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Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series

Page 5

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Yes.” He nodded and gave her that charming, lopsided grin which only showed one fang. “But I need to get you where I can reach you first. Here, little Mistress.”

  And reaching out, he took her by the waist and lifted her up to sit on the high marble countertop beside the sink.

  “Oh!” Lilli gasped. She was a bit flustered at being picked up and moved around so easily, as she hadn’t been since she was a child. She certainly hadn’t been the thinnest girl at the convent but the big Kindred lifted her as though she weighed no more than a doll.

  But there would be time to marvel at his strength later. For now, they were going to be late to the banquet if she didn’t hurry up and get the stupid nipple drops on.

  “All right now, little Mistress,” Karn rumbled. “Lift your top again so I can get to you.”

  Blushing, Lilli did as he said, lifting her thin green top out of the way so that her bodyslave could get to her bare breasts and nipples.

  “Mmm, so fucking gorgeous,” he rumbled, eyeing her breasts appreciatively as he opened one of the little gold rings.

  “Oh, do you think so, really?” Lilli asked, blushing again. “Because big breasts aren’t in fashion at the moment—at least that’s what the daughters of my mother’s friends have told me.”

  “Not the fashion?” Karn’s eyebrows shot up. “When they’re so full and ripe and beautiful? How can that be, little Mistress?”

  “It’s just the way things are this season.” She sighed. “Everyone here has had body-mods to make their breasts tiny and flat so the nipple drops are better displayed.”

  “Body-mods?” He frowned.

  “Oh, body modifications,” Lilli clarified. “They’re used to make your breasts bigger or smaller—to make you thinner—that kind of thing.” She sighed. “Mother wants me to have a body-mod too—to make me more slender and with smaller breasts—but I don’t want one.”

  “Don’t let her make you.” Karn cupped her right breast gently in his big hand and looked Lilli seriously in the eyes. “You’re beautiful, Lilli, just the way you are. Don’t let anyone tell you different or make you change.”

  “Well…thank you.” Her voice came out sounding rather breathless, she thought. Maybe because the big Kindred was brushing the ripe bud of her nipple gently with his thumb, circling it round and round which sent strange, pleasurable sensations throughout her entire body. “What…what are you doing?” she asked, nodding down to where he was touching her.

  “Just getting your nipple hard enough so I can put the ring on it,” Karn murmured. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No.” Lilli shook her head. “In fact it feels…feels good,” she admitted. “It makes me think of…” She trailed off. “Never mind.”

  “Makes you think of what?” Karn urged. He tugged lightly at her ripening bud, making Lilli gasp. “Remember, little Mistress, I want to know your thoughts,” he reminded her.

  “Well, it…it makes me think of that porn vid I saw at the convent again,” Lilli confessed, feeling her cheeks get hot.

  “Why?” His mismatched eyes were half-lidded as he spoke. “Did the male play with the female’s nipples in the vid?”

  “They…he…he sucked them,” Lilli said, feeling naughty and hot all over as she spoke. “Sucked them deep in his mouth while she moaned and…and begged him to suck some more.”

  “Mmmm…” Karn gave her a lazy smile. “Well, sucking your nipples would be one way of making them hard enough to put the nipple drops on.”

  “Oh, I…I never meant you had to…that I expected you to—” Lilli began.

  “But what if I want to, Mistress?” Karn growled softly. Ducking his head, he captured her left nipple between his lips and sucked it deep into his hot, wet mouth.

  “Ohhh,” Lilli moaned as he traced her sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue. He lapped gently at first and then sucked hard, sending sparks of pleasure straight from her sensitive tips to the place between her thighs. At the same time, he kept tugging gently at her other nipple, continuing the pleasurable sensations there as well.

  Lilli found she was writhing on the countertop and thrusting out her chest, giving him better access to her bare breasts. She couldn’t help it—it was like someone else had control of her body and was making her react to the big Kindred’s touch.

  “Oh…oh, Karn,” she gasped. “I…I’m not sure we ought…ought to be doing this.”

  Finally he released her tight bud with a last, sucking kiss.

