  When finally, reluctantly, her union with this wonderful alien ended, it was with a sense of loss and awe, but also with a feeling of wellness and peace, that she looked once again into the deep pools of his eyes.

  “You will be better now Jenna Walsh. Everything you need is inside you, all you need do is learn to tap into it.”

  “Thank you Ghanjihi. I don’t understand how you did what you did, but you have changed me.”

  “No. You are not changed. What I did was reveal to you your inner resources. You now have a better sense of your own worth and powers. Let us leave this Reven place and go to be with our friends. You and Bruce have much to share I think.”

  * * * * *

  “Perfect Psi276. The Vedi has restored her to balance, just as I predicted. We can now complete the program on time and on-schedule. In less than six rotations we will arrive at the Homeworld. With the data we have gathered, and the Terrans as specimens, I think we can expect a heroes’ welcome.”

  “I congratulate you Alpha19, again you were correct. Let us make haste with the final experiments. Do you wish to put the Terran female in with the male Trrivv and the female Vedi tomorrow as planned?”

  “No, let us give her one day off to fully recuperate. The council still needs us to test the Terran male for creativity, strength and adaptability. That can happen tomorrow instead. Prepare the laboratory with the expectation that the planned permutation of subjects will lead to some wild and energetic coupling.”

  “As you command.”

  Chapter Twelve: Three’s Company

  When Bruce awoke, it was to find a very different Jenna sitting, cross-legged on the end of the bed watching him as he slept. She looked great, her skin glowed with health, her cheeks were dimpled by a grin that showed her perfect gleaming teeth, and a lively sparkle in her eye complimented her smile.

  “My God you look fantastic. How are you feeling?”

  In reply, she leaned forward and kissed him cheerfully and passionately. But when they broke apart, she responded to his question seriously.

  “I’m sorry about the last few days. I’ve been so caught up in what I haven’t been able to control, and what I’ve been denied, that I neglected to be grateful for what I have. That is, you might say, the story of my life.”

  “So things went well with Ghanjihi?”

  “More than well, he is amazing. At the risk of sounding very corny, my time with him was a profound healing. I’ve come out of it with a lot of things straight in my mind—and one of the key things is that I can now acknowledge how deeply, passionately and unreservedly I love you. And I also realized that I don’t need to be able to fuck you to revel in that. Although,” she added lewdly, as an afterthought, “I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to bang your brains out if one presents itself.”

  She giggled and leaned forward to kiss him once again. Bruce responded enthusiastically, delighted by the change.

  “So what did he do?”

  “I really don’t know, but I think it had something to do with what they call the “Tantra”. Sex is a religion for the Vedi, and he seems to be one of their high priests.”

  “More than that. Ranisha was explaining to me. He is THE Premlord. It’s a really big deal apparently, he’s the ruler of the planet, and the fact that the Reven have captured him is a major defeat. Even with a top-of-the-line controller chip inserted he’s still pretty powerful. The Reven can only just contain him. When he followed you yesterday, he wasn’t even in a trance. He just walked out quite casually.”

  “Yes, I had a sense that he had tremendous power.”

  “He and Ranisha both. You should have seen her eyes blaze when she talked about punishing the traitors that had betrayed Ghanjihi. There’s some Seclord that she plans to see sitting on a large spike if she ever gets the chance.”

  “Well, I’m pleased they’re on our side. I’m hoping they’ll teach me about their Tantra, I’d really like to know how to tap into some of the places within me that Ghanjihi revealed.”

  “Then count me in too. It sounds like something we should be doing together.”

  Hand in hand they went out to eat and chat with the others. Jenna’s good mood was infectious. For the first time since their capture, all eight were pleased to be together, and to talk and laugh.

  Shortly after breakfast, however, the Reven summoned the subjects of the day’s experiment. Never before had Jenna been left to sit and watch. She got a shock when Bruce’s eyes suddenly glazed over and he stood up in mid-sentence and left her. She felt a familiar hollowness in the pit of her stomach when Mmerr and Zhorta followed like zombies in his wake. Being left like this was bad enough, the remarks of some of the others made things much worse.

