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Love on Site

Page 14

by Plakcy, Neil

  I slipped his shoe off, and he groaned. I rolled his sock down carefully. I remembered talking to Gavin about sucking toes, and resisted the urge to take a taste of Walter’s.

  “I’m going to massage your foot. Tell me if it hurts.”

  “You don’t have to do all this,” he said.

  “No arguments.” I slowly and firmly massaged his foot from top to bottom. He yelped when I touched his ankle, and I said, “You need to go to the hospital. Come on, I’ll drive you over there.”

  “I can get myself there.” He stood up and once again winced in pain.

  “You can’t do anything except sit next to me and try to be a good patient,” I said. “Here, put your arm around my shoulders.”

  He hopped on his good foot, with me holding on to him. The sexual charge I got from being close to him was so strong I was afraid I’d come in my shorts, but I managed to focus on moving him, and we got down the steps to the parking lot.

  I saw the office keys in his pocket and, without even thinking, reached in to grab them as he leaned against the trailer wall. He shivered as my hand snaked into his pocket, and my fingertips grazed the tip of his dick as I pulled the keys out.

  Walter was red as an apple, and I was scared he’d pass out. But he said, “I’m going to need my wallet. It’s in my desk drawer.”

  “I’ll get it.”

  I left him there, dashed back into the trailer, and retrieved his wallet. I locked the trailer door and helped him hobble to my car. “What hospital?” I asked.

  “Baptist, I guess,” he said. “My place isn’t far from there.”

  I backed out of my spot and drove carefully down the rough road to the street, trying not to jar Walter too much.

  “This is really nice of you,” he said.

  “No big deal. I’ve done the ER route a couple of times with frat brothers.”

  “I admire you, Manny,” he said as I drove. “Having the courage to be who you are.”

  “I didn’t realize there was an option,” I said lightly, even though my heart was pounding and my mouth was dry.

  “Sure there is. If you’re like me, you hide who you are from everybody, even from yourself. You get married because it seems like the thing to do. You put all your energy into work so you don’t notice how miserable you are.” He shifted in his seat and groaned.

  “Almost there,” I said. “I’m sure they’ll get you fixed right up.”

  I pulled up in front of the emergency room.

  “Thanks, Manny. I can take it from here.”

  “No way,” I said. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  I went into the ER and spotted a wheelchair. “Can I borrow this to bring a patient in?” I asked the clerk.

  “I’ll get you a nurse,” he said.

  I nodded and pushed the chair back outside. Walter had the car door open and had swung himself around. I set the brakes on the chair and helped him stand up. A male nurse came out and said, “You can park in the garage over there.”

  “You don’t have to stay, Manny,” Walter said.

  “I’m staying, Walter. I’ll be there as soon as I park.”

  I found a spot in the garage, and before I locked up the car, I grabbed the book I was reading from the backseat. By the time I got inside, Walter had given his ID to the clerk, and the nurse was about to wheel him into a treatment room. “Can I come with him?” I asked.

  “Sure,” the nurse said. “Follow me.”

  I helped lift Walter up onto the hospital bed. The nurse raised the foot of the bed to elevate Walter’s ankle, then took his vital signs. “I’ll be back with some ice, and the doctor will be in as soon as she can,” he said.

  “What are you reading?” Walter asked, nodding toward the book I was carrying.

  “A mystery,” I said, holding it up.

  “Can I see it?”

  I handed it to him. “Hawaii, huh?” he asked as he read the blurb on the back. “You ever been there?”

  “No. Sounds a lot like Miami, though.”

  “It is. Very beautiful. I went there on my honeymoon.”

  The curtain parted and the doctor came in. She was Indian and probably only a few years older than I was. She inspected Walter’s ankle and pronounced that he had a severe sprain. “We’ll immobilize it with a splint,” she said. “Keep pressure off it for at least a week. When your foot isn’t elevated, keep a compression bandage on. Alternate that with ice for fifteen or twenty minutes. I’ll give you something for the pain. If it doesn’t ease up after twenty-four hours, come back and see us, or call your regular physician.”