  “But Mistress,” he said reasonably, as he fastened the diamond nipple-drop to the stem of her peak. “I’m only doing what I have to in order to get you ready. Isn’t that what a bodyslave does? Helps his Mistress?”

  “I…I suppose so.” Lilli watched helplessly as he sucked the other nipple as well. Once more she found she was thrusting out her chest and also, her hands had somehow found their way to his head and her fingers were carding through his thick hair. “Oh, Karn,” she moaned as he nipped her very lightly and then lapped at the sensitive tip as though to soothe the small ache he had caused. “That feels so…so good.”

  He released this nipple as well, with another soft kiss.

  “That’s as it should be, little Mistress,” he murmured as he began fastening the second nipple drop in place. “A bodyslave must give his Mistress pleasure, right?”

  “I…I guess so.” Lilli felt rather dazed. She was throbbing all over in places she’d never throbbed before and her nipples felt so sensitive now, especially with the heavy diamond drops hanging from them. They were dark red from being sucked too—a fact she hoped her green top would hide. What would everyone say if they knew she’d been letting her bodyslave suck her nipples in private?

  Of course, it was a time-honored tradition to allow a bodyslave to suck one’s nipples in public. Many Mistresses put two different powders on their nipples—one red hot and the other icy cold. They forced their bodyslaves to suck the powders off as a form of punishment—Lilli had seen it done. But she didn’t think it was proper to do it in private and without the punishment powders.

  Still, Karn had done it and there was no taking it back now. She just wished it hadn’t made her feel so very wet and hot between her legs, especially when they were about to go out in view of all her Mother’s friends and their daughters.

  There was no help for it now, though—Lilli told herself she would think about it later. For now she just had to get through the banquet tonight without any major problems.

  “Well,” she said shakily. “I…I guess we’d better get going. The banquet’s about to begin.”

  “Indeed it is, little Mistress.” Karn nodded at her. “And I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

  “Come on then,” Lilli told him and led the way—on rather wobbly legs—out of her rooms.


  Lilli’s apartment was located in an out of the way wing of the huge mansion Lady Mirabella had built for herself at the top of her tallest building. She was obscenely wealthy—Karn had learned that from his research on her before he came to Yonnie Six. Her holdings were mainly in Dream Gas mining, so her estate was located outside the boundaries of Opulex, the capital city and the hub of all Yonnite high society.

  He had been brought in through the service entrance when he had first arrived, but now Karn got a sense of how huge and richly furnished Lilli’s mother’s home actually was.

  Looking over the banister of the upstairs foyer, he could see down to the opulent entryway with its pure white marble flooring, shot through with streaks of gold, silver, and platinum. Tall golden vases from the Vastar Dynasty of Porgum Five were filled with rare Thousand Year blossoms from Y’lll Prime.

  The flowers were extremely rare and expensive and were named for the fact that they only bloomed once every thousand solar years and then only for a day. After that, they went dormant for another whole millennium. They were in full bloom at the moment, their vast blossoms as big as a male’s head, the petals—each bigg
er than his hand—a red so dark it was almost black shot through with vivid crimson.

  It was an entry fit for a monarch but the Yonnite Mistresses milling around in it didn’t look impressed. There were seven of them, Karn saw, including Lady Mirabella herself. Three of the guests were middle-aged women, about their hostess’s age and four of them were younger, around Lilli’s age. All of them had bodyslaves in tow—one for each Mistress—and the combined amount was quite a large party—though they were still dwarfed by the sheer size of the marble entryway.

  “I see you had some Thousand Year blossoms imported,” one of the middle aged women remarked to Lady Mirabella in an off-hand way. “They’re nice, though nothing to what I had in my own parlor just the other week. Rare blue Thousand Years, don’t you know. You can hardly get them for love or money, but when I heard of them I simply had to have some.”

  “Oh?” Lady Mirabella’s smile looked rather strained. “Do tell, Lady Tempertant. Did you get them for a special occasion?”

  “Oh, no.” The other woman—who had bright purple hair teased out into a kind of halo around her head—shrugged. “I just wanted some, that’s all.”

