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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

Page 4

by Millstead, Kasey

  “Delicious,” he murmurs.

  “Hmm,” I hum.

  Another song starts up and I slide my hands down his stomach, over his stiff, washboard stomach. But, as I go to unzip his fly, his hand grabs mine to stop me.

  “Later. Not now,” he says, bringing my hands to his lips to kiss along my knuckles. “I better go say hi to the boys. Are you free after this?”

  “Yes.” I can’t believe I had completely forgotten that I was at work and in a room full of people. He just seems to be able to consume my every thought and action. He makes the outside world melt away as he cocoons me in a soundproof bubble.

  I lift myself off him and walk over to one of the men. As I begin my lap dance for him, I can’t help but hope there isn’t a wet spot left on my panties from Ethan’s efforts.

  Chapter Six

  “Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.” ― Mae West

  My mouth drops open in shock as I process Ethan’s words.

  I’m married.

  I told my wife I want to fuck you.

  She wants to join in.

  Oh my! A threesome. Do I want to have a threesome? Well, I guess my immediate answer would be yes. I do. I’ve always had fantasies about having sex with two guys or another girl. But, the most pressing question is, do I want to leave it as a fantasy or turn it into reality?

  “Okay,” I nod up at him.

  “Okay?” He looks slightly shocked.

  “Yeah. Okay. I want to fuck you and if fucking you means I have to fuck your wife as well, then why not?”

  He slams me against my car and holds me hostage with his hips. “You’re fucking amazing,” he growls right before his mouth crushes into mine.

  The Bucks night is over and all the men have moved out in the main room to watch the performances on the stage. Ethan followed me outside to my car where we just had our little talk about his wife joining in.

  He possesses my mouth before pulling away and stroking my cheek. “I want this as soon as possible, gorgeous,” he says in a husky, desire-filled tone.

  “Me too,” I agree.

  “Good. When are you free?”

  “I’m not supposed to fuck client’s of the club,” I blurt.

  “And?” He draws the word out, his face a mixture of confusion with a hint of fear.

  “Sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” I shake my head and let out a little laugh. “Bill would have a shit fit if he saw me out here with a patron of the club. Anyways, I’m free Mondays and Tuesdays. Divine is closed those days and I work Wednesday through Sunday when it’s open.”

  “Monday night then?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.


  “Where?” I ask.

  “I know a place. I’ll text you the details.”

  We exchange phone numbers and he leaves after placing a swift kiss on my lips.

  All of sudden, I’m actually looking forward to the day most people dread. Moanday is going to have a whole new meaning come this Monday!

  I slide into the drivers seat of my car and head for home knowing that for the next forty-eight hours, I will think of nothing other than Monday night.


  It isn’t until after I’ve finished my shift the next night that my phone pings signaling a text message.

  I glance at the screen. Ethan’s name is followed by a small, unopened envelope icon. My heart thumps in my chest and my breathing increases from nerves. I fumble with my keys and let myself into my car before I open the message.

  Ivy Hotel. Room 608. 7pm sharp. Dress sexy ;) Ethan.

  A whoosh of air escapes my lips as the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding breaks free. My stomach is filled with swarming butterflies. This is really happening.

  Okay. Is my one-word text response.

  My phone pings again with his instant response. There will be a card at reception for you to pick up. Go up to the room and wait until we get there.

  Yes, Sir. I reply sarcastically, but I can’t deny that his dominant tone in the message turns me on.

  Once I’m home, I serve myself up a bowl of Ramien noodles, too tired to cook anything else. Sitting on my plain cream sofa, my mind swims with thoughts of the way tomorrow night is going to play out. I’m incredibly excited and unbelievably turned on.

  I can’t help but wonder what his wife looks like. Belatedly, I hope she’s attractive. What if she isn’t? I can’t imagine that she’d be butt ugly, especially being married to someone as genetically blessed as Ethan. But, what if I don’t find her attractive?