  “I feel like such a wimp,” Walter said after the doctor had gone. “I could have gone home and taken care of this myself.”

  “It’s your right ankle, Walter,” I said. “How exactly were you going to drive home?”

  “Call a cab. Which I can do from here.”

  “I’m taking you home. I’ll make sure you’re set up.”

  “That’s not a good idea,” he said.

  Before I could argue with him, the nurse appeared with the wheelchair. “Here are the pills the doctor prescribed. Stop at the desk on your way out to settle up.”

  We put Walter back in the chair, and I pushed him out to the checkout desk. Walter handed over a credit card, signed for the charges, and I pushed him toward the ER door.

  “Manny, really. You don’t need to do this. They can call me a cab.”

  “Shut up already, Walter,” I said. “Oops. Sorry. Didn’t mean to be rude.”

  He mimed zipping his mouth shut and throwing away the key, and I laughed.

  I helped him into the car, then returned the chair to the ER. “Directions?” I asked when I got back in the car. “I’ve only been to your place that once.”

  “Out Kendall Drive, then make a left.”

  For the second time in two weeks, I drove to Walter’s townhouse.

  I parked in his driveway, and helped him out of the car and around to the front door. “I’ll be all right from here,” he said.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” I asked as the door swung open. “Second floor?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts. I’m going to see you in bed. And if Dolores’s private eye is snooping around, all he’ll see is me helping you get settled.”

  My dick wasn’t listening, though, and it pronged to attention once more. Jesus, couldn’t I help the guy out without getting a hard-on? But Walter’s body next to mine was so seductive, I could barely keep my brain moving forward.

  We moved together across the tile floor to the staircase. “Lean on me,” I said. We took the first couple of steps, and Walter got the hang of hopping on his good leg, holding on to me and to the banister. We stopped to catch our breaths at the landing, then switched places so he was on my left for the next flight of stairs.

  We were both breathing heavily by the time we got to the top of the stairs. “Down the hall,” Walter said, nodding toward an open door.

  We struggled forward. The painkillers they had given him at the hospital were kicking in, and he was dozy. He stumbled at the entrance to the bedroom, and his right hand slid down my stomach to rest on my stiff dick.

  He rubbed his hand up and down on my dick. When I looked into his face, he licked his lips, then leaned forward to kiss me.

  A Thief in the Night

  I felt like I was melting into Walter’s embrace. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. He smelled like sweat and antiseptic, and my blood pressure rose. “Did you know that the lips are one of the most sensitive areas of the body?” he asked as he licked his tongue across my lips.

  “I believe it,” I said. “Where else?”

  He moved his hand up to the back of my neck, and I felt his fingers caressing my skin. “Here. And your fingertips, and the soles of your feet.”

  “I hope you’re planning to demonstrate later.”

  He backed off. “Help me to the bed, please.”

  I got him over to the side of his k
ing-size bed, up high, with a pillow-top mattress, and he sat down hard. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down next to him.

  “I should…” I began.

  He stopped my mouth with another kiss. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue against mine, and I felt a wild frenzy take me over. I began kissing him like crazy, my lips over his, on his cheek and his chin and his ear, all the time feeling his hands on my body.

  He pushed his right hand under my shirt and began massaging my belly.

  “Oh God,” I whispered.

  He lay down on the bed, and I pulled away from him long enough to get him lying flat, his head up on the pillows. “We need to elevate your leg,” I said.

  He pushed the ornamental bolster toward me. I shoved it under his leg and stopped. Walter Loredo was spread out on the bed. His T-shirt had ridden up, exposing his flat abs dusted with fine black hair. His yellow shorts were tight against his body, outlining his stiff dick, leaking precum beneath the fabric. His powerful legs were covered in the same dark hair. He had a goofy smile on his face, which, combined with his five o’clock shadow, made him so handsome I almost swooned.

