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Protecting His Mistress...Book 24 in the Kindred Tales Series

Page 7

by Evangeline Anderson

  Karn didn’t like the way the other girl was glaring at his little Mistress one bit, but again, there was nothing he could do unless Priss offered Lilli some kind of physical harm. Until that happened, he had to keep his mouth shut and his hands to himself.

  In the moonlight streaming down from above, the balcony was a vast, silvery gray platform. Far to the South, Karn could the lights of Opulex gleaming. A waist-high banister ran around the edge of the marble platform for safety, but he was going to be certain Lilli got nowhere near it. They were eighty stories up and a gust of wind might carry her away.

  “So…how exactly does this contest work?” Lilli asked uncertainly as Bodie and Beelie closed the double doors to preserve their privacy.

  “It’s easy enough.” Priss shrugged. “You just release your bodyslave’s stay-hard band, take him in hand and stimulate him until he shoots his seed. Whoever’s bodyslave shoots the farthest and the most wins.”

  “Oh, uh…I see.”

  Lilli looked up at Karn uncertainly and he could tell that she didn’t want to touch him without permission. He caught her wide brown eyes and gave a brief nod, letting her know it was okay. He didn’t love the idea of being in a jerk-off contest but if it was Lilli’s soft little hand doing the jerking, he thought he could live with it.

  “What’s the matter?” Priss sneered, seeing Lilli’s hesitation. “Haven’t you ever manipulated a male to completion before?”

  “Well…no.” Lilli lifted her chin. “But I’m sure my Karn will win.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Here—I’ll go first. Come at once, H’rare.”

  Her bodyslave came to her obediently and Priss unbuckled the stay-hard band from around his shaft. Then she positioned him so that he was standing about five feet from the banister at the edge of the balcony and stood beside him.

  “Listen up, H’rare,” she told him as she began to roughly jerk his shaft. “You’d better shoot a lot of seed and shoot it far. If you don’t win this contest for me, you’ll be in real trouble!”

  “Yes…Mistress,” H’rare panted. His legs were spread and he appeared to be doing his best to hold still as his Mistress jerked at his shaft. At last, with a loud grunt, he came. His seed shot a good three feet and landed with a splat on the marble balcony.

  “There!” Priss straightened up and wiped her hands on a handkerchief daintily. “Beat that,” she said to Lilli. “And remember if you don’t, you forfeit your slave to me.”

  “You never said anything about that!” Lilli exclaimed, her face turning pale. “I refuse to put Karn up as any kind of prize.”

  “But that’s always the way it is with a seed-shooting contest,” Beelie protested.

  “Yes, the winner gets the loser’s slave,” Bodie agreed with her twin. “Priss took my bodyslave, Yorn that way.”

  “And then sent him to the mines,” Beelie added, frowning. “Which really wasn’t very nice.”

  Priss made a shooing gesture as though it was of no consequence.

  “He was troublesome and didn’t kiss my feet the right way. But the point is, Lilliana, you can’t go against the rules of the seed-shooting contest. Why, if your Kindred beats my H’rare, you get to keep my bodyslave—it’s only fair if it works the other way as well.”

  Lilli opened her mouth—clearly to refuse again—but Karn put a hand on her arm.

  “It’s all right, little Mistress,” he murmured. “I can handle it.”

  She looked up at him, her big eyes huge.

  “Are you sure, Karn? I don’t…don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t,” he assured her. He wasn’t worried about the contest—he knew his own physical limits very well and he was certain he could outmatch Priss’s bodyslave. Plus, this way maybe H’rare could get free of the sadistic Mistress. It might be his only chance to live, since she apparently regularly sent her bodyslaves to the Diluthian mines.

  “All right.” Lilli nodded at him. “I trust you, Karn.”

  “Then release my shaft and take me in your soft little hand, Mistress,” Karn growled. “Let me win this contest for you.”


  Lilli did as he said with shaking hands. She had only gotten the big Kindred bodyslave that day but already she felt extremely attached to him. She never would have agreed to the contest Priss had challenged her to if she’d known she might lose him.