  “I see.” Lady Mirabella looked up at that point and caught sight of her daughter coming down the vast, curving staircase with Karn at her heels. “Lilliana, do hurry up,” she called sharply. “Everyone is here now and we must go in to dinner before the mooshmush gets cold!”

  “Coming, Mother!” Lilli trotted more quickly down the stairs and Karn followed her at a respectful distance. At least he wasn’t the only one with his shaft hanging out, he saw, as he eyed the other bodyslaves. Each and every one of them had an oiled, erect shaft sticking out of his crotchless trousers and all of them also wore pain collars.

  Poor bastards, Karn thought. They’re stuck here with no way to escape. Thank the Goddess he had on a fake collar and a plan to get out of here when he had the information he had come for. Though at the moment, he was in no hurry to complete his mission—his sweet little virgin Mistress was far too intriguing for him to want to leave any time soon.

  “Now then, Lilliana,” Mistress Mirabella said when they finally reached the bottom of the grand staircase. “I know you’ve met some of the Mistresses here, but you haven’t been formally introduced. And since we have four of the Sacred Seven here tonight, I think now is a good time for formal introductions. Lady Tempertant, you already know. And her daughter, Priss.”

  She nodded to the woman with a halo of bright purple hair and a girl with sharp, pretty features and wide blue eyes. She looked very little like her mother because while Lady Tempertant was short and somewhat blocky, despite obvious body-mods. Her daughter was tall and thin with blue hair which was styled into a startling sunburst all around the crown of her head.

  In fact, all of her was thin including her eyebrows—which had been plucked into two skinny, elegant lines and her lips which looked like a ribbon of scarlet under her narrow nose. The only thing about her that wasn’t skinny, Karn thought, was a slightly rounded bump in her lower abdomen. This was clearly visible since she was dressed in true Yonnite style with a skirt which hung low on her hips and split in the middle to show her panties.

  “And here’s Lady Paddlepants and her daughter Yulla,” Lady Mirabella continued.

  A thin woman with a patrician nose and a permanently sour expression on her face nodded briefly to Lilli. Her daughter was a dull-looking creature with watery gray eyes and an upper lip which didn’t quite meet the lower one. This resulted in her top teeth showing at all times, which made her look very much like the Earth animal called a rabbit, Karn thought. They both nodded at Lilli, who nodded back politely.

  Yulla, too, had a softly rounded abdomen. Karn frowned—was it some kind of body-mod? But why would females who were so self-conscious about their weight modify themselves to look less than sleek and perfect? He had no idea but it seemed very strange.

  “And finally, meet Lady Bodypom and her twin daughters, Beelie and Bodie,” Lady Mirabella finished, nodding at the last of the party.

  Lady Bodypom had a tower of bright pink hair and a self-important look on her sallow face. Her daughters both had silver-tipped, black hair and wide purple eyes which they turned on Lilli in unison. They, too, had slightly rounded abdomens which stuck out above their long, silver, split skirts.

  “Hello, it’s very nice to meet all of you,” Lilli said, trying to smile, though Karn could see what the effort cost her. He hadn’t known her long, but he thought his new Mistress was something of an introvert, which meant that this kind of social gathering was going to be difficult for her.

  “Well…” Lady Mirabella clapped her hands. “Shall we go in to dinner? I have us in the smaller dining room, since we’re just an intimate little party,” she added, and smiled at her guests.

  There was a general murmur of agreement and the entire party followed their hostess through the grand entryway, down a long marble hallway, and finally into a vast banquet hall.

  So this is the smaller dining room? Karn thought, looking around in awe. The hall could have comfortably seated two hundred or more, so their party of nine Mistresses and their accompanying bodyslaves was dwarfed by the echoing chamber. He wondered if Lady Mirabella really did have a larger banquet hall somewhere in this immense palace or if she was just showing off for the other Mistresses.

  They all trooped to the center of the room where two separate tables had been set up under two huge glittering gold and diamond chandeliers. Here, as everywhere in the mansion, Lady Mirabella’s vast wealth was on display.

