Little Bird (Caged #1)

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Little Bird (Caged #1) Page 7

by M Dauphin

  “Lucas,” she says before I get to the bottom. “You sure you want to fuck with an involved woman?” Her eyes narrow. “I think you’ve already seen what type of man my boyfriend is. If he’ll do that to me, imagine what he’ll do to you when he finds out you’ve bought his girl a new bird. And I love the bird.” She winks at me now. “I’ll make sure he knows that too.”

  Is she threatening me? With Jasper? Does she not realize she’s just a fuck-toy to him?

  “I’m not afraid of your abusive boyfriend, Megs. Women beaters are all weak… too easy to beat. Plus, I’m sure you’re upset because he couldn’t provide the snake I can.”

  She laughs. An actual laugh too.

  “Bye, Lucas,” she says before closing the door.


  I spend the better part of a week following her, keeping tabs on her and looking into everything that I can. I can’t, for the fucking life of me, see anything that she’s doing wrong. It looks, from all accounts that I’ve been able to attain access to, that she’s doing everything by the books. It’s been weeks now of me doing this job and I’m stuck. I’ve been in and out of her life and I’m no closer to getting down to what Vince said was happening. I’m starting to become worried that I won’t actually be able to finish this job.

  My feet hit the pavement, the ninety degree heat making me look forward to a shower and clean clothes, but the five mile run I missed yesterday has to happen today or I’m going to go nuts. My path, as usual, crosses Megan’s house two times… once in the beginning and once in the end. The first time I ran past it on this run everything looked still and quiet, but now there’s a very familiar car in the driveway. I slow my run, not wanting him to see me passing her place for some stupid as fuck reason, and watch as they go inside.

  Boyfriend my ass. Jasper doesn’t do relationships. Jasper fucks multiple women a day. This bitch is delusional.

  As soon as the screen door shuts I speed my pace again. That is, until I hear her yelp. More of a scream, but either way, I stop dead in my tracks.

  I’ll kill the fucker if he hurts her again. There’s a difference from killing a woman that deserves it by fucking over the empire, one shot and done. But he’s abusing her for his own sick pleasures and need of dominance. I’m not okay with this.

  Before I know it, I’m slamming on the door, sweaty and breathless. The door swings open, she’s obviously preoccupied with something behind her but when her head turns to see who she just opened her door to, the look on her face falls flat and the lust in her eyes returns. Every fucking time she looks at me I see it more and more. This time though, it’s like she might actually start drooling. Just the thought of her being attracted to me has me grinning and trying my damnedest to keep my dick where it belongs.

  “Who is it, Little Bird?” Jasper’s voice comes from behind her and when his eyes land on mine then flick back to hers that are slowly perusing my glistening abs, I see the rage burning in his eyes.

  Oh, this should be fun.

  “Lucas,” she says then glances over her shoulder and I see the red mark across her cheek. “Jasper, this is Lucas Milkey. He’s cleaning out his aunt and uncle’s home. They recently passed away. Lucas has been a help around the community.” She turns back to look at me. “Haven’t you?” Her eyes land on my dick and I don’t know what the fuck she’s thinking, but it’s fucked up because Jasper is a loose cannon and if he sees her, he’ll probably actually kill her this time.

  “I’ve tried.” I smile and nod, looking up at Jasper, having to pry my eyes off the handprint on her face. “Megan here has been a huge help in helping me clear out the place.” I smile and look back at Megan. “I wouldn’t be this far if it weren’t for her.”

  Jasper steps around her, blocking off my view. “And what the fuck do you want right now? Something we can help you with?”

  “Just checking in. She was hurt pretty bad the other day. I’m sure she told you. Kitchen accident or something. I just want to make sure she’s doing okay.”

  “She’s fine.” He’s staring at me with a rage like he wants me dead right this minute. Not much he can say without blowing my cover and I shouldn’t be getting this much enjoyment out of this. “Run along home.”

  “Jasper.” Megan places her hand on his arm then steps around him. “Lucas stops in to see La Petite,” she says and gives Jasper’s arm a tug. “This is the man that bought her for me after Pretty Bird got out.” She eyes him hard and they’re in a silent battle, but he’s moved out of the way so I can come in.

