VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories) Page 1

by Powers, Miranda

  © Copyright 2016 by Miranda Powers - All rights reserved.

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  Out For Blood

  A Vampire Romance

  By: Miranda Powers

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  Kat walked down the streets of New Orleans heading toward the French Quarter. She was anxious to check out the new Goth club that opened just on the outskirts. As she walked, she had the feeling she was being watched but when she looked around there was no one there. Her senses were always heightened so she wondered if the night was playing tricks on her.

  As she got to the door of the Eternal Darkness, the door opened up and a couple walked out into the night air. Industrial music flooded the street as they exited. The girl almost ran right into Kat and the guy just stood there staring. Kat found this really amusing though she understood why he had this reaction. She was dressed in a beautiful red and lace corset that made her breasts look like they were struggling to be released. Her black, pencil skirt hugged her curves tight. She finished the look with spike heeled boots. Kat's long, wavy red hair flowed over her white skin and made a striking contrast. She looked at the guy and slowly licked her lips while thinking that was way too easy.

  If looks could kill, the girl would have killed her dead. Kat just gave her a smile. She was used to this response from girls. The girl started to walk off but stopped when she realized her boyfriend was not following her. Finally, she yelled at him and it snapped him out of his trance. He turned one last time and Kat blew him a kiss then stepped into the bar. She laughed as she saw the guy stumble and the girl hit him. She thought he would be too easy. She was in the mood for a hunt tonight.

  The bar was relatively dark, lit only with red lights. Kat walked to the bar and ordered a drink from bartender. She had no intention of drinking it but she wanted to look like she belonged there. It was very important to blend in. So she grabbed the drink, turned around to face the dance floor. She toyed with the glass, twirling the ice in it, hearing it clink against the sides. She did this as she looked around the dance floor.

  Not finding exactly what she wanted just yet, Kat placed her still full drink back on the bar. Then switched it quickly with the empty glass of the guy beside her. He was tipsy and wouldn't notice what she did. Her hips swayed to the music as she walked out on the dance floor. The music seemed to go through her taking her away to another place and time. She was doing a seductive dance when a Frat boy approached her. He moved up behind her and pressed his body to hers.

  Most women would have turned around and slapped him for being so forward, but not Kat, this is what she wanted. She hadn’t found anyone that seemed intriguing so she figured that she would settle for a college guy. She continued dancing with him. Her body moving with his, getting him more and more excited. She could feel his hardness pressing up against her. Turning around to face him, she continued the dance. She could swear she heard him moan a little. After dancing like this for a couple of songs, the guy leaned in and yelled over the music asking her if she wanted a drink. She shook her head and said, “No thanks, however, I'd like to go somewhere private.”

  Immediately he started to lead her away from the dance floor and towards the door. He couldn’t get out of the bar fast enough. She grinned as she walked with him, Kat thought this might not be much of a challenge but she was getting hungrier and didn't feel like waiting anymore. They walked in silence to his car. He was a gentleman and opened the door for her, watched as she got in, then ran around to his side and hopped into the driver’s seat. He looked directly into Kat’s eyes and asked where she wanted to go. Kat told him that he should go down about three blocks and then take a left and pull into the first alley way he came to. The guy nodded and then followed her instructions.

  When he parked the car she turned to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. He looked a little shocked but definitely not turned off by her aggressiveness. He grabbed her and pulled her close and started kissing her harder. He was a little clumsy, probably because he had a few drinks at the club.

  When they broke the kiss he sounded almost out of breath, “You are the sexiest freak I've ever met.”

  “You have no idea what a freak I really am.” The words came out almost as a purr.

  Kat didn't want him talking so she started kissing him again. She was surprised he was kissing her so passionately. He either didn't notice her lips were cold or he was too excited at the thought he might get laid to care. It didn’t bother her because she would get what she wanted, in the end.

  The guy started running his fingers over the tops of her breasts. She faked a moan. This was not about sex for her but she knew she had to make sure he didn't know that just yet. She would let him get a little farther just to make sure. Keeping his interest was essential.

  Kat's hand moved down to his jeans and she ran her fingers over his zipper. His hardness was straining against his pants. She rubbed on it a bit until he was moaning some. He asked her, “Don’t you want to know my name?” Kat answered, “No not really.”

  She moved from kissing his lips to kissing his neck. As her lips touched his neck, she could feel the blood moving through the large vein there. She could smell it and wanted to taste it. Kat unzipped his pants and slipped her hand around his hardness. He gasped and then her fangs came out. Piercing his skin and sinking them into him inch by inch. The rush of blood hitting her tongue was pure ecstasy. She swallowed down as she released her grip on him. Just before his blood became dangerously low, she pulled her fangs gently from him and licked his wounds closed.

