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LUCIEN: A Standalone Romance

Page 77

by Glenna Sinclair

“You actually spoke to them?”

  Miles turned to face me, leaning back against the railing with his ankles crossed. He studied my face for a minute, then his eyes fell to the ground.

  “Martin de Luca and I had done some business together. We knew each other fairly well.”

  “You did business with Martin de Luca?”

  “Nothing illegal,” he said quickly. “Martin had a legitimate construction business just outside of Boston. I was working for my father at the time, with his business clients. Martin’s company was one of the clients I worked with. I learned a hell of a lot from Martin.”

  “So you talked to him about Rebecca and Robert.”

  “I wanted to. But he came to me first. Told me that Dominic had caught them together and he was worried he might do something to Robert. Told me to keep them apart.”

  “That went well, I suppose.”

  Miles looked up. “We Thorns don’t listen very well when someone is trying to keep us from the women we love.”

  My eyes dropped from his, tears filling mine. There was a lot of implication in those words. And I was pretty sure he wasn’t thinking of me when he said it.

  “One night, Robert shows up at my place. He’s bleeding from a gash on his forehead, blood smeared all over the front of his tuxedo shirt. There’d been an accident, he’d said. They were arguing, she was drunk, she grabbed the steering wheel, and his Porsche slammed into a tree less than a mile from her father’s house. She didn’t have a seatbelt on.”

  I shook my head. “He just left her?”

  “He thought she was dead. He thought her brother would kill him if he found him there. And he was right. Dominic was insanely possessive of his sister. I truly believe Robert would be dead if he had stayed there that night.”

  “But to just leave her…”

  “It wasn’t right.” Miles dragged his fingers through his hair as he leaned back, a sigh slipping from his lips. “I woke Claire and asked her to take Robert to the family home in the Berkshires. I figured it would take a day or two to smooth things over with Martin. I never imagined that things would explode the way they did. I honestly thought she might be injured, but she more likely passed out from alcohol than anything else. I never imagined she’d die. I thought Robert was exaggerating the extent of her injuries.

  “I got a call from Martin not even an hour later. He wanted to know where Robert was. Wanted to know why he was with his daughter that night. He was slightly incoherent, jumping from subject to subject without making a lot of sense. The next morning, news of the accident was all over the local news. Rebecca was reported to be in a coma with severe head injuries. Robert called me in a panic; he wanted to come back; he wanted to go see her. I had to drive out there and calm him down in person.”

  Emotion danced over his face as the memories played themselves out in his mind. He focused on me for a long second, then looked away again, almost as though he couldn’t stand to look at me as he relived some of the darkest moments of his recent past.

  “Rebecca died a week later. Martin was inconsolable. My father and I went to the funeral, out of respect for Martin as a client. He took one look at me and…I have never seen such naked hatred before or since. He confronted me afterward, in his house, told me he was going to tell the police everything he knew; he told me he wanted to see Robert pay for what he’d done. But the police were already investigating the accident. I spoke to them. They’d had a reconstruction completed, taken fingerprints, and spoke to people at the local bar. As far as they were concerned, Rebecca was driving the car. And her blood alcohol levels upon entering the hospital were three times the legal limit. They were ready to close the book on the whole thing. But Martin…he wasn’t going to let that happen.

  “I had to do something. I couldn’t let my brother go to jail. But I also couldn’t let my father know the role Robert played in the accident. My father was already put out with Robert. He’d warned him over and over again that he would cut him off if he screwed up again. I mean, this wasn’t the first time Robert did something stupid, or had some girl’s father chasing after him. This was just the most serious thing he’d ever done.”

  I remembered the things Jackson had said at the hospital the night his wife collapsed. I remembered how his wrath was not just focused on Miles, but Robert, too.

  My wife is dying. She might die tonight. And my children—my legacy—consists of a son who thought nothing of stealing his brother’s fiancée, and a son who ran when things got to hot. Some legacy I’ll leave behind when it’s my turn to go.

  Jackson was clearly disappointed in his sons. And this definitely explained some of that.

  “What did you do?”

  Miles shrugged. “The same thing I’d always done. I protected my brother.”

  Again he ran his fingers through his hair, making the tangled curls even more unruly. I wanted to go to him, to run my own fingers through his hair, to smooth away the worry lines between his eyes, to feel the roughness of his five o’clock shadow under my palm. But I didn’t. I stayed where I was, waiting for him to finish his story.

  “I told Martin that I was driving the car that night. That I’d taken Robert’s car to his house so that Rebecca would come out with me, so that I could tell her that they had to stop seeing each other for their own safety. I told him that Rebecca had been drinking already and that she became so distraught with what I had to say that she grabbed the wheel and caused the accident.”

  “Did he believe you?”

  “Not at first. He had some of his people searching for Robert. They found him some weeks later, and Martin confronted him. But, of course, by then I’d told Robert what I’d done. He backed up my story. I don’t think Martin really believed him, but he went along with it. He needed to believe something. He needed something to hang it all on, someone to blame. And I gave him that.”

  “But he would have wanted revenge.”

