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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 50

by Powers, Miranda

  Now Olivia did permit herself a smile and just the tiniest laugh. "Yes. I was making a metaphor."

  "Very well," the being said. "My name shall be Lowell."

  "I'm happy to meet you, Lowell," said Olivia, strangely more at ease than she had felt since the moment that the creature--whom she now no longer saw as a "creature"--first appeared in her lab.

  "Olivia," said Lowell, "I have observed in your memory that a human male at times offers a female a gift prior to initiating sexual relations. I should thus like to offer you a gift."

  Olivia's eyebrows arched. Just the sight of Lowell, naked and ready for her, was an ample gift in and of itself. What more--besides the experience of sex with a being from the stars who was only just experiencing human physicality--could he offer her in the way of a gift? "What do you mean?" she asked.

  "I should like to offer you your dearest desire, other than a physical union with this body. Let me show you where I came from and some of what I have seen...out there."

  Olivia's jaw dropped. Her mind went into a spin of pure wonder. Could Lowell actually do such a thing? Could he somehow actually take her out to where he had been, out to where he came from? What he was offering her was the dream of every astronomer who had ever lived. She gulped. A heat of excitement surpassing even sexual desire rose up inside her, filling her like the erection of a lover. "You can do that?" she asked, half-whispering. " can you do that?”

  "I can communicate a portion of my own memory to you...if you will touch me." Lowell held out his hand. "Please accept my gift, Olivia. First you will know something of my mind. Then I will give you intercourse with this body. Will you have me in this way?"

  Olivia settled into a zone of strangely calm wonderment. She sensed she could trust him, but just to be sure... "My own form won't change?" she asked.

  "No," answered Lowell. "Only the information of my memory will enter you...until we lie together in your bed. Then I shall enter you physically."

  Taking deep breaths, preparing herself, Olivia reached out to Lowell. "All right," she said. "I accept your gift."

  Smiling at her acceptance, Lowell stepped forward and clasped Olivia's hand. For a moment there was only the sensation of palms pressed together, the encirclement of his strong but gentle fingers, his flesh transformed from energy against her flesh, and the warmth that it brought. Then, something like a jolt of electricity raced though Olivia's body. She gasped, spasmed, tossed back her head...

  ...and then she was no longer in her apartment.

  Olivia could feel neither her own body nor Lowell's. She was floating and flying with no physical sensation at all. And all around her, everywhere, were stars. She was surrounded with stars of every description: red dwarfs, white dwarfs, yellow stars like the Sun. Supergiants in red, giants of blue and white. Stars in binary pairs, stars in clusters. Huge stars wheeling in orbit of black holes, with gouts of plasma curling massively off of them and disappearing, swallowed up in the singularities that the holes clutched inside them. Pulsars, rotating and flashing in the quickest, most steady rhythm in the universe. She swooped through a panoply of stellar bodies until something loomed into view, something as bright as a star, but different: a planet orbiting a binary system. It was a world made up entirely of crystal, with a vascular system of lights throbbing beneath its surface like the veins, arteries, and bloodstream of a living body. From off the surface of the planet of crystal came points of living light, rising and and whirling into space like the down blown from a dandelion. And Olivia sensed Lowell's recognition of these forms. This was his planet. These were members of his species. They were a dandelion down of energy, flying off of a planet that was a colossal, sparkling, spinning jewel in space. Lowell was showing Olivia his home.

  Her thought-form followed the glittering down of energy forms flying out from their home planet, and went back out into space with them. They escorted her to other planets across a vast swath of the galaxy. They showed her mighty planets of gas where life forms made of carbon and phosphorus, resembling the limbs and branches of trees, glowed and strobed to each other like bioluminescent fishes talking with light in the deep ocean. They took her to a liquid planet where enormous schools of creatures that resembled glowing eels were chased, herded, and gobbled up by creatures that were like manta rays the size of cruise ships with tails like immense sea serpents. She saw a metallic planet with hundreds of satellites. She saw clusters of stars, each one held in its own gigantic cage of solar panels, and swarms of satellites swirling around the encaged stars like the cloud of electrons around an atomic nucleus, and recognized these places as the civilizations of beings vastly older than humanity, who knew things that might not dawn on the human mind for thousands of years.

