Little Bird (Caged #1)

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Little Bird (Caged #1) Page 8

by M Dauphin

  Sliding one, then two fingers in, I use my other hand to gently rub her clit. I can feel her walls tightening around me, and way sooner than I expected she’s on the brink of her first orgasm.

  “Holy shit!”

  I feel the rush of wetness but I can’t stop. She tastes so fucking good.

  “Oh shit, shit, shit,” she screams.

  She promised she wouldn’t scream. I like making them break their promises.

  Spent, her eyes are closed and her hands still grasping on to the blankets of the bed as I crawl back up her body. I slide in with ease, the wetness from her makes just enough lube to slip through how tight she is. She gasps, probably not expecting it, but I don’t apologize.

  “We’re not done here yet, sweetheart.” I start thrusting harder and harder, moans escaping her and her hands tightening on the blanket.

  Every thrust deeper and harder. Every pinch of her nipples and slap of her tits makes her scream out in pleasure. She likes it rough and there’s nothing wrong with that. She just needs to learn how to like it rough and keep it safe.

  “Oh my god!” Her eyes fly open as soon as my fingers pinch her clit just as I thrust into her one more time. “Holy fuck,” she moans as I keep up my steady motion.







  Her body bucks up toward mine and I can feel her tightening around me. When her second orgasm of the night goes off around my dick, I’m useless and after just a few more thrusts into her pulsing pussy, I’m finding my own release.

  “Goddammit,” I growl, pumping into her harder and harder as I ride my release out with her.

  She moans and tilts her hips up to me, realizing that’s the best way to make her cum again, and I waste no time sliding my hand down her body and shoving two fingers inside her, curling them just enough to hit that spot she’s begging for.

  “Oh god yes, like that,” she moans, her hands grabbing onto my wrist. “Don’t fucking stop.”

  I do as she asks, leaning down to the non injured side of her neck and biting hard enough to leave a mark. As soon as I do, she erupts into her third orgasm of the night. She’s spent, it’s late, and I really need to get the fuck out of here.

  Rolling off the bed I sigh. She wanted to be fucked and that’s what she got. I clean up and start to throw my clothes on.

  “And that,” I say noticing she still hasn’t moved from that spot on the bed. It makes me grin… Sated and weak from multiple orgasms. “That is how you cum without drawing blood.” I toss her clothes on the bed and head out the door.

  I need to get out of here before I start thinking today was anything more than a fuck.

  There’s no time for that shit in my life but that feisty bitch puts stupid ideas in my head.

  I slept with him. I’ve wanted to sleep with him since he bought me the damn bird, but I didn’t think I’d cave and do it. He’s wanted to fuck me since day one and as much as I find that a turn off, I fucked him. And it couldn’t have been better. Even with his ‘vanilla’ ways. It was nothing like I assumed he’d be in bed. I honestly expected him to be the type to want to be serviced and when it came to my turn, nothing in return. Probably because that’s what I’m used to from men. I’ve been used and abused when it comes to sex since I’ve started doing it. Lucas fucked me and he fucked me right. I haven’t experienced an orgasm from a man since the beginning when Jasper gained my trust with lies.

  Lucas as a person is not a man I’d normally waste time on. He’s arrogant, puts on that macho front, and he thinks I’m fucking stupid. I know he’s not who he’s been saying he is. I just can’t figure out who he actually is. But as the saying goes: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  At first I thought Jasper sent him; I know Jasper’s becoming suspicious of me lately, but the pissing show that happened in my living room between them makes me think perhaps they don’t know each other. Because if any man working for Jasper did what Lucas did, he’d have been dead and I would have been left to clean up the mess. So that being said, who is Lucas and who is he working for that’s threatened by me?

  If Jasper finds out I fucked him, things won’t end well for him and I’ll have another life threatening wound delivered, but he’d never kill me. Everything he does to me is only to make me stronger, he just doesn’t know it’s making me stronger than him. Jasper’s not my boyfriend, he’s more my owner, but I know if he’s aware I’m fucking for leisure and not business, things would end badly for Lucas.