  But he seems very confident, she told herself, trying to calm her nerves. Maybe he knows something I don’t—maybe Kindred can shoot their seed especially far.

  She hoped so, anyway, because if Priss took Karn away from her and then sent him to the awful Diluthian mines, she didn’t know what she’d do.

  Karn stepped to a spot right beside H’rare, who was standing there with a limp shaft, now that he had spent his load. Priss was watching with a look of barely suppressed glee in her sharp blue eyes. Clearly she thought she had this contest in the bag.

  Well, we’ll see about that! Lilli thought and positioned herself to the side and a little behind Karn, so that she could reach around and grasp his shaft.

  He was so thick at the base she couldn’t get her fingers wrapped all the way around him but that didn’t matter—she was still able to get a good hold on the warm, pulsing cock in her hand.

  Lilli liked the way his skin felt—soft as petals but hot and hard at the same time. Thank goodness the shaft oil she’d used on him earlier made him slippery enough that she could slide her hand up and down without too much resistance.

  She felt him stiffen as she began to stroke, his big, muscular body tensing against her much smaller one.

  “Gods, little Mistress,” he groaned as she slid her fingers up and down his thickness. “Your little hand on me feels so good!”

  Priss pursed her thin lips.

  “You shouldn’t let your bodyslave talk to you that way, Lilliana!” she lectured.

  But Lilli found she liked it—liked hearing the groans of pleasure from the big Kindred and knowing she had caused them. So she didn’t answer the other girl—she just kept stroking.

  “Come on, Karn,” she murmured, for his ears alone. “Come for me—shoot your seed just for me.”

  Her words seemed to have a great effect on the big Kindred because he suddenly stood stock still and Lilli felt his shaft growing even bigger and harder in her hand. Then, with a low roar, he shot his seed.

  Lilli watched it fly, looking like a silver stream, out into the moonlight. It soared past the puddle H’rare had left and over the balcony—a full six feet, she was certain—before falling to the ground far below.

  “There!” She turned in triumph to Priss, whose lips were compressed into a nearly invisible line. “Karn won!”

  “He did not!” Priss’s eyes flashed dangerously. “He lost because we didn’t get to see how much he shot. So by rights your bodyslave is now mine.”

  “What? No! That’s not right!” Lilli exclaimed, her hands clenching into fists at her side. “You said the winner was whoever shot further and Karn clearly did.”

  “It’s not just distance, it’s the amount of seed,” Priss argued, glaring at her. “And since he shot over the side of the balcony and we can’t see the amount, H’rare is clearly the winner! So you have to give your slave to me.”

  “Never!” Lilli glared back at her. She might give way to the other girl to a certain point because she wasn’t used to fighting with such an awful bully, but there were limits to what she would endure.

  “You have to!” Priss snapped. “If you don’t—”

  “Mistress, let me suggest a rematch,” Karn said, putting a hand on Lilli’s shoulder to get her attention. “We can move further from the edge of the balcony so I’ll be certain not to shoot off the edge.”

  “Yes—a rematch!” Lilli exclaimed, grasping at the idea.

  “What? But we’ll have to wait at least fifteen minutes for that,” Priss said, frowning. “Everyone knows a male has to recover for a time before they can shoot their s
eed again.”

  “Not me,” Karn said simply.

  Lilli looked down and saw that he was right—his massive shaft was still as hard as it had been before he’d shot his seed for her.

  Priss looked as well and her eyes widened in apparent surprise.

  “But everyone knows the second load of seed is much smaller than the first,” she protested, still trying to find a way out of the rematch.

  “Then test my second load against H’rare’s first,” Karn suggested.

  Lilli looked up at him fearfully. She didn’t know much about males and the amount of seed they made, but she couldn’t help being worried.

  “Karn, do you really think it’s wise?”

  He looked at her, his mismatched eyes half-lidded in the moonlight.

  “Little Mistress, trust me. I can win this contest for you—I can and and I will. I’ll do anything to feel your soft hands on me again.”

  Lilli felt her heart flutter as she looked up into his strangely beautiful mismatched eyes.