  Olivia saw only the tiniest particle of the tiniest drop of the ocean of the universe, but it was enough to satisfy her need to know the cosmos for as long as she lived. She drank it all in, and slowly her mind became a haze of awareness of how truly immense and how truly marvelous the universe was. She was overtaken with bliss, and her mind was filled with what she could only describe as the perfection of knowledge. She seemed to float that way forever. She did not know how long it was before she opened her eyes--her physical eyes--again and found herself back in her apartment, sitting in her chair, holding hands with the naked Lowell, still standing beautiful before her.

  Keeping her hand in his, Olivia rose from where she was sitting and a smile like that of a Buddha spread upon her face. Lowell smiled back. They needed no words. All that they needed now was their feelings. She sensed that Lowell had traveled inside her being as she had traveled inside his. From commingling with her mind and her memories, Lowell had thus learned the expression of human love through human sex. His smile was the preamble of his ultimate offering to her. She accepted this offer as she had accepted the other, and let him pull her to him and into a kiss.

  Of all the first kisses in human experience, surely none was ever as wondrous as the moment that Olivia's lips at last met Lowell's. In that first press of his lips she felt the awakening passion of a young boy, the ardor of an experienced man claiming his desire, and the tenderness of a lover giving his life to his love. Somehow, in some intuitive way, he truly had become Clive, Levi, and Bruce--Olivia's fantasy and her reality--all at once. She gave herself into the kiss and enwrapped Lowell's fantastically beautiful nakedness with her arms, playing her hands up and down the body that he had created just for her, taking in the perfection of his flesh and muscle and the texture of the hair that covered them so lightly and so sensuously. Lowell deepened the kiss and she felt his being open itself up to her with the rolling of his tongue into her mouth. He leaned her backwards almost into a dip, and after a dizzying moment of kissing that way, he bought her back upright again. Very reluctantly, Lowell broke the kiss, but kept his face close to hers, penetrating her eyes with his until she turned her eyes downward to what strained between his legs. It was as long and luscious as Clive's had ever been, and a bead of man-honey had welled up at the tip. Olivia reached down to touch Lowell's glans, and she felt a little jolt leap suddenly from there and pass through his body. "Oh!" Lowell breathed in reaction to her touch at his sensitive place. He watched her lift her fingertips to her mouth and touch them with the tip of her tongue, lightly tasting the male nectar that she had collected. He smiled at the pleasure on her face. "I want to taste yours," he whispered. "Take me to your bed."

  Olivia took Lowell by the hand and wanted to giggle like a girl at what he had asked her. Take me to your bed. It sounded like a variation of the cliche of old science fiction stories, the alien landing on Earth and demanding, "Take me to your leader." But no fictional alien had ever come to Earth looking like this, or offering what Lowell offered, which Olivia was now so ready to receive. She led him from the living room into the adjoining bedroom to complete this first contact, this initial exchange between worlds.

  They stood by the bed and Lowell, his erection sweetly aching, watched Olivia undre
ss. When at last she slipped off her bra and panties and was as fully exposed as Lowell, something like the first ignition of a star flared up inside him. A joy that Olivia had never seen on a man's face lit his features. She reached out to him, and with a young boy's eagerness and a man's surety, he gathered her up in his arms, captured her mouth with his again, and kissed her with the hunger of a billion years. He kissed her again and again, his heart beating like the flash and strobe of a pulsar, and ran his hands up and down her soft female curves, caressing and stroking and groping, exploring her buttocks and her breasts, sifting her pubic hair, feeling the wet and tingling lips of her womanhood. The bedroom was filled with the sounds of their moans of unfettered desire as their hands rustled and played up and down each other's body and her wetness slicked his fingers, until they fell onto the bed.