  While I’ve never been overly sexually attracted to women, I am able to appreciate sexy women. In my job, I’m constantly surrounded by half naked women and I’m the first to admit I find the female body sexually appealing. It’s beautiful – all women are.

  I’d be lying if I said I’d never wondered what it would be like to go down on a women. I have thought about it…more than once. However, I’ve never acted on those thoughts, so this is a whole new territory for me.

  Has Ethan done this before? Has his wife? Or, is this a first for all of us?

  What if Bill finds out? Will that mean I’ll lose my job? I can’t imagine Bill sacking me. I’ve been working for him since he opened Divine and we’ve become great friends. But, the rules are clear; no fucking the customers. Tomorrow night, I will blatantly break that rule. Every fiber in my body tells me that even if I do lose my job, it will be worth it.

  Finally, my eyes grow heavy and I sigh. I need to still my mind so I can sleep.


  After spending the day cleaning my apartment, I finally make way across town to the Ivy Hotel at six pm.

  “Can I help you?” The well presented lady sitting behind the desk in reception asks.

  “Yes, I’m booked into room six-oh-eight and I’m supposed to pick up the card from here.”

  She taps away on her keyboard before looking back to me with a smile. “Certainly, ma’am. Here you are,” she hands me key. “If you take the elevator to the sixth floor and exit to your right. You’ll find your room four doors down on the left.”

  “Thank you.” I take the card and hitch my small overnight bag strap higher on my shoulder before pressing the button on the elevator.

  The doors open almost silently and close the same way before I’m whisked upwards and they open again. As the receptionist said, the room is four doors down on the left. The numbers 608, written in black on a gold plaque, sit at eye level on the wooden door. Above the handle is a black box where I insert my keycard. A light flashes green and I hear the lock mechanism click open.

  The room is large but decorated simply with understated elegance. There’s a small kitchenette against one wall with a microwave built into the wall and a bar fridge under the counter. Alongside that is a leather couch that looks brand new at the same time as looking well worn and comfortable.

  A king size bed with a cream colored comforter taunts me from across the room. Images of what will happen in just under a hour on that bed fly through my mind at warp speed and I clench my thighs together in anticipation.

  The bathroom is standard. A simple shower is in the corner surrounded by a glass partition. Next to that is a deep bath surrounded by white tiles. Attached to the far-side wall under a small window is a vanity unit.

  I dump my bag on the closed lid of the toilet seat of pull out my supplies. A smile spreads across my face when I hang the outfit I planned on wearing over the towel rack.

  I spend the next forty minutes applying a light coverage of makeup to my face and curling my hair into big loose curls. With fifteen minutes to go, I change into my outfit. It is, in my humble opinion, the epitome of sexy.

  Black stockings cover my legs until mid thigh, where a thick band of lace holds them in place. I clip my suspenders on and adjust the garter belt around my hips. Sucking my stomach in, I pull tight the stings on my corset. It’s black, with thick strips of ribbing placed methodically to cinch and s
queeze, accentuating every curve of my torso. It fits me like a glove, beginning right underneath my breasts, pushing them up slightly, and ending where it meets my garter belt.

  If it isn’t the definition of sexy, then I don’t know what is.

  I slide on my suede, black four-inch stilettos and try to see as much of myself in the small mirror above the vanity as I can. I twist to the side and back again but I can’t see below my waist. Giving up, I walk back out into the room and look around.

  Ethan and his wife – is it bad I don’t know her name? – are due to arrive in about five minutes. Nervousness swims through my veins. I’m not sure where I’m supposed to be standing, or what I’m supposed to be doing at all. Would it presumptuous of me to lay spread eagle on the bed in waiting?

  I settle for standing near the sofa. My rapidly beating heart skips and stutters when I hear the lock click on the door. I watch as the handle moves down before coming back up as the door swings open revealing Ethan.

  He looks mouthwateringly delicious in black pants and an un-tucked white button-down shirt. A tie hangs loose around his neck and his hair is all mussed up. His eyes find me immediately and I watch them heat as he takes in my outfit. My nipples pucker under gaze and I feel warmth gather between my legs.