  Regardless, I’m glad we fucked and got it out of the way; perhaps now I will not be so easily distracted by him. Or make it a habit to sit by the front window when I know he’ll be jogging by. I’ll admit, a nice body has always intrigued me, but I’ve never been so immature about it. Like a little girl, wanting to see him, wondering what he is or isn’t wearing, wondering if he’s thinking about me. I’ve only ever obsessed over one man. Jasper. And it was short lived when I realized he was lying to me. I would never become his equal, I would become a female version of him. Cold, heartless, manipulative, and I would help his organization grow in a matter of a few years in amounts he would have never seen without me to use my body as a weapon. That being said, I’m not interested in anything Lucas has to offer beyond sex, and now that that’s out of the way, I feel as if my thoughts won’t be stuck on his body as much as figuring out who he is and if he’s a threat to my operation. One word and Jasper will have him taken care of for me, but if I let Jasper know I’m suspicious of him, that’ll only make Jasper more suspicious of me. And he should be, but he’ll never have it figured out until it’s too late.

  When La Petite starts to whistle, that’s my wakeup call to start the day, and as I move my legs, the first thing I notice is I’m sore. I’m always sore after sex, but not like this, not in this spot, not pleasurably sore. And what does this pain do? It makes me think of Lucas. Perhaps I should just kill him to get him out of my head. But then I won’t have the option of fucking him again. The struggle is real.

  “La Petite,” I sing out as I make my way to her cage and her song gets louder. “I’m coming, my love.” Opening her cage, she steps onto my hand. I want to be able to leave her cage open all day like I did with Pretty Bird, but I can’t trust her yet. “Just like Lucas, I don’t trust you, bird.” I kiss her head then scowl he’s back in my thoughts so I punish her by locking her in her cage again.

  While I make something to eat, I bend in a squat because I like to stay active as much as possible, but when I do, the soreness between my legs makes me grunt.

  “Shit.” I practically moan the word as thoughts of Lucas slamming into me, reaching a depth that has never pleasurably been reached, fills my head.

  Standing with my bowl, I take a minute to clear my head, but instead, my hand is pressing between my thighs, pushing the silk of my robe against me. Dropping my head, I close my eyes and take in a deep breath as I rub myself to thoughts of last night. My grip on the counter gets tighter and my fantasies get more disturbing as thoughts of Lucas and Jasper at the same time bring me close enough I’m panting. The doorbell rings, La Petite lets out a high pitched whistle, and my orgasm is gone as the emotion of surprise and fear - an emotion I never feel anymore - tingles through my body.

  With a growl I tighten my robe and march to the front door. If it’s Lucas, he’s going to be on his knees begging me not to suffocate him to death while he eats me out at gunpoint. A sadistic smirk flits to my lips until I unlock the front door narrowing my lids and ready to give him hell. It’s not Lucas though, it’s Regina with Bronson and she’s in tears while Bronson is wrapped in a blanket and tucked to her chest fast asleep.

  “Birdie,” she cries pushing her way in. “You’ve got to help me. I didn’t know where to go. Please, God, help me.” She lays Bronson on the couch and the blanket falls open exposing the bloody and bruised boy.

  “What the fuck happened?” I shrie
k, immediately unwrapping his naked lifeless body that isn’t in a state of rest, he’s barely alive.

  “I had to take him with me. I had a delivery and.” She gasps in air while I try to find the source of the blood smearing his body. “And I was stupid, Birdie. I’m so sorry. I was stupid.”

  “He needs a hospital!”

  “No!” She latches onto me and is practically pulling me to the ground. “They’ll take him. They’ll take my baby! Please, just help me!”

  That’s what this kid needs! Someone that’ll take him and protect him. But that won’t happen. He’ll be placed in the system and become a foster child, possibly ending up worse than with Regina. She loves the kid, she’s just too fucked up to mother a child.