  He lay there slumped in his seat in a daze. Kat looked in his eyes and started speaking slow and softly,

  “You will not remember what happened. You remember going to the bar and having quite a few drinks. You'll remember waking up and thinking that you must have passed out from having one too many. You will not remember me or anything I did to you. Do you understand?”

  The guy mumbled, “Yes.” Kat got out of the car and straightened out her skirt then started walking towards Jackson Square. She felt like people watching. Things had changed so much over the centuries. She turned quickly, she had the feeling she was being watched again. Her senses were acute since she wasn't hungry anymore. She looked around in the dark but did not see anything out of the ordinary. She listened, but all she could hear where the sounds of the night. She decided she would keep her guard up the rest of the night.

  ******** END OF PREVIEW******

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  An Erotic Regency Romance

  By Passion Books

  Chapter 1

  Diana looked up at the burgundy canopy over her four poster bed while Sir Reginald continued to plough away. She looked down on his bald head illuminated by the flickering candles that also sent dancing shadows like demented phantoms across the flock wallpaper. His wig on its stand crouched like a white rabbit.

  Four years of marriage to this man had not endeared him to her. How she longed for a man who at least knew how to make love and one taller than her five feet four inches would be good too. At least he was wealthy, connected and not tight with his money. The marriage of convenience meant her parents were no longer financially embarrassed.

  She imagined he was a dashing Captain from Wellington’s army who had cornered her in a hay field and took her virtue while the sun beat down. It was her only way of dealing with this Thursday night conjugal obligation. Before she went to bed on Thursdays, Diana never forgot to take the potion the gypsy Carlotta gave her to make sure she bore her husband no children. The thought of giving birth to something that would have his traits sickened her. At least it was only Thursdays. And he only did it to her because he needed a son. He had other outlets for his vile peccadillos rather than his unresponsive genteel wife.

  He grunted and rolled off. She could breathe properly now that his fat belly wasn’t pinning her to the mattress. The mantelpiece clock; clear enough in the dim light, confirmed the usual. Two and a half minutes.

  Her hand slid under the linen sheet and pulled down her silk nightdress. She turned on her side, away from Sir Reginald, smoothed back her blond hair wrapped in cotton ties and let a little tear escape from her blue eyes. As she teetered on the edge of sleep, thinking about her fantasy captain, she resolved to find him or a substitute.


  Sir Reginald sat munching his devilled kidneys with grease escaping from the side of his mouth. Diana nibbled at her toast trying to avert his eyes from his disgusting table manners.

  She looked into a large mirror over a black and ebony sideboard that bore scenes of Japanese eroticism. Her blue dress with its high daytime collar set off her complexion in the morning light that shone through the French windows of the wood panelled dining room. Diana knew she looked good. The mirror confirmed it. She felt so sad that nobody appreciated her beauty. To Sir Reginald, she knew she was just a wife-to-be, the bearer of his children and someone to run the house while he philandered his life away.

  He was already dressed for his trip to town in his navy blue frock coat and white silk cravat. His expensive clothes could not overcome the image of being a squat pig with eyes to match.

  “So what are your plans for the weekend Diana?”

  “I thought I would go over to Tunbridge Wells to see Mariah.”

  “Good idea. Don’t want you moping around here missing me while I’m up in London. Damned shame I have to go; but duty calls. They need my help at the Royal Society again; such a bind. It’s going to take all weekend.”

  “I’ll get by Reginald. Don’t worry.” She knew he wouldn’t. He’d be too busy with that actress and wouldn’t be going near the Royal Society. Not that she cared one jot for his infidelity. It saved her from having to satisfy his lust. When he wasn’t ploughing the London actress, he was in one of the bordellos in Tunbridge Wells made famous by the visits of the Prince Regent.

  Diana gazed out of the window, across the terrace and gardens so neat and green. She loved this part of Kent with its narrow lanes, high banks and most of all the smell of the wild flowers and garlic in the hedgerows.

  “Take the barouche, it’s going to be a fine summer’s day. I’m going up by mail coach.”

  Diana still gazed out of the window, her mind as distant as the far hills.

  “I said take the barouche.”

  “What, oh, yes sorry. Of course. Thank you.”

  “I hope you’re not daydreaming Diana again; it’s not good for you.”

  “No… yes… you’re right…sorry. I was just looking at the hills and thinking how lovely they are at this time of the year.”

  “When I get back I want Doctor Hargreaves to come and take another look at you. It’s about time you produced a son. I know there’s nothing wrong with me in that department.”

