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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

Page 8

by Millstead, Kasey

  My eyes fluttered closed on a moan as he teased himself between my slick folds.

  “Tell me you want my cock.” His accent was thick with arousal.

  I nearly rocketed off with a second orgasm. I didn't know what he'd done before entering the priesthood, but he'd been by no means innocent. His lips, his mouth, his tongue were all testament to his sexual experience. “Yes, God. I want you. Fuck me, Rafe.”

  A low groan barreled from his lips as he pulled his hips back and then sank deep inside me, inch by inch, until he was fully seated. I held my breath, waiting for my body to adjust to his thick length.

  A hiss escaped between my gritted teeth when he pulled back out, slowly dragging and hitting every single nerve inside my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles as he worked in and out, proceeding to pound me into the couch as I tore at his flesh with my nails and fisted his ass cheeks as the muscles tightened and released with every thrust.

  I groaned while he grunted before his hand snaked between us and he swirled it at my clit. He ducked his head and took my nipple between his lips and bit down, causing a fiery zing to rocket through my body, travel straight to my clit, and had every muscle pulsing with release. I was fisting, pulling, throbbing with desire.

  My fingertips dug into the skin at his shoulders as he fucked me on the couch in the rectory with his pants and belt hanging around his ass. A string of foreign phrases fell from his lips as he tossed his head back, eyes clenched tightly as his thrusts grew shorter, more frantic, before he finally stilled, his body taut, pouring himself into me.

  I held onto him, watched his beautiful dark face as the orgasm pummeled through his body and then relaxed his features.

  He sucked in a heaving pant and fell down on top of me, wrapped his arms around my body, and held me to him. My eyes drifted closed as I stroked soothing fingertips along the muscles of his shoulders and back.

  He was beautiful.

  He was forbidden.

  He was sexy and fucked like a man starved.

  I didn’t know what to expect tomorrow, I didn’t know what to expect in an hour, but at that moment, I couldn't have cared less.

  Chapter Six

  “Let me get you something. Water? Wine?”

  “You don’t have to get me drunk; I already let you have your way with me.” I giggled.

  “That’s not why I wanted to get you something.” He ran a soft thumb along my hairline and across my jaw as his eyes found mine.

  I smiled back at him reassuringly. What I was reassuring, I wasn’t sure, but it seemed he needed it.

  “Look, I don’t know what just happened—”

  “You fucked my brains out, Rafe.”

  “Your language, Tressa.” He ran a nervous hand through his cropped hair.

  I smiled again as I ran my thumb along his collarbone, admiring the sharp line of his shoulders, the spattering of dark hair that covered his pecs, brown erect nipples peeking out.

  I pinched at a nipple softly.

  “Stop, I’m trying to be serious.”

  “Your pants are hanging off your ass; there’s no serious at a time like this.” I bit my lip and enjoyed him squirming, still buried inside me. “Look, this isn’t anything more than what it was. We had an itch; we scratched it. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not a clinger. I can do a no-strings-attached fuck—”


  “Fine, I can do sex without strings.” I smiled up at him.

  “You deserve more than sex without strings, Tressa.” The pad of his thumb swiped along my brow. “Let me take care of this and we'll talk.” He nodded to where we were still joined before easing off me, his thick erection dragging across oversensitive nerves.

  “No, we don't—”

  “I don't want to hear it. Wait just a minute.” He held up his index finger before he pulled the dress pants over his ass and left his condom-covered cock swaying as he turned and walked around a corner.

  I swallowed, my heart beating double time. My hands tingling with sweat.

  I didn't want to talk. Couldn't. I needed out. This was too much. All too much.

  I wasn't ready, I couldn’t do this.

  I leaped off the couch and pulled my jeans up my legs and scrambled to find the shirt I'd torn off so carelessly.

  “Fuck, come on.” I shoved my hand between two cushions and fished the thin cotton from its hiding place.