  Fritti was, as usual, the first to comment.

  “Screesh!” he spat in frustration. “Another day of no release, while Earth boy gets jumped by the weird sisters.”

  “I hope he is feeling energetic,” rumbled an amused Mort. “Zhorta is likely to bounce him off the wall, and Mmerr will be waiting to pounce on him when he hits the floor.”

  * * * * *

  It was Bruce’s bad luck that he was the last one to come out of the Reven trance. As Fritti had so accurately predicted, he was being jumped. Not that he realized this at first. It is very disorientating to find something warm and moist pressing on your face, obscuring your vision and making it difficult to breathe, while, at the same time, something else warm and moist is sucking vigorously on your cock and your balls.

  With a violent heave, Bruce pushed the suffocating weight off his face and gasped desperately. He was in a large space, like a small gymnasium with a high ceiling. The floor was padded, there were things to climb on, unusual bits of equipment scattered here and there, and quite a few ropes hanging around.

  But Bruce only noticed his surroundings in passing. With air now rushing into his lungs, he was more concerned by what was happening down at groin level. Zhorta was sucking him—all of him! Her entire mouth was wrapped around his manly cluster, and he wasn’t sure that he liked it. But two things restrained him from protesting more vigorously. The first was his memory of Zhorta telling Mort that she’d like to hang him from the roof by his balls—and a woman of Zhorta’s dimensions and proclivities seemed equally capable of hanging him from her mouth by his own balls—and the second thing was that a disgruntled Mmerr was trying to sit back on his face.

  “What is the matter, Bruce,” she purred. “Don’t they do this where you come from?”

  “They do, but where I come from it’s considered polite to wait until the person is conscious so that you can ascertain whether that person would like to have his face sat on. The same goes for fellatio,” he remarked pointedly to Zhorta, who looked up at him with raised eyebrows, then gave an even harder suck.

  “Nnnngghh!” he cried through clenched teeth. “Do you think you might both leave me alone for a second while I work out what is going on?”

  Reluctantly Zhorta opened her mouth, allowing Bruce’s soundly sucked member to flop out of it like a small, red, stranded fish.

  “Is it all right?” she asked with evident concern. “It doesn’t look like the same chubby little fellow that Ranisha milked a few days ago.”

  “You’re right,” agreed Mmerr. “In fact it looks quite sick.”

  She joined Zhorta in kneeling over Bruce and peering closely at his groin.

  Bruce was stung to the quick, and leapt to the defense of his manhood.

  “Fair’s fair, you’re not seeing it at its best. It needs a little time to get used to things. It’s not accustomed to being pounced on while its owner is in a state of unconsciousness. It acquits itself much better after some stimulation!”

ion!” enthused Zhorta, “Now there’s something I’m good at. We Gorts love stimulation. You stand up and bend over, I saw a lovely cane by the wall over there.”

  “No! No!” corrected Bruce hastily. “That’s not the type of stimulation I was thinking off. Don’t either of you understand subtlety?”

  He hadn’t meant to be so blunt, and he immediately regretted the fact that he’d so obviously hurt their feelings. While Zhorta’s face fell in disappointment, Mmerr’s wounded pride sent her on the offensive.

  “Where I come from, lifting your tail is all the stimulation a real man needs!” the cat-woman retorted.

  This time it was Bruce’s masculine pride that was stung.

  “Well where I come from, real men don’t have tails!” he replied hotly.

  “No. And they have pretty sad pricks too by the look of it!” retorted the pissed-off Mmerr.

  “That’s enough! I won’t stand here and be abused by a pair of extraterrestrial nymphomaniacs,” Bruce shouted. “Where the hell is the door?”