  “He did. He wanted…”—Miles stopped, his eyes coming up to mine again—“…he wanted to destroy my family. He wanted to use my father’s company to promote his illegal dealings, to turn our family legacy into something dark and twisted and…” He shook his head. “Robert dropped a bomb on us, and I was the only thing standing between detonation and destruction. I couldn’t go to my father because it would have devastated him. I couldn’t go to Robert because he was so lost those months after Rebecca died. I really do believe he loved her. And I believe it had everything to do with what happened next.”

  “With Claire?”


  He came back over and sat beside me. “Everyone thinks that I left Massachusetts because of Claire and Robert. But that’s not true. I saw what was happening between them when I went up there to calm him down when the news hit the fan. Even then it was obvious that something was going on. As the weeks passed and they spent more and more time up in the Berkshires alone, it just became more obvious. And, to be honest, I was heartsick over it. And angry. And resentful. But I wasn’t surprised. I would have been okay with it, eventually. Maybe. But I wouldn’t have run out on everyone just because of that.”

  “Then why did you leave?”

  “To buy time. I had to find a way to stop Martin. I couldn’t let him destroy my father’s company or a reputation my family had built over many generations. We’ve been a lot of things, we Thorns, but none of it was ever illegal. And I wasn’t about to be the first to take us down that road.” He shook his head. “I simply didn’t know what else to do. I thought if I resigned from the company, if I disappeared for a while, Martin would finish grieving and start to see reason. Unfortunately, I was only partially correct.

  “So, I took all the money I could scrap together, and I went to Joan. I told her everything, about Robert and Rebecca, about Robert and Claire, about Martin. Everything. She was the one who suggested we start a business. She said we needed to be able to show everyone that I hadn’t run away, that I was simply going out on my own. And construction was something I�
�d always been interested in, particularly green construction. So it made sense. And it worked, for a while. My father was none too pleased and my mother…she was heartbroken, but she insisted she understood. Robert assumed it was because of Claire. He tried to reach out a few times, to apologize. He never knew what Martin had threatened, not until I told him two days ago.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him?”

  Miles shrugged. “Didn’t see the point.”

  “And me? What role did I play in this charade?”

  Miles lifted his hand, like he was going to touch me, maybe hold my hand. But then he let it fall again, resting on his own thigh.

  “It didn’t take long for Martin to find me. He was pissed that I resigned from the family business, removing access to the things he needed: client files, bank account numbers, inside information. But then he saw how well my construction business was going and figured it would be a good cover for his westward expansion. He’d wanted to expand his business for years, sending guys out to Colorado and California to test the waters there. He’d never considered Texas. But when he found me there, he decided there couldn’t be a better setup than a Thorn running an easily corruptible business—at least traditionally. It was part of the reason he’d gotten into construction in the first place. It just stopped being profitable as a front, so he took it legit. But my business could be highly lucrative, especially in a state that shared a border with Mexico. The only thing that would have been better would have been if I’d begun my business in El Paso, but he figured beggars couldn’t be choosers.”

  He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I needed an excuse in a hurry. So I told him that I was in the process of getting married and would need a few months to settle in with my new bride. He gave me six months. But I wasn’t even dating anyone at the time. And then you, quite literally, ran into me, and it just seemed to fall into place. I marry this naive girl who would never be the wiser, keep Martin on the ropes until I figured something out, then get out from under it all and go back to my life like none of it ever happened. But then my mom got sick, and I got distracted, and it all fell apart.”

  “And Martin came after you again.”

  “Yeah.” There was real sorrow when he looked at me then. “He came to my office one afternoon with pictures. Picture of you at your aunts’ house, of you shopping with Lisa, of you visiting your friends at Starbuck’s. He said you were beautiful, and so vulnerable. How easy it would be for one of his men to simply pluck you off the street, make you disappear like you never existed. And that’s when I realized I’d not only not found a way to get out from under the pile of shit I’d pulled down on myself, but I’d dragged you into it alongside me. And you had no clue.”

  I slid my hand into his. “You should have told me. I would have—”

  “What? There wasn’t anything to do. He was very clear about his threat. And I couldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Is that why you sent me away?”

  He squeezed my hand, then stood again, pacing for a minute. “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t let him hurt you. And it seemed to me you were safer far away from me.”

  “What about you?”

  “I wasn’t in danger. As long as Martin thought he could use me, I was safe.”

  “Then how did you get him off your back?”

  “I went to the FBI.”

  Chapter 27

  His story sounded like the plot for a bad television crime show.

  He went back to Massachusetts and met with an FBI agent. A friend of a friend of Joan’s had arranged the meeting. They put a wire on him and had him arrange a group of meetings with Martin. And Martin apparently never suspected a thing. They met on three different occasions in Waco, each time in public, each time with Martin’s goons hanging around, guns obvious under their jackets, each time with unspoken threats hanging in the air. Martin described in clear detail at each of the meetings what, exactly, he wanted Miles to do with his business, how he was to transact these illegal acts, and who he was to do it with. It couldn’t have gone better if it had been scripted.

  The FBI practically jumped for joy after each meeting.

