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Hidden Heat

Page 4

by Amy Valenti

  He shook his head. “Nothing.”

  I decided not to ruin the moment by pursuing it now, and instead shimmied against him to the music’s pounding beat. “Dance with me!”

  He gave me that distinctive grin again, gripping me tightly and moving with me. “You know, I usually don’t do this unless I’ve had a lot of beer.”

  “Dance now. Beer later.”

  For a few songs, we kept up our yelled conversation, dancing to the lively music and checking out the sights around us. There were so many people in the room that I’d almost lost my fear of being recognised as ‘suppressed’ and, as I relaxed more, a completely natural euphoria filled me, unprovoked by alcohol or narcotics. I’d almost forgotten how to let go of the daily fear of discovery, and it was a relief to know I hadn’t entirely lost the ability to have fun.

  An inevitable slow song began when I was in mid-spin, my back to Scott. He caught me by the hips and steadied me, then drew my body back against his, his chest pressing against my back.

  “Hmm.” I looked back into his masked face, leaning my head on his shoulder with a grin. “Nice reflexes.”

  He pressed a slow, light kiss to the corner of my mouth, sending a tingle down my spine and tilting his head out of reach before I could reciprocate. “You have no idea.”

  We swayed together, delicious tension growing between us with every beat that passed. He kissed my neck gently and I ground my ass back against him, feeling a surge of accomplished need as the beginnings of his erection pressed into my tailbone. I turned in his arms and drew his head down to mine, nipping briefly at his bottom lip. He deepened the kiss with a barely audible growl, his tongue seeking mine as he slipped his hands down from my waist to my ass.

  After that there was no going back. We’d lasted…what? Maybe ten songs? I hadn’t counted, and now I couldn’t count the kisses that defined my immediate existence. Each merged into the next, with pauses only to check our slow but sure navigation towards the fringes of the dance floor.

  My back hit the wall—not hard, but the unexpected sensation was enough to shock a gasp from me. Scott pinned me there with his body, his eyes moving hungrily over my face. “You look really good in a mask.”

  “Kinky…” I kissed him, as swift and hard as a striking snake, then reclined against the wall. “But trust me—I look a whole lot better without the mask. And the dress. And the shoes. And the panties…”

  “Oh, fuck…” He ground against me again, his cock hard enough to make me bite back a moan. “We have got to get out of here.”

  “I’m not arguing.” But neither of us even looked around for an exit. Scott spread my thighs with one of his, and I instinctively rolled my hips against it, sighing shakily at the rush of desire that resulted. “You know, I had a dream about this happening yesterday…”

  “Yeah?” He slid his hand over my breast, searching for the taut nipple below the gauzy green fabric. When he pinched it between his fingertips, I felt my pussy tighten instinctively in response.

  “More of a daydream, actually.” I watched the realisation begin to dawn; those deep blue eyes widened just a little behind the mask’s eye holes. His caressing hand grew rougher, and I wondered if it was intentional or not. “You could even call it a fantasy—”

  Scott cut me off with another kiss, hard and desperate, and eased his fingers between my thighs. The dress’ satiny rustling was lost beneath the overly loud music that pulsed through the club as he began to rub me, slow and hard.

  I let my head fall back against the wall, dazed. Even this was so much more than I could have hoped for, and I didn’t know if it was him or the situation in general, but it wouldn’t take much more to get me off. “I’ll fall over if you don’t stop that.”

  He heard exactly what I needed him to hear—don’t stop that. “I’ll catch you.”

  Part of my brain protested at the indignity of being treated like a swooning princess, but I hadn’t felt the unpredictability of someone else’s touch for far too long, and it was just…so…good. With a quick glance around to see if we were being watched, I pulled the hem of my dress up higher, letting the folds of green silk obscure most of what was happening from view and guiding Scott’s hand to where I wanted it.