  * * * * *

  “This experiment does not appear to be going according to plan Alpha19. I had expected them to be a lot more enthusiastic. Instead, each subject is growing increasingly agitated and now the Terran is trying to leave. Shall I stop him?”

  “Wait for a moment 276, things may well improve. The females are desperate and that may bring the male around. I doubt that they will allow him to leave, and it is better for this particular experiment not to activate the controller chips if it can be avoided.”

  * * * * *

  What the angry Bruce didn’t appreciate was just how quickly the situation was spiraling out of control. Neither Mmerr nor Zhorta was accustomed to rejection. In their own warrior cultures each of the alien women was high born and used to commanding respect. Not only that, each epitomized beauty and desirability on her planet, much as Jenna did on Earth. For this kidnapping expedition the Reven had been very careful to select prime physical specimens from among all four humanoid species.

  So the thought that Bruce might spurn them, particularly when they had so looked forward to having him as a lover, was more than Mmerr and Zhorta could bear. If anyone learned of this they would be humiliated. Both were becoming increasingly frantic and had reached the point where they’d go to almost any lengths to save face.

  “Not so fast, Earth-boy-toy,” shouted Zhorta, who was now as angry as Mmerr. “I haven’t had a man for over a week and I’m not passing up the chance for one more fuck before the Reven fry my brain!”

  “Me neither,” snarled Mmerr. “So either give it up, or we’re taking it!”

  “What? You’re threatening to force me? I’m not that easy and I’m not that desperate. You wanna fuck, go fuck each other!”

  “You betcha!” roared the thoroughly enraged Zhorta. “But it’s you we’re going to use to fuck each other with!”

  An enraged female Gort is an alarming sight. Zhorta towered to her full seven foot, her huge breasts pumping angrily. As she advanced on Bruce he felt like the little hobbit cowering before the giant cave troll in the Lord of the Rings, the last movie he’d seen before he was abducted. At this moment, he decided, facing an army of goblins in Tolkein’s Mines of Moria seemed much the preferable option.

  At Zhorta’s side Mmerr, who was equally enraged, advanced also, her hands curled into claws, and her tail twitching.

  * * * * *

  “The Terran is in strife. The females clearly mean to inflict harm on him. Shall I stop them?”

  “No 276! Wait for my command.”

  * * * * *

  Bruce had finally realized just how much trouble he’d created for himself. His eyes darted around the room, looking for a place to run, or hide, or at least make a valiant last stand.

  In a flash he turned. But Mmerr was quicker. Her tail snaked out like lightening and fastened around his ankle. What was to have been a headlong dash to freedom, turned into a headlong crash onto his face.

  With a huge leap, Zhorta landed on his back, expelling all the air from his lungs.

  “Careful. Don’t crush him,” warned Mmerr. She knelt down to look the gasping Bruce in the eye. “We want him functioning for a little longer, then you can sit on him for as long as you like.”

  Zhorta got off Bruce, and lifted him to his feet.

  “I thought he’d be a bit stronger than that. He’s not up to much is he?”

  “So what do we do with him now?”

  “Well if he was Mort, I’d give him a little ride on the wooden horse to calm him down.”

  “What’s the wooden horse?”

  “That long beam over there. We tie weights around his ankles, straddle him over it, and drop him onto it from about three feet up. It’s not too bad, Mort says his balls always cushion the fall.”

  Bruce began to panic.

  “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” demurred Mmerr. “Remember what happened when his little bag got yanked by my tail. He collapsed in a heap.”

  “True. There must be some other way we can get some satisfaction out of him though. Let’s tie him to this chair while we think about it.”

  Zhorta fastened Bruce to a chair, quickly and deftly. He couldn’t move a muscle. Then the pair of female aliens sat down and began discussing him as if he weren’t there.

  “We’ve got to do something,” began Mmerr. “I’ve never let a man treat me like this and I’m not about to start now. And don’t forget that this may be the last man we have before the Reven decide they’ve had enough of us.”