  All of the plates and eating utensils were solid platinum. The crystal goblets were actually diamond, Karn realized, after one of the girls knocked one over with a swish of her dress and it chipped the marble floor rather than shattering.

  The wine in the solid gold serving ewers had the faintest scent of Elysium spice which meant it had to be a vintage from the bubble grape fields of Zinzu Tertia. The planet was renowned for wines that cost so much a single sip would buy an entire home on most other worlds.

  Lady Mirabella seemed eager to please—trying too hard, Karn thought—to impress her important guests. He knew she had only recently been appointed to the Sacred Seven and that she was at a social disadvantage because she lived outside Opulex rather than inside the city itself. But was this obscene display of wealth really necessary?

  “Now, I have two separate tables so the grownups can talk business while the youngsters socialize,” she said, fluttering around the tables to show everyone their seats—even though there were already gold and silver engraved name cards at every seat. “You girls enjoy yourselves,” she told the daughters of her friends. “And Lilli, be a gracious hostess,” she added sharply to her own daughter. “You must sit at the head of the table and make certain everyone has enough to drink and that conversation flows smoothly.”

  Karn saw Lilli’s face go pale but she nodded obediently and tried to smile.

  “Yes, Mother. Um, shall we all sit down?” she said, speaking to Priss and Yulla and the twins, Beelie and Bodie.

  “I suppose if we must.” Priss, the tall thin girl with sharp features and big blue eyes threw herself into a chair at the head of the table—which happened to be the place where Lilli’s name card was positioned.

  Lilli cleared her throat uncomfortably.

  “Um, Priss? I think you’re in my seat,” she said. “Not that I care about that kind of thing but Mother gets so upset—”

  “She’ll get over it.” Picking up the gold and silver engraved name card with Lilli’s name on it, Priss tossed it to her left. “You can sit there, Lilliana—I’m not moving,” she announced.

  Lilli looked like she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what she could do to change the situation without sounding rude.

  It was Priss who was being fucking rude, Karn thought, a low growl rising in his throat. But there was nothing he could do about it. He—like the other bodyslaves standing around the table—was on
ly there to serve his Mistress. If someone attacked her with direct force, he could intervene. But he couldn’t do a damn thing about the rich bitch girls at the table being snarky.

  Lilli took the seat Priss had indicated as graciously as she could while Yulla and Beelie and Bodi settled at their places as well.

  “Well?” Priss swiveled her head around to look at her bodyslave—a male with a fierce ruff of tangor fur encircling his neck, just below the collar. “I’m thirsty! Why are you not pouring my wine, H’rare?”

  Casually, she picked up the remote to his pain collar—which she wore dangling on a diamond chain around her neck—and pointed it at her bodyslave. She gave it a quick press and the hapless H’rare stiffened suddenly as though someone had shocked him.

  The next moment his body relaxed and he quickly took an ewer of the expensive wine and poured it into his Mistress’s diamond goblet where it fizzed and popped as large bubbles rose from the bottom of the glass to the top.

  “That’s better.” Priss picked up the goblet and brought it to her nose. She took a long sniff and then narrowed her eyes at her bodyslave.

  “H’rare, is this wine alcoholic?”

  “I…I’m sure I don’t know, my Lady,” H’rare said uncertainly. “I simply poured it because you said you were thirsty.”

  “Actually, it does have alcohol in it,” Lilli volunteered. “It’s bubble wine from Zinzu Tertia. Mother says it’s the best.”

  “Did you hear that, H’rare?” Priss asked, still speaking to her bodyslave and ignoring Lilli. “It is alcoholic. Come here.”

  “Yes, Mistress?” H’rare bent down, a wince on his face as though he was anticipating another shock from his pain collar.

  But instead of using her remote, Priss threw the full glass of dark purple wine right in his face. The bodyslave stiffened but didn’t move as the fizzing purple liquid ran down his cheeks.

  “H’rare,” Priss said to him. “You know I’m expecting right now. What do you think drinking a big glass of bubble wine would do to my quick-grow?” She held the empty wine glass up in one hand and patted her swelling lower abdomen with the other.


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