  He sighed against my neck, his breath hot and shaky with discovery. His fingers brushed the tops of my thighs, then rubbed the scrap of satin and lace between them, experimentally at first. I tilted my hips towards him, needing more, rubbing my own hand lightly across the pants of his formal suit. “If getting caught wasn’t so damn life-threatening, I’d just unzip these right here. Just pull my panties to one side and guide you inside me, let you fuck me up against the wall…”

  Scott whispered my name like it was the most filthy, taboo, sexy curse the world had ever come up with. “You keep talking to me like that, and we’re both dead, ‘cause I swear I won’t be able to help myself.”

  The thought of him out of control was almost too delicious to bear. “How far to your place?”

  “Ten-minute walk.” He stroked repeatedly over the fabric covering my pussy, hard enough to count but softly enough to tease.

  I whimpered, imagining the torturous journey. “Too far.”

  Scott laughed against my neck and tingles shot down my spine. “I can get you off now, before we go…”

  I could have been polite and ladylike and insist that it wouldn’t be fair on him to have to endure his own arousal through that. As it was, I was just too damn horny. “Do it… Please…”

  He nudged my hand away from his cock, shaking his head. “Then keep your hands to yourself, or I’ll lose it.”

  It was a small price to pay, and I laced my fingers together behind his neck to avoid the temptation. “I’ll be good.”

  He shot me a look filled with amused disbelief, then worked his hand inside my damp panties to explore the flesh beneath. “This is being good? Can’t wait to see what being bad’s gonna involve.”

  I rested my forehead on his shoulder as he circled my aching clit with fingers now slippery with my arousal. “Oh, God…” My knees trembled just a little, and Scott pressed me back more firmly against the wall, supporting my body between him and it.

  He didn’t waste time—I was ready for at least two of his fingers, and he knew it, slipping both inside me together, almost withdrawing completely, then driving in deeper. I cried out, not bothering to muffle the sound—the music would cover it easily.

  “Good?” Scott began to fuck me slowly, his thumb brushing my sensitive clit for just a second. I nodded, forgetting how to speak, rolling my hips against his thrusts to press him in deeper. “More?”

  Did he even have to ask? “Harder, faster, oh, God, just stop teasing me!”

  He laughed again, and oh-my-God-yes, he hit my sweet spot with a curl of his fingers, and I almost lost it, half sobbing with frustration as the feeling faded too quickly. “Right there!”

  It took him a second to find it again, but once he did I shattered within three thrusts of his fingers. Grinding my clit against his thumb, I muffled my cries of release against his suit jacket and held on to his shoulders tightly. Scott’s hard cock ground against my hip as he supported me, and my head swam with the combined pleasure of my climax and the anticipation of the night to come.

  It was a couple of minutes before I could support my weight fully again—in those heels, it was a precarious undertaking—but as soon as I could reliably stand, I repositioned my panties, straightened my dress and tried to look casual. “Wanna dance some more, or are we out of here?”

  By this time, Scott had managed to get his erection under control enough to leave the club. “Let’s go home.”

  * * * *

  The air outside was deliciously cool, the light breeze caressing my overheated skin like it knew I needed to calm down and focus. More than anything, I wanted to take off the mask and strip off my evening gloves, but the risk of being recognised as one of the Focused was too great. I left them on.

  Scott and
I walked close together, his arm tightly around my waist and mine around his. Though his posture was relaxed, I could sense his wariness, and I sympathised—nothing killed the mood more than knowing that we could be discovered and put to death at any moment. We were disguised, but this was my first time sneaking out, and the authorities seemed to come up with more effective ways to identify civilians every year. The masks would impair any facial recognition surveillance, but who knew what other attention was upon us?

  Maybe we were being paranoid, but better paranoid than dead.

  “Scott?” I asked hesitantly.

  He turned his head to press a kiss against my hair. “It’s not far. Just keep walking. And relax.”

  We did, and I tried. Thinking about what Scott and I had just done set my libido on fire again, and he laughed softly as I snuggled closer to him. “Now you’re getting it.”

  “What, this is part of my training?”