  After going into my bathroom, I return with a syringe of pain medication and an IV for a saline drip. I have no idea what I’m doing. I only know how to keep myself or another grown adult alive. Not a twenty-five pound four year old!

  “Where’s he bleeding from?” I ask unable to find a wound.

  “I don’t know.” She’s latched onto me again but I’m trying to tend to Bronson.

  “What happened to him, Regina!” I scream and grab her arms to get her the fuck off me.

  She breaks down and crumbles to the floor and I leave her, picking up Bronson and walking him into the bathroom. I inject the diluted morphine and when the needle jabs his arm, he makes a noise, giving me hope he might live. By no means am I attached to this boy or give a damn what happens after this, but I can’t live with myself knowing I didn’t try to save the innocent child’s life. Not until he makes his first conscious choice between good and evil does he lose his innocence and my pity. While I clean his wounds after injecting the saline IV, he wakes and latches onto me.

  “Birdie,” he says in a rasp and the flutter in my chest that feels like it’s bringing my dead heart to life makes me drop my head, unable to look at him. I want no attachment to this child but he needs me. At least in this moment.

  “I’m here,” I tell him because I don’t know what else to do other than drive him and his mother a state away and erase them from my thoughts.

  “Thank you, Birdie.” He closes his eyes and curls into my chest.

  After getting him comfortable on the couch and in a deep sleep, I confront Regina. She can’t hold herself together but she’s not on anything at the moment. Holding her by the throat against the wall, I wait for the disturbing details of what happened to her child.

  “Please help us, Birdie,” she begs over and over.

  Removing La Petite from her cage, I cuddle the only thing that makes me happy and walk to my bedroom.

  “La Petite,” I sing to her, petting down her neck. The longer I stare at her, Lucas begins to invade my thoughts.

  The rage inside me begins to grow and my clutch on La Petite begins to tighten, making her scream for help. Before I crush the innocence from the bird because I’m enraged Lucas is in my head, I storm to the front door and step onto the porch opening my hand.

  She flies from my palm and lands on the porch banister and I know the only way to get him out of my head is to let the bird go first. This noise escapes my throat, a noise of distress or… or sadness while I walk back into my house, and I want to burn the place down. With Regina, the boy, and myself in it.

  “You’re stupidity almost cost your son his life,” I say with so much disgust it turns my stomach. “I can no longer employee you.”

  “Please don’t kill me!” she begs and drops to my feet, latching onto my ankles.

  A loud thud comes from the window and I furrow my brows as I look up, wondering what the fuck it was and if Regina led some sort of scum to my residency. I will end her life without thinking twice. Going to the front door, I grab the gun hidden behind a book on the bookshelf and I open the door, seeing La Petite fly into the window, trying to get back into the house.

  “No, you stupid bitch,” I mutter pulling open the door, prepared to throw her to the sky, to show her the freedom she deserves, and what does she do? Flies back into the house as soon as the door opens.

  I pause and my eyes flash down the street to the Milkey’s old residence. The house hiding Lucas from me and I almost lift the gun to my own head. That’s a sure way to get him out of it.

  Marching back into the house, my eyes land on Bronson and La Petite sitting on the couch arm next to his head.

  Eliminate one annoying thought by replacing it with another.

  “I’ll help you,” I tell Regina and her sobs start again as she profusely thanks me.

  Over the next few days, I nurse Bronson back to health and avoid Lucas the several times he shows up at my door. With Regina here, I have her play the housekeeper and she deals with Lucas each time he knocks. Not only do I not want to see the annoying man, he can’t see the battered child I’m hiding or it could cause problems for me.

  “Yes?” I answer Jasper’s call.

  It’s been a week since I’ve heard from him last. A week since Lucas showed me what a superior lover he was over Jasper.

  “Little Bird, I miss your tweet.”

  “I’m busy, Jasper. I don’t have time for your games.” And the thought of sex with him is laughable.

  Jasper has never raped me but I don’t think I’ll be willingly giving myself to him any time soon.

  “Little Bird.” He laughs indicating he’s high. “You’re not a game, you’re the queen in my game.”

