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Half Moon- (The Crescent Book #2) (The Crescent Trilogy)

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by Jordan Deen



  Jordan Deen

  * * * * *

  Half Moon

  ~Book two of the Crescent trilogy ~

  Copyright 2011 by Jordan Deen

  All rights reserved

  Cover design by: K Keeton Designs

  Edited by: Reader's Favorite

  Interior Formatting by: Sharon Kay

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any use of name brands herein is done so under the Fair Use Act.

  Licensing Note: This Kindle eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and may not be resold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


  Half Moon takes you to the werewolf side of Lacey's life and what she has to learn in order to be one of them and truly gain their acceptance. Lacey is faced with difficult tasks, including trying to find the love she once had for Brandon while battling the still growing desire for Alex."

  ~ A Great Read

  "Jordan is one writer that makes you feel like you're having an intimate conversation with the author, instead of just reading their work. I had no idea you could incorporate witchcraft and werewolves, but apparently you can. It was such a good added ingredient that just made this book very addictive."


  Half Moon has it all! The romance and chemistry makes you anxious for more, and the tension and action will have you on the edge of your seat dying to know what will happen next!"

  ~ The Book Sophisticate

  "Lacey has an inner strength that truly comes into play as she fights to stay with Brandon—to learn the truth about her real parents and what it truly means to be a member of the Amana pack."

  ~ A Simple Love of Reading

  In Half Moon Lacey continues on her journey of change and discovery as she enters the world of the werewolves and attempts to forget about her previous life. The romance, history, and prophecy she is forced to deal with all ends up as simply one wild ride for the reader. I'm excited to see what else happens to Lacey as she is faced with more questions in her life for what she will become and who she will love."

  ~ Totalbookaholic

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  c h a p t e r


  Six months, four days, and who knows how many hours have passed—time flies even when you’re not necessarily having fun. Lily and Emile were permanently attached to my hip. They meant well, but having every one of your actions scrutinized wore thin on my already frazzled state of mind. We had been on the run so long; it felt like we had joined a traveling circus…as the sideshow freaks. Come one, come all! See the traveling werewolf pack and the freak human girl that can’t transform!

  My over-processed hair fought me until finally twisting into a tight ponytail. The breakage at the end of my long locks displayed, for the whole world, how much turmoil clouded the past few months. Before my big escape, I was just a stranger in my family, but being a stranger in my own body with brown contacts and strawberry-blonde hair was just plain bizarre. Emile, my werewolf future-mother-in-law, thought the colors would accent my features; however, all it accentuated was the ghostly pastiness of my skin and serious lack of beach access.

  “Are you ready?” Lily tossed her doll high in the air, making it twist and twirl like a cyclone before catching it by the hair. Considering the group of twenty-something’s she hung out with, Barbie should have been a passing phase, but she wasn’t. Barbie was alive and well with her fashionable clothes, accessories, and mansion furniture littered all over our shared room. A stray heel ended up lodged between my toes at least once a week.

  “Serena said she knew you’d be late today.” Could she really blame me? Four months of “training” sessions with the pack’s healer hadn’t solved why I hadn’t transformed or fully-bonded with my werewolf soul mate, Brandon. Even after I’d accepted my fate to kill an enemy wolf pack, my entire adopted family, and the first boy I ever truly loved based on a prophecy, which I had yet to read for myself or see any proof of.

  I missed him. I missed Alex. The ache in my heart reminded me of how much. It couldn’t have just been about the stupid prophecy or legend; all of the dreams and feelings must’ve been real. I refused to believe they weren’t. Alex had real feelings for me…well, he did until I ran away from him and everything he promised me.

  “I’m coming.” I threw my hairbrush down on the counter next to Lily’s. Having to share a room with her made me realize how great it was being an only child and having my own bathroom.

  “You know they are leaving again.” She pulled out a brush for Barbie’s hair and wiggled around on my bed, annoying me with every move and crinkle of my comforter. At least, I would be away from her this afternoon while Serena tried to get me to channel my inner werewolf.

  “Who?” Really it didn’t matter, this was nothing new. The pack leader—Michael— and his second in command—Thomas—along with Lucas, Brandon and his BFF’s Matt and Trevor, had taken many secretive trips since they brought me to their secluded mountain camp. In fact, I didn’t even know they were back from their latest adventure. I gave up trying to figure out what they were doing, where they were going or when they would return. Information in camp was released on a need-to-know basis, and I wasn’t in the need-to-know group.

  “Matt, Trevor, Brandon, all of them.” Mischief glowed in Lily’s eyes. “They think they found a Mare hideout. But I’m not supposed to tell you that.” My skin crawled at the mention of their name from her scheming lips. The Mares. My other family—my stand-in parents for the last seventeen years. Alex.