  I untied his other shoe and slipped it off. I removed his sock and put it up to my face, as I’d wanted to do back at the trailer with the other one. I breathed deeply of his essence and then sucked on his big toe. It was like a stubby, rock-hard dick.

  “You like that,” Walter said, and his smile was lazy and lustful.

  “You bet.” I stepped around to the side of the bed. “Let’s get your shirt off.” He leaned forward, and I reached over and grabbed the edges of his T-shirt, then pulled it gently over his head.

  Though I’d seen his chest before, I’d always been too busy to study it closely. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Black hair covered his pecs and formed a treasure trail down to his waist. His nipples were erect, surrounded by circles of darker skin. I leaned down and took his right nipple in my mouth and sucked.

  Walter groaned with pleasure. He put his hands on my head, and his fingers trailed into my hair. Then I nibbled on his tit, and he arched his back and groaned again.

  I laved his other nipple and then licked my way toward his groin. “We’d better get these shorts off,” I said. “Looks like they’re really constraining you.”

  I took hold of the waistband and tugged. He lifted his ass off the bed, and the shorts slipped down. I slid them carefully off his good leg first, then the one with the ankle brace.

  “Can I get you anything before I go?” I asked.

  Walter’s mouth dropped open. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  “You heard the doctor. You need your rest,” I said.

  The expression on his face was so hangdog, I laughed. “But what kind of nurse would I be if I left before all your needs were taken care of?” I asked.

  I was about to get onto the bed next to him when he said, “Your clothes.” He licked his lips, as if those words had sapped him of moisture. “Can you take off your clothes? Please?”

  “You want to see me strip?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, I can’t disappoint you, can I?” I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and clicked a couple of buttons. It began to play a slow-paced Roberto Torres samba, just the right tempo for a seductive strip tease. I swiveled my hips and inched my polo shirt above my abs. They weren’t as good as Walter’s, but they were still damn fine.

  I could tell he liked the dance. I kept moving, tugging my shirt up, until with one big move I lifted it over my head. I twirled it around on my fingertips for a moment, then tossed it aside. I began running my hands up and down my sides, looking Walter in the eye with all the lust I felt.

  “You’re killing me here, Manny,” he groaned.

  “You haven’t seen killing yet, Papito,” I said.

  I undid my belt and slowly tugged it through its loops, keeping my hips shimmying and my chest swaying. I’d been wanting to put on a show for Walter Loredo for a long time, and I was going to make it a good one.

  I whipped the belt out, then used the end to tease up Walter’s legs, first one, then the other, the leather stroking the inside of his thigh. He shivered with lust but remained spread-eagled on the bed, his legs out, one of them up on the bolster, the other flat. He had his arms spread out on the pillows beside him.

  “What were you saying earlier?” I said. “About sensitive places? Did you mention the soles of your feet?”

  I ran my fingertips over his right foot, from the heel to the toes, and he panted with lust. Then I used the belt in the same way, and he groaned.

  My dick was so hard I worried I might come before I even got naked. “I’ll come back to these later,” I said. I unbuttoned my jeans and let them fall open, showing the waistband of the white Jockeys I had on underneath. Walter moaned again and licked his lips.

  They were tight jeans, and I peeled them down so they hung off my hips. Then I turned my back on Walter, showing him my fabric-covered ass, as I quickly undid my Doc Martens and kicked them off. “What a sexy ass you have,” Walter said. “I can’t wait to get my hands on it.”

  “Mmm.” I turned back around and shimmied out of my jeans, leaving me clad only in my tighty-whities and my socks. The song ended and a slightly faster song began, “Corazon, Corazon,” by Isaac Delgado. I danced for a minute, thrusting my pelvis at Walter, feeling my stiff dick leak into the fabric.

  “These pills are going to knock me out soon, Manny,” he said. “Please, come here.”

  “If you insist.” I leaned down and pulled off my socks, then tossed them onto the pile of my clothes. Then I slid my Jockeys down slowly, tugging the head of my stiff dick southward, until it finally sprang free of the fabric and bounced against my groin.