  “I already said that, but you and I both know how difficult it is to get a man to perform when he’s not interested.”

  “Stupid isn’t it. They never have that problem if we’re not interested. They’re badly designed, really, aren’t they? They need a pump or something, so they can inflate on demand.”

  “He’s a bit tense, isn’t he,” remarked Zhorta. “We could always loosen him up a little.”


  “Well, there’s another little game Mort and I often play called slingshot. He could probably handle it without sustaining too much damage. And he might feel a lot more compliant afterwards. Mort always is.”

  “How does it work?”

  Zhorta began pointing to an array of the weird devices that dotted the room.

  “We attach a couple of ropes to those spring winches in each corner, we thread them through some of those pulleys in the ceiling, then we put one loop around the Terran’s arms and another round his legs. Then, on the count of three, we simultaneously release the springs on the winches and the ropes whip him up into the air until his body acts as a natural brake.”

  “Still sounds a bit risky.”

  “No, I don’t think so. The worst Mort ever had was a dislocated shoulder.”

  Bruce had heard enough to get seriously worried.

  “Look ladies, I think we got off to a bad start. I’m sorry if I offended you. We don’t want to do anything hasty. After all, we are all friends aren’t we? And you must admit that Mort is a fair bit larger than I am. If it dislocates his shoulder, it’s likely to rip my arm out of its socket.”

  “Oh, I think you’ll be all right. Mort says he likes it.”

  “From what I’ve heard, Mort’s a raging masochist,” replied Bruce acerbically. “With his pain fetish, he’s not my ideal recommendation, to be honest.”

  “No need to get hoity. My Mort’s a very passionate Gort. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for you.”

  Zhorta closed the debate by stalking off with an injured air. While the other’s watched she began attaching ropes to machines, threading them through pulleys, and tying loops in them. It didn’t take long for her to have rigged up what looked like a trap to catch a large animal. She returned to Bruce and Mmerr looking very pleased with herself.

  “Okay, Mmerr, it’s ready. I’ll bring him over and then we can hook him up.” She unfastened Bruce and slung him effortlessly over her shoulder, paying no atten
tion to his desperate attempts to reason with her. His pleas stopped abruptly when Zhorta thumped him down in the center of the room between the two rope nooses she had fashioned.

  * * * * *

  “Program the controller chips to intervene 276. But don’t activate them unless I say. We can’t risk having the Terran damaged. The Council would not forgive such a lapse.”

  * * * * *

  “Mind him for a second Mmerr while I get the ropes together,” instructed Zhorta.

  It was the break Bruce had been waiting for. Mmerr was looking up at the pulleys and Zhorta’s instruction caught her temporarily off her guard. It was only one unattended second, but for Bruce that was enough.

  Adrenaline took over.

  With more speed than he’d ever have thought possible, Bruce rolled over, seized the nearest noose, slipped it around Zhorta’s ankle as she went to step away, and pulled it tight. With a bellow of surprise, she reached down to unhook the rope, but found it hard to get her fingers under the tightened knot.

  Bruce didn’t stop. He scrambled over and released the spring. The winch squealed to life with that sound a fishing reel makes when a giant marlin is trying to get off the hook. The rope flipped Zhorta flat on her face and whisked her towards the ceiling. She only stopped when her ankle reached the pulley and wedged tight against it. There she hung, helplessly, some ten feet above the floor, bellowing with pain and rage.

  Mmerr, who had recovered from her surprise, was coming after Bruce. But she stopped when Zhorta yelled down to her. “No! Leave him! Get me down first, then we’ll take him together.”

  So she turned her back on Bruce to go to Zhorta’s aid. It was a fatal mistake. Ignoring all rules of Trrivvian etiquette, he promptly grabbed her by her tail and swung her round in a wide arc. She yowled as she flew through the air, unable to get at her tormentor. She yowled more loudly when he snagged her tail in the second noose and fastened it quickly with a half hitch.


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