  But Martin de Luca wasn’t arrested right away. The FBI had been watching him for a very long time, and they knew that the bulk of his drug trade was now under the control of his son, Dominic. So, they confronted Martin and made a deal with him. Martin, the loving father that he was, jumped at the chance to hang his son.

  “They told me it was all taken care of, that Dominic would fall into their trap without complications. He was supposed to be in South America until September. Then they would catch him with cocaine in a shipment of antiques he was supposedly bringing into the United States to donate to a local museum. They swore it was over, that I could go on with my life,” Miles said, his eyes full of regret as he stood against the railing once more and studied the bruises on my face. “He wasn’t supposed to be on the ship.”

  “And Robert? Lisa and Colin? Why were they there?”

  “Robert and Claire weren’t supposed to be there either. Lisa and Colin I invited because I knew you would appreciate having your best friend around. And you…I went to your aunts and told them I’d made a mistake divorcing you. I told them I still loved you and wanted a chance to reconcile.”

  “That’s why they gave me the ticket.”

  “They thought it was incredibly romantic.”

  He smiled when he said it, a little wistfulness filling his voice. I could imagine. My aunts were nothing if not incurable romantics.

  “And the cruise line? Is it really owned by your father’s company?”

  “Yes. And it is the maiden voyage of that particular ship after a remodel. But it’s not that big of a deal. We remodel the ships every few years.”

  “Then the reporters…?”

  “If there were any on board, they were there as passengers.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Then, what was the point? Were you trying to draw Dominic out?”

  “No. It was nothing like that.”

  “Then why?”

  “I didn’t know he was on board. I thought he was still in South America. I never would have brought you there had I known. And I definitely would have been more careful if I’d known that you dated him.”

  “It was one date. Just one among many.”

  “Many? I didn’t realize you’d moved on that quickly.”

  Was there hurt in his voice? Was it bad that the thought made my heart do a little jump of joy?

  “You kicked me out quite unceremoniously. And then you sent over divorce papers before I was even out of the house a week. What was I supposed to think?”

  “I did that for Martin’s sake. I wanted him to see that you didn’t matter to me, so he wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “It worked.”

  “I never wanted to hurt you, Riley. I was trying to protect you from this mess I’d gotten myself into.”

  “You mean the mess Robert got you into.”

  Miles shook his head. “It was as much my mess by then as it was Robert’s. More mine. If I hadn’t decided to handle it all on my own, if I had gone to my father to begin with…but I was too headstrong to ask him for help.”

  “But you’ve told him since,” I guessed.

  “I told him everything. I told him about Rebecca, about Robert’s role in her death, about Claire and how destroyed I was by what she did. I told him about fleeing to Joan, about my deal with you. Everything. I told him everything.”

  “And Dominic? I’m guessing the little show at the airport yesterday was orchestrated by the FBI?”

  “It was. The FBI and Martin. Dominic will be going to Italian jail for quite a while. And then he’ll be extradited to the United States to face charges there, hopefully to face a lifetime in federal prison alongside his father. He won’t ever bother you again.”

  “Then it’s over. You can go back to your life.”

  “I can.”

bsp; “Good.” I climbed to my feet, trying to pretend that tears weren’t clogging my throat and threatening to stream down my face once again. “I guess it all worked out for the best then.”

  “There’s still a few details to hammer out.”

  “Yeah? Like what?”

  “Like the fact that I’m in love with you. Like the fact that I was planning on winning you over on this cruise and throwing the perfect destination wedding in Tuscany.”

  I stood with my back to him, those tears no longer straining against the dam of my emotions, but rolling down my cheeks like a summer storm that could no longer be denied. I rubbed them away, but they were just replaced by so many more.

  “I love you, Riley,” he said simply. “I didn’t even realize it until Martin was showing me those pictures. Not until I knew that I could lose you. And when that reality sank in, I knew that it was nothing like the love I thought I felt for Claire.”

  “You loved Claire. You were going to marry her.”

  “I did,” he said, his voice raw with emotion. “I thought the sun rose and set in Claire. When I married you, when we left on our honeymoon, all I could think about was how I was supposed to do these things with Claire. All I could focus on was that you weren’t the woman I wanted. I stayed away because looking at you was just a reminder of everything my brother stole from me when he took her away.”

  I groaned because that pile of photos Dominic had shown me was still too fresh in my mind. Several of those photos were from our honeymoon. He and Claire, in the restaurant downstairs from the suite where I spent those few days alone. All these thoughts were bouncing through my mind again, my mind going places I didn’t want it to go. Images of Claire in his arms, of the two of them sneaking off together, both married to other people, but unable to deny feelings that never really died. It killed me, imagining him pining after her. But he had. I saw it.

  “I didn’t know you then,” Miles said, his voice closer than it had been just a minute ago. “I didn’t know how amazing you were. How kind and gentle. I didn’t know how generous your spirit was. I mean, Christ, Riley, the way you were there for me through my mom’s final hours, the way you so completely gave yourself to me and my family even after the way I’d treated you…. I was hurting so deeply, and you opened yourself up. You let me come to you….” His voice shook as he said that last phrase. “You are so much more than I will ever be. I don’t deserve you.”


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