  “Is it my parents?” Our paths were destined to cross again, but I didn’t know the Amanas were searching for them or that it would be so soon. I figured once I made my decision to go with Brandon and his family, the war would be over, at least for a while. I assumed wrong.

  “I didn’t hear that part. I only know what Matt told Trevor.” She hopped off the bed. “Are you ready to go now? Serena is going to be mad you’re late. She has a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?” I asked as we walked into the great hall.

  “Yeah. Look,” she said with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas. At the other end of the room, Serena and Brandon stood next to the large wooden dining table. Brandon held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, but no smile on his face.

  “Hey. I missed you.” Sadness lurked behind Brandon’s green eyes. The hurt he felt over my failure to transform stung every time he looked at me. This wasn’t really the reunion of two can’t-live-without-each-other lovers. No matter what I did, or how hard I tried, nothing worked. And the only time
I felt any changes were with my parents and Alex months ago.

  “I missed you too,” I said, only half-heartedly meaning it.

  “Lacey, Honey, we are going to try a different approach today,” Serena said before I could take the flowers from Brandon, a mixture of roses, lilies, and lilacs. All of which reminded me of Alex and the passionate, drunken night I spent at his house and how we almost made love.

  “Guess I’ll see you later?” I shook off blurry images of Alex undressing me. Brandon and I hadn’t been alone in months, leaving a lot of time and space for Alex to creep back in. Reminders of him appeared daily. Reminders of another life… the horrible scars on my back and the decision I made to run away from my pretend family.

  Regardless of how much I longed to be in love with Brandon, and go to Haventon, the special dreamland he created just for us, we hadn’t been since the night of the attack. We’d been on the road for so long, and moved around so much, there hadn’t been time. Then again, he hadn’t shown any interest in going either, and I couldn’t understand why. He could manifest Haventon for us anytime, and if he truly loved me, why hadn’t he?

  “This is the difference. He’s staying.” Serena pulled a chair out from the table and urged me into the one next to her. She lit several red candles in front of her then extinguished the match with leathery, saliva-moistened fingers. “Emile and Michael thought it would be a good idea if we tried honing your skills with Brandon here… for support.”

  Lily secured the chair next to Brandon, across the table from me. “And what about Lily?” I asked, not wanting her present if Serena allowed us to go to Haventon. Although I was sure she regularly invaded my dreams and sat in on a few she shouldn’t have. A twelve-year-old with dream walking abilities wasn’t an ideal roommate.

  “She’s staying too.” Lily took Brandon’s hand in hers as Serena dropped the bomb. “Brandon doesn’t have the ability to take you to Haventon any longer. There’s not enough connection between you for him to access your thoughts.” Serena grabbed my hand, stilling the tremors twitching my fingertips. Something had felt wrong, but that was the last thing I expected. “It will be okay. The two of you just need some time, and Lily can help. She brought him to you before.”

  “Brandon…” My voice cracked, stopping the words from coming. If I just believed him in the first place, this never would have happened. Alex wouldn’t have been able to affect me, deter me so much.

  “This is what’s best for now.” Brandon refused to look at me, ashamed he couldn’t take us to the one place that would grow our bond, and possibly, help speed up my transformation. “Lily will help us get there again.”

  That may have been the plan, but that wasn’t what happened. Several hours later, neither Brandon nor Lily had been able to manifest Haventon or anything close to it. No matter how many rituals Serena recited from her leather bound notebook or how many potions she made me drink (all of which were horrible); nothing worked, leading to more frustration and an even bigger gap between me and Brandon.

  “Let’s call it a day. Lacey, Lily, you need to go help prepare dinner. Brandon, stay and talk with me.” Serena tried to dismiss us, but I refused.

  “I’d like to talk to Brandon… alone.” I stared at Lily and Serena. They glanced at each other and back at me, poised to disagree with my request.

  “That is against Michael’s wishes. The two of you are too important. He decreed you are never to be alone.” Lily folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot on the floor, trying to enforce her authority. She had been our chaperone for the last few months and part of the problem, not the solution.

  “Lily, go help Emile.” Serena picked up her bag of trinkets and pulled out a necklace with a moon and star on it, like the one I had woken up with all those months ago, when the Mares kidnapped Brandon and he could only be with me in my dreams.

  “Itta Una Illata,” she recited with the charms gripped in her palm, and then, blew on them quickly. “Here. This will help ward off your nightmares.” As she looped the bauble around my neck, I searched the floor for an escape route. I hadn’t told anyone of the nightmares, and I refused to make eye contact with Brandon. I didn’t want to tell him because I’d have to admit I dreamt of Alex… nightly.

  “What nightmares?” he asked the minute we were finally alone. The first time in months, and of course, that’s what he wanted to focus on.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t bring me to Haventon anymore?” I said, throwing out my own accusation.