  “This part shouldn’t need training.” We stopped at a crosswalk, and as we waited for the traffic to slow, he tilted my head slightly for another kiss. “This is you being you. The trouble is…”

  “I’ve forgotten how.” Sighing, I watched the lights flick from green to red. “I’ve been trying to act like I’m suppressed for so long that I’ve forgotten how to relax properly. And I hate it.”

  “This isn’t gonna be forever, you know. It can’t be.”

  If I didn’t laugh, I’d cry, so I tugged him off the sidewalk and across the road, grinning. “You’re gonna somehow revert society to how it was a hundred years ago? When doctors and lawyers and the police were allowed to have sex in their free time?”

  Scott stuck out his tongue in response to my teasing, and I kissed him again, letting my gloved hand wander across his face. When I pulled back, he told me, “The committee are working on it.”

  “Are they getting anywhere?” We resumed walking, his hand in mine.

  “Ask Beth about that. She’s the data fiend. I just like making people feel better.”

  We turned into the driveway of a detached house—bigger than I’d expected. The thought hit me a little too late, and as he opened the front door I whispered, “Does anyone live here with you?”

  “You can meet them in the morning. They’re probably sleeping now.”

  That so didn’t answer my question. “Won’t they hear us?”

  “Every room in this place is soundproofed. Skye’s brother’s an expert in that kind of thing.”

  I kicked myself for not getting the details straight before I came out on this little pleasure-jaunt. I was lucky not to have been arrested already. Scott seemed so confident, so carefree…but what if he was just reckless?

  “Holly…” He closed the door behind us, locked it, and took off his mask. Underneath it, his face was serious and sincere, and absolutely kissable. “I know you’re scared. I was, too. Still am, sometimes. But it’s one thing to put myself in danger. It’s something else entirely to put someone I care about at risk, and I know it’s only been a couple of days since we met, but I—”

  I kissed him instinctively, interrupting him before he had a chance to finish. He tightened his arms around me, and for a few blissful seconds everything blurred into hedonistic desire. I pulled back before he did, leaving him wanting, and tugged off my own mask.

  I felt more myself behind closed doors, and my self-confidence had returned. While he watched me hungrily, I loosened my evening gloves finger by finger, then pulled them off entirely. Finally able to touch him the way I’d been desperate to, skin on skin, I slipped one hand round to the back of his neck and stroked the fingers of the other across his face. “I trust you. God knows why, but I do.”

  He nodded slowly, his eyes falling closed as I continued stroking my fingers across his cheek. “Good. Cause there’s something about you, Holly Trent. I don’t know what it is, but it drives me crazy…”

  The compliment made me almost playful, and I leaned in to whisper in his ear, “So, are you gonna fuck me here in the hallway, or do we get to your room first?”

  All attempts to prove his good intentions put aside, Scott became a typical guy at the question, pulling me up the stairs and into a room decorated in deep green hues. The door hissed faintly as he closed it behind us, lending credibility to his claim that the room was soundproofed. That was all I registered before he pushed me up against the wall, his lips on mine again and one hand cupping my breast.

  I arched my back into his touch, teasing his tongue with mine, and he trailed his lips down my neck. “So, are you gonna get out of that dress, or am I gonna accidentally tear it because I don’t know how to do it right?”

  His mischievous grin was back, and I giggled. “Okay, first thing you need to do is stop pinning me against the wall.”

  With another brief, fiery kiss, he released me and stepped away. My body protested his absence, and I kicked off my heels as I got to work on the zip fastening down the side of the dress.

  Once the swathe of green fabric hit the floor, I looked up at Scott to gauge his reaction. His eyes glued to my almost-naked figure, he unconsciously licked his lips, and eight months’ worth of pent-up frustration welled up inside me. I could wait just a little longer, though. After all, he had let me come back at the club, and he deserved a reward for that.

  “Don’t touch,” I whispered in his ear, and pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders, down his arms, to land in a heap on the floor.

  Scott groaned as I began undoing the buttons of his shirt, one by one. “Fuck, you’re killing me here.”