  “Well that was… decent of you. Uncalled for. I can take care of her, but thank you.” The rage still simmering in his eyes is ready to explode when Megan’s out of range to hear it.

  I can’t leave her with him when he’s this pissed. I’ve seen what Jasper can do to someone when he’s pissed, and it’s not pretty. The knife through the snake the other day was child’s play.

  “Don’t be jealous, Jasper.” She chuckles.

  The bitch is insane. She’s playing a game, trying to piss him off. This sort of shit would piss off any well-rounded ‘boyfriend’ in general, but factor in her ‘boyfriend’ is Jasper and the man is insane.

  What goes through her fucked up head?

  “It was just a kind gesture to thank me for letting him live in his aunt and uncle’s until he gets the house cleaned out. Lucas.” She turns to me. “Can I get you something?” She walks into the house and if looks could kill I’d be a dead man from Jasper’s glare.

  I smile cockily and walk in, brushing past him and head into the kitchen.

  “Water would be great actually. I was just finishing up a run so I’m pretty parched.” Sitting at the table, I make myself at home, watching Jasper eye me as he enters the room. The bird is still in the small cage it came home in but she’s moved it to a table near a window. “How’s the little guy doin’?” I nod towards the birdcage as she sets the water in front of me.

  “It’s a girl.” She chuckles. “And she’s fine. She loves it here. I told you yesterday she wakes me up every morning with that song.” When she starts to laugh, I laugh with her and see Jasper look from her to me with not just rage but jealousy.

  Maybe Megan is something more than a tortured pet to him.

  “Jasper, do you need something?” she asks him.

  “Whisky. No ice,” he demands and she leaves us in the living room. “What the fuck are you pulling, Ace?”

  “The fuck am I pulling? I’m not the one stabbing women in the throat and slapping them around! This became my fucking job, Jasper. You need to let me do my job,” I hiss, feeling the rage building that I’m so protective over the bitch that I’m supposed to be killing soon.

  “You are doing the fucking job,” he growls getting in my face. “Fucking her isn’t part of that.”

  “I thought it was something we did here in this little business though? Huh? Fuck the ones that ask for it? If it takes me fucking her to get down to the bottom of what’s going on here, then goddammit, I’m going to fuck her until she can’t walk straight.”

  His hand grabs my throat and that’s the confirmation I needed. She isn’t just another employee or a plaything to him. This motherfucker has psychotic feelings for this girl. Feelings that need to go away. Fast.

  Before he applies pressure, I snap his wrist back and when he lets out a groan, Megan whips around the corner.

  Her eyes go to the bird first. How the fuck does she love these fucking birds? No fucking clue, but that right there tells me Jasper’s the reason her first bird is gone.

  Jasper stands and snatches the glass from her hand, drinking it in a few gulps.

  “Walk with me out to the car,” he tells her, not leaving room for argument as he’s already on his way out the door.

  That motherfucking asshole. Megan became my job as soon as he said he couldn’t look into her without it being suspicious. He needs to keep his dick away from her until shit’s confirmed. I haven’t found any dirt on her that would put her on the
kill list, but I know something’s not right with her. The way she’s so strong and puts on such a front when Jasper’s around, she definitely knows how to play this game almost as well as I do.

  I wait in the living room, glancing through the very impersonal décor. Anyone could live here. There are zero friends and family pictures. There are no books. It’s all just random décor. It’s like she has no character. Like she has nothing at all that she loves or cherishes. Then that bird starts singing from its cage and I grin.

  Well, almost nothing.

  I walk over to the cage and stare at this tiny caged bird. I could squash it in an instant. It’s life consists of being cooped up in this tiny enclosure. What type of life is that to live?

  The door slams and I turn to look towards the hallway. The minute she rounds the corner she stops in her tracks when her eyes meet mine. They’re red rimmed and her cheeks are red.

  “That boyfriend of yours add another one of those handprints to the other cheek? Did he decide you needed a matching set?” I put my hands on my hips to stop myself from going to her and feeling the warmth on her cheek from the slap.