  “I didn’t want to alarm you.” He stopped his hand from touching mine and focused on the charms dangling from my neck. His fingertips pressed them into my chest. “I didn’t want you to worry about there being something missing. I guess I’m just waiting for you to run away.”

  “Run away?” My sneakers squeaked on the wooden floor as I shuffled backward, putting more than two feet between us. “What makes you think I’d run away?”

  His eyes followed the new distance between us. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about going back to him. Seeing if you could work out a way to be together.” Brandon clenched his jaw so tight that he could have broken his teeth. The underlying tension between us was finally coming to a head. The thing we desperately tried to avoid came raging out of the closet and refused to be avoided.

  Regardless of how much it upset him, I couldn’t deny my feelings for Alex. “I’ve never thought of leaving here. Not even once. I know what the cost would be.”

  “And that’s the only reason you haven’t left? Because you’ll die?” Brandon squinted. “That’s like saying I’m forcing you to stay with me by threatening your life.”

  “You aren’t.”

  “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you.” A hasty response, that came a little too quickly. The look he gave me said he didn’t believe me.

  “Then mean it,” Brandon said and turned to leave but stopped just before the door. “The dreams. They’re about Alex, aren’t they?”

  There was no sense in lying. He felt that I didn’t love him, and deep down, I’m not sure that I did. Well, not in that I’ll die without you sort of way. The connection we shared was gone, along with Haventon and our shared crescent moons. We hadn’t had a real relationship. Ever. None of the dreams had come true, so could I really believe they ever would?

  “Yes,” I answered.

  Brandon closed his eyes, his knuckles turned white around the door handle. The strength in his fingers transferred to the unsuspecting knob until it popped off the door and hung limp in his hand. We both stood there, staring at the mangled silver doorknob-turn-paper-weight. The frigid tension that formed between us would have rivaled any of the snow-covered mountains we lived in.

  “Will that ever change? Will you ever stop wondering what could have been?” he finally asked after several moments of chaotic silence.

  “I don’t know.” I wilted into one of the chairs. How could I give him my devotion when our lives would always be about war, violence, running, and never being alone together for fear something would happen to one of us? All I wanted was to be normal again.

  “What are the dreams about… are they…?” He stopped himself, not wanting to ask if I had a relationship with Alex in my dreams, a spot that Brandon had previously held. The answer would kill him, so I lied.

  “No. They’ve just been nightmares.” Well, most of them were nightmares. Nightmares of the last night I saw him; the last words we shared and the look of defeat in his eyes when he gave me over to Brandon.

  “How can I stop them?” he begged and the doorknob fell to the floor with a loud thump. “How can I change things? How can I get you to let me in again?”

  “I’m not keeping you out. I swear.” Haventon meant our bond was true and the wonderful future he promised would happen. And, at this point, I needed that reassurance, since the present was too bleak.

  “You don’t trust me. That’s why you aren’t letting me in,” he said. “I’d do anythi
ng to win your trust.”

  Moisture formed in the corner of my eyes. I wanted to trust him and let him in. Watching all the happily-mated couples around us, including Lily and Matt, was draining. I had a real relationship with Alex. Now for both Brandon and I to survive, I needed a real one with him.

  “Sorry,” Trevor said walking into the room. “Michael, uh… Sorry you guys.” The monarchy continued. The future leader and head mistress couldn’t be alone together even for five minutes. That was against the rules.

  “Trevor, could you give us a minute?” Brandon asked. “You’ve got to understand.”

  “I know how hard it is on you guys.” Trevor looked at both of us. He could be alone with Britney anytime he wanted. Was it too much to ask for the same for us? “A minute, but I’m right outside the door.”

  “Thanks,” Brandon said and waited for the door to close again. “Lacey, I need you to transform. If you don’t transform, I’ll die. You know that.”

  “I know.” I dug my nail into the deep wells of the wood grain table. I wasn’t intentionally avoiding transforming. At this point, it would have been nice to just get it over with.

  “Brandon,” Michael’s loud voice filled the room, “when I give an order, I mean it!” He grasped Brandon’s arm and yanked him towards the door. “The entire pack is risking their lives for the two of you and this is how you repay us? You can’t even follow the simplest instruction?”

  “Michael, it was my fault. I asked to be alone with him.” I stood from the table to cross the room, but Michael quickly stopped me.

  “This doesn’t concern you,” he growled and shoved Brandon’s back to the door, making my skin crawl at his open brutality toward my future husband. “She hasn’t even transformed and there is no guarantee she will. You need to figure this out. You know what is at stake.” He pushed one more time on Brandon’s shoulder then walked out the door and shoved Trevor back into the room.


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