  “You are so beautiful,” Walter said.

  “You think so?” I extended my naked leg up to the bed and planted my foot next to Walter’s thigh. My dick stood straight out from my body, and the tip glistened with precum. Then I hopped up so that I was standing over him, my dick bouncing. He reached up and cupped my butt cheeks with his hands.

  “Come here to me, Manny. Bring me that sexy dick of yours.”

  I sank to my knees. He opened his warm, hot mouth and I slid right in, feeling his lips close around the base of my dick. Then he began to gag.

  “Slow down, Papito,” I said. “We’re not in a hurry. Take it nice and slow. Just follow the music.”

  Isaac Delgado had given way to “Mamborama,” by Puro Y Temba, and the rhythm was slow and languid. “Oh yeah, tongue my slit,” I said. “I like that. And then take the head in your mouth. Now close your lips around me. Oh God, that feels so good!”

  I moved my hips forward to meet his mouth, then backward when he needed to take a breath. As sweat trickled down my forehead and my back, we built our own rhythm. I wanted to make this feeling last, so when I felt close to orgasm, I pulled back, leaned down, and kissed Walter’s lips, tasting my cock on them.

  I turned and lay next to Walter, my mouth level with his groin. He gobbled my dick eagerly, and I tried to demonstrate the things I’d been teaching him—licking his cock from the root to the tip, tonguing his balls, teasing his slit with the tip of my tongue. He groaned and thrashed beneath me, and I could tell his orgasm was building.

  I gave in to the feelings that were bubbling in my gut. I sucked Walter with all my might, fucking his face with my dick, until he spurted down my throat, and I followed a moment later. I swallowed everything I could, though Walter couldn’t manage the same thing—he pulled off my dick, choking and coughing, and when I turned to face him I saw my cum dribbling down the side of his mouth.

  I scooted back around to lick his face. “You’re a wild man,” Walter panted. “You look like such a little gentleman but…” He shook his head. “I’ve never had orgasms like the ones I have with you.”

  “Come on, Walter,” I said, tickling my way down his chest. “You don’t have to exaggerate. You’ve been having sex for years more than I have. I’m sure yo
u’ve had some good times.”

  “Not with men,” he said, shaking his head. “Never in a bed with a man before you.”

  I leaned up on one elbow. “Really?”

  “Really.” He yawned.

  “You should get some sleep,” I said.

  He struggled to get the words out. “No, want to spend time with you,” but he couldn’t hang on any longer, and he fell asleep.

  I sat up on the bed beside him and watched him sleep for a couple of minutes. When he didn’t wake up again, I gathered my clothes and sneaked out of his bedroom.

  A Whole Lot of Horny

  I left the painkillers on Walter’s nightstand. I didn’t take his keys, but I made sure that his front door was locked behind me.

  It was nearly two in the morning. After a mile or so of driving down a nearly deserted Kendall Drive, I picked up the Palmetto, still jammed with a mix of cars and trucks. The streetlights were out, so all I had to drive by was the beam of my headlights.

  What kind of screwed-up relationship was I getting into with Walter anyway? Maybe I should just quit the job, stay away from him until he was free to be with me. But I knew I couldn’t do that. It wasn’t until I was crossing the causeway to the Beach that I wondered how Walter would get to work that morning, with his foot in a splint and his car back at the site. He was a big boy, I thought. He would figure it out, and I would hang around and see what he came up with.

  It was almost three o’clock before I stumbled into bed. When my alarm went off at six, I was tempted to shut it off and go back to sleep. But what if Walter didn’t show up? Suppose those painkillers kept him knocked out and oblivious to alarm clocks and cell phones? Everyone would be worried.

  I dragged my carcass out of bed and into the shower. I was dozy all the way across the causeway in the early morning traffic. I pulled in at a few minutes to seven and hurried to make the coffee. I carried the tray of cups into the conference room, and the guys jumped on them.


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