  “Fuck you, Luke. You can’t just show up at my house and act like you didn’t get off on the fact I let you in when my boyfriend was here. And yes, I let you in because he’s having a particularly bad day and I knew you being here would save me from something much more worse than this.” She gestures to her face before shoving around me and grabbing a pill bottle off the counter, drinking down several with a glass of wine.

  This infuriates me. The fact that she lets him do this shit to her and does nothing to stop it! She’s stronger than that, he’s told me himself!

  “So you’re telling me that you’re just going to let him get away with… with this?!” I wave my arm in her direction and she leans against the counter, glaring at me. “Megan, that’s fucking insane! What sane fucking person would be okay with their boyfriend smacking them around because they’re having a bad day?” I’m fucking fuming.

  Sure, I’m here to find dirt on her, and that dirt will probably lead to me killing her… but beating her just because Jasper’s pissed and jealous is not fucking okay.

  “Cut the shit. You’re not stupid; I know you understand there’s a lot more going on in my life than you’re pretending to. Shall I call the police, Lucas?” She flutters her lashes and puts her hand to her chest. “Would you protect me until I could get a restraining order? Protect me from my big bad boyfriend?” She throws the rest of the wine back. “What the fuck do you want from me? Get the shit out of your aunt and uncle’s and get the fuck out of my life.” She starts to storm past me but I stop her dead in her tracks. One hand on her wrist the other gently across her throat, careful of the bandage. I twist and pin her to the wall with ease. Her eyes are glaring into mine as I lean in.

  “One, you don’t need to be such a fucking bitch, Megs. I know the tough act is all a show.” Letting my hand on her wrist loosen its grip, I let my fingers start to trace up and down her forearm. The look in her eyes is softening at my touch, but there’s still anger simmering just below the surface. “Two, I think you and me both know the cops won’t be able to help this little problem.” I trace my fingers up her arm farther, feeling the tiny pricks of the goosebumps I’m growing to enjoy getting from her. “And Three,” I start, but she cuts me off.

  “Shut up and fuck me.” She grabs my hair and yanks my head down to get her mouth to mine while her other hand cups me hard.

  Lucky for her, I like it rough. I also like to be in charge and her hands aren’t letting me do that. Taking them both and pinning them to the wall above her head, my mouth starts trailing down her neck, gently kissing around the bandaged area and over to the other side. A moan escapes her and her struggles to get free from my grasp have weakened. Letting her wrists go, I grasp tightly onto her hips, pulling her towards me so she can feel just what she does to me.

  “Wall or bed, your highness?”

  The lust in her eyes, the rapid breathing, all tell me she’s ready, but she’s not entirely certain who I am.

  Or what I can do to her.

  “Do you ever stop talking?” Her claws dig in and she drags them down my chest. “Just stop talking and let me take care of this.” Her teeth clamp onto my nipple, seeming like she wants to draw blood, but I don’t mind.

  Grabbing her wrist, I drag her behind me, no more words needed, as I walk through the house to her bedroom. The second we make it past the door, I slam it and push her against it.

  “One last thing, Ms. Porter,” I whisper, my hands tight on her hips. She whimpers when my hands tighten. “You won’t be needing any of these.” With a speed I never knew myself to have, I rip off her clothes and have to take a minute to appreciate the sight before me. “Jesus Christ,” I murmur before picking her up and carrying her to the bed.

  Tossing her down, I strip off the rest of my clothes and waste no time crawling up her. Her hands keep trying to play and pull on me, but I have to put a stop to that right away. She’s not in charge anymore.

  “Roll over.” The demand that comes out of me as my hands grasp her wrists comes from a place I haven’t visited in a long time. “Now. On your fucking knees.”

  “I prefer to be on top,” she mutters in a weaker voice than I’ve ever heard her use and I realize she’s afraid. Probably because Jasper’s always in charge, and judging by her scarred skin, she never walks away unscathed.

  “You told me to fuck you, Megan. That’s what I plan on doing.” My eyes don’t leave hers as I reach my hand down and feel just how wet she already is for me. “Now turn over and get on your fucking knees. I promise I’m not going to bring you anything but pleasure.”

