VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories) Page 2

by Powers, Miranda

  The old woman trundled off to the back of the storeroom. Diana followed. Her soft shoes made no sound.

  With a heave, the old woman pulled a trunk from under a shelf and lifted the lid. She jumped in shock as she turned to see Diana standing behind her.

  “I said wait over there,” grumbled the old woman.

  “Just give me what I asked for, and I’ll be gone,” said Diana.

  She watched as the old woman lifted the lid of the trunk. Bottles of brandy were stood in the trunk with slats of wood between them, apparently to stop them banging together when transported. The old woman lifted two slats out and handed them to Diana. Then she reached to a shelf and pulled out a length of white cord.

  “He’ll be the death of me that one… sending strangers in here like that,” said the old woman.

  Diana took the cord and slats and headed back out to the road. It didn’t take a brilliant scientific mind to work out what was going one in the shop. Smugglers, and the stranger must be involved if he knew about the slats.

  She handed the requested, no demanded, items to the stranger. He didn’t say thank-you.

  Diana could see that there was no way the carriage could proceed until the boy had been moved out of the way, so she stood and watched.

  Miller held the reins of the horses to keep them quiet in case they decided to go forward, over the boy.

  The stranger carefully straightened the boy’s leg. He was fully conscious but apart from a tear escaping and a grimace as the leg straightened, he showed no fear.

  When the stranger had the leg straight, he put the slats along each side and tied them with the cord.

  “That’s your carriage, take us to the orphanage,” said the stranger.

  “Now just a minute…”

  “Obviously the boy can’t walk; it’s two miles to the orphanage, so I’m not going to carry him there when there is a carriage here to take us. Now, please, take us to the orphanage.”

  Diana looked at Miller. He shrugged.

  “Well, since you said please, all right. Put him in the back.”

  The stranger picked the boy up while Diana tried to help keep his leg straight. With a heave, the stranger had the boy up in the carriage and lay him across the front passengers’ seats. Miller handed Diana up to the carriage and climbed up into the driver’s seat.

  The stranger was about to sit down next to Diana.

  “I don’t think so. Up there, next to the driver,” she said.

  He looked at her, and she was sure that he detected the ghost of a smile hovering around the side of her mouth.

  He touched his forelock and bowed. “Yes Ma’am.” But it was anything but subservient.

  She could see a reciprocal smile hiding at the side of his face too.

  He climbed up next to Miller. “It’s…”

  “I know where the orphanage is. I grew up there,” said Miller.


  Diana had passed the orphanage many times as it was only about two miles from Eylebourne Hall, but she had never been inside. It looked terribly foreboding with its enormous red brick edifice and a central clock tower. The iron gates were ajar. Miller trotted the barouche into the yard.

  A fat woman in a greasy apron, which may have once been white, came out of a side door. “What’s going on? What do you want?”

  The stranger climbed down. “One of the boys had an accident.”



  “Him… where is he?”

  The stranger lifted the boy from the back of the carriage.

  “Where’s the sixpence I gave you to buy my… where’s the sixpence?”

  The boy reached into his pocket and handed over a sixpence.

  “You’d better take him inside, to the dormitory. I can’t be expected to carry him… not with my back,” said the woman.

  The stranger carried the boy through the side door and down a long corridor following the fat woman. Diana followed the stranger. She couldn’t help noticing his firm bottom and strong shoulders.

  The woman stopped and turned to Diana: “Where do you think you are going?”

  Diana’s patience had at last run out which was unfortunate for the fat woman. “I’m going to see that this boy is settled and gets proper care so shut up and lead the way.”

  As Diana was now alongside the stranger, she saw him grin. She smiled back at him.

  The dormitory held twelve beds in two neat rows with six feet between each and a cupboard.

  The woman pointed at a bed with an iron bedstead and a grey blanket for cover. The stranger laid the boy on it.

  Diana said: “This boy needs to see a doctor. Please arrange it without any delay.”

  The fat woman looked her up and down. “Doctors is expensive.”

  Diana reached into her purse and took out five shillings. “This will pay for the doctor and some proper nourishment for the boy. See to it.”

  She handed the five shillings to the woman and watched her put it in her apron pocket.

  “I shall return and I expect the boy to have been seen and treated by the doctor and to have received decent food. If you fail to do that I shall have a word with the board of governors, and you will be looking for a new position. Do I make myself clear?”

  The fat woman shuffled and frowned. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Diana looked down at Charlie. “You’ll be all right young man… I shall make sure of that.”

  “Thanks Miss.”

  These were the first words that she heard Charlie speak since she saw him lying in the road. She patted his head and smoothed down his hair. Then she squeezed his hand before turning to leave.

  The stranger walked with her along the corridor.

  “Where did you learn the skills to set that poor boy’s leg?”

  He looked at her but said nothing.

  “I said…”

  “I know what you said. Don’t go prying. No offence. I keep myself to myself.”