  “Well…all right,” she murmured. “If…if you think you can do it.”

  “I know I can,” he promised. “Trust me.”

  Lilli nodded and turned to Priss.

  “Well? Will you accept the terms?”

  “Your Kindred’s second load of seed against my H’rare’s first?” Priss asked, nodded at the blob of white her own bodyslave had released.

  Lilli nodded. “Yes.”

  “All right.” A cruel smile curved Priss’s thin lips. “Why not? Just be prepared to hand your bodyslave over to me once he finishes.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Lilli said, lifting her chin. “Come on, Karn—show them what you can do,” she said.

  “As my Mistress wishes,” he growled. “Take me in your hand again and let me prove my worth.”


  Gods, Lilli’s soft little hand on him felt good! Karn willingly submitted to her slender fingers curling around his shaft again. He had no fears about losing the contest. All Kindred males were multi-orgasmic and he produced more seed than most. So when Lilli began to stroke him again, he pumped his hips and fucked into her delicate hand with confidence and pleasure.

  He could feel her behind him, her full, plump breasts—bare except for the sheer top she wore, pressed against his back. The sensation made him remember sucking her ripe pink nipples into his mouth which made him even harder. Gods, if only he could lick her lower too! If only he could press his face between her legs and kiss and lick her ripe little pussy…

  The thought of tasting her got him off almost as much as her soft little hand stroking him. With a low groan, Karn came for a second time—this time making sure his seed splattered on the marble floor of the balcony, not a foot from H’rare’s offering.

  He willed himself to keep it up, drawing out his orgasm with thoughts of kissing and licking Lilli’s pussy as she continued to stroke him. Pumping into her hand, he imagined he was coming inside her, filling her up, making her his as he bonded the two of them together forever…

  That was impossible, of course—only a fantasy. As a Hybrid, he couldn’t bond a female to him. But just thinking of making Lilli his forever made him come over and over, the seed jetting out of the tip of his cock and forming a large, silvery puddle beside the small splatter of the other bodyslave’s seed.

  At last he finished coming, though his shaft still didn’t go down.

  He stood, panting a little beside Lilli. His little Mistress had stopped stroking him, though she still hadn’t moved her hand from his shaft. She seemed to like the feel of him, Karn thought as she continued to cup him loosely.

  “Wow,” Yulla remarked, taking a step forward to look down at the puddle of seed. “That’s amazing! I’ve never seen a male shoot that much!”

  “Us, either!” Bodie and Beelie came up for a look as well.

  “Well, I guess you finally lost, Priss,” Bodie remarked.

  “Which means that H’rare now belongs to Lilliana—right?” Beelie asked.

  Priss’s thin lips had narrowed down to an invisible line in her face and her blue eyes were flashing.

  “Fine,” she said at last, glaring at Lilli. “You win—this time. H’rare!” she bellowed at her bodyslave who came to stand beside her quickly.

  “Yes, Mistress?” he asked uncertainly.

  “Well, I’m not your Mistress anymore, am I you idiot!” Priss screamed in his face “Go on—get away from me!” She threw his stay-hard band at his face but H’rare ducked and it sailed over the balcony.

  Quickly, he ran to stand behind Lilli and Karn.

  “I’m tired of this,” Priss abruptly announced. “I’m going inside.”

  She turned and flounced back through the golden double doors in a huff.

  “We’d better go too!” Beelie and Bodi and Yulla and their bodyslaves all hurried in after her.

  Lilli sagged in relief and then realized she was still touching Karn intimately.

  She pulled her hand reluctantly away and looked up at him.

  “You did it,” she murmured, smiling. “You beat him.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you, little Mistress,” he growled, smiling. “Come on, let’s go back in before she gets up to any more mischief.”


  Priss was in a terrible mood once they got back inside but there was clearly nothing she could do about it. H’rare wasn’t hers anymore, so she couldn’t take out her ire on her former bodyslave. She was reduced to slamming her cup on the table and clattering her utensils loudly against her platinum plate. She remained mute and refused to talk, which meant the other girls at the table were reluctant to speak as well, since she was clearly the leader of their little band.