  She leans forward and pulls open a drawer on her side table and I see the gun. Grabbing her arm tight before she shoots me, I see her hand was reaching for a condom, not the gun. I slide my hand down her arm and kiss over her shoulder before she tosses it at me then takes her time getting on her knees.

  Gripping her hips, I push on her back so her head goes down and her ass is perfectly on display for me. Holding my hand there, my fingers grazing over too many scars to count; I have to close my eyes and take a breath before going any further.

  He’s done this to her and that pisses me off way more than it should.

  “Lucas,” she says my name, that usual tinge of annoyance in her tone. “Do you prefer a knife or belt?”

  The wind is knocked out of me. A knife? A fucking belt? Fuck me, she’s so fucked up.

  “Megs… I’m not… I don’t…” I let my hand move up and down her back, feeling all the ridges as she waits patiently. “We’re fucking, Megan… not… not drawing blood. I’d never fucking do that to you.” My voice is a growl, and as much as my tastes are strong when it comes to fucking, I can’t do that to her tonight. I’ve never seen her so… fragile. “Hey…” I reach down and take her cheek in my hand, turning her head back to look at me. “I’d never hurt you like that.”

  Her eyes are closed, but her breath is steady.

  “Roll back over.”

  At my words, her eyes flick open and find mine. “I won’t scream loud,” she says in a promise that almost makes me get the fuck out of here.

  It’s like she wants it. It’s probably the only thing she knows. The urge to teach her that sex can be full of pleasurable pain without blood overcomes me.

  “I’m not cutting you with a goddamned knife, Megan. That’s… that’s just sick. Now roll the fuck over.” I don’t wait for her to move, instead I take her in my arms and twist until she’s below me again and staring up at me with a look I’ve never seen on her before. “You have no clue what you do to me, do you?” Pushing myself against her, I can feel the wetness coat me.

  “I have my ideas.” She lifts her hips to rub against me again. “But you might be too vanilla in the bedroom for me.”

  “Judging by this.” I rock my hips to slide between her drenched lips. “I’m doing just fine and we haven’t even
started.” Her words piss me off so I tune out the scars and the scrapes on her back and focus on the job.

  My hand goes to her tit and squeezes, hard, as another snakes down to feel how turned on she is. She moans and bucks her hips up toward me but I slam them back down with one hand.

  “Oh, I think we can do better than that.” I tsk then bring my fingers to my lips, tasting her. “So fucking good, Megan.”

  When her hands reach down for me, I grip them hard and slam them above her head. One hand is all I need to hold them in place. I wasn’t using my full force earlier, but now I’m not holding back. She wants to be hurt? I can hurt her… but in a much better fucking way than any kitchen utensil ever could.

  Slamming into her, I don’t give her time to adjust to my size before backing out and slamming in again. Harder.

  “Something like this too fucking vanilla, Megs?” Fucking her as hard as I can, I hear her moans as I lean down and take her nipple between my teeth.

  “Fuck,” she hisses and her back contorts to push into my bite.

  Her fingernails curl into the palms of her hands and she digs them in to draw blood. She needs the pain to get off and I’m okay with that, but not the way she’s used to. I’ll show her there are plenty of other ways to get off than by a blade.

  Thrusting as hard as I can, my free hand grasps her tit, squeezing just to the point of pain. I lean down and take her nipple between my teeth, not hard enough to draw blood but adding to the sensation, making her question whether it’s pain or pleasure she’s feeling. She screams out and bucks up towards me again, but my tight grip on her wrists doesn’t let her move much.

  My hand moves down to her waist where I grab on firmly and lift just enough so I can hit her deeper.


  “Oh fuck,” she moans, turning her head into her arm.

  I thrust again, getting so fucking close to cumming already, but we’ve only just begun. Pulling out, I snake my hand down to feel how wet she is then let go of her wrists and move down her body, forcing her legs wider with my hands on her thighs. She looks down at me briefly, but when my mouth connects with her clit her head is thrown back and a moan comes out of her. I know I’ve got her right where I want her.


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