  Lowell and Olivia rolled back and forth on the bed. Lowell's mind was a mad whirl of all the sex that Clive had ever given to Olivia and all the hours they had spent, kissing and rolling and feeling and tasting, and all the times that Clive had topped her, madly humping, thrusting and penetrating and coming. Into this feeling he brought all the wonder of discovery at he now felt at this first experience of joining with a human, and communicated it all directly into Olivia's body with every touch and every kiss. Lowell wanted to know it all, to do it all, and he made Olivia feel that he wanted it now.

  He spread her out on the bed and pinned her there, groaning and hearing her groan back. He kissed and sucked at her neck, making her squirm with delight, and then moved his attention down to her breasts, which he kneaded and fondled breathlessly. She turned to star fire at his touch, a fire only partly quenched when he brought his mouth to her nipple and sucked it as he had done her neck. Olivia squealed at the way he hardened her nipple with his lips and his tongue, then turned to the other nipple and repeated the process. He then kissed his way down her abdomen and lingered at her nipple with his tongue, until plunging further below to nuzzle her pubis with his nose and lick at it, rustling his tongue over her hairs. And then he dropped still further to what spread and glistened beneath the hairs. The joy of discovery rose inside Lowell still more as he parted Olivia's petals and studied her sex, taking in the glistening of her wetness that he could not deny himself a second more. He put his mouth to her moist and dewy flower and sucked it, drinking her in and relishing her slippery softness. Olivia writhed and her back arched at the rapturous feeling of Lowell eating her out. He played at her with his tongue as if he had spent his billions of years doing that alone. The pleasure was beyond compare, even more so when he brought his tongue to the pulpy bud of her ecstasy and rained licks upon it, turning her senses to a meteor shower of bliss. He brought her to the moment when her pleasure would burst like a meteor strike upon the Earth--and then, as if sensing where she was, he removed his tongue from her bud and tenderly kissed the lips of her opening. Olivia felt as if she were floating among the clouds, wondering where he would take her next.

  At once she had her answer. Lowell brought himself up on his knees between her parted thighs, and she took a deep breath, looking between his own legs at what throbbed so hugely there with a rivulet of man-honey dripping from its opening. She braced herself for what he would surely do next--and he then took her totally by surprise. Olivia inhaled in a mix of surprise and arousal at Lowell climbing back up her body, straddling her chest, taking his erect piece in one hand and her head in the other--and bringing her face to his erection and slipping it into her mouth. Understanding now what it was he wanted before their ultimate union, Olivia reached around his thighs to grasp his hard and clenching buttocks, and let Lowell thrust his even harder length between her lips and over her tongue. He grunted, bracing himself with his hands on the headboard, and began to thrust himself in and out of Olivia's mouth. He threw back his head and let out long grunts and moans of masculine delight as he made oral love to her, sliding his piece along her tongue again and again and reveling in the grasping and clutching of her hands at his buttocks. Straddled atop her, he rocked back and forth, in and out, instinctively knowing exactly how hard and fast and deep to go. Olivia feasted on Lowell's sex, thrilling to the taste and hardness of him, but still yearning for what she most wanted him to do.

  At some point Lowell pulled his tool from Olivia's mouth and climbed back down between her legs. There was no delaying it any longer. They both needed the ultimate union too much. Olivia brought her thighs up around him to take him in. Lowell did not waste a second. He lay himself down on top of her, embraced her mouth with his, and moved his wet tool to where his own mouth had been. With a smooth and perfect stroke, he penetrated Olivia for the first time, and they felt as though their bodies had suddenly turned molten and fused into a single mass. Olivia wrapped him up in her arms as well as her legs and pressed upward against him, taking his thrust and receiving every fantastic inch of what he had to give her. Holding her mouth in the kiss and muffling their mutual outcries of ecstasy, Lowell reminded her again of the steady and constant strobing of the pulsar with the way he pumped and pounded his member inside her wet, tight passage, penetrating her from labia to womb with every brisk and urgent stroke. He humped her hard and fast, and she clung to him as if he were a meteor blazing through the sky and if she let go she would go spinning off into space. Olivia clutched at the perfectly formed muscles of his back, feeling as if a new universe were being born inside her with every thrust of his hardness inside her wetness. He at last broke the kiss but kept his mouth hovering over hers, and with every beat of his tool inside Olivia's channel, Lowell uttered a joyous sound of, "Oh...uhh...uhh, Olivia...Olivia, you feel so wonderful...I never want to take it out of you...I want to put it in you forever..."