  The sexual tension cackles between us, making the air in the room thick and heavy. He reaches his hand behind him and walks into the room. Behind him is a tall, beautiful woman with a blindfold over her eyes. Her body is covered by a light-weight black coat that reaches her ankles and is secured around her waist with a belt.

  Once they move through the threshold, he closes the door, the click sound piercing the air of silence in the room.

  Ethan turns his back to me and speak to his wife. “Take off your coat,” he orders.

  She complies immediately. Her hands unfasten the belt and the front of the jacket comes open before she shrugs it off her shoulders and it falls to the floor. She’s completely naked underneath.

  Taking her hand, he walks past me and leads her to the bed. “Sit down and then lay back. Good girl. Now, open your legs nice and wide.” She complies, her legs spread wide open displaying her aroused center. “Don’t close them,” he demands in a firm tone, leaving no room for argument.

  Leaving her, he walks toward me. “Well, aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes. You look utterly delectable.” He strokes his hand down the side of my face. Shiver run through my body and my breathing shallows.

  “Hi,” I murmur.

  “Hi,” he smiles. Leaning forward, I think he’s going to kiss me, but at the last minute his chin dips and he grasps one of my nipples between his lips.

  “Ahh,” I cry out, thrusting my breast further into him.

  “Mmm,” he groans against my skin as he continues to lavish attention on my puckered bud before switching to the other one.

  I glance over to his wife, still laying exposed on the bed. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly and her arousal is glistening between her legs. She looks as turned on as I feel.

  “I love this,” he murmurs as he pulls away from my breast and traces his index finger around the top of the corset, the top of his hand grazing my nipple as he runs his hand back and forth.

  “It’s sexy,” I whisper.

  “It is.” He nods in agreement.

  “Ethan,” his wife whines his name as she squirms on the bed.

  “Patience, Lucinda.”

  Oh! Her name is Lucinda.

  “Please,” she moans, lifting her hips slightly off the bed.

  Taking my hand, we walk over to stand beside the bed.

  “I want to see,” Lucinda says.

  “No. I told you, it will heighten your pleasure.”

  “I know, but I want to see the other girl.”

  “I told you, baby, she makes my dick hard just by looking at her. And soon, she’s going to put her pretty little mouth all over your body. You don’t need to know what she looks like to enjoy her.”

  “Okay,” she relents.

  Ethan motions for me kneel up on the edge of the bed.

  “Use your mouth on her breasts,” he commands in a ragged tone.

  My head goes down and my ass goes up in the air. I hear him hiss behind me. His hand touches the middle of my back and trails down lightly between the cheeks of my ass until he hits my warmth. He slides two fingers inside my damp heat as I take Lucinda’s nipple in my mouth. Swirling around with my tongue, I bite down gently.

  “Two, wet hot pussies,” I hear Ethan groan.

  Looking out the corner of my eye, I see his hand between Lucinda’s legs, pumping in and out of her at the same time he’s doing it to me. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen or felt.

  “Climb around and straddle Lucinda’s face,” Ethan orders me.

  I scoot over until I’m hovering above her, our stomachs are touching and her pussy is right below my face.

  ‘Fuck, that’s a beautiful sight. I may sit over here and watch as you eat each other out all night.”

  I moan my displeasure as he climbs on the bed behind me.

  “That’s right, you want my cock in that hot little cunt of yours, don’t you gorgeous?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  “You’ll get it, gorgeous. All in good time. Now lower your hips.”

  My knees spread further apart and my hips lower until I feel Lucinda’s tongue snake out and glide through my folds. My body shudders and I let out a long, low moan as she latches onto my clit.

  Dropping my head, I tentatively lick at her pussy, imagining what feels good for me, would feel good for her too. She raises her hips and moves against my face as she continues to feast on me.

  Her legs start to stiffen and I know she’s getting close, so I sink two fingers inside of her and pump deep, sucking her clit into my mouth and drawing back deep. Her mouth leaves my heat and I instantly feel bereft. Her body shudders and shakes beneath me as she cries out through her orgasm.