  “That’s not strictly true is it? I saw what was in that store room where the slats came from.”

  “Are you going to tell the Revenue?”

  “I ought to.”

  “But are you?”

  “And what if I do?”

  “You’ll get an old woman hanged.”

  “And you?”

  “No… there’s not enough to convict me.”

  “You seem very sure of yourself.”

  “In this business you have to be.”

  They arrived at the courtyard.

  Without any further comment, the stranger walked away to leave Diana looking after him feeling more than a little annoyed at his manner.

  Miller handed her up to the carriage.

  “Back to Tunbridge Wells Ma’am?”

  “I think not. We’ll go home. I’ve had enough for one day.”

  Chapter 2

  Diana lay in bed, thinking through the day’s events, pleased that her husband’s side was empty. He’d be in bed with his actress.

  The stranger intrigued her. The lower classes, whatever they thought of her and her kind, seldom had the nerve to be brusque with their betters. They knew their place. This stranger did not seem to know his, and this kindled her imagination.

  He wasn’t exactly her fantasy dashing captain from Wellington’s army, but he was none the less a good looking specimen and interesting too. The way he spoke was not like a workman, more like, well more like her except of course he wasn’t like her. He wore workman’s clothes, smuggled for a living and was rude to his betters. Perhaps he had some medical training, the way he fixed the boy’s leg suggested that he knew something about that. Perhaps he worked in a hospital as a porter or cook. No, he didn’t look much like that either.

  She drifted off into the arms of Morpheus pondering about her stranger.


  After breakfast, Miller saddled Persephone, her grey mare, as requested.

  “Are you sure Ma’am? I could drive you over in the barouche.

  “Thank you but I am sure. The ride will be good for me.”

  Miller put the riding step beside the horse and offered his hand to help her climb. The thick long skirt didn’t help.

  In the side saddle, she flicked her riding crop and off went Persephone at a gentle trot.

  The sunken lanes would take her to the orphanage, but she decided to ride cross country to exercise Persephone. The thrill of the gallop was also something she enjoyed though she preferred to be astride for that rather than sidesaddle.

  After the cut hay fields and through the woods she saw the orphanage in the distance. It’s central tower stood out like an accusing finger pointing at the sky.

  She cantered Persephone across a field recently cut leaving stalks of straw spread out like three-day-old stubble on a man’s chin. She saw a figure sitting on a row of bales over by the exit gate. She cantered over then reigned in Persephone when she recognized him.

  He chewed on a straw and watched her approach.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “I may ask you the same,” he said.

  “I’ve come to check on the boy to make sure he has the treatment he needs.”

  “He has. I’ve just come from there. I was sitting here thinking about whether to walk over to your house and tell you he was fine. He asked me to thank you.”

  “And were you?”


  “Going to come over and tell me?”

  “I told you; I was thinking about it.”

  She climbed down from Persephone and hitched the reins to the gate.

  “I still don’t know your name.”

  “That’s because I haven’t told you.”

  She sat on a straw bale making sure she kept a proper distance between herself and the stranger.

  “The way you looked after that boy… I have to say I was impressed. I think you must have had some medical training.”

  “No… it’s something I picked up out of necessity.”

  “Are you always so enigmatic?”

  “Are you always so nosey?”

  She laughed. “I suppose I am.”

  Diana looked out across the fields and inhaled the sweet smell of straw. She turned her head to see the stranger looking at her.

  “What?” she said.

  “You shouldn’t be out here on your own. There are footpads and mountebanks about; it’s not safe for a young woman.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  She reached into her riding jacket pocket and pulled out a small pistol. “And I have this.”

  The stranger looked at it and smiled. “It may be enough to scare off some but not all.”

  “How would you know… do you know any villains? Or are you one yourself? You’re a smuggler so of course you will know some villains. Would this pistol frighten you?”

  The stranger stood up and put one foot on the straw bale beside Diana. “Would you use it?”

  “I think so, if necessary.”

  “Yes, I think you would.” He put his foot back down on the ground, leaned down and kissed her on her lips.

  She didn’t resist. She felt her heart quicken. He wasn’t the dashing captain in her fantasy who would take her virtue in the hay field. He was an enigmatic stranger, a smuggler and goodness knows what else and this field was straw, not hay. But he was handsome and strong and after four long years married to Sir Reginald she craved some excitement.

  He stood up and looked at her. She put the pistol on the straw bale. Stood up and slapped his face.

  “How dare you?”

  “You didn’t shoot me,” he said with a laugh rubbing his cheek.

  “You took a risk… I may have done.”

  He ran his finger down the side of her head under her top hat, over her ear, down her neck to her shoulder and stopped just above her left breast.

  She looked into his dark brown eyes and saw something there that was honest and gentle.

  His finger continued down until it ran slowly over her breast and stopped at the nipple.

  She took a deep breath as her lips parted.

  He leaned forward and kissed her again on the lips.

