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Little Bird (Caged #1)

Page 3

by M Dauphin

  Grabbing my purse, I enter the garage slipping into my newest present from Jasper. The yet to be released F-Type Jaguar. Whoever brings Jasper the highest profit from all regions combined at the fiscal year gets a gift. It’s not usually as extravagant as a hundred and fifty thousand dollar car, but I’ve been fucking him for the past seven years. He usually gets me something a little more special. Not to mention I’ve brought in the most profit the past two years in a row. Last year he bought me a Hyacinth Macaw. A fucking bird. A fourteen thousand dollar bird. But regardless. He bought me a responsibility I didn’t want. And then I fell in love with the bitch. She calls me Little Bird and I call her Pretty Bird. She tells me “I love Little Bird” and my heart melts for the fucking thing every time. This year I had a little more say about my incentive.

  The garage door opens and with an easy flex of my ankle, I have her at the end of the drive in a second, almost hitting someone.

  “Shit!” I blurt slamming the brakes.

  The jogger pats my trunk before he keeps going and I wrench my neck to see him because that view isn’t generally one I get around here. It’s that Luke. I completely forgot he was cleaning out his aunt and uncle’s house. Looks like he’s making himself at home. And I’ll admit, I wouldn’t be offended by that shirtless view jogging by daily, but I have a rule: No tenants under fifty. And no tenants whose income is less than one hundred and seventy five thousand a year. I don’t think he abides by either of those rules.

  Twisting in the seat so I can get a look at those muscles tensing with every forceful step, a zap to my clit has me contemplating going back inside and getting out my toy collection.


  I blink a few times. I need a better fuck than Jasper. He used to be the best. Even with the pain. He’s either losing his touch, or the hatred I have toward him has spread to my pussy. The easiest part of me to please.

  This community is small as hell and in the few days I’ve been here I think I’ve been introduced to the same fucking person eight different times. I can’t deal with something this close knit and small. This place is like the motherfucking Stepford community for old people. It blows my mind that anyone in their right mind would want to live like this… especially someone like Megan.

  That name. So simple, but one look from her tells me she’s anything but simple. Sure she thinks I’m here playing the grieving nephew, and I’m sure she’s just waiting on me to take whatever money was left aside for me and leave. That’s not at all what I’m here for though, sweet Megan. I can play the same shit she is as long as I have to, but I saw right through her façade. She’s playing every one of these old folks here, and I’m here to find out just how deep her shit goes. What sort of money is she making off them that she’s not reporting, and there’s been a talk of filtering drugs through so many people that profit for her would be astronomical. And, well, I’ve seen her numbers. She’s good at what she does, but she’s not at astronomical sales figures.

  I chuckle to myself and stop at the end of the Milkey driveway as I watch her car leave. I saw her second look after she almost hit me. I saw it, and I can’t say I hated it. It’s been too long since I’ve fucked anything worthwhile. Seeing Ms. Stick-up-my-ass Megan Porter, the snot that wouldn’t even tell me her first fucking name, show some type of interest in this body gives me hope my dry spell might be ending soon. She might be a bitch, but she’s a sexy one. I jog every fucking day, and now that I’ve got her on my radar, I’m sure I’ll be jogging past her place every fucking day. Why not? It’s not going to hurt one damn thing to sleep with the enemy.

  I’ve never been on a long-term commitment like this job is requiring. Moving into a new place, living in an old folks’ community with the only pussy in sight being the bitch I’m here to end doesn’t sound very promising. I could get an answer from her in one minute by simply placing a gun to her forehead. I’m not allowed to do that though.

  This mission needs total secrecy. The ONLY people that know who I am and why I’m here are me and Jasper. I can’t just run in and start shooting up the place, especially before I even know the truth.

  Maybe getting close to her in any way I can will help this mission go faster and I can get back to the job I enjoy, not babysitting.

  Looking around at the neighborhood, I cringe at the old man walking down the street. Why is everyone here so goddamned old?