  “Do you need something? I’m trying to dress for a meeting I have with a client. Seems the scar on my neck is a lot harder to mask than the one across my face.”

  “I do it out of love every time, Little Bird, you know that.”

  “Reason you’re calling, Jasper?”

  “An employee of yours is causing a stir.”

  I narrow my eyes. He knows nothing of my employees.

  “For it to reach me, Little Bird, that is a big deal.”

  “Who?” I defensively blurt.

  “Regina Crusse. Why, oh why, Little Bird, do I even know this bitch’s name?” he growls, immediately losing the playful tone he’s been using. “I employ you so I don’t have to know the sub-employees. Why the fuck was she brought to my attention?” he screams.

  “I don’t know, Jasper. You tell me. I’ve heard no complaints and none of her clients aren’t big enough to reach you. How did you hear about this?”

  “Oh, but they are. You forget that sometimes her clients are sub-employed also and their employees might work for me.”

  “That makes no sense; you’re running a circle of connecting employees? Stop talking in riddles. What was said?”

  “She didn’t deliver the goods and was supposed to deliver a child she has. She took the child and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Where is she, my Little Bird?”

  “I don’t know, but I can probably find out. I’ll be sure to get rid of her immediately.”

  “I’ll take care of that. Her and her child will be taken care of. Just find out where they are.”

  “What’s the child got to do with anything? He’s just a little boy.”

  “I don’t sell children,” he seethes. “And if the boy stays alive, he’s sold to replace her debt. I want them both dead. Find them.”

  “I will,” I say with confidence but tightly close my eyes.

  “Little Bird, do you forgive me for your neck yet?”

  “I never blamed you. I know you love me.” This game turns my stomach, but soon he won’t be a piece on my game board. I just need to exercise my patience.

  The line goes dead and I take a few minutes to figure out what to do with Regina and Bronson. She has no one to rely on except junkies and scum here and I have a feeling if I got her out of the state, the stupid woman would just come back to them and then I will end up dead for lying to Jasper. He won’t let this go until he finds out they’re dead.

  Who the fuck did she piss off?

  Dealing with Regina and Bronson for seven days, Lucas has only come to mind
in the mornings when La Petite’s whistles wake me up. I don’t miss him, but I do miss what he did to my body, but that’s the least of my concerns right now.

  I still have no idea what to do with Regina because she confirmed my thoughts that she wouldn’t stay out of town. She blatantly lied to my face saying she would, but if there’s anything I can sense a mile away, it’s a liar. If Bronson hadn’t come into the room, I would have squeezed the life out of her neck for lying to me like that.

  So now I’m stuck with this bitch and only letting her live so Bronson doesn’t have to die. I should just say fuck it but I have a feeling if I do, Jasper will make me kill Bronson myself because it’s taking me so long to tell him where they are. One bullet to the back of the head, fine. But I know he wouldn’t let me get off that easy, and I absolutely refuse to torture a child.

  I’m going to get her clean, find her a man that will take her out of this state. Maybe to Canada. He can care for her and her son like he really loves them. I know a few men that would jump at the opportunity of a life away from Jasper. I just need to make it happen under Jasper’s radar.


  As I wash Bronson’s hair, I hear the doorbell. That can only be one person. The person I’ve been avoiding for days and it’s not Jasper because he’s in Venezuela.

  I hear Regina arguing then what sounds like forced entry and I quickly close the shower curtain after telling Bronson to keep quiet. Grabbing my gun, I hurry into the living room where Luke is arguing with Regina because she’s trying to push him out the door.

  “Goddammit, I don’t care what the fuck she’s doing, I have to talk to her!” He’s screaming at Regina and I notice her hand trembling.

  “Regina,” I say because the look on his face is determination, and this time I know he’s not going away.

  “I tried,” she says with a tremble to her voice and I usher her away from the door.

  “Go into the bathroom,” I quietly tell her, wanting her to tend to Bronson. “Lucas.” I sigh. “I’ve been busy.”


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