  Lilli carried on the conversation as well as she could, making small talk and asking questions but getting only monosyllabic answers from the others. She was immensely relieved when her mother and the other Mistresses rose from their table at last and began getting ready to go.

  “Come, Priss,” Mistress Tempertant called as they left the banquet hall and began gathering their things in the entryway. “It’s a long way back to Opulex and I must get up early tomorrow for a meeting.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Priss flounced over, her arms crossed over her nearly non-existent breasts, a scowl still on her face. “I’m ready,” she announced. “Let’s get out of here!”

  “All right.” Lady Tempertant frowned. “But where’s your latest bodyslave? The one that cost me so much at the Flesh Bazaar?”

  H’rare, of course, was nowhere in sight because Lilli had sent him away with Karn. She’d thought it was best if the two of them were out of the way for just this reason.

  “I lost him,” Priss said shortly.

  “Lost him?” Lady Tempertant’s eyebrows—which were as purple as her hair—lifted incredulously. “What—do you mean he’s run away?”

  “If so, I’m certain we can find him,” Mistress Mirabella said quickly. “I’ll have my catcher-bots deployed at once!”

  “He didn’t run away,” Priss snapped. “Lilliana won him from me. She asked if we could do a seed-shooting contest with our bodyslaves as prizes.”

  This was such a bald-faced lie that Lilli found herself speechless for a moment. Unfortunately, her mother always had something to say.

  “Lilliana!” she exclaimed, rounding on her. “How dare you suggest playing games of chance with your guests? Don’t you know how rude it is to take away another Mistress’s bodyslave?”

  “I…but I…” Lilli began helplessly.

  “Oh, I don’t really mind,” Priss cut in. “Besides, I felt sorry for Lilliana, so I let her win.”

  “You felt sorry for her?” Mistress Tempertant frowned at her daughter. “What are you talking about, young lady?”

  “Well, I felt sorry for her because she’s the only one of us girls who isn’t expecting,” Priss explained. A cruel smile curved her lips. “She was just saying how she so wanted to be in fashion and
have her heir early, so she didn’t have to worry about it later.”

  “I never—” Lilli began indignantly but once again she was cut off.

  “Oh, poor dear! It truly is a shame she’s so behind the times.” Lady Tempertant clucked her tongue disapprovingly. “Tell me, Mirabella, is there some medical reason she can’t have a quick-grow heir like the other girls?”

  “Oh no—certainly not!” Lilli’s mother exclaimed. “It’s just that she hasn’t been here long—I only picked her up from the convent last week and brought her home. And I didn’t realize—”

  “That having an heir early was the fashion now? Ah, such a pity.” Lady Tempertant shook her bushy purple head. “But that’s what happens when you live outside of Opulex—fashions change so rapidly and it’s easy to fall behind.”

  “Lilliana is not behind,” Lady Mirabella said quickly. “Why, I have plans to take her to the conception center by the end of this week!”

  “Then you’ll want her to start taking the quick-grow shots now,” Lady Tempertant advised. “I’ll tell you what—I have an extra quick-grow kit out in my hovercraft. I was going to give it to Lady Toodleoo for her daughter when I saw her next, but I can send my servant out for another one to give to her later.”

  “Oh, really?” Lady Mirabella clasped her hands between her breasts. “Thank you, my dear Mistress Tempertant! That’s so kind of you!”

  “Not at all…” Lady Tempertant waved a hand dismissively. “After all, you’re part of the Sacred Seven now—we can’t have you or your daughter looking less than fashionable, now can we?”

  “The next time you see us, Lilli will be expecting her heir,” Lady Mirabella promised, much to Lilli’s horror.

  “Excellent.” Lady Tempertant nodded. “Let me send my bodyslave to get the kit—ah, here he is already. Excellent, Yorn!” she said to her bodyslave, who had broad shoulders and shaggy black hair. “He’s so good at anticipating my needs,” she told Lilli’s mother. “I swear I haven’t even considered sending him to the mines more than once or twice since I’ve had him.”


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