  “Don’t forget your mail,” the decrepit piece of death yells over to me. I think his name’s Norm, but honestly I don’t have time to remember any of these geezers’ names. They won’t be on this earth much longer and I have no use for them while they are. I’m sure they don’t know what Megan’s mixed up in or else they wouldn’t look so goddamned cheery all the fucking time.

  “Got it, thanks,” I mumble jogging straight to the mailboxes bunched by the street in front of the house I’m in. Gotta keep up the charade of the mourning family member looking after things here and getting shit squared away.

  Tossing the day’s old pile of mail on the counter, making a mental note to shred that shit later, I strip off the rest of the sweat soaked clothes I’m wearing and head to the shower, making quick work of getting cleaned before my mind starts to travel to what it would feel like putting that sexy fucking bitch Megan in her place.

  And Jesus Christ do I want to put her in her place.

  On her motherfucking knees in front of me.

  Fuck. I need to fuck someone… and soon. I’ve always hated getting myself off when there’s a slew of women willing to do it for me, but being here for a few days now has put me in a terrible spot to find women to fuck.

  Letting my hand slide down my abs, I brace myself on the shower wall with my other arm and start stroking myself, envisioning her lips wrapped around my dick and her hand pumping me at the same time. I picture her moans as I thrust as hard as I can to the back of her throat. I picture what she would look like underneath me, eyes squeezed shut as I slam into her over and over again. My hand keeps pumping and soon I’m on the edge of release and all it takes is remembering her tits yesterday and how fucking perfect they would look in my palms while I fuck her senseless to bring me over the edge.

  “Fuck,” I hiss leaning my forehead on the shower wall, letting the water hit my back until it turns cold.

  I sigh turning off the water, then wrap a towel around myself. I need something else to do other than sit here and wait for her to fuck up. I can’t take too many more of those self-induced orgasms or I’m going to go fucking insane.

  I’m in the middle of filling my glass with water from the fridge when I see it; the bright yellow postcard that fell on the floor, probably because that pile of mail is annoyingly large.

  Towering, really.

  I reach over and pick it up, cringing as I read the peppy lettered flier.

  Fuck, this girl has too much time on her hands.





  That’s tonight…

  Her number is listed below and I have to stop myself from calling her.

  What the hell is that about? Why the fuck would I call her? I have no goddamned clue… then again, I would like to see that gentle curve of her neck again in person. I’d like to be able to better imagine just how gorgeous it would look tightened under my grasp while I fuck her senseless.

  It’s decided. I’m going to this fucking dinner, I’ll meet the neighbors, maybe learn a little more about our little Miss Priss, and maybe, just maybe, learn just how soft her skin really is.

  About an hour before showtime my phone rings. Only one person has this number. Jasper.

  “Yes,” I clip into the phone just as I finish off shredding the last of the mountain of paperwork left in this house.

  “Anything yet?” his deep voice comes through the receiver and for the first time ever, I
’m glad I’m not with him in person.

  Why the hell is he so antsy about this? She’s just a woman and if all systems are go, she’ll be six feet under soon.

  “Nothing out of the ordinary, Jasper. It’s only been a couple of days though. I’ll know more once I get in and start to communicate with her and her friends.”

  “She’s sneaky, Ace. Don’t let your guard down around her.”

  “Lucas,” I growl. I fucking hate the nickname he has for me. “I told you I’d tell you when she fucks up. If she’s stealing money and trying to traffic drugs outside of her jurisdiction, she’s bound to fuck up. Just give it time.”

  He chuckles then groans. I know he’s been fucking her on the side, and I don’t blame him. She’s hot as hell and I can’t wait to get my hands on her. He’s not involved with anyone, but I know he likes to brag about his many conquests and she was definitely one at one point in time. He’s treating this like it’s much more personal though, and I guess in a way it is. She’s trying to ruin this entire empire. But she gets under his skin in a way I’ve never seen before. Normally he’d just take care of this himself. Kill her, she’s gone, but something about her makes him want to keep her around. I’m betting it’s because she’s a great fuck, so I think I’ll see for myself. At any rate, the only reason I’m handling this is because, in not so many words, he’s said he can’t. I don’t ask, I just take care of issues.

