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Rapture (Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 1)

Page 20

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Will cleared his throat, “Can someone explain to us what in the hell is going on?”

  Terry had been rocking in the rocking chair the whole time, watching the scene unfold with interest. “I think I can fill you in. I’ve heard everyone’s story so far. Susan, is the food almost done?”

  Susan gave the newcomers an apologetic look, “Sorry for the hubbub. Food will be up shortly.”

  Alvin was just about to say something when Frank came back into the room. “Alvin, Bill needs you to go get us a vehicle so the doc can leave.”

  “Well, there’s a decent selection down in town, let me grab a sandwich and I’ll take a walk.”

  “I’ll grab a sandwich and drive you down,” Becky suggested.

  Will frowned, his voice terse, “Rebecca…”

  “Stop it, dad. He got us out alive. He is the only reason you are whole and functional right now. I can think of few people I feel safer around right now than him.” Becky turned to Susan, who was watching with pursed lips, “Can I get a sandwich to go as well, please?”

  “If you do anything to my daughter…” Will started.

  Alvin cut him off, “She will be returned just as pure as she is now. Come on, Gothy, let’s scoot.”

  “Her name is Rebecca, not Gothy,” Will snapped as the two walked away.

  Susan caught up to them a moment later with sandwiches, just past the first door. Exiting the bunker, they found Bill and Frank standing over the irate, bound doctor. “Ah, a turkey, all trussed up and nowhere to go,” Alvin chuckled. “Getting a ride down with Gothy, here. I’ll bring back a car for him. Sandwiches are ready, so Frank might want to grab you two some while you wait for us.”

  Frank nodded and went back inside. Bill said nothing as he kept his eyes on Rahim. “It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just needs to run.”

  “Right you are,” Alvin said getting into the station wagon. A moment later they were on the road back to town, with Alvin eating hungrily.

  “How are you going to get a car?” Becky asked between bites of her own sandwich as she drove slowly down the road.

  “Hotwire, or use the screwdriver trick,” Alvin replied as he took another bite. “Only cars from the seventies or earlier seem reliable, though a few from the early eighties seem to work as well. We found at least eight the other day that I got started once, I’ll grab one of them. There’s this nice sixty-nine Mustang down there, too. He isn’t going to get that one, though.”

  “What color is it?” Becky asked.

  “White, but I might be able to change that in the future. Remember what I had said? This is like a game, we just started the Settlement portion of it. So we might get a garage or something that helps with cars.”

  “Sounds good to me. Can I have that one later?” Becky asked glancing over at him as she licked jelly off her fingers slowly while she watched him.

  Alvin felt blood rush south and he shifted slightly as he cleared his throat. He took a moment to really look at her as she finished cleaning her fingers. Raven haired, like her brother, light blue eyes that stood out against her hair. Her skin was pale but had a touch of sun to it. His eyes drifted down her form, stopping at her ample chest that bounced as they hit a rut in the road. A little more padded than conventional beauty held, but he always liked them a bit thick.

  “Gothy,” Alvin smirked at her knowing eyes. “I told your dad I would return you as pure as when you left.”

  “Good thing I’m not pure then, isn’t it?” she husked at him as she pulled over to the side of the road, putting the car into park. “Maybe I can thank you for saving me earlier.” She undid her seatbelt as she slid over towards him across the front bench seat. “If you’re up for it,” her hand went to his lap, her smile widening. “I see you are, indeed.”

  Shaking his head, Alvin thanked his stars that he’d upgraded his Personability earlier. “Isn’t this a little too monster movie cliché?”

  Becky frowned slightly even as she stroked him through his jeans, “The world just ended and you have a willing woman wanting you and you think we shouldn’t?”

  Alvin took a breath, trying not to give in to the powerful distraction of her hand, “Just would hate to be eaten by zombies.”

  “Then keep your eyes open,” she replied as she started to undo his belt and pants. “You will be responsible for our safety, Hero.” She smirked up at him as his cock sprang free of his jeans. “I’ll be in charge of this.” She stopped talking at that point, her mouth suddenly full.

  Alvin moaned, his eyes closing as his head fell back against the headrest as she began to eagerly and aggressively suck him. “Oh, fuck. Gothy, you’ve had practice at this.” With an effort he raised his head and opened his eyes in an attempt to keep eyes on the road.

  A happy hum was his only reply as she went all the way to the base of him, her nose buried in his pubic hair. She held herself there for a second as her tongue worked on the underside of his shaft. After a few seconds, she began to slowly came back up his length, making happy sounds the entire time.

  Alvin gripped the door with his one hand, his other on the back of the seat as he fought to keep his eyes open. He was as close to heaven as he had been in a long time as he let her have her way with him. “I really fucking hope you’re old enough for this,” he managed to get out.

  As she came up she let him pop out of her mouth with a small sound. “Old enough to know what I want. Now shut up. Or better yet, talk dirty to me, but no more small talk.” She went back to work, making Alvin grunt as she slid her lips straight down his full length.