  “Oh my god!”

  Her hips buck against my face but I don’t stop, fuelled by my desire and proudness at making her come. As she comes down from her high, I continue licking away gently. She squirms and tries to get away, but I keep going, intent on making her fall apart beneath me again.

  “That was fucking beautiful. Did you like that Lucinda?” Ethan croons.

  “Oh, god, yes,” she almost weeps.

  “Good. Now it’s your turn to make Anna come. You’re not allowed to come again until she does.”

  I feel her head move in a nod, and then she resumes pleasuring me. My hips move against her as I ride her face. I feel Ethan move in behind me and then his hands span across my waist. His bare thighs rest against the back of mine.

  He must have removed his clothes at some point.

  One finger slides down and gathers some wetness before coming back up to probe at my ass. I push back against his finger, encouraging him.

  “You like that?” He asks me.

  I moan a ‘yes’ sound. Lucinda’s hips jerk against my face and I realize she enjoyed the vibration against her clit.

  “I’m going to fuck you in the ass before the night is over,” he murmurs.

  I moan again, deeper and longer this time and Lucinda gasps out in pleasure.

  “First, I’m going to sink into this pretty pussy.”

  I feel his cock resting at my entrance before he thrusts inside in one fast movement. Submerging himself balls deep inside me. My back arches and my head falls back on my shoulders and I cry out. Lucinda pulls my clit into her mouth and sucks almost painfully deep as Ethan withdraws his length and plunges in again.

  My body coils tight and then releases, propelling me off the edge of a cliff and sending me screaming into oblivion. Bright lights blind the backs of my eyes as my body trembles through a release so powerful I may have briefly passed out.

  Lucinda gentles the strokes of her tongue on my over-sensitized clit, but Ethan keeps slamming into me with force. His fingers grip my hips
and hold me still so I don’t jolt forward with every thrust. They’re digging in so hard I’m sure he’ll leave bruises. Not that I mind.

  Winding my hands under Lucinda’s ass, I spread her open even wider and resume sucking and nipping at her lips. I slowly insert my pinky into her tight ass, while my other other finger swirls around the entrance to her pussy. She begins moaning incoherently as her body tightens around my fingers again.

  Ethan’s breathing becomes ragged and the room is filled with loud moaning, soft whimpers and hard grunts.

  My stomach begins to clench and I know I won’t last too much longer. Ethan’s thrusts lose rhythm and I know he’s as close as me and Lucinda.

  “Argh,” Ethan groans. Pulling his cock almost all the way out of me, he spurts his hot come over my entrance. The warmth runs down over my clit and Lucinda greedily licks it off me. She nips at my clit and it triggers my orgasm. I bury my face between her legs and bit down hard on her swollen flesh. She comes with an ear-piercing scream, her shudders shaking the bed.

  Ethan collapses back on the bed and I roll off to the side, utterly sated, spent and satisfied.

  I look over at Ethan and Lucinda to see if I feel any awkwardness. I don’t. Lucinda’s hand reaches out and lifts her blindfold off. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles.

  “Hi, I’m Lucinda,” she murmurs.

  “Hi, I’m Anna,” I reply.

  “Nice to meet you,” she grins.

  “Likewise,” I grin back.

  Ethan rises off the bed and walks around to my side.

  “Told you she was fucking perfect.” His eyes remain on mine, but he’s speaking to his wife.

  “Yes, you were right,” she agrees, her heated gaze slowly racking over my body.

  “Now, scoot up against the headboard. Your going to finger yourself while you watch me fuck Anna’s delectable ass.”

  Lucinda shuffle back until her back rests against the pillows. Spreading her legs wide, she begins rubbing herself.

  “Play with your tits too,” Ethan tells her as he maneuvers me so I’m lying on my back, my ass near the edge of the bed. His hands go under my knees and he lifts up and pushes me back so my thighs are resting against my breasts.


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