  “She’s tough, Ace. She’s not one to back down from anything she believes in, even if she makes you think she is. She’s not as weak as she comes off. Don’t fucking let your guard down.”

  “Give it time. If Vince had enough balls to come to us about it then there has to be some merit to his words. I’ll keep an eye on her and update you when I find something.”

  “Just get to the bottom of this.” His voice ends with a growl, leaving me with a very silent house that smells like mothballs and twenty minutes before I have to leave.

  By the time I make it to the party there are already a good amount of cars outside. Scanning the lot, just as I was taught to be aware of all of my surroundings at all times, I notice a mixture of wealth here. If your vehicle is anything that shows your income, we have a range of Millionaires to paycheck-to-paycheck attendees tonight.

  The community center is a massive piece of construction, bright white and lit to the rim with decorative lights. I can see some people outside on the patio, loud and obnoxious and probably already drunk from the sounds of it. The music playing as I enter the doors is anything but obnoxious though. Some type of piano classical music fills my ears softly as I scan the room. To my left there’s a bar with a few middle-aged people standing next to it. I’ve noticed only a handful of younger, good-looking tokens here tonight. There’s a man that can’t be older than twenty-three mingling with the group by the bar. To my right there’s a blonde girl that I’d love to see what’s hiding under that long dress she has on talking to a man in his mid fifties like they’re best friends. It’s a random mix of people, I’d say, but they all seem to be having fun.

  I’m not here for fun though.

  “Luke, is it?” I hear a voice behind me and paste on my pleasant smile before turning around to see the man that just spoke to me. Fuck… Alfred? Adam? I smile and reach out my hand to him, tired of this game already.

  “Yes, how are you Alfred?”

  He smiles and looks relieved when I said his name out loud. Bingo. It’s like if the young kid remembered his name, he’s set for the rest of the night. What a sad, pointless life.

  “Oh, you know, the hip has been acting up lately but nothing I can’t handle. What’s a young man like you doing here tonight? I didn’t see you as the type of person to be mixed up with something like this?”

  “Something like this? Like… a social gathering?” I smile at him as I watch the people in my peripheral vision.

  Holy fuck, who the hell is that? A woman, dark hair pulled back to a low ponytail, the dress on that body is skin fucking tight and begging to be ripped off. Her back is to me and I know Alfred is talking to me but my brain has switched modes to trying to get its dick wet and I have one mission now.

  “I’m sorry, Alfred, I have to go. I just saw someone I know.” I pat his shoulder and smile gently, forcing myself to move closer to the sexy piece of ass across the room.

  Just as I’m approaching her, I hear her laugh and know that I have to abort this mission.

  Fucking Porter.

  She’s talking to a group of people and from the sounds of it, her conversation is dull and void of anything worthwhile. Something about a flower garden the Olds want to start. I watch and listen, and in doing so I notice she has some of the same traits as myself in a crowded room. Her eyes have been scanning the area in front of her the entire time. She’s got a plain view of the door from here so she can see who’s coming and going. Her stance isn’t a weak stance, rather one that would keep her grounded if someone were to come for her.

  Who the hell is this girl and where the fuck did Jasper find her to run this section of business?

  “Ms. Porter?” I move closer as I say her name, getting her attention from the group of people.

  Her ass in that dress is begging for my palm. Just being this close to her has my dick thinking it’s time to go, but I don’t even know this chick. Not like that’s ever been a problem previously, but I’ve never fucked a job before. There’s something sexy as hell thinking about screwing a bitch that deserves to die.

  “Luke?” Her furled brows indicated more anger than surprise by my presence. “What’re you doing here? Everything okay with the clean out?”