  “You’re such a dirty little slut,” Alvin managed as he felt his heart really begin to pump. Becky moaned around his shaft and gave him a couple of short hard bobs. “Oh, so you like that... slut?” He paused before adding the last word, which got him another rapid bob of her head. He panted as he brought his left hand down hard on her ass.

  Becky let out a small growl as she went all the way down and began to work her throat muscles around the head of his cock. She wiggled her ass against his hand, encouraging him to get on with it.

  Letting go of the door, Alvin grabbed her hair with his right hand as he pulled her up his shaft, while he spanked her again with the other hand. She let out a moan as her mouth came free of him.

  “Fuck, finally. Come on Hero, show me if you can handle me,” she panted at him, her eyes full of lust as she reached out to stroke him with one hand. “Let me suck you ‘til you shoot it down my throat, or take me into the back seat and fuck me like the cock loving bitch I am.”

  Alvin felt his balls tighten as she kept her hand going, “Gods, you are an eager one.” He paused, his breath catching slightly, “Fuck, not going to last long enough to fuck you.”

  She strained against his hand holding her hair, “Let me go, then. I’ll swallow every drop, but tonight you have to fuck me.”

  Alvin grunted as he pushed her eager mouth all the way back down his cock as she began to fondle his balls. “Oh gods, where were you when I was eighteen? I could have used an eager slut like you.” He pulled her head up slightly and began to buck his hips up into her mouth. “I’ll fuck your mouth now, your pussy will get it later.”

  Becky just moaned louder, straining against his hand slightly where it was tangled in her hair. As Alvin felt his orgasm starting he pushed her head all the way down and began to spank her again with firm swats.

  “Take it all, you cum hungry slut,” he moaned as he spanked her again and again as his seed filled her mouth. He felt her throat working to swallow all of it as his hips spasmed against her mouth. He was aware of her moaning loudly as she took every drop of him.

  Panting, he let go of her hair and collapsed into the seat. He shuddered as she slowly started to come up his spent shaft inch by inch, her tongue licking every inch of him. She paused at the tip and gave it a hard suck for a second before she sat back and met his gaze.

  “Now that is how I wanted to thank my hero,” she told him as she wiped at her li
ps to make sure she hadn’t missed any. “Tonight though, you have to thank me.”

  Alvin laughed softly as he looked around them, becoming aware that he’d utterly failed his job as lookout. Luckily for them, no zombies were in sight. “Your dad is going to have kittens.”

  “Fuck him, he only cared about his job anyway,” Becky smirked as she slid back to the driver’s side. “Now, where am I taking you?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Stop here,” Alvin informed her as she got to the corner of Main. He pointed to a Chevy Vega down the street, “That’s going to be his car.”

  Gothy smirked as she eyed the Mustang sitting beyond the Vega. “That one behind it can be my car.”

  Alvin got out of the car, leaning down to look into the open window. “You might have to earn it.”

  Her eyes glinted as her lips quirked up, “Sounds like my kind of challenge, hero.”

  Alvin laughed, “You’re kind of nuts. Lucky for you, I like the crazy ones.”

  Becky laughed as she pulled away, leaving him alone in town. Alvin pulled his gun, he didn’t see anything immediately as he cautiously started toward the Vega, but it made sense to be ready. Dead zombies still littered the road, baking in the September sun. Alvin wrinkled his nose as he passed, checking to be sure each corpse had a gunshot wound to the head. He came to the second pile up and frowned as he saw movement behind the wrecks. He fired a single shot, not with any real chance to hit but more to get the attention of whatever it was that was moving.

  A black shape, dog-like, went running off after the single shot. Alvin frowned. Now they had another reason to deal with the bodies. Some of the corpses near where he’d seen the dog-thing had been chewed on. At the Vega, he looked back the way he’d come and winced at how tight the fit was going to be to get the car free. He got into the front seat and dug a screwdriver out of his fanny pack, glad they stacked to five earlier when he’d found identical craftsmen sets in multiple homes.

  He started the car, wondering how many more times it could be managed before the ignition broke. He carefully started to maneuver the car out of the mess. It took him close to ten minutes to get it loose, scraping it a few times on other cars and even once carefully nudging another car a few inches out of the way. The passenger side mirror came free at one point during all the maneuvering. He finally cleared the pile up and started up the road to the compound.

  As Alvin pulled in, they all looked over at the banged-up car he was driving. He got it turned around, parked so it was pointing out the gate.

  “Here it is, a car for Rahim,” Alvin said as he got out.

  “Why that car?” the brunette nurse asked with a frown.

  “I can go back and get a different one, I mean eventually they’ll all be up here. This one has a mostly full tank, though. Are you going with Rahim?” Alvin asked the nurse.

  “I…” she paused, looking from Rahim to the other two nurses, “I’m going to stay.”

  Rahim started to mumble around the gag Bill had fashioned for him. Bill leaned down and cut the gag free, so Rahim could talk. “Barb, you said you would go with me. We promised last night. You don’t want to stay with these people, we talked about this.”