  The toilet flushed just as I swiped my bag from the side table and slipped out the door. It closed behind me silently as I hustled down the silent corridor and out through the main doors of the church.

  I clenched and unclenched my fists until they ached while I raced down the snowy Boston sidewalk.

  I couldn’t do it, not again.

  The End.

  Look for Sins of the Flesh, the continuation of Tressa and Father Rafael's sordid tale, in mid-2014.

  More from Adriane Leigh

  Steel and Lace

  The Mourning After

  Light in Mourning



  Slade (2014)

  Sins of the Flesh (2014)

  Beautiful Burn (2014)

  Beautiful Bond (2014)

  About Adriane Leigh

  Adriane Leigh was born and raised in a snowbank in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and now lives among the sand dunes of the Lake Michigan lakeshore.

  She graduated with a Literature degree, but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer.

  She is married to a tall, dark, and handsome guy, and plays mama to two sweet baby girls. She is a voracious reader and wishes she had more time to knit scarves to keep her warm during the arctic Michigan winters.

  Stay up to date with Adriane's new releases here:

  Duty of Care


  Lisa Edward

  Chapter 1


  I CHECKED my reflection in the mirror on the back of my door, then plastered a confident smile on my face.

  “Well, that’s not going to work, Toni,” I mumbled to myself. No amount of phoney grin could hide the hangover that seemed to have consumed my entire body.

  There was a knock on the door before it flew open, and my new best friend and neighbour, Casey, was standing there.

  “Are you ready for your big first day, newbie?” she said as she barrelled into the room. “Did you do as I suggested?” She lifted the edge of her nurse’s uniform just high enough to show her suspenders hooked into her stockings.

  I laughed. “I thought you were joking about that.”

  “Well, why do you think we took you shopping, silly? We all wear them. The nurse’s uniform is so boring; you have to spice it up somehow.”

  She plonked herself down on the edge of my bed. “Go on, I’ll wait.”

  I rummaged through the bag of sexy lingerie I’d bought only the week before, and fished out a pretty pink-satin-and-lace set, along with white stockings, then stripped off. After some gymnastic-inspired moves to get the damn things hooked up, and raucous laughter from Casey, I was dressed and feeling oddly more confident.

  I checked my reflection again. Long black hair in a neat ponytail, check. Uniform clean and pressed, check. I took a closer look at my eyes. Green eyes bloodshot from a big night out, unfortunately, check.

  “Okay, newbie, let’s get you to work on time. You don’t want to piss off old Sister Crusty-Knickers on your first day.”

  Taking one final deep breath, I opened the door of my nurse’s dorm room, and headed to my first day on North Ward at Western Hospital.

  I had moved to the city from a small rural town with a population that was decreasing daily. The only nursing facility in a one-hundred mile radius was a nursing home called Horizons, filled with dementia patients and people who seemed to have been left there by their families to wither away, and die.

  All we could do was make their last few months as comfortable as possible. Horizons, however,
was not my idea of a nursing career, so when I was accepted at Western Hospital, I packed my shit as quickly as possible and moved to the city, and into the dorm. That was two weeks ago, and so far, so good.

  The other nurses who lived here were welcoming, and had already managed to get me drunk on a number of occasions. The favourite hangout seemed to be Flannigans, the bar just across the road from the hospital. Nearly every night, you could be guaranteed at least half a dozen of the off-duty nurses would be stumbling back to the dorm in the early hours of the morning with some random guy in tow.

  I soon discovered the worst offender was Casey. She was petite, and with her blonde hair and big baby-blue eyes, looked so sweet and innocent that guys felt the need to protect her. That was until she had them hooked; then she would show them who was boss by pulling out all kinds of kinky paraphernalia, but they never seemed to mind.

  Last night had been one of those nights. We had stumbled back to the dorm at around 2:30am, a tall, good-looking guy just busting to get into Casey’s room.

  I had staggered into my room, changed into my summer pyjamas, and jumped into bed as soon as we’d gotten back, knowing it was going to be a big day for me the following day.

  As soon as my head had hit the pillow, the giggles, followed by moans and banging, started vibrating through the wall. Trying to block out Casey’s commentary next door, I had pulled the pillow over my head, but it didn’t work. I’d lain there, staring at the ceiling as I’d listened to the guy fucking Casey’s brains out while she very loudly cheered him on, enjoying every minute of it.

  It had been months since I had broken up with my one-and-only boyfriend, my high school sweetheart, Tommy, which meant it had been months since I’d had sex. That was the problem with living in a small town; everyone knew everyone, and there were no opportunities to meet new people.

  I had thrown myself into my job and trying to get out of Hicksville, but now that I was here, I was realising just how lonely I really was.

  The mystery man’s breathing had sounded so close through the plaster of the wall, and my body couldn’t help react.

  My lips had parted and I ran my tongue over them subconsciously, a heat generating through my body as I listened to the sounds of sex next door. I’d run my hand over my stomach and inched it up under my lightweight top until my fingers found my breasts, caressing my already hardened nipples. Moaning softly, I’d pulled at the tender buds before retracing the path my hand had taken and continuing its descent down over my abdomen.

  My hand kept travelling down, feeling the warmth radiate from between my thighs, my fingers lightly brushing over my damp sleep-shorts.

  Casey had practically screamed. “Yeah, big boy, show me what you’ve got.”

  It had sounded so rehearsed that if I weren’t so horny, I would probably have burst out laughing. Instead, I’d closed my eyes and tried to imagine exactly what he had, and what it would have felt like to have him show me what he could do with it.

  My hand had slipped inside my shorts and stroked my smooth mound until it found my centre. I’d circled my finger around my sensitive clit before slipping it inside me. I’d been so turned on, my juices lubricating my fingers and giving me the wetness I needed to stimulate my now swollen clit.

  I had heard the mystery man in the next room grunting, and with every sound my own arousal grew. My fingers had moved inside me deeper and faster, while my other hand worked frantically at my swollen nub. I’d closed my eyes, imagining my hand was his hand, touching my delicate flesh. My fingers were his hard cock inside me. With every moan I could almost feel his weight against my chest, his breath on my neck. He had gotten louder, his breathing more erratic, and I’d arched my back off the bed, my fantasy totally consuming me until as if we’d been together, the sensation exploded just as he’d climaxed loudly, and then fell quiet.

  I’d rolled onto my side with a content smile on my face, letting the aftermath of my orgasm finally lull me into a doze at 4am, knowing I would pay for the lack of sleep in the morning.

  And I’d been right. I couldn’t stop yawning as Casey walked me through the pale-green double doors that led to North Ward.

  “God, girl, we need to work on your stamina,” she joked as she gave me a brief hug, wished me luck, and trotted off to her posting at the far end of the corridor.

  Hurrying to my appointed nurse’s station, I managed to be there right on 9am, just in time for morning rounds. Sister Nichols, who all the nurses called Sister Crusty-Knickers, was there to meet me and lay down the ground rules, then Maggie, who also lived in the dorm, was left to show me the ropes. We went over where the supplies were kept, patient histories were filed, and how the roster worked.

  Next came a rundown on the patients.

  “There are only five patients on the male section of North Ward, so it should be fairly easy to get the hang of things,” Maggie explained. “The only difficult patient is in room ten, Michael Davidson. He had a motor accident nearly two months ago and has his legs in plaster, but you’d think he was dying the way he carries on. He’s as hot as all hell, with his big brown eyes, light-brown hair and golden tan,” she said, almost drooling as she spoke. “Not to mention his tongue stud.” She smirked at me. “But he’s a major pain in the ass. Seems to go out of his way to make our lives miserable.”

  My mind immediately turned to some of the patients at the nursing home. In comparison, how difficult could a patient with two broken legs be?

  “Great, I’ll take room ten.” I took the patient history out of Maggie’s hand and quickly read through it. Twenty-six-year-old male, which made him only a couple of years older than me. Two broken legs and a dislocated shoulder after being hit by a car while riding his motorbike. Luckily, no serious internal injuries, just some bruising that should have healed by now.

  “Are you sure?” Maggie called after me. “If you have to deal with him on your first day, you may never come back.”

  Chapter 2


  TWO THOUSAND, four hundred and twenty-one. Two thousand, four hundred and twenty-two. The door to my room swung open, making me lose count of the little holes in the pattern on the ceiling tiles.

  “Get out. I don’t need anything,” I growled, before starting again on my riveting ceiling-hole count.

  Out the corner of my eye I could see a white uniform sweep silently past the foot of the bed towards the window, but I didn’t bother to look at her. As far as I was concerned they were all the same, with their fake smiles and pretence of caring. What did they care if I were laying here for nearly two months with fuck-all to do?

  The curtain was flung open, blinding me with the first rays of sunlight I’d seen in more than a week.

  “Hey, shut that, will you?” I barked, holding my hand over my light-sensitive eyes.

  “Well, aren’t you a little ray of sunshine, Mr Davidson. I’m Nurse Toni, and I’ll be looking after you for the duration of my shift.”

  This was a new voice, and I strained to see who this one was until my eyes adjusted. She came over and started fluffing my pillows, giving me a better view. She was pretty, with long black hair and full red lips, and she wasn’t wearing a fake smile like the others did.

  “Aren’t you going to blind me with your dazzling smile?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Do you want me to? ‘Cause really, I had a big night, and I’m just trying not to vomit on you.” She gave me a cheeky half-grin. “I was warned about you being all Mr Grumpy-Ass. What’s the story?”

  I didn’t know how to take this one. The other nurses had ignored me when I’d yelled at them. This one was calling me on it, and it took me by surprise.

  “I’ve been stuck here for what feels like an eternity, in this bed, staring at this ceiling. How would you feel?”

  She looked at me, arms crossed over her ample chest. “I’d be grateful for any company I could get, so would probably take a different approach rather than chasing everyone off.”

  She checked my
blood pressure, and then looked out the window. “You know, they have some lovely gardens here.” She turned and gave me the dazzling smile I had asked for, only this one seemed genuine. “I think I’ll take you outside today for a walk.”

  The idea of getting out of this bed and this room had me figuratively jumping for joy, but I couldn’t show it.

  She looked at my face. “Of course, if you’d rather count the holes in the ceiling tiles, that’s entirely up to you, but I can tell you there are …” She looked up at one tile and with her finger as a pointer did a quick count, then multiplied it by the number of tiles. “Thirty-three-thousand-six-hundred holes, and you will never get through them all without interruption.”

  I couldn’t help smiling at her. “So, you’ve just spoiled the only bit of fun I have in here. Looks like I’ll have to go for that walk after all.”

  She gave me a quick nod and another beaming smile, then glided out the door, me watching as she went.

  “Nice ass,” I muttered under my breath.

  “I heard that,” she called over her shoulder. “And thank you.”


  It felt like hours before Nurse Nice-Ass came back with a lumbering orderly and a wheelchair. I took one look at it and regretted agreeing to go outside.

  “Fuck off, I’m not an invalid.” There was no way I was having some guy lift me, and sit me in a chair so I could be wheeled around.

  Nurse Toni rolled her eyes at me. “How else did you think you were going for a walk around the gardens?” She cocked one eyebrow. “Divine intervention?”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it,” I mumbled.

  She was still standing there, cocky as all hell, staring me down. “Well, are we going or not, because I have bedpans to clean which are a lot more fun than standing here.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, flinging the covers off me.

  The orderly lifted me off the bed as if I were a child, and plonked me not-so-gently down in the chair before walking out. So I hadn’t made many friends in the hospital, but that was fine; I would be out of here in a few weeks and would never have to see these people again.


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