  “It’s going slow. They kept way more paperwork than they should have. And I never knew someone could fit that much junk in their closets.” I laugh, trying to pull off a nervous vibe and maintain this stupid pitchy tone I initially thought would be good for my faked persona. “Looks like quite the party.”

  Someone walks behind me, slightly bumping me so I move a little closer to her.

  Closer to the source.

  “It’s my monthly get together for my tenants and some of their family,” she lies and gestures to a younger woman mingling with an old couple. “But… what’re you doing here? Did you need something from me?”

  “Oh. I got the invite. I figured since I’m living here now.” I move even closer as the group behind me starts to grow and get a little too loud for my liking. This is perfect. She’s right where I want her. “I’d get to know my neighbors a little.” My breath is practically on her neck as I whisper the words meant only for her.

  She’s not stupid. I see the color in her cheeks come to life at my nearness.

  “Living here now?” A forced chuckle leaves her lips and she tries to take a step away but there’s someone standing behind her. “I wouldn’t call it living here. But I’m sure when you’re gone in a week or two, the Milkey’s neighbors will miss you.”

  I wonder if people ever think that smile on her face is real. It’s the fakest shit I’ve ever seen, but I’m sure she convinces a lot of assholes with it.

  “Yeah… About that one or two week thing. I’m thinking it’s going to be a little longer until I get what I came for.” The words slip out before I realize what I’m saying and my hand, having a mind of its own, is already on her cheek.

  It might seem forward to any onlookers, but the faster I break her and make her talk, the faster I can get out of this hellhole. I’m a good-looking guy. I’ve gotten a lot of bitches to melt just by that physical touch they crave. The faster she melts, the faster she tells me what I want to know, and the faster I can eliminate her.

  Her fingers curl around to my palm. She’s already receptive to my touch. Then the pointed fingernail on her middle finger jabs into the center of my hand while she stares me in the eyes and I realize she isn’t trying to hold my hand, she’s trying to hurt me.

  “I’m not sure what you came for. But you won’t find it here.” Removing my hand from her cheek, she then tur
ns and meshes in with the crowd.

  I look at my palm to see she drew blood with that nail.

  Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on.

  Growling, I grab a drink from a tray nearby and watch her as she mingles with some of the party goers. There’s a young woman with a small child that just walked through the door and the look on Megan’s face is priceless.

  Obviously mixing children in this little game of hers isn’t something she’s fond of.

  I take my time, finishing my drink and set it on a side table before making my way toward her. She’s standing near the couple that lives three houses down from me, talking about lawn mowing or some stupid shit.

  “This a party for all ages?” Letting my hand rest on the small of her back, I notice the rise of goosebumps on her arms before she spins and pins me with her stare.

  “Mr. Milkey, you should learn to keep your hands to yourself.” Her eyes flash down to the hand she drew blood on. “And this week, I will personally hire and pay for a moving crew to have your family’s belongings moved out of the house and transferred to a storage unit where I’ll also, gladly, pay first month’s rent. I imagine you have your own house to be taking care of. No sense in prolonging your stay here.”

  I chuckle at her forwardness. She really doesn’t trust me. For good reason.

  “I’m not sure, I’m starting to like this laid back lifestyle.” I put my hands in my pocket and shrug. “Maybe I’ll sell my place across town.” I grin at her and holy hell, she looks pissed.

  Taking a step closer to me, she tilts her head slightly so she can look up into my face. Even in those heels she’s only tall enough to be eye level with my chin. “I assure you, Mr. Milkey, you can’t afford to live in this community. And also, your age breaks my second rule. It’s nothing personal, but there are rules and standards that I maintain here. I apologize I can’t help you and your residency needs or interests. Your aunt and uncle were over the age of fifty with an annual income level of one seventy five or higher.” Her smile is strained while she tries to hold back telling me to go fuck myself. “If I made an exception for you, I’d have to do it for all my tenants and soon the community would be full of their children, and their children’s children. You understand what I’m saying?” The smile is gone and she looks like she wants to kill me. “You need to be out in a week.”


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