  This time when he broke off she didn’t slap him, she just looked into his eyes wondering if he would go further and if he did, would she stop him?

  The clock in the orphanage tower struck eleven.

  She soon answered her question.

  Deftly with one hand, he unbuttoned the top of her riding jacket, then the next button and then the next until it opened to reveal her white silk shirt.

  He gently took the cameo brooch from her cravat and slipped it into her jacket pocket.

  Diana stood still, looking into his eyes. She must make a decision, stop now or, what? Would he dare make love to her here in this field? The captain in her fantasy did, but this was real.

  The stranger dropped the cravat on a straw bale and turned his attention to her silk shirt. Starting at the top button he eased each one from its eye until her shirt lay open to reveal her camisole.

  His hand slipped down the top of the camisole and took her nipple in his fingers.

  She felt herself getting damp below.

  Where the bales were stacked on three sides of a square, the centre had loose straw scattered. The open end of the square faced the hedgerow. The stranger took Diana by the hand and led her into the centre. She didn’t resist or try to cover herself.

  He held her arms tenderly and lowered her to the ground. She submitted willingly.

  He lay beside her and kissed her lips. She kissed him back with a passion that she’d subdued inside her and had never escaped during her ordeals under Sir Reginald.

  His hands roamed her breasts and then slipped down her leg. She felt it on the outside of her riding boot as it crawled up her leg, over the top of her boot and continued up her silk stocking until it reached her silk pantaloons with their laced bottoms.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth and sought hers. She felt him against her side, hard and ready. She’d had sex once a week for four years but had never felt the passion she had now. She longed for him to throw up her skirt, pull down her pantaloons and enter her.

  She felt his hand on the outside of her pantaloons between her legs. She knew he would feel the wetness there. Her heart beat like an African drum. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Her hands went to his belt buckle and unclipped it. She couldn’t unfasten the top button of his trousers, so she gave it a yank and the buttons popped off. He wore no underwear.

  She took him in her hand pulling up and down.

  He grabbed her skirt and lifted it up, took her pantaloons in both hands and whipped them down to her ankles. And then he straddled her.

  She looked down at his erection. She had little experience of them, but this one looked so big and she desperately wanted it inside her, now

  Diana raised her head to see it go in. It felt so different than Sir Reginald’s. For a start, it was bigger. The stranger was in control of his and after the initial thrust she felt it go all the way up inside her. He almost withdrew but with gentle thrusting kept its head around her clitoris, sending her into spasms of delight.

  He kissed her lips and then her neck, all the time pumping gently.

  Diana hadn’t been counting, but she knew he’d been going for longer than Sir Reginald’s two and a half minutes. She felt with the stranger what she had only felt when she resorted to self-help in the bath, but this was much better than self-help.

  His gentle thrusting became harder, his breathing heavier. She knew she wasn’t far off orgasm, her first with a man. The force of his thrusting shook her whole body. She didn’t want it to stop. Harder and harder he thrusted. Her pantaloons were preventing her from opening her legs wider. She forced her legs apart, felt and heard the garment rip and free her legs. She wrapped them round his back as his thrusting was now so intense she thought he must surely climax soon.
  He slowed and for what seemed like ages due to the intensity, he slowly pushed up and down bring her to the very limit but easing each time he sensed her on the brink of orgasm.

  Diana heard the orphanage clock strike a quarter past.

  The stranger continued to bring her so close and then eased. She felt delirious with passion.

  Diana could not hold out any longer and like an electric shock convulsing through her body followed by a sense of being in a warm bath, she achieved her first orgasm with a man.

  And then he reached his climax within seconds of her. She felt it gush inside her triggering sensations that she didn’t even know existed.

  He lay on top of her. She felt him shrinking inside her. Sir Reginald had never stayed long enough inside for her to feel that.

  They said not a word to each other as he lay on top of her and after a few minutes he rolled to his side, keeping his arms around her, holding her tight.

  She looked into those dark brown eyes. She had no shame or guilt. For the first time in her life, she had made love, and now she realized the difference between having sex and making love. How had this stranger managed to reach into her soul like he had? She had no idea, but she knew she wanted him again and again.

  The orphanage clock struck half past.

  The stranger stood up. He laughed when he couldn’t fasten his trouser buttons because they were missing. He managed to close the gap with his tightened belt.

  He offered Diana a hand and pulled her to her feet.

  She rearranged her clothing including her ripped pantaloons.

  They looked at each other. He kissed her on the forehead, then the cheek and then on the lips.

  “Til we meet again,” he said.

  “When… where?”

  “When destiny brings us together again.”

  “Buggar destiny. I want to see you again.”

  He laughed, and with that he vaulted the gate and disappeared into the woods leaving Diana flushed and wondering how the hell had she allowed him to take advantage of her.

  Chapter 3

  “And how is young Charlie today,” said Diana to the fat women at the orphanage side entrance.

  “He’s doing well.”

  “Has the doctor seen him?”


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