  “She would rather stay in a safe place with her friends than go out into the unknown with you,” Betty snapped at him. “You never looked at her twice before all this. But you sure as fuck slept with her last night though, claiming you had some plan. Well, where is that plan now?”

  Barbara turned away, clearly embarrassed, her head slumped forward so her hair hid her face. “Maybe I should go…”

  Bridget came up and touched Barb’s arm gently, “It’s fine, Barb. We told you he was just trying to use you. He thinks if he can convince you to go then he might be able to get others to as well. He tried to convince me after dinner while you showered, and had a go at Betty even before that.”

  “So, I’m his last choice, then?” Barbara asked, her voice turning shaky as she tried to hold back tears.

  “Time to go, doc,” Bill said, lifting him up and carrying him to the car. “I’ll put the gun in the trunk. You can get it once you’re out of sight. If you fail to leave right away or try to get the gun while in sight, I will kill you myself.”

  “This is an outrage! I am a doctor!” Rahim screamed.

  “Don’t need one if we can get medkits,” Alvin replied. “You couldn’t have patched up Will’s arm like I did today. It’s now a fully functional arm, instead of a shredded mess of muscle and bone.”

  Will shifted a little uncomfortably as Alvin reminded him that he was owed a debt. He said nothing though as he glanced at his daughter, who was eyeing Alvin openly.

  Susan opened the trunk via the switch inside the car and set a bag and the gun inside, then slammed the trunk closed. “Food for you as promised and a gun with unlimited ammo. If you set even a single foot back on this property, one of us will end you.” She stepped back as Bill set the doctor into the car before he cut the tape loose.

  “Get going,” Bill said as he shut the car door.

  Barbara watched the scene with a mixture of sadness and anger. Everyone else watched with apathy for the most part. Rahim glared at Bill before he turned to look at Barbara, “You did this to yourself. No one else will want a useless bitch like you. You didn’t even know how to suck cock properly.” He gunned the engine, peeling out of the compound and sending gravel flying up behind him.

  Barbara slumped to her knees, crying. Bridget and Betty hugged her tightly as they knelt next to her speaking softly. Bill went past them all and into the house, followed by Susan and Frank. The two nurses got Barbara on her feet and guided her inside. James and Teresa followed after them a moment later. Will and David went next, leaving Alvin and Becky alone outside.

  Becky smirked at him, licking her lips suggestively before she went inside as well. Her black skirt swung from side to side as she let her body sway. Alvin watched her go, thinking about what he wanted to do to her later.

  Bill interrupted his thoughts as he came back out of the bunker. “We good?”

  “I was thinking, actually. We need to change things up some,” Alvin replied. “All the bodies are starting to become puppy chow for feral dogs plus being a serious health hazard for us. So, outside of Frank and the nurses, we need to mow through town and kill as many zombies as we can find. We need to find a trailer for the rig, so we can pile the corpses into it. The fastest way to get rid of the bodies will be to stack them on a trailer then shove them into the Scrapper, trailer and all.

  Will, David and Becky came out of the bunker, each dressed in jeans and a shirt and joined the others listening to Alvin and Bill. “We are willing to pitch in,” Will stated when they got close enough.

  “Add in David and Will to the cleansing team, and Gothy can go with the nurses and Frank,” Alvin added.

  Bill nodded, “Okay. That is the plan, then. We can take the wagon into town as well as the truck.” Becky held up a hand and Bill nodded to her.

  “I can help play guard while helping loot the houses, if you want to hand me one of those guns,” Becky held out her hand to Alvin, who shook his head.

  “Susan will get you one. This one is mine,” Alvin stated simply. Becky’s lips thinned slightly before she went off to the bunker at a jog to get a gun. Alvin looked away from her to Will, “You two need to grab guns from the house as well, we’re on zombie duty.”

  Both of them started back for the house, only to meet Becky as she came back out carrying two shotguns in addition to the handgun strapped to her waist. She handed a shotgun off to each of them. With those in hand they split up, the women in the station wagon, while the guys all got into the pick-up.

  “Head shots only, guys. If you need to knock them back, go center mass, but headshots are the only thing that will put them down.” Alvin reiterated as they made it to the first mass of wrecked cars. They piled out of the truck, and Bill handed the keys to Betty. Alvin grabbed the first body, pulling it aside wit
h the others helping out. All of them looked a little ill at handling the corpses.

  They repeated the process, slowing down when Alvin moved working cars out of the pile of vehicles and off to the side. They cleared the first part of town quickly, since they’d already cleared the zombies from the area. Once they got past the part that Alvin and Bill had been through they slowed down, everyone keeping a careful eye out for zombies or other threats. Alvin checked each car they came to, to see if it was working or would need to be towed to the Scrapper eventually.

  It wasn’t too much longer as they started to work their way through the businesses that dotted Main Street that zombies began to appear again. The group held back a little on the first few so Will and David could get used to the idea of shooting the undead. David missed the first couple of shots, obviously nervous.


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