  Olivia strained up against him, meeting his down thrust with an up thrust of her own, needing his manhood pumping inside her more than she had ever needed anything in her life. She shut her eyes and her entire world was filled with the press of his body on top of her, his breath against her face, the mad and relentless thrusting of his tool in her depths, and the sound of his voice. "I want to keep it in you...It's so good, Olivia...I want to do it to you forever..." The beating of Lowell's hardness in and out of her at last became more than either of them could bear. They felt something welling up inside of them that surpassed anything that either of them had yet felt. Lowell let out a moan that must have been the way a supernova would sound if there were sound in space. Suddenly, his entire inner being and hers became an explosion of light, even as a wet explosion erupted from Lowell at the entry to Olivia's womb. She felt herself fusing completely to him, like two hydrogen atoms colliding in a star and pouring out energy. She could swear she could feel the wetness of his climax bursting and flooding inside her, and she cried out as well with the feeling of fusion igniting in every cell of her body.

  Lowell fell atop Olivia, panting, his body heaving with the aftermath of their shared release. He held himself inside her, still half-erect, true to his word in not wanting to take it out. It felt too wonderful ever to take it out. She kept herself wrapped around him as if to keep him that way until the end of time. It was the first simultaneous orgasm that she had ever experienced, and he had given it to her as no other man ever could. For no other man was ever like this one atop her in bed, a being of both energy and matter, who had poured his energy into her along with his seed, taking her to climax with him, and would do so again and again.

  They lay together that way, Lowell not wanting to dismount her and Olivia not wanting to let him, until Lowell lifted his face back to hers and kissed her gently, tenderly again. "You are a giver of knowledge," he whispered. "It is good that out of all those who live here, you are the one to find me. You will teach me how to love, in body and in being. You will teach me how to live on Earth. And I will show you the universe as I know it. We will learn much together."

  "Yes, we will," Olivia whispered back, brushing his lips with her tongue. Amazingly, his erection had not fully subsided and was still inside her. She wondered h
ow many times in a day or a night Lowell could do it. She was sure, to her delight, that she was about to find out.


  Thank you for downloading this book! Here is the Main Story. Enjoy!

  Out For Blood

  A Vampire Romance

  By: Miranda Powers

  Chapter 1

  Kat walked down the streets of New Orleans heading toward the French Quarter. She was anxious to check out the new Goth club that opened just on the outskirts. As she walked, she had the feeling she was being watched but when she looked around there was no one there. Her senses were always heightened so she wondered if the night was playing tricks on her.

  As she got to the door of the Eternal Darkness, the door opened up and a couple walked out into the night air. Industrial music flooded the street as they exited. The girl almost ran right into Kat and the guy just stood there staring. Kat found this really amusing though she understood why he had this reaction. She was dressed in a beautiful red and lace corset that made her breasts look like they were struggling to be released. Her black, pencil skirt hugged her curves tight. She finished the look with spike heeled boots. Kat's long, wavy red hair flowed over her white skin and made a striking contrast. She looked at the guy and slowly licked her lips while thinking that was way too easy.

  If looks could kill, the girl would have killed her dead. Kat just gave her a smile. She was used to this response from girls. The girl started to walk off but stopped when she realized her boyfriend was not following her. Finally, she yelled at him and it snapped him out of his trance. He turned one last time and Kat blew him a kiss then stepped into the bar. She laughed as she saw the guy stumble and the girl hit him. She thought he would be too easy. She was in the mood for a hunt tonight.


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