  Amused, I slid one hand down his body to his cock, stroking firmly. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  His jaw tightened against a moan as I teased him, but to his credit he stayed in control, his arms at his sides. Once his shirt was fully unbuttoned, I ensured it went the same way as his jacket, kissing my way across his toned chest as the white cloth dropped to the floor. Undoing his belt buckle was a simple task, but I drew it out, knowing the anticipation would make his eventual release all the sweeter.

  “Jesus, Holly…” His breathing was slow and deep, but it trembled, giving away his battle to remain calm. He kicked off his shoes and socks while I unbuttoned his pants and dragged down his fly with excruciating languor.

  I worked my hand into his boxers easily, and for the first time I closed my hand around his thick, hard length, stroking up and running my palm over his sensitive head. He was gonna feel so good inside me, so damn good…but I could wait. At least, I thought I could.

  I kissed him, keeping my hand slowly in play, and he seized my hips, kissing me so desperately that I almost lost control and just let him take over. Pressing my naked breasts against his warm chest, I let go of his cock for just long enough to tug down his pants and underwear.

  “You might wanna sit down for this,” I whispered against his lips, and he immediately stepped out of his remaining clothing, tugging me backward towards the bed.

  I sank to my knees in front of him and he sat on the edge of the mattress, leaning down to kiss me again, hard. When I pulled back his eyes were dark with lust, and I felt another quiver deep inside me, where I needed to feel him. But not yet.

  “Your turn.” Before he could reply, I leant forward and licked across his head, then took him into my mouth, putting all the tricks I’d learned in the past to work. Scott cursed softly, holding back my hair with one hand and gently encouraging me with the other.

  Putting my own desires aside, I focused on his, learning his unique responses and most sensitive spots. He gave low, appreciative groans as I pushed him closer to the edge and, just as I thought he was about to lose it, he tugged me away by the hair, growling with frustrated pleasure.

  “C’mere.” I rose to my feet with an accomplished smile, letting him draw me down to the bed with him. His hands and lips were rough with desire, and the shameless slut inside me responded with gasps and sighs. He pulled off my underwear with a couple of sharp tugs, and then pinned me to the mattress, rolling
my nipples between his fingers and kissing me so heatedly that I could hardly think.

  “Please,” I gasped between kisses, reaching down between us to rub his head against my demanding clit. Scott nipped my neck, hard enough to leave a mark, but I didn’t care anymore. All that mattered was the deep pulse of my desire, and all I cared about was getting off. “Fuck me…”

  He took one endless, excruciating moment to give me that grin again. “Soundproofed room, remember? Let me hear you.”

  He drove inside me hard enough that I cried out sharply, revelling in the freedom of being as loud as I damn well wanted with no repercussions. “Oh, God, more…”

  I didn’t need to tell him twice. I dug my fingers into his shoulders enough to hurt, and he responded to my rough touch with hard, confident movements that drove me further and further out of my mind. I cried out over and over, bracing my heels against the mattress, meeting him thrust for thrust, and trembled as the tension within me grew to impossible heights, accumulating but never breaking. I half sobbed, unable to take any more of the almost painful pleasure, then suddenly I shattered, wrapping my legs around Scott’s waist and rocking with him as the waves of pleasure crested and ebbed, leaving me exhausted but sated.

  Scott responded to my intense climax with a groan, the feel of my release triggering his, and he thrust within me a few more times, breathlessly riding out the sensation. We collapsed together in a tangle of limbs, gasping for air, drifting on the afterglow, and for a few minutes I couldn’t remember anything but the fact that I was here with Scott, recovering from the fucking of my life.

  As soon as I had the strength to move, I tilted my head up to brush my lips across Scott’s jaw. He shifted into a more comfortable position and returned my kiss softly, his expression as satisfied as mine probably was. “That…was epic.”

  “Definitely worth all the subterfuge,” I agreed, stretching my limbs out one by one with lazy, post-coital languor. “Even if the police are preparing to storm the house and arrest us right now, at least I can die happy.”


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