  I’m sure you do. They’re all running around London. “Is that really necessary Reginald? I mean… perhaps I just need some rest, maybe even a change of air. We could go to Bath.”

  “Why should we go to Bath? What’s wrong with Tunbridge Wells? It’s good enough for the Prince Regent.”

  “Yes Reginald. Sorry. Whatever you say.” She lowered her eyes in apparent submission but inside her defiance made her heart beat so fast she feared he would hear it.


  Diana waited by the barouche for Miller to lower the step. She liked Miller. His toothless smile always gladdened her heart and, though only a servant, she’d come to think of him as a sort of uncle, perhaps even the grandfather she never knew. He was certainly old enough to fill that role. She sensed that he felt it too; though neither would speak of it; that would not do at all. She was the Mistress of Eylebourn Hall, and he was the gardener and occasional driver.

  He held his gnarled hand out for her to climb into the carriage. It was a beautiful summer’s day, so the roof was down. She settled into the left side leather seat facing forward and put up her parasol. It would never do to get sunburn. She was a Lady, not a farmer.

  Miller climbed up to the driver’s seat and with a gentle touch of the whip, set the grey mare, Penelope, and her chestnut partner off along the gravel drive. They passed the marble fountain of Venus pouring water into her bath and out to the open double iron gates with their ornate bars topped with golden spearheads.

  Diana sat back and looked at the passing bucolic scene. Out in the fields, labourers, men, women and children, worked hard in the sun that had climbed high in the cloudless sky. She felt a little uncomfortable. Not because of the carriage; no this barouche had four leather seats, cushions for her back and a stool for her feet. It was the thought of her good fortune and their hard life that unsettled her every time she saw such a scene.

  Diana’s life was comfortable apart from the Thursday night chore. Sir Reginald owned several thousand acres of Kent, plantations in Virginia and Jamaica, a fleet of trading ships and had investments in scientific studies hence his membership of the Royal Society. Since the British government nine years previously in 1807 had outlawed transporting slaves from West Africa across the Atlantic, he had branched out into other lucrative trades but she suspected he might still be running slaves illegally. There was little she could do about that. She had no evidence, and she knew that if he were, and discovered, he would be ruined and therefore so would she. Yes, Lady Diana Charlotte Elizabeth Burke nee Winchester had what so many other women could only dream of; she could buy almost anything she wanted. But Diana knew that many other women had something more, love, and real love could not be bought.

  The gentle clip clop of the horses, the warm summer air filled with the fragrance of the hedgerows and the swaying of the carriage brought on heavy eyes and then sleep.


  She woke to a confusion. They were on the road near the Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells. The carriage, stationary, with no Miller on the driver’s seat. Quickly she sat up and then stood up. Out in front of the horses lay a small boy in the road. His leg was at a terrible angle to his body. Miller and a stranger seemed to be trying to help him.

  She jumped down from the barouche and walked quickly, remembering that Ladies don’t run, to the casualty.

  “What’s the problem Miller?”

  “This ‘ere boy Ma’am. Been hit by a carriage Ma’am.”

  “Where’s the carriage?”

  “Didn’t stop. Just drove away. Just what you would expect from the likes of them,” said the stranger.

  Diana looked down at him as he tended the boy. His rough jacket, collarless sh
irt and worn trousers suggested to her that he was a workman of some sort, but his voice, deep and strong had the edge of an education. His hair looked an unruly mess of dark brown curls, but his eyes were alert and a deep brown that hinted at the soul dwelling within. This was an unusual man make no mistake, thought Diana.

  “Is he your’s?” she said looking at the poorly clothed boy and putting his age at about nine years.

  “No, he’s from the orphanage,” said the stranger.

  Diana felt there was something insolent in this man’s voice. Nothing she could take immediate offence to, but there was something about him that said he was not a man to bully or treat as inferior.

  “Make yourself useful, go over to that shop there, that one with the jam and honey in the window. Ask the woman there to give you two of the slats from the trunk and some cord. She’ll know what you mean.”

  “Are you addressing me?” said Diana, taken aback and now taking offence.

  “Yes, I’m talking to you. Now do as I say, this boy needs his leg in splints and now, not next week.”

  “Well really!” But she did as instructed.

  Diana briskly entered the shop in question. She couldn’t see anyone inside but found a curtain drawn across a doorway. She pulled back the curtain and saw an old woman sitting on a chair knitting, in what looked like a store room with barrels, bottles and chests.

  “There’s been an accident outside. A man has asked for two slats and some cord from a trunk that apparently he believes you to have on your premises.”

  The old woman looked Diana up and down. “He did, did he? Well, if he wants them he